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A - Variable in class edu.jas.application.PrimitiveElement
The representation of the first algebraic element in the new ring.
A - Variable in class edu.jas.root.Boundary
A - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselApprox
Approximated polynomial with integer coefficients.
AbelianGroupElem<C extends AbelianGroupElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Abelian group element interface.
AbelianGroupFactory<C extends AbelianGroupElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Abelian group factory interface.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
ColorPolynomial absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Absolute value of this.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Absolute value of this.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModLong absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial absolute value, i.e. leadingCoefficient > 0.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial absolute value, i.e. leadingCoefficient > 0.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Local absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Residue absolute value.
abs() - Method in class
Absolute value.
abs() - Method in class
Absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber absolute value.
abs() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AbelianGroupElem
Absolute value of this.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient absolute value.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Absolute value of this matrix.
abs() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Absolute value of this vector.
AbstractPair<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Serializable abstract subclass to hold pairs of polynomials.
AbstractPair(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int, int) - Constructor for class
AbstractPair constructor.
AbstractPair(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
AbstractPair constructor.
AbstractPair(ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int, int) - Constructor for class
AbstractPair constructor.
AbstractPair(ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
AbstractPair constructor.
ackTag - Static variable in class
Message tag for acknowledgments.
ackTag - Static variable in class
Message tag for acknowledgments.
aCoFac - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
Factory for a algebraic extension of a finite field of characteristic p coefficients.
add(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
Add polynomial to mset.
add(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetCoPrime
Add polynomial to mset.
add(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetFactors
Add polynomial to mset.
add(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetSquarefree
Add polynomial to mset.
add(Overlap) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.OverlapList
Add to list.
add(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
Add object to the list and distribute to other lists.
addFactory(RingFactory<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Add a ring factory.
addJob(Runnable) - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
adds a job to the workpile.
addJob(Runnable) - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
adds a job to the workpile.
addRelations(RelationGenerator<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate the relation table of the solvable polynomial ring from a relation generator.
addRelations(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate the relation table of the solvable polynomial ring from a polynomial list of relations.
addRelations(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Add list of polynomial triples as relations.
addSolvRelations(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate the relation table of the solvable polynomial ring from a solvable polynomial list of relations.
addSolvRelations(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Add list of polynomial triples as relations.
addToList(List<ColoredSystem<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Add to list of colored systems.
addVars(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Add variable names.
adenom - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
List of factors of the denominator with coefficients from an AlgebraicNumberRing<C>.
adenom - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
List of factors of the denominator with coefficients from an AlgebraicNumberRing<C>.
aengine - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteAlgebraicFieldCharP
Squarefree engine for infinite ring of characteristic p base coefficients.
afac - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplex
Complex algebraic factory.
afac - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Algebraic field extension over C.
afactors - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
List of algebraic numbers of an algebraic field extension over C.
afactors - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
List of factors with coefficients from AlgebraicNumberRing<C>.
afactors - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsList
List of factors with coefficients from AlgebraicNumberRings.
afactors - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsMap
List of factors with coefficients from AlgebraicNumberRings.
afactors - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
List of algebraic numbers of an algebraic field extension over C.
AlgebraElem<A extends AlgebraElem<A,C>,C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Algabra element interface.
AlgebraFactory<A extends AlgebraElem<A,C>,C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Algebra factory interface.
algebraic - Variable in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Representing AlgebraicNumberRing.
algebraic - Variable in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Representing AlgebraicNumberRing.
algebraicExtension(String, String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
Algebraic field extension.
algebraicFromComplex(GenPolynomialRing<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
AlgebraicNumber from complex coefficients.
algebraicFromRealCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.PolyUtilRoot
Convert to AlgebraicNumber coefficients.
AlgebraicNotInvertibleException - Exception in edu.jas.poly
Algebraic number NotInvertibleException class.
AlgebraicNotInvertibleException() - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
AlgebraicNotInvertibleException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
AlgebraicNotInvertibleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
AlgebraicNotInvertibleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
AlgebraicNotInvertibleException(GenPolynomial, GenPolynomial, GenPolynomial) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
AlgebraicNotInvertibleException(String, GenPolynomial, GenPolynomial, GenPolynomial) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
AlgebraicNotInvertibleException(String, Throwable, GenPolynomial, GenPolynomial, GenPolynomial) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
AlgebraicNotInvertibleException(Throwable, GenPolynomial, GenPolynomial, GenPolynomial) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
AlgebraicNumber<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Algebraic number class.
AlgebraicNumber(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a AlgebraicNumber object from AlgebraicNumberRing modul and a GenPolynomial value.
AlgebraicNumber(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a AlgebraicNumber object from a GenPolynomial object module.
AlgebraicNumberModTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
AlgebraicNumber modular Test using JUnit.
AlgebraicNumberModTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
Constructs a AlgebraicNumberModTest object.
AlgebraicNumberRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Algebraic number factory.
AlgebraicNumberRing(GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
The constructor creates a AlgebraicNumber factory object from a GenPolynomial objects module.
AlgebraicNumberRing(GenPolynomial<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
The constructor creates a AlgebraicNumber factory object from a GenPolynomial objects module.
AlgebraicNumberTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
AlgebraicNumber Test using JUnit.
AlgebraicNumberTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberTest
Constructs a AlgebraicNumberTest object.
algebraicRing() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Corresponding algebraic number ring.
all(String, String) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
allIdle() - Method in class edu.jas.util.Terminator
alphabet - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
The factory for the alphabet.
Am - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselApprox
Modular approximated polynomial with modular coefficients.
annihilator(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Annihilator for element modulo this ideal.
annihilator(Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Annihilator for ideal modulo this ideal.
annihilator(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Annihilator for element modulo this ideal.
annihilator(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Annihilator for ideal modulo this ideal.
ANumGenPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
AlgebraicNumber coefficients GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
ANumGenPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ANumGenPolynomialTest
Constructs a ANumGenPolynomialTest object.
apoly - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Original polynomial to be factored with coefficients from AlgebraicNumberRing<C>.
approximateRoot(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Approximate complex root.
approximateRoot(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Approximate real root.
approximateRoots(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
List of decimal approximations of complex roots of complex polynomial.
approximateRoots(GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Approximate real roots.
approximationSize() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselApprox
Get modul of modular polynomial.
arfactors - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
List of factors with coefficients from AlgebraicNumberRing<AlgebraicNumber<C>>.
Aring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.PrimitiveElement
The first algebraic ring.
ArithTest - Class in edu.jas.arith
Basic arithmetic tests with JUnit.
ArithTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Constructs a ArithTest object.
ArrayUtil - Class in edu.jas.util
Array utilities.
ArrayUtil() - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ArrayUtil
asPolynomial() - Method in class
Get a GenPolynomial<C> from this.
asPolynomial() - Method in class
Get a GenPolynomial<C> from this.


B - Variable in class edu.jas.application.PrimitiveElement
The representation of the second algebraic element in the new ring.
B - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselApprox
Approximated polynomial with integer coefficients.
backSubstituteKronecker(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Kronecker back substitution.
backSubstituteKronecker(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Kronecker back substitution.
baseAlgebraicPartialFraction(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
Univariate GenPolynomial algebraic partial fraction decomposition, Absolute factorization or Rothstein-Trager algorithm.
baseAlgebraicPartialFractionIrreducible(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
baseAlgebraicPartialFractionIrreducibleAbsolute(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
Univariate GenPolynomial algebraic partial fraction decomposition, via absolute factorization to linear factors.
baseCofac - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Base coefficient ring factory.
baseCofac - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Base coefficient ring factory.
baseContent(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
GenWordPolynomial base coefficient content.
baseContent(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial base coefficient content.
baseContent(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorFake
GenPolynomial base coefficient content.
baseDensePseudoQuotient(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial dense pseudo quotient.
baseDensePseudoRemainder(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial dense pseudo remainder.
baseDeriviative(GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial polynomial derivative main variable.
baseDeriviative(GenPolynomial<C>, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial polynomial partial derivative variable r.
baseDiscriminant(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSubres
GenPolynomial base coefficient discriminant.
baseDistinctDegreeFactors(GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModular
GenPolynomial base distinct degree factorization.
baseEqualDegreeFactors(GenPolynomial<MOD>, long) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModular
GenPolynomial base equal degree factorization.
baseExtendedGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial extended greatest common divisor.
baseExtendedGcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial extended greatest common divisor.
baseFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial factorization.
baseFactorsAbsolute(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
GenPolynomial absolute base factorization of a polynomial.
baseFactorsAbsoluteIrreducible(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
GenPolynomial base absolute factorization of a irreducible polynomial.
baseFactorsAbsoluteSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
GenPolynomial absolute base factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
baseFactorsRadical(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial factorization ignoring multiplicities.
baseFactorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrim
GenPolynomial base factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
baseFactorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorRealReal
GenPolynomial base factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
baseFactorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
baseFactorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraic
GenPolynomial base factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
baseFactorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplex
GenPolynomial base factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
baseFactorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorInteger
GenPolynomial base factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
baseFactorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModular
GenPolynomial base factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
baseFactorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<Quotient<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotient
GenPolynomial base factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
baseFactorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<BigRational>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRational
GenPolynomial base factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
baseFactorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraic
GenPolynomial base factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
baseField(RingFactory) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
Set base field.
baseGcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxy
Univariate GenPolynomial greatest common divisor.
baseGcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial greatest common divisor.
baseGcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorFake
Univariate GenPolynomial greatest comon divisor.
baseGcd(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<BigInteger>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorHensel
Univariate GenPolynomial greatest comon divisor.
baseGcd(GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModEval
Univariate GenPolynomial greatest common divisor.
baseGcd(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<BigInteger>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModular
Univariate GenPolynomial greatest comon divisor.
baseGcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive
Univariate GenPolynomial greatest comon divisor.
baseGcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSimple
Univariate GenPolynomial greatest comon divisor.
baseGcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSubres
Univariate GenPolynomial greatest comon divisor.
baseGcdDiophant(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial greatest common divisor diophantine version.
baseGcdDiophant(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial greatest common divisor diophantine version.
baseHalfExtendedGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial half extended greatest comon divisor.
baseHalfExtendedGcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial half extended greatest comon divisor.
baseIntegral(GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial polynomial integral main variable.
basePartialFraction(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial partial fraction decomposition.
basePartialFraction(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial partial fraction decomposition.
basePartialFraction(GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial partial fraction decomposition.
basePartialFraction(GenPolynomial<C>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial partial fraction decomposition.
basePartialFractionValue(GenPolynomial<C>, int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Test for Univariate GenPolynomial partial fraction decomposition.
basePrimitivePart(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
GenWordPolynomial base coefficient primitive part.
basePrimitivePart(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
List of GenWordPolynomial base coefficient primitive part.
basePrimitivePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial base primitive part.
basePrimitivePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial base coefficient primitive part.
basePrimitivePart(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
List of GenPolynomial base coefficient primitive part.
basePrimitivePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorFake
GenPolynomial base coefficient primitive part.
basePseudoDivide(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial sparse pseudo divide.
basePseudoQuotientRemainder(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial sparse pseudo quotient and remainder.
basePseudoRemainder(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
basePseudoRemainder(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSubres
baseRecursiveContent(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial base recursive content.
baseRecursiveContent(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial base recursive content.
baseRecursiveDivide(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial base divide.
baseRecursivePrimitivePart(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial base recursive primitive part.
baseRecursivePrimitivePart(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial base recursive primitive part.
baseRemainderPoly(GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial coefficient wise remainder.
baseResultant(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxy
Univariate GenPolynomial resultant.
baseResultant(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial resultant.
baseResultant(GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModEval
Univariate GenPolynomial resultant.
baseResultant(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<BigInteger>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModular
Univariate GenPolynomial resultant.
baseResultant(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSimple
Univariate GenPolynomial resultant.
baseResultant(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSubres
Univariate GenPolynomial resultant.
baseRootCharacteristic(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
GenPolynomial char-th root univariate polynomial.
baseRootCharacteristic(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFiniteFieldCharP
GenPolynomial char-th root univariate polynomial.
baseRootCharacteristic(GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteAlgebraicFieldCharP
GenPolynomial char-th root univariate polynomial.
baseRootCharacteristic(GenPolynomial<Quotient<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteFieldCharP
GenPolynomial char-th root univariate polynomial.
baseSparsePseudoRemainder(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial sparse pseudo remainder.
baseSquarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial polynomial squarefree factorization.
baseSquarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
GenPolynomial polynomial squarefree factorization.
baseSquarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
GenPolynomial polynomial squarefree factorization.
baseSquarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRingChar0
GenPolynomial polynomial squarefree factorization.
baseSquarefreePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial polynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
baseSquarefreePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
GenPolynomial polynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
baseSquarefreePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
GenPolynomial polynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
baseSquarefreePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRingChar0
GenPolynomial polynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
BasicLinAlg<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.vector
Basic linear algebra methods.
BasicLinAlg() - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.BasicLinAlg
BASIS - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
bb - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Groebner base engine.
bb - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Groebner base engine.
bb - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Groebner base engine.
bb - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Groebner base engine.
bb - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Groebner base engine.
bb - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Groebner base engine.
bb - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Groebner base engine.
bb - Variable in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBaseSeq
Used Groebner base algorithm.
bb - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Backing Groebner base engine.
bb - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygySeq
Groebner base engine.
bba - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotient
bba - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRational
beIdle() - Method in class edu.jas.util.Terminator
beIdle(int) - Method in class edu.jas.util.Terminator
BigComplex - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigComplex class based on BigRational implementing the RingElem respectively the StarRingElem interface.
BigComplex(BigRational, BigRational) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
The constructor creates a BigComplex object from two BigRational objects real and imaginary part.
BigComplex(BigRational) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
The constructor creates a BigComplex object from a BigRational object as real part, the imaginary part is set to 0.
BigComplex(long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
The constructor creates a BigComplex object from a long element as real part, the imaginary part is set to 0.
BigComplex() - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
The constructor creates a BigComplex object with real part 0 and imaginary part 0.
BigComplex(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
The constructor creates a BigComplex object from a String representation.
BigComplexTest - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigComplex tests with JUnit.
BigComplexTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigComplexTest
Constructs a BigComplexTest object.
BigDecimal - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigDecimal class to make java.math.BigDecimal available with RingElem interface.
BigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from math.BigDecimal.
BigDecimal(BigDecimal, MathContext) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from math.BigDecimal.
BigDecimal(long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from long.
BigDecimal(long, MathContext) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from long and a context.
BigDecimal(double) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from double.
BigDecimal(double, MathContext) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from double and a context.
BigDecimal(BigInteger) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from java.math.BigInteger.
BigDecimal(BigInteger, MathContext) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from java.math.BigInteger.
BigDecimal(BigRational) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from BigRational.
BigDecimal(BigRational, MathContext) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from BigRational.
BigDecimal(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from String.
BigDecimal(String, MathContext) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal from String.
BigDecimal() - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Constructor for BigDecimal without parameters.
BigDecimalComplex - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigComplex class based on BigDecimal implementing the RingElem respectively the StarRingElem interface.
BigDecimalComplex(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
The constructor creates a BigDecimalComplex object from two BigDecimal objects real and imaginary part.
BigDecimalComplex(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
The constructor creates a BigDecimalComplex object from a BigDecimal object as real part, the imaginary part is set to 0.
BigDecimalComplex(long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
The constructor creates a BigDecimalComplex object from a long element as real part, the imaginary part is set to 0.
BigDecimalComplex() - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
The constructor creates a BigDecimalComplex object with real part 0 and imaginary part 0.
BigDecimalComplex(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
The constructor creates a BigDecimalComplex object from a String representation.
BigDecimalComplexTest - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigComplex tests with JUnit.
BigDecimalComplexTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
Constructs a BigDecimalComplexTest object.
BigDecimalTest - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigDecimal tests with JUnit.
BigDecimalTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalTest
Constructs a BigDecimalTest object.
BigInteger - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigInteger class to make java.math.BigInteger available with RingElem respectively the GcdRingElem interface.
BigInteger(BigInteger) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Constructor for BigInteger from math.BigInteger.
BigInteger(long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Constructor for BigInteger from long.
BigInteger(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Constructor for BigInteger from String.
BigInteger() - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Constructor for BigInteger without parameters.
BigIntegerTest - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigInteger tests with JUnit.
BigIntegerTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
Constructs a BigIntegerTest object.
BigOctonion - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigOctonion class based on BigRational implementing the RingElem interface and with the familiar MAS static method names.
BigOctonion(BigQuaternion, BigQuaternion) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Constructor for a BigOctonion from Quaternions.
BigOctonion(BigQuaternion) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Constructor for a BigOctonion from BigQuaternion.
BigOctonion(BigComplex) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Constructor for a BigOctonion from BigComplex.
BigOctonion(BigRational) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Constructor for a BigOctonion from BigRational.
BigOctonion(long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Constructor for a BigOctonion from long.
BigOctonion() - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Constructor for a BigOctonion with no arguments.
BigOctonion(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
The BigOctonion string constructor accepts the following formats: empty string, "quaternion", or "quat o quat" with no blanks around o if used as polynoial coefficient.
BigOctonionTest - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigOctonion tests with JUnit.
BigOctonionTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
Constructs a BigOctonionTest object.
BigQuaternion - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigQuaternion class based on BigRational implementing the RingElem interface and with the familiar MAS static method names.
BigQuaternion(BigRational, BigRational, BigRational, BigRational) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Constructor for a BigQuaternion from BigRationals.
BigQuaternion(BigRational, BigRational, BigRational) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Constructor for a BigQuaternion from BigRationals.
BigQuaternion(BigRational, BigRational) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Constructor for a BigQuaternion from BigRationals.
BigQuaternion(BigRational) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Constructor for a BigQuaternion from BigRationals.
BigQuaternion(BigComplex) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Constructor for a BigQuaternion from BigComplex.
BigQuaternion(long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Constructor for a BigQuaternion from long.
BigQuaternion() - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Constructor for a BigQuaternion with no arguments.
BigQuaternion(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
The BigQuaternion string constructor accepts the following formats: empty string, "rational", or "rat i rat j rat k rat" with no blanks around i, j or k if used as polynoial coefficient.
BigQuaternionTest - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigQuaternion tests with JUnit.
BigQuaternionTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
Constructs a BigQuaternionTest object.
BigRational - Class in edu.jas.arith
Immutable arbitrary-precision rational numbers.
BigRational(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Constructor for a BigRational from math.BigIntegers.
BigRational(BigInteger) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Constructor for a BigRational from math.BigIntegers.
BigRational(BigInteger) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Constructor for a BigRational from jas.arith.BigIntegers.
BigRational(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Constructor for a BigRational from jas.arith.BigIntegers.
BigRational(long, long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Constructor for a BigRational from longs.
BigRational(long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Constructor for a BigRational from longs.
BigRational() - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Constructor for a BigRational with no arguments.
BigRational(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Constructor for a BigRational from String.
BigRationalTest - Class in edu.jas.arith
BigRational tests with JUnit.
BigRationalTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
Constructs a BigRationalTest object.
BinaryFunctor<C1 extends Element<C1>,C2 extends Element<C2>,D extends Element<D>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Binary functor interface.
binCoeff(int, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.Combinatoric
Integer binomial coefficient. n and k are beta-integers with 0 less than or equal to k less than or equal to n.
binCoeffInduction(BigInteger, long, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.Combinatoric
Integer binomial coefficient induction. n and k are beta-integers with 0 less than or equal to k less than or equal to n.
binCoeffSum(int, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.Combinatoric
Integer binomial coefficient partial sum. n and k are integers, 0 le k le n.
bisectionPoint(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Bi-section point.
bitCount() - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
bitHeight(List<GenPolynomial<BigRational>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
Method bitHeight returns the bitlength of the greatest number occurring during the computation of a Groebner base.
blas - Variable in class
linear algebra engine.
blas - Variable in class
Linear algebra engine.
blas - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Linear algebra engine.
blas - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyAbstract
Linear algebra engine.
blockOrder(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Create block term order at split index.
blockOrder(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Create block term order at split index.
blockOrder(int, TermOrder) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Create block term order at split index.
blockOrder(int, TermOrder, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Create block term order at split index.
blockOrder(TermOrder, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
Construct elimination block TermOrder.
blockOrder(TermOrder, ExpVector, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
Construct elimination block TermOrder.
blockOrder(TermOrder, TermOrder, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
Construct elimination block TermOrder.
blockOrder(TermOrder, TermOrder, ExpVector, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
Construct elimination block TermOrder.
blocksize - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Bm - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselApprox
Modular approximated polynomial with modular coefficients.
booleanClosure(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.RReduction
Boolean closure, compute idempotent(ldcf(A)) A.
booleanClosure(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Boolean closure, compute idempotent(ldcf(A)) A.
booleanClosure(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Boolean closure, compute BC(A) for all A in F.
booleanRemainder(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.RReduction
Boolean remainder, compute idemComplement(ldcf(A)) A.
booleanRemainder(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Boolean remainder, compute idemComplement(ldcf(A)) A.
Boundary<C extends RingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
Boundary determined by a rectangle and a polynomial.
Boundary(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.Boundary
Boundary(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.Boundary
Bring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.PrimitiveElement
The second algebraic ring.
build() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
Build the field tower.
build() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Build the GB algorithm implementaton.


c - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Monomial
Coefficient of monomial.
c - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.WordMonomial
Coefficient of monomial.
CABS(BigComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number absolute value.
CABS(BigDecimalComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number absolute value.
can - Variable in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots
The list of complex algebraic roots.
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBaseAbstract
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBasePar
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBasePar
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLM
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotient
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRational
Cancel ThreadPool.
cancel() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
Cancels the threads.
CartesianProduct<E> - Class in edu.jas.util
Cartesian product with iterator.
CartesianProduct(List<Iterable<E>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.CartesianProduct
CartesianProduct constructor.
CartesianProductInfinite<E> - Class in edu.jas.util
Cartesian product of infinite components with iterator.
CartesianProductInfinite(List<Iterable<E>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.CartesianProductInfinite
CartesianProduct constructor.
CartesianProductLong - Class in edu.jas.util
Cartesian product for Long with iterator.
CartesianProductLong(List<LongIterable>, long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.CartesianProductLong
CartesianProduct constructor.
caseDistinction(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Case distinction conditions of parametric polynomial list.
caseDistinction(List<Condition<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Case distinction conditions of parametric polynomial list.
caseDistinction(Condition<C>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Case distinction conditions of parametric polynomial list.
castToList(List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
Get a solvable polynomials list as List of GenPolynomials.
castToList(List<? extends GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Get list of extensions of polynomials as List of GenPolynomials.
castToMatrix(List<List<? extends GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Get list of list of extensions of polynomials as List of List of GenPolynomials.
castToSolvableList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
Get list as List of GenSolvablePolynomials.
castToSolvableList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Get list as List of GenSolvablePolynomials.
castToSolvableList(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Get list as List of GenSolvablePolynomials.
castToSolvableMatrix(List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Get list of list as List of List of GenSolvablePolynomials.
CatReader - Class in edu.jas.util
Reader to conncat two readers.
CatReader(Reader, Reader) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.CatReader
cbb - Variable in class
Commutative Groebner bases engine.
CCON(BigComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number conjugate.
CCON(BigDecimalComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number conjugate.
CCONC(LIST<C>, LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Constructive concatenation.
cdenom - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
List of linear factors of the denominator with coefficients from C.
cdenom - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
List of linear factors of the denominator with coefficients from C.
CDIF(BigComplex, BigComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number difference.
CDIF(BigDecimalComplex, BigDecimalComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number difference.
centerApprox() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Approximation of center.
cf - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
cf - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
cf - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
cf - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
cf - Variable in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
cf - Variable in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
ChannelFactory to use.
cfactors - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
List of numbers from C.
cfactors - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
List of numbers from C.
cgb - Variable in class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
Comprehensive Groebner base for this Groebner system.
CGBSeqTest - Class in edu.jas.application
Comprehenssive Groebner base sequential tests with JUnit.
CGBSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.CGBSeqTest
Constructs a CGBSeqTest object.
channel - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
channel - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
ChannelFactory - Class in edu.jas.util
ChannelFactory implements a symmetric and non blocking way of setting up sockets on the client and server side.
ChannelFactory() - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ChannelFactory
Constructs a ChannelFactory on the DEFAULT_PORT.
ChannelFactory(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ChannelFactory
Constructs a ChannelFactory.
channels - Variable in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RingFactory
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Characteristic of this ring.
characteristic() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Characteristic of this ring.
CharacteristicSet<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.gbufd
Characteristic Set interface.
characteristicSet(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.CharacteristicSet
Characteristic set.
characteristicSet(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharacteristicSetSimple
Characteristic set.
characteristicSet(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharacteristicSetWu
Characteristic set.
characteristicSetReduction(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.CharacteristicSet
Characteristic set reduction.
characteristicSetReduction(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharacteristicSetSimple
Characteristic set reduction.
characteristicSetReduction(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharacteristicSetWu
Characteristic set reduction.
CharacteristicSetSimple<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Characteristic Set class acccording to the simple algorithm, where the leading coefficients are not rereduced.
CharacteristicSetSimple() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.CharacteristicSetSimple
CharacteristicSetWu<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Characteristic Set class acccording to Wu.
CharacteristicSetWu() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.CharacteristicSetWu
CharSetTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Chararacteristic set tests with JUnit.
CharSetTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.CharSetTest
Constructs a CharSetTest object.
checkInvariant() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Check invariants.
checkInvariant() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Check ordering invariants.
checkInvariant() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
Check invariants.
checkPrimes() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.PrimeList
Check if the list contains really prime numbers.
checkPrimes(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.PrimeList
Check if the list contains really prime numbers.
checkTime(String) - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatus
Check for exceeded time, test if time has exceeded and throw an exception if so.
chineseRemainder(ModInteger, ModInteger, ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
ModInteger chinese remainder algorithm.
chineseRemainder(ModLong, ModLong, ModLong) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
ModLong chinese remainder algorithm.
chineseRemainder(C, C, C) - Method in interface edu.jas.arith.ModularRingFactory
Chinese remainder algorithm.
chineseRemainder(AlgebraicNumber<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
AlgebraicNumber chinese remainder algorithm.
chineseRemainder(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
ModInteger chinese remainder algorithm on coefficients.
CINV(BigComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number inverse.
CINV(BigDecimalComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number inverse.
CINV(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Constructive inverse.
clean(String) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Prepare parse from String.
cleanAll(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Prepare parse from String array.
cleanSpace(String) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Prepare parse from String.
clear() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Clear the List.
clear() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
Clear the List.
clientPart(String) - Method in class
GB distributed client.
clientPart(String, int, int) - Static method in class
GB distributed client part.
clientPart(String) - Method in class
GB distributed client.
clientPart(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class
GB distributed client part.
clientPart(String) - Method in class
GB distributed client.
CLOCK() - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
close() - Method in class edu.jas.util.CatReader
Close this Reader.
close() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
close all channels and ChannelFactory.
close() - Method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannel
Closes the channel.
close() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
Closes the channel.
CNEG(BigComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number negative.
CNEG(BigDecimalComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number negative.
coeffCache - Variable in class
Cache for already computed coefficients.
coeffCache - Variable in class
Cache for already computed coefficients.
coefficient(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
coefficient(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
coefficient() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Monomial
Getter for coefficient.
coefficient() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordMonomial
Getter for coefficient.
coefficient(ExpVector) - Method in class
Get coefficient.
coefficient(int) - Method in class
Get coefficient.
coefficientBasePseudoDivide(GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial pseudo divide.
coefficientIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Iterator over coefficients.
coefficientIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Iterator over coefficients.
coefficientIterator() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.Polynomial
Iterator over coefficients.
coefficientPseudoDivide(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial pseudo divide.
coefficientPseudoRemainder(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtil
Polynomial leading coefficient pseudo remainder.
coefficientPseudoRemainderBase(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtil
Polynomial leading coefficient pseudo remainder, base case.
Coefficients<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Abstract class for generating functions for coefficients of power series.
Coefficients() - Constructor for class
Public no arguments constructor.
Coefficients(HashMap<Integer, C>) - Constructor for class
Public constructor with pre-filled cache.
coeffMaxDegree(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Maximal degree in the coefficient polynomials.
coeffRootCharacteristic(C) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFiniteFieldCharP
Characteristics root of a coefficient.
coeffTable - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The solvable multiplication relations between variables and coefficients.
coeffTable - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The solvable multiplication relations between variables and coefficients.
coeffTable - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Usage indicator: table or coeffTable.
cofac - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Polynomial coefficient ring factory.
cofac - Variable in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Polynomial coefficient ring factory.
cofac - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
Coefficient ring factory.
cofac - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Coefficient ring factory.
cofac - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Coefficient ring factory.
cofac - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Coefficient ring factory.
cofac - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Coefficient ring factory.
cofac - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Coefficient ring factory.
cofac - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Coefficient ring factory.
cofac - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Coefficient ring factory.
cofac - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Coefficient ring factory.
coFac - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The factory for the coefficients.
coFac - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
The factory for the coefficients.
coFac - Variable in class
Coefficient ring factory.
coFac - Variable in class
Coefficient ring factory.
coFac - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
Factory for field of characteristic 0 coefficients.
coFac - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
Factory for finite field of characteristic p coefficients.
coFac - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRingChar0
Factory for ring of characteristic 0 coefficients.
coFac - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
coFac - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
color(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Determine color of polynomial.
ColoredSystem<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Container for a condition, a corresponding colored polynomial list and a Groebner base pair list.
ColoredSystem(Condition<C>, List<ColorPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Constructor for a colored polynomial system.
ColoredSystem(Condition<C>, List<ColorPolynomial<C>>, OrderedCPairlist<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Constructor for a colored polynomial system.
ColorPolynomial<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Colored Polynomials with green, red and white coefficients.
ColorPolynomial(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
The constructor creates a colored polynomial from the colored parts.
cols - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
Number of columns in the data structure.
cols - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
cols - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Combinatoric - Class in edu.jas.arith
Combinatoric algorithms.
Combinatoric() - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.Combinatoric
combine(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Combine with ExpVector.
combine(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Combine with ExpVector.
combine(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Combine with ExpVector.
combine(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Combine with ExpVector.
combine(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Combine with ExpVector.
commonZeroTest() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal common zero test.
commonZeroTest() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Ideal common zero test.
commonZeroTest() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Ideal common zero test.
commonZeroTest(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Common zero test.
commonZeroTest(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Ideal common zero test.
commonZeroTest(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Common zero test, test if univariate leading words exist for all variables.
commute(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Generate commute polynomial in two variables.
commute(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Generate commute polynomials for given variable.
commute() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Generate commute polynomials for all variables.
COMP(C, LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Composition. a is an object.
COMP2(C, C, LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Composition 2. a and b are objects.
COMP3(C, C, C, LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Composition 3. a1, a2 and a3 are objects.
COMP3(C, C, C, C, LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Composition 4. a1, a2, a3 and a4 are objects.
compare(AbstractPair<C>, AbstractPair<C>) - Method in class
compare(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Comparison like SolvableLocal or SolvableQuotient.
compare(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialComparator
Compare polynomials.
compare(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder.EVComparator
compare(Word, Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory.WordComparator
compareTo(CPair<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
compareTo used in TreeMap.
compareTo(Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal list comparison.
compareTo(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local comparison.
compareTo(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber comparison.
compareTo(RealAlgebraicNumber<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber comparison.
compareTo(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue comparison.
compareTo(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal comparison.
compareTo(SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal comparison.
compareTo(SolvableLocalResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue comparison.
compareTo(SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue comparison.
compareTo(WordIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
WordIdeal comparison.
compareTo(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue comparison.
compareTo(BigComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Since complex numbers are unordered, we use lexicographical order of re and im.
compareTo(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Compare to BigDecimal b.
compareTo(BigDecimalComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Since complex numbers are unordered, we use lexicographical order of re and im.
compareTo(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Compare to BigInteger b.
compareTo(BigOctonion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Since quaternion numbers are unordered, we use lexicographical order of re, im, jm and km.
compareTo(BigQuaternion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Since quaternion numbers are unordered, we use lexicographical order of re, im, jm and km.
compareTo(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number comparison.
compareTo(ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger comparison.
compareTo(ModLong) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModLong comparison.
compareTo(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product comparison.
compareTo(Pair) - Method in class
compareTo used in TreeMap // not used at moment.
compareTo(WordPair) - Method in class
compareTo used in TreeMap // not used at moment.
compareTo(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient comparison.
compareTo(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber comparison.
compareTo(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Since complex numbers are unordered, we use lexicographical order of re and im.
compareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector compareTo.
compareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector compareTo.
compareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector compareTo.
compareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector compareTo.
compareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector compareTo.
compareTo(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial comparison.
compareTo(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial comparison.
compareTo(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Local comparison.
compareTo(PolynomialList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Polynomial list comparison.
compareTo(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient comparison.
compareTo(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Residue comparison.
compareTo(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word compareTo.
compareTo(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Compare to.
compareTo(Pair) - Method in class
compareTo used in TreeMap // not used at moment.
compareTo(UnivPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Compare to.
compareTo(ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber comparison.
compareTo(AlgebraicNumber<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber comparison.
compareTo(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber comparison.
compareTo(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber comparison.
compareTo(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.Element
Compare this to b.
compareTo(Factors<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
compareTo(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient comparison.
compareTo(GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
compareTo, lexicogaphical comparison.
compareTo(GenVector<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
compareTo, lexicographical comparison.
compareToAbsolute(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Compare absolute to BigDecimal b.
compareToRelative(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Compare to relative BigDecimal b.
Complex<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Generic Complex class implementing the RingElem interface.
Complex(ComplexRing<C>, C, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Complex
The constructor creates a Complex object from two C objects as real and imaginary part.
Complex(ComplexRing<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Complex
The constructor creates a Complex object from a C object as real part, the imaginary part is set to 0.
Complex(ComplexRing<C>, long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Complex
The constructor creates a Complex object from a long element as real part, the imaginary part is set to 0.
Complex(ComplexRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Complex
The constructor creates a Complex object with real part 0 and imaginary part 0.
Complex(ComplexRing<C>, String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Complex
The constructor creates a Complex object from a String representation.
complexAlgebraicExtension(String, String, String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
Complex algebraic field extension.
ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C extends GcdRingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
Complex algebraic number class based on AlgebraicNumber.
ComplexAlgebraicNumber(ComplexAlgebraicRing<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a ComplexAlgebraicNumber object from ComplexAlgebraicRing modul and a GenPolynomial value.
ComplexAlgebraicNumber(ComplexAlgebraicRing<C>, AlgebraicNumber<Complex<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a ComplexAlgebraicNumber object from ComplexAlgebraicRing modul and a AlgebraicNumber value.
ComplexAlgebraicNumber(ComplexAlgebraicRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a ComplexAlgebraicNumber object from a GenPolynomial object module.
complexAlgebraicNumbers(GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Complex algebraic numbers.
complexAlgebraicNumbers(GenPolynomial<C>, BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Complex algebraic numbers.
complexAlgebraicNumbersComplex(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.RootFactory
Complex algebraic number roots.
complexAlgebraicNumbersComplex(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Complex algebraic numbers.
complexAlgebraicNumbersComplex(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Complex algebraic numbers.
complexAlgebraicNumbersSquarefree(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.RootFactory
Complex algebraic number roots.
ComplexAlgebraicRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
Complex algebraic number factory class based on AlgebraicNumberRing with RingFactory interface.
ComplexAlgebraicRing(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, Rectangle<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
The constructor creates a ComplexAlgebraicNumber factory object from a GenPolynomial objects module.
ComplexAlgebraicRing(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, Rectangle<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
The constructor creates a ComplexAlgebraicNumber factory object from a GenPolynomial objects module.
complexAlgebraicRoots(IdealWithUniv<D>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct complex roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
complexAlgebraicRoots(List<IdealWithUniv<D>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct complex roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
complexAlgebraicRoots(Ideal<D>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct exact set of complex roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
complexAlgebraicRootsWrong(IdealWithUniv<D>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct complex roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
ComplexAlgebraicTest - Class in edu.jas.root
ComplexAlgebraicNumber Test using JUnit.
ComplexAlgebraicTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicTest
Constructs a ComplexAlgebraicTest object.
complexDecimalFromRational(GenPolynomialRing<Complex<BigDecimal>>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Convert to complex decimal coefficients.
complexFromAlgebraic(GenPolynomialRing<Complex<C>>, GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Complex from algebraic coefficients.
complexFromAny(GenPolynomialRing<Complex<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Complex from ring element coefficients.
complexFromRational(GenPolynomialRing<BigComplex>, GenPolynomial<BigRational>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Complex from rational coefficients.
ComplexGenPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
Complex coefficients GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
ComplexGenPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ComplexGenPolynomialTest
Constructs a ComplexGenPolynomialTest object.
complexMagnitude(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Complex algebraic number magnitude.
complexRectangleMagnitude(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Complex algebraic number magnitude.
ComplexRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Generic Complex ring factory implementing the RingFactory interface.
ComplexRing(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
The constructor creates a ComplexRing object.
complexRootCount(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.ComplexRoots
Complex root count of complex polynomial on rectangle.
complexRootCount(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Complex root count of complex polynomial on rectangle.
complexRootCount(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsSturm
Complex root count of complex polynomial on rectangle.
complexRootRefinement(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, BigRational) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.ComplexRoots
Complex root refinement of complex polynomial a on rectangle.
complexRootRefinement(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Complex root refinement of complex polynomial a on rectangle.
complexRoots(Ideal<D>, List<GenPolynomial<D>>, D) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct superset of complex roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
complexRoots(List<IdealWithUniv<D>>, D) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct superset of complex roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
complexRoots(Ideal<D>, D) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct superset of complex roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
ComplexRoots<C extends RingElem<C> & Rational> - Interface in edu.jas.root
Complex roots interface.
complexRoots(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.ComplexRoots
List of complex roots of complex polynomial a on rectangle.
complexRoots(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.ComplexRoots
List of complex roots of complex polynomial.
complexRoots(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
List of complex roots of complex polynomial a on rectangle.
complexRoots(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
List of complex roots of complex polynomial.
complexRoots(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
List of complex roots of complex polynomial.
complexRoots(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsSturm
List of complex roots of complex polynomial a on rectangle.
ComplexRootsAbstract<C extends RingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
Complex roots abstract class.
ComplexRootsAbstract(RingFactory<Complex<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
ComplexRootsSturm<C extends RingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
Complex roots implemented by Sturm sequences.
ComplexRootsSturm(RingFactory<Complex<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsSturm
ComplexRootTest - Class in edu.jas.application
RootUtil tests with JUnit.
ComplexRootTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ComplexRootTest
Constructs a ComplexRootTest object.
ComplexRootTest - Class in edu.jas.root
RootUtil tests with JUnit.
ComplexRootTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Constructs a ComplexRootTest object.
complexRootTuples(Ideal<D>, D) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct superset of complex roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
complexRootTuples(List<IdealWithUniv<D>>, D) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct superset of complex roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
ComplexTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
Complex test with JUnit.
ComplexTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
Constructs a ComplexTest object.
ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Comprehensive Groebner Base sequential algorithm.
ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq(CReductionSeq<C>, RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
comps - Variable in class edu.jas.util.CartesianProduct
data structure.
comps - Variable in class edu.jas.util.CartesianProductInfinite
data structure.
comps - Variable in class edu.jas.util.CartesianProductLong
data structure.
ComputerThreads - Class in edu.jas.kern
ComputerThreads, provides global thread / executor service.
CONC(LIST<C>, LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
concat(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Concat variable names.
condition - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Condition determinig this colored system.
Condition<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Condition(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Condition
Condition constructor.
Condition(Ideal<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Condition
Condition constructor.
Condition(MultiplicativeSet<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Condition
Condition constructor.
Condition(Ideal<C>, MultiplicativeSet<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Condition
Condition constructor.
Condition.Color - Enum in edu.jas.application
conds - Variable in class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
List of conditions for this Groebner system.
conjugate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number conjugate.
conjugate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number conjugate.
conjugate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion conjugate.
conjugate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion conjugate.
conjugate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number conjugate.
conjugate() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.StarRingElem
Conjugate of this.
constructUnivariate() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Construct univariate polynomials of minimal degree in all variables in zero dimensional ideal(G).
constructUnivariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Construct univariate polynomial of minimal degree in variable i in zero dimensional ideal(G).
constructUnivariate() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Construct univariate polynomials of minimal degree in all variables in zero dimensional ideal(G).
constructUnivariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Construct univariate polynomial of minimal degree in variable i in zero dimensional ideal(G).
constructUnivariate(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Construct univariate polynomial of minimal degree in variable i of a zero dimensional ideal(G).
constructUnivariate(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Construct univariate solvable polynomial of minimal degree in variable i of a zero dimensional ideal(G).
constructUnivariate(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Construct univariate solvable polynomials of minimal degree in all variables in zero dimensional left ideal(G).
contains(Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal containment.
contains(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal containment.
contains(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal containment.
contains(int[], Set<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Set containment. is v \subset H.
contains(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Solvable ideal containment.
contains(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Solvable ideal containment.
contains(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Solvable ideal containment.
contains(WordIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Word ideal containment.
contains(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Word ideal containment.
contains(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Word ideal containment.
contains(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
Test if a polynomial is contained in this multiplicative set.
contains(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
Test if a list of polynomials is contained in multiplicative set.
contains(List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>, List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>) - Method in class
Ideal containment.
contains(C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
Test if an element is contained in this interval.
contains(Interval<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
Test if an interval is contained in this interval.
contains(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Contains a point.
contains(Rectangle<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Contains a rectangle.
containsFactory(RingFactory<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Contains a ring factory.
containsHT(Set<Integer>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal head term containment test.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Contains key.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Contains value.
content(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenPolynomial content.
content(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial content.
context - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
contract(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Contract variables.
contract(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Contract variables.
contract(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Contract variables.
contract(int) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Contract variables.
contract(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Contract variables.
contract(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Contract variables.
contract(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Contract variables.
contract(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Contract variables.
contract(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Contract variables.
contract(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Contract variables.
contract(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Contract variables.
contract(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Contract variables.
contract(PolynomialRing<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.Polynomial
Contract variables.
contract(int) - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.PolynomialRing
Contract variables.
contract(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Contract variables.
contract(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Contract variables.
contract(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Contract variables.
contract(RelationTable<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Contract variables.
contract(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Contract variables.
contractCoeff(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Contract variables to coefficient polynomial.
contraction(IdealWithUniv<Quotient<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal contraction.
convertRecursiveToAlgebraicCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Convert to AlgebraicNumber coefficients.
convertRecursiveToAlgebraicCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.PolyUtilRoot
Convert to RealAlgebraicNumber coefficients.
convertToAlgebraicCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Convert to AlgebraicNumber coefficients.
convertToAlgebraicCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.PolyUtilRoot
Convert to RealAlgebraicNumber coefficients.
convertToComplexCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.PolyUtilRoot
Convert to ComplexAlgebraicNumber coefficients.
convertToComplexCoefficientsFromComplex(GenPolynomialRing<ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.PolyUtilRoot
Convert to ComplexAlgebraicNumber coefficients.
convertToComplexRealCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<Complex<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Convert to Complex<RealAlgebraicNumber> coefficients.
convertToPrimitiveElem(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Convert to primitive element ring.
convertToPrimitiveElem(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>, GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Convert coefficients to primitive element ring.
convertToPrimitiveElem(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>, AlgebraicNumber<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Convert to primitive element ring.
convertToPrimitiveElem(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>, GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<AlgebraicNumber<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Convert to primitive element ring.
convertToRealCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.PolyUtilRoot
Convert to RealAlgebraicNumber coefficients.
convertToRecAlgebraicCoefficients(int, GenPolynomialRing<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Convert to recursive AlgebraicNumber coefficients.
convertToRecAlgebraicCoefficients(int, GenPolynomialRing<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.PolyUtilRoot
Convert to recursive RealAlgebraicNumber coefficients.
convGroebnerToLex(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLM
Algorithm CONVGROEBNER: Converts Groebner bases w.r.t. total degree termorder into Groebner base w.r.t to inverse lexicographical term order
coPrime(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenPolynomial co-prime list.
coPrime(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial co-prime list.
coPrime(GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial co-prime list.
coPrimeRec(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial co-prime list.
coPrimeSquarefree(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Squarefree
GenPolynomial squarefree and co-prime list.
coPrimeSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Squarefree
GenPolynomial squarefree and co-prime list.
coPrimeSquarefree(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial squarefree and co-prime list.
coPrimeSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial squarefree and co-prime list.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Copy this colored polynomial system.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Clone this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Clone this.
copy(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Copy Local element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
Clone this LocalSolvablePolynomial.
copy(LocalSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Copy polynomial c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Clone this OrderedPairlist.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Clone this.
copy(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Copy RealAlgebraicNumber element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Clone this.
copy(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Copy Residue element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
Clone this ResidueSolvablePolynomial.
copy(ResidueSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Copy polynomial c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
Clone this ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial.
copy(ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Copy polynomial c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Clone this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Clone this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Clone this.
copy(SolvableLocalResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Copy SolvableLocalResidue element c.
copy(SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Copy SolvableLocal element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Clone this.
copy(SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Copy SolvableResidue element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Clone this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Clone this.
copy(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Copy WordResidue element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Clone this.
copy(BigComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Copy BigComplex element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Clone this.
copy(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Copy BigDecimal element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Clone this.
copy(BigDecimalComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Copy BigDecimalComplex element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Clone this.
copy(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Copy BigInteger element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Clone this.
copy(BigOctonion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Copy BigOctonion element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Clone this.
copy(BigQuaternion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Copy BigQuaternion element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Clone this.
copy(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Copy BigRational element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Clone this.
copy(ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Copy ModInteger element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Clone this.
copy(ModLong) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Copy ModLong element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Clone this.
copy(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Copy Product element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
Clone this QuotSolvablePolynomial.
copy(QuotSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Copy polynomial c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Clone this.
copy(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Copy SolvableQuotient element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Copy this.
copy(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Copy AlgebraicNumber element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Copy this.
copy(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Copy Complex element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Clone this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Clone this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Clone this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Clone this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Clone this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Copy this GenPolynomial.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Copy this factory.
copy(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Copy polynomial c.
copy(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Copy polynomial list.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
Clone this GenSolvablePolynomial.
copy(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Copy polynomial c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Copy this GenWordPolynomial.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Copy this factory.
copy(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Copy polynomial c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Clone this.
copy(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Copy Local element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Copy this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
Clone this QLRSolvablePolynomial.
copy(QLRSolvablePolynomial<C, D>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Copy polynomial c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Clone this.
copy(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Copy Quotient element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
Clone this RecSolvablePolynomial.
copy(RecSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Copy polynomial c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
Clone this RecSolvableWordPolynomial.
copy(RecSolvableWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Copy polynomial c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Copy this.
copy(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Copy Residue element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Copy this.
copy(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Copy word.
copy() - Method in class
Clone this power series.
copy(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Copy power series.
copy() - Method in class
Clone this power series.
copy(UnivPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Copy power series.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Boundary
Copy this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Copy this.
copy(ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Copy ComplexAlgebraicNumber element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
Copy this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Copy this.
copy(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Copy RealAlgebraicNumber element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTuple
Copy this.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Copy this.
copy() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.Element
Clone this Element.
copy(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ElemFactory
Create a copy of Element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Clone this.
copy(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Copy Quotient element c.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
clone method.
copy(GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Copy matrix.
copy() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
clone method.
copy(GenVector<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
copy vector.
copyOf(T[], int) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ArrayUtil
Copy the specified array.
copyOf(T[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ArrayUtil
Copy the specified array.
copyOfComplex(Complex[], int) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Copy the specified array.
corners - Variable in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
rectangle corners.
CPair<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Serializable subclass to hold pairs of colored polynomials.
CPair(ColorPolynomial<C>, ColorPolynomial<C>, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.CPair
Pair constructor.
CPROD(BigComplex, BigComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number product.
CPROD(BigDecimalComplex, BigDecimalComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number product.
CQ(BigComplex, BigComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number quotient.
CQ(BigDecimalComplex, BigDecimalComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number quotient.
CRAND(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number, random.
CRAND(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number, random.
create(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Create from numerator.
create(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Create from numerator, denominator pair.
create(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Create from numerator.
create(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Create from numerator, denominator pair.
create(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Create from numerator.
create(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Create from numerator, denominator pair.
create(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Create from numerator.
create(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Create from numerator, denominator pair.
create(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Create from numerator.
create(GenWordPolynomial<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Create from numerator, denominator pair.
create(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Create ModInteger element c.
create(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Create ModInteger element c.
create(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Create ModInteger element c.
create(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Create ModLong element c.
create(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Create ModLong element c.
create(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Create ModLong element c.
create(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class
Create a new PairList.
create(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class
Create a new PairList.
create(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class
Create a new PairList.
create(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class
Create a new PairList.
create(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class
Create a new PairList.
create(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class
Create a new PairList.
create(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class
Create a new PairList.
create(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class
Create a new PairList.
create(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class
Create a new PairList.
create(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class
Create a new PairList.
create(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class
Create a new WordPairList.
create(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in interface
Create a new PairList.
create(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in interface
Create a new PairList.
create(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in interface
Create a new WordPairList.
create(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Create from numerator.
create(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Create from numerator, denominator pair.
create(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Factory constructor for ExpVector.
create(int, int, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Factory constructor for ExpVector.
create(long[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Internal factory constructor for ExpVector.
create(String) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Factory constructor for ExpVector.
create(Collection<Long>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Factory constructor for ExpVector.
create(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Create from numerator.
create(C, C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Create from numerator, denominator pair.
create(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Create from numerator.
create(C, C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Create from numerator, denominator pair.
create(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.QuotPairFactory
Create from numerator.
create(C, C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.QuotPairFactory
Create from numerator, denominator pair.
create(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ValueFactory
Create from value.
create(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Create from numerator.
create(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Create from numerator, denominator pair.
create(K, V) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.DHTTransport
Create a new DHTTransport Container.
cred - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive reduction engine.
CReductionSeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Polynomial parametric ring reduction sequential use algorithm.
CReductionSeq(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
criterion3(int, int, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
GB criterium 3.
criterion3(int, int, ExpVector) - Method in class
GB criterium 3 with coefficient division test.
criterion3(int, int, ExpVector) - Method in class
GB criterium 3.
criterion3(int, int, ExpVector) - Method in class
GB criterium 3.
criterion3(int, int, ExpVector) - Method in class
GB criterium 3.
criterion3(int, int, Word) - Method in class
GB criterium 3.
criterion3(int, int, ExpVector) - Method in interface
GB criterium 3.
criterion3(int, int, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.OrderedRPairlist
GB criterium 3.
criterion3(int, int, ExpVector) - Method in class
GB criterion 3.
criterion4(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class
GB criterium 4.
criterion4(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
GB criterium 4.
criterion4(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in interface
GB criterium 4.
criterion4(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
GB criterium 4.
criterion4(ExpVector, ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in interface
GB criterium 4.
criterion4(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class
GB criterium 4.
criterion4(ExpVector, ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class
GB criterium 4.
criterion4(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
GB criterium 4.
criterion4(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
GB criterium 4.
criterion4(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
GB criterium 4.
criterion4(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>, MultiVarPowerSeries<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class
GB criterion 4.
CriticalPair<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Serializable subclass to hold critical pairs of polynomials.
CriticalPair(ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int, int) - Constructor for class
CriticalPair constructor.
CriticalPairComparator<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Comparator for critical pairs of polynomials.
CriticalPairComparator(TermOrder) - Constructor for class
CriticalPairList<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Critical pair list management.
CriticalPairList() - Constructor for class
Constructor for CriticalPairList.
CriticalPairList(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
Constructor for CriticalPairList.
CriticalPairList(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
Constructor for CriticalPairList.
CSUM(BigComplex, BigComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number sum.
CSUM(BigDecimalComplex, BigDecimalComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number sum.


d - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Dimension
Ideal dimension.
debug - Variable in class
debug - Variable in class
decimalApproximation() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots
Get decimal approximation of the real root tuples.
decimalApproximation() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots
Get decimal approximation of the real root tuples.
decimalFromRational(GenPolynomialRing<BigDecimal>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Convert to decimal coefficients.
decimalMagnitude() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber decimal magnitude.
decimalMagnitude() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber magnitude.
decimalMagnitude() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber magnitude.
decimalMagnitude() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTuple
Decimal approximation of each coordinate.
decomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal irreducible decompostition.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
Default TermOrder.
DEFAULT_BSIZE - Static variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
DEFAULT_CONTEXT - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
DEFAULT_DENSITY - Static variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
DEFAULT_DENSITY - Static variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
DEFAULT_EVORD - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
DEFAULT_MFILE - Static variable in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
default machine file.
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class
Default variable name.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class
Default server port.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class
Default server port.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class
Default server port.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class
Default server port.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class
Default server port.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class edu.jas.util.ChannelFactory
default port of socket.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
default port.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
Default port to listen to.
DEFAULT_PRECISION - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
DEFAULT_THREADS - Static variable in class
Default number of threads.
DEFAULT_THREADS - Static variable in class
Default number of threads.
DEFAULT_THREADS - Static variable in class
Default number of threads.
DEFAULT_THREADS - Static variable in class
Default number of threads.
DEFAULT_THREADS - Static variable in class
Default number of threads.
DEFAULT_THREADS_PER_NODE - Static variable in class
Default number of threads per compute node.
DEFAULT_THREADS_PER_NODE - Static variable in class
Default number of threads per compute node.
DEFAULT_TRUNCATE - Static variable in class
Default truncate.
DEFAULT_TRUNCATE - Static variable in class
Default truncate.
deglex - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name deglex of Sage.
degree() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector degree.
degree(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Degree in variable i.
degree() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Maximal degree.
degree() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Maximal degree.
degree() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word degree.
DegreeLexicographic - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name DegreeLexicographic of Math like CAS.
degreeMatrix(GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Degree matrix.
degreeMatrix(Collection<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Degree matrix.
degreeMatrixOfCoefficients(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Degree matrix of coefficient polynomials.
degreeMatrixOfCoefficients(Collection<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Degree matrix of coefficient polynomials.
DegreeReverseLexicographic - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name DegreeReverseLexicographic of Math like CAS.
degreeSum(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorInteger
Sum of all degrees.
degreeVector() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Maximal degree vector.
degrevlex - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name degrevlex of Sage.
deHomogenize(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
deHomogenize() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
deltaExpVectors() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Delta of exponent vectors.
deltaExpVectors() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Union of the delta of exponent vectors of all polynomials.
den - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Local
Denominator part of the element data structure.
den - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Denominator part of the element data structure.
den - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Denominator part of the element data structure.
den - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Denominator part of the data structure.
den - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Denominator part of the element data structure.
den - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.Integral
Original denominator polynomial with coefficients from C.
den - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
Original (irreducible) denominator polynomial with coefficients from C.
den - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Denominator part of the element data structure.
den - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Denominator part of the element data structure.
den - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
Original (irreducible) denominator polynomial coefficients from C.
den - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Denominator part of the element data structure.
denominator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
denominator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
denominator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
denominator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
denominator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
denominator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get the denominator.
denominator() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
denominator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
denominator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
denominator() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.QuotPair
denominator() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
dependencyOnVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector dependency on variables.
dependencyOnVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector dependency on variables.
dependencyOnVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector dependency on variables.
dependencyOnVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector dependency on variables.
dependencyOnVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector dependency on variables.
dependencyOnVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word dependency on letters.
dependentVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector dependent variables.
dependentVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector dependent variables.
dependentVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector dependent variables.
dependentVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector dependent variables.
dependentVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector dependent variables.
depth() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Depth of extension field tower.
deriviative(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
Derivation of a univariate rational function.
deriviative() - Method in class
deriviative(ExpVector) - Method in class
Multi-partial deriviative.
deriviative() - Method in interface
deriviative(ExpVector) - