Digital Publications and Drafts
Classes and seminars
- Computer Algebra Seminar, with W.K. Seiler,
HS 2019 (Vorträge),
HS 2018 (Vorträge),
HS 2017 (Vorträge),
HS 2016 (Vorträge),
HS 2015 (Vorträge),
HS 2014 (Vorträge),
HS 2013 (Vorträge),
HS 2012 (Vorträge),
HS 2011,
HS 2010,
HS 2009,
FS 2009,
FS 2008,
SS 2003,
WS 2001/02,
SS 2000.
- Parallele Programmierung auf dem bwGRiD-Cluster,
HS 2010.
- Einführung in wiss. Software auf dem bwGRiD-Cluster,
HS 2009.
- Programmierung und Leistungsanalyse des bwGRiD-Clusters,
FS 2009,
HS 2008.
- Internet-Technologien Vorlesung,
FS 2008,
FS 2007,
SS 2006,
SS 2005,
SS 2004,
SS 2003.
- SIT Vorlesung Programmierkurs 1,
HS 2006/07,
WS 2005/06,
WS 2004/05,
WS 2003/04,
WS 2002/03,
WS 2001/02.
- Web-Technologien Vorlesung,
WS 2001/2002,
WS 2000/2001,
WS 1999/2000,
WS 1998/99.
- Praktikum Paralleles Programmieren mit Java,
SS 2002,
SS 2001,
SS 2000,
WS 1997/98.
- Testseiten zur Programmiersprachen Vorlesung,
SS 1998.
Talks, courses in Mannheim university
- bwGRiD / bwForTreff meeting in Heidelberg or Mannheim:
- Tools for the integration of rational functions in Java (FMI 2009)
- Gröbner bases and applications in Java (FMI 2008)
- bw-Grid-Cluster in Mannheim (RUM 2008)
- Mail Infrastruktur (RUM 2007),
LDAP und Horde (M. Merz),
Umzug (M. Krüger)
- zum RUM Linux-Kurs
FS 2012,
FS 2011,
HS 2008,
FS 2008,
FS 2007,
SS 2006,
WS 2005,
SS 2005,
WS 2004,
SS 2004,
WS 2003,
SS 2003,
WS 2002 (html),
SS 2002,
WS 2001,
SS 2001,
WS 2000,
SS 2000 (Bachelor),
SS 2000,
WS 1999
- zum RUM WWW-Profi-Kurs
SS 2006,
WS 2005,
SS 2005,
WS 2004,
SS 2004,
WS 2003,
SS 2003,
WS 2002,
SS 2002,
WS 2001,
SS 2001 (Bachelor),
SS 2001,
WS 2000/2001,
SS 2000,
WS 1999/2000,
SS 1999,
WS 1998/99,
SS 1998,
WS 1997/98,
SS 1997,
WS 1996/97
- zum WWW Seminar
SS 2002 (HTTPS),
WS 1997/98,
SS 1997,
WS 1996/97.
- zum RUM WWW-Fortgeschrittenen-Kurs
SS 2004
- Supercomputer 2003 (RUM 2003)
- IPACS Projekt (RUM 2002)
- Supercomputer 2002 (RUM 2002)
- Supercomputer 2000 (RUM 2000)
- Volltext-Digitalisierung (RUM 2001)
- Streifzug durch den XML-Zoo (RUM 2000)
- Dies Linux Vortrag (UniMa 1999)
- PC-Cluster Computing (RUM 1998)
- 7. WWW Konferenz,
+ XML (1998)
- Parallel-Küche (RUM 1997)
- zum Computeralgebra Seminar
GAP Einführung (FMI 1997)
- BSCW-Tutorial (RUM 1997)
External classes, talks, courses
- Veranstaltungen der BA Mannheim, jetzt DualeHochschule Mannheim
- Parallelverarbeitung
SS 2019,
SS 2018,
SS 2017,
SS 2016,
SS 2015,
SS 2014
- Paralleles Programmieren
SS 2013,
WS 2011,
WS 2010,
WS 2009,
WS 2007,
WS 2006,
SS 2006,
WS 2005,
SS 2005,
WS 2004.
- Programmieren
WS 2008
- Web-Engineering
Oktober 2000.
- InfiniBand Kopplung Heidelberg-Mannheim:
Tests aktueller Komponenten und Pläne für den Ausbau
(ZKI AK Supercomputing, Kaiserslautern, 2014)
- Cluster-Benutzerverwaltung: erste Schritte mit Shibboleth
(ZKI AK Supercomputing, Düsseldorf, 2012)
- Einsatz und Entwicklung von LDAP an der Universität Mannheim (ZKI AK Verzeichnisdienste 2010)
- bwGRiD Kopplung Mannheim-Heidelberg (ZKI AK Supercomputing, Berlin, 2009)
- IPACS - Benchmarks für verteilte Computer Systeme (ZKI AK Supercomputing, Karlsruhe, 2005)
- Veranstaltungen der AFW
- Kolloquien zu Bibliotheksthemen:
- Java und High Performance Computing (ZDV Mainz 1999)
- PC-Cluster in Deutschland - Einblicke und Ausblicke (ISC 1999)
- Paralleles Rechnen mit Java (ISC Tutorium 1999)
- CAS Bench (ISSAC'98)
- PC-basiertes Parallel Computing (ISC Tutorium 1998)
- PC-Cluster als low-cost Supercomputer (ZDV Mainz 1998)
- PC-Cluster Computing - Low Cost Parallel Computing (ZKI 1998)
- PC-Cluster Computing (SAVE 1998)
- Low Cost Parallel Computing (ISC Tutorium 1997)
- VWA Workshop:
Neue Medien (VWA 1996)
- Computer-Algebra mit Maple (FH Darmstadt 1995)
- Lehrveranstaltung
Hochparallele Rechnerarchitekturen
(TU Ilmenau WS 1993/94)
Books and articles
In case some papers are not accessible with a clickable link, look
into the HTML code of this page to see where they are.
- Heinz Kredel
Common Divisors of Solvable Polynomials in JAS,
Proc. International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS) 2016, Berlin, Germany.
LNCS 9725, pp. 173 - 180, 2016, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Heinz Kredel, Hans Günther Kruse, Sabine Richling,
A hierarchical Model for the Analysis of Efficiency and Speed-up
of Multi-Core Cluster-Computers,
November 4-6, 2015, Krakow, Poland
- Heinz Kredel,
Parametric solvable polynomial rings and applications,
CASC 2015,
September 14-18, 2015, Aachen, Germany
- Heinz Kredel,
Comprehensive Gröbner Bases in a Java Computer Algebra System,
Computer Mathematics ASCM2009, ASCM2012, Contributed Papers and Invited Talks
(eds. Feng, Ruyong and Lee, Wen-shin and Sato, Yosuke),
pp. 93-108, 2014, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- Heinz Kredel
Generic and Parallel Groebner Bases in JAS (Extended Abstract),
Proc. International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS) 2014, Seoul, Korea.
LNCS 8592, pp. 390 - 397, 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Heinz Kredel, Hans Günther Kruse, Sabine Richling,
Ein Konzept für die Leistungsanalyse von Multi-core Cluster-Computern,
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK),
Ausgabe 3, pp. 233 - 241, online, De Gruyter Saur, 2014
- Heinz Kredel, Sabine Richling, Jan Philipp Kruse, Erich Strohmaier, Hans Günther Kruse,
A simple Concept for the Performance Analysis of Cluster-Computing,
International Supercomputing Conference, June 16-20, 2013, Leipzig, Germany
(ISC session,
- Heinz Kredel,
Distributed Gröbner bases computation with MPJ,
proceedings of the
EOOPS Workshop at
March 25-28, 2013, Barcelona, Spain
- Heinz Kredel, Hans Günther Kruse, Sabine Richling,
Einige Überlegungen zur Leistung von Cluster-Computern,
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK),
Ausgabe 3, pp. 207 - 211, De Gruyter Saur, 2012
- Heinz Kredel, Hans Günther Kruse, Sabine Richling und Erich Strohmaier,
Performance analysis and prediction for distributed homogeneous clusters,
Computer Science - Research and Development, May, 2012.
Special Issue International Supercomputing Conference, June 18-21, 2012, Hamburg, Germany
(slides, author copy)
- Heinz Kredel,
Fostering Interoperability in Java-Based Computer Algebra Software,
Proceedings FINA Workshop
March 26-29, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan
- Sabine Richling, Steffen Hau, Heinz Kredel, Hans Günther Kruse,
A Long-distance InfiniBand Interconnection between two Clusters in Production use,
Supercomputing 2011,
November 12-18, 2011, Seattle, Washington, USA
- Sabine Richling, Steffen Hau, Heinz Kredel, Hans Günther Kruse,
Operating Two InfiniBand Grid Clusters over 28 km Distance,
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 2011, Vol. 2, No.4, pp. 303 - 312
- Heinz Kredel, Hans Günther Kruse, Ingo Ott,
Performance analysis and performance modeling of Web-applications,
October 26-28, 2011, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
- Raphael Jolly, Heinz Kredel,
Algebraic structures as typed objects,
CASC 2011,
September 5-9, 2011, Kassel, Germany
- Heinz Kredel, Hans Günther Kruse, Ingo Ott,
Lastverhalten und Systemkonfiguration von Web-Applikationsservern,
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK),
Ausgabe 3, pp. 215 - 223, De Gruyter Saur, 2011
- Heinz Kredel,
Unique Factorization Domains in the Java Computer Algebra System,
Special issue on Automated Deduction in Geometry,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume 6301, pages 86-115,
Springer, 2011
- Sabine Richling, Steffen Hau, Heinz Kredel, Hans Günther Kruse,
Operating Two InfiniBand Grid Clusters over 28 km Distance,
November 4-6, 2010, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT), in Fukuoka, Japan.
- Hans Günther Kruse, Heinz Kredel, Sabine Richling,
Zur Leistung von verteilten, homogenen Clustern,
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK),
Ausgabe 2, pp. 166 - 171, De Gruyter Saur, 2010
- Raphael Jolly, Heinz Kredel,
Generic, Type-safe and Object Oriented Computer Algebra Software,
CASC 2010,
September 5-12, 2010, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia
- Heinz Kredel,
Parallel and distributed Gröbner bases computation in JAS,
avaliable as
arxiv:1008.0011, 2010.
- Heinz Kredel,
Distributed hybrid Groebner bases computation,
CISIS 2010
Workshop on
Engineering Complex Distributed Systems (ECDS 2010),
February 15-18, 2010, Krakow, Poland
- Heinz Kredel,
Comprehensive Gröbner Bases in a Java Computer Algebra System,
Proceedings Joint Conference of
ASCM 2009 and MACIS 2009,
Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics (ASCM 2009) and
Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences (MACIS 2009),
Dec. 14-17, 2009, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
- Raphael Jolly, Heinz Kredel,
Symbolic Script Programming for Java,
avaliable as
arXiv:0906.2315v2, 2009.
- Heinz Kredel,
Distributed parallel Groebner bases computation,
CISIS 2009
Workshop on
Engineering Complex Distributed Systems (ECDS 2009),
March 16-19, 2009, Fukuoka, Japan
- Raphael Jolly, Heinz Kredel,
How to turn a scripting language into a domain specific language for computer algebra,
avaliable as
arXiv:0811.1061v1, 2008.
Previous title was Computer algebra in Java: libraries and scripting.
- Heinz Kredel,
Multivariate Greatest Common Divisors
in the Java Computer Algebra System,
Seventh International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry (ADG 2008),
September 22-24, 2008, Shanghai, China
- Heinz Kredel,
Evaluation of a Java Computer Algebra System,
Special issue Computer Mathematics
of ASCM 2007 Revised and Invited Papers in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 5081/2008, pages 121-138,
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
- Heinz Kredel,
Evaluation of a Java Computer Algebra System,
Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics (ASCM 2007),
December 15-17, 2007, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Heinz Kredel,
On a Java Computer Algebra System, its Performance and Applications,
Special issue on PPPJ 2006 in
Science of Computer Programming (2008),
Volume 70, Issues 2-3, 1 February 2008, Pages 185-207
- Heinz Kredel,
On the Design of a Java Computer Algebra System,
Principles and Practices of Programming in Java 2006,
August 30 - September 1, 2006, Mannheim
- Giovanni Falcone, Heinz Kredel, Michael Krietemeyer, Dirk Merten,
Matthias Merz, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Christian Simmendinger, Daniel Versick,
Integrated Performance Analysis of Computer Systems (IPACS).
Benchmarks for Distributed Computer Systems,
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK) 28(3),
pp. 150-159, 2005
- Heinz Kredel,
A Systems Perspective on A3L,
Algorithmic Algebra and Logic 2005,
April 2-6, 2005, Passau
- Heinz Kredel, Matthias Merz,
The Design of the IPACS Distributed Software Architecture,
Proceedings 2nd Workshop on
Distributed Objects Research, Experiences & Applications (DOREA 2),
June 16-18, 2004, Las Vegas, USA
- Heinz Kredel, Akitoshi Yoshida,
Thread- und Netzwerk-Programmierung mit Java,
Praktikum für die Parallele Programmierung
(2. aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage, 2002)
(ISBN 3-89864-133-3),
dpunkt Verlag
- Manfred Göbel, Heinz Kredel,
Reduction of permutation-invariant polynomials,
J. Information and Computation, Volume 175 Issue 2,
pp. 158 - 170, Academic Press, Inc., 2002
- Heinz Kredel,
PC-Cluster in Deutschland. Einblicke und Ausblicke,
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK),
Ausgabe 1, Volume 23, pp. 29 - 34, De Gruyter Saur, 2000
- Heinz Kredel, Akitoshi Yoshida,
Thread- und Netzwerk-Programmierung mit Java,
Praktikum für die Parallele Programmierung
(ISBN 3-932588-28-2, 1999),
dpunkt Verlag
(Gif vom Buch klein,
- Heinz Kredel, Akitoshi Yoshida,
Paralleles Programmieren mit Java,
Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, HMD, 203, pp. 21 - 37,
dpunkt Verlag, 1998
- Heinz Kredel, Akitoshi Yoshida, Hans Werner Meuer,
WWW Development @ Uni-Ma (Focus 1997, Rome)
- Heinz Kredel, Computeralgebra on a KSR1 parallel computer
4th Supercomputing Day "Application of Supercomputers",
Linz, Johannes Kepler University, 1994
- Th. Becker, V. Weispfenning, in cooperation with H. Kredel,
Gröbner Bases,
Springer Verlag, 1993, 1998
- Heinz Kredel, Solvable Polynominal Rings
(ISBN 3-86111-342-2, PDF)
Shaker Verlag (Dissertation, 1992,
University of Passau,
Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik)
- H. Kredel and V. Weispfenning,
Parametric Gröbner Bases for Non-commutative Polynomials,
Proc. ICCAPR1990, IV. International Conference on Computer Algebra in
Physical Research, Dubna, (USSR), 22-26 May 1990
(eds. D. V. Shirkov, V. A. Rostovtsev, V. P. Gerdt),
World Scientific Publishing, Singapore,
pp. 236 - 246, 1991
- Heinz Kredel,
The MAS specification component,
Proc. Third International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Number 528, pp. 39 - 50, Springer Verlag, 1991
- Heinz Kredel,
MAS: Modula-2 Algebra System,
DISCO '90, Proc. International Symposium on Design and
Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems
pp. 270 - 271, Springer-Verlag London, 1990
- Heinz Kredel,
Software Development for Computer Algebra or From ALDES/SAC-2 to WEB/Modula-2,
ISAAC '88: Proc. International Symposium ISSAC'88 on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation,
pp. 447 - 455, Springer-Verlag London, 1988
- Heinz Kredel, Volker Weispfenning,
Computing dimension and independent sets for polynomial ideals,
Journal of Symbolic Computation , Volume 6 Issue 2-3, pp. 231 - 247,
Academic Press, Inc., 1988
- Heinz Kredel,
Primary ideal decomposition,
EUROCAL '87: Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Algebra,
June 1987
- D. Armbruster and H. Kredel,
Constructing universal unfoldings using Gröbner bases,
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2(4), pp. 383 - 388, 1986.
- W. Boege, R. Gebauer, H. Kredel,
Some examples for solving systems of algebraic equations by calculating
Groebner bases
Journal of Symbolic Computation, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 1986
- Heinz Kredel,
Über die Bestimmung der Dimension von Polynomidealen,
Universität Heidelberg,
Mathematisches Institut (Diplomarbeit, 1985)
- W. Böge, Rüdiger Gebauer, Heinz Kredel,
Gröbner Bases Using SAC-2,
EUROCAL '85: Research Contributions from the European Conference on Computer Algebra,
Volume 2, April 1985
Posters, reports, workshops, manuscripts and bulletins
- M. Baumann, S. Friedel, S. Hau, H. Kredel, T. Kienzle,
S. Richling, M. Schmidtobreick, F. Schmitt,
bwForCluster MLS&WISO,
Poster at bwHPC symposion,
October, 2015, Ulm, Germany
- Rolf Bogus, Steffen Hau, Heinz Kredel, Sabine Richling,
bwGRiD Heidelberg/Mannheim: Cluster-Betrieb mit einer
Infiniband-Kopplung uber 28 km,
Poster at bwHPC workshop,
September, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Raphael Jolly, Heinz Kredel,
Categories as classes and mixin composition,
Poster at
CASC 2012,
September 3-6, 2012, Maribor, Slovenia
- Online Supplement zu Thread- und Netzwerk-Programmierung mit Java, 2002
- H. Melenk, W. Neun, H. M. Moller, R. Gebauer, A. C. Hearn, H. Kredel,
GROEBNER: A Package for Calculating Gröbner Bases,
Version 3.0,
ZIB, Berlin, 2000.
- Raoul Gema, Anas Nashif, Heinz Kredel
Gemeinsam zum Ziel ‐ Linux Cluster aus Standard-Komponenten,
c't 1999, Heft 9
- Errata zu Thread- und Netzwerk-Programmierung mit Java, 1999
- Heinz Kredel, Michael Pesch,
MAS, the Modula-2 algebra system, version 1.00,
ACM SIGSAM Bulletin, Vol 31, No 3, pp. 52 - 54, 1997.
- Heinz Kredel, Robert Schumacher, Erich Strohmaier,
Oracle on the KSR-1 Parallel Computer,
Report RUM 39/94, Computing Center, University of Mannheim, 1994
- Heinz Kredel,
Parallel Buchberger Algorithms on Virtual Shared Memory KSR1,
unpublished manuscript, 1994
- Heinz Kredel,
Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung von Computer Algebra Software,
Workshop "Softwareentwicklung in der algorithmischen Zahlentheorie und Algebra",
IBFZ Informatik Schloss Dagstuhl, 29. October 1991.
- Heinz Kredel,
Admissible term orderings used in computer algebra systems,
ACM SIGSAM Bulletin, Vol 22, No 1, pp. 28 - 31, 1988.
- Heinz Kredel,
Data management,
GSI Scientific Report 1987
(entire report), p. 334, 1988
- Ute Rössler, Helga Weber, Heinz Kredel,
Reduce to LaTeX interface,
GSI Scientific Report 1987
(entire report), p. 332, 1988
- Ch. Besthorn, H. Kredel,
Data management,
GSI Scientific Report 1986
(entire report), p. 300, 1987
- Rüdiger Gebauer, Heinz Kredel,
Real Solution System for Algebraic Equations. An algorithm system for
constructing finite inclusions of zero sets of algebraic equations,
ACM SIGSAM Bulletin, Vol 19, No 2, p. 2, 1985.
- Rüdiger Gebauer, Heinz Kredel,
Note on "solution of a general system of equations",
ACM SIGSAM Bulletin, Vol 18, No 3, pp. 5 - 6, 1984.
Program committee memberships and other community services
Workshops, conferences and journals where I helped in the organization, preparation and as reviewer.
- Reviewer for
15th International Workshop
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing (CASC-2013),
September 9 - 13, 2013, Berlin, Germany
- Reviewer for
5th International Symposium
Symbolic Computation in Software Science (SCSS-2013),
July 5 - 6, 2013, Linz, Austria
- Co-Chair of Track "Parallel Computing" and reviewer at
7th International Conference on
Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2013),
July 3-5, 2013, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
- Reviewer for
27th IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2013),
March 25-28, 2013, Barcelona, Spain,
- Co-Chair of Workshop
Engineering Object Oriented Parallel Software (EOOPS 2013),
March 25-28, 2013, Barcelona, Spain,
- Reviewer for
ISSAC 2012, July 22-25, 2012, Grenoble, France
- Co-Chair of Track "Grid, P2P and Scalable Computing" and reviewer
26th IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2012),
March 26-29, 2012, FIT, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Reviewer for
"Software: Practice and Experience", Wiley
- Reviewer for
Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences (MACIS 2011),
October 19-21, 2011, Beijing, China
- Reviewer for
Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (MEGA 11),
Stockholm, Sweden, May 30 - June 3, 2011
- Reviewer for
Science of Computer Programming, Elsevier
- Co-Chair of Track "Cluster and grid Computing" and reviewer at
Fifth International Conference on
P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2010),
November 4-6, 2010, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT), in Fukuoka, Japan.
- Reviewer for
9th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation (AISC 2008)
31 July-1 August, 2008, Birmingham, UK
- Reviewer for
Principles and Practices of Programming in Java 2006,
August 30 - September 1, 2006, Mannheim, Germany
- Reviewer for
Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (MEGA 05),
Porto Conte, Alghero, Sardinia (Italy) May 27th-June 1st, 2005
- Organizer and Program Committee member of
Rhine Workshop on Computer Algebra,
21. - 22. March 2002, Mannheim, Germany
- Session Chair at
Parallel and Symbolic Computation (PASCO),
1994, Linz, Austria
Citations and search engines
- citeseer: kredel
39 hits in 2012.
- DBLP: heinz kredel, computer science publications.
- ACM/guide: kredel, 14 hits in 2013.
- IEEE digital library: heinz kredel, 8 hits in 2013.
Springer: heinz kredel, 9 hits in 2013.
- CSB: kredel, computer science bibliographies.
- MathSciNet: kredel, mathematical publications, 9 hits in 2013.
- Free Search: Heinz Kredel, towards computer science ideas.
- BibSonomy: Heinz Kredel, computer science bookmarks.
- swMATH: Heinz Kredel, an information service for mathematical software.
JAS Java Algebra System
- zbMATH: Heinz Kredel, Zentralblatt MATH, 15 documents in 2014.
- yahoo: kredel, 3.870 hits in 2007.
- google: kredel, 25.200 hits in 2007.
google scholar: kredel, 220 hits in 2007.
- msn: kredel, 1.900 hits in 2007.
academic msn: kredel, 17 hits in 2011.
- arnetminer: kredel, now reappearing as
aminer: ....
- odysci: Heinz kredel.
Heinz Kredel,
Last modified: Sat Jan 11 16:24:40 CET 2025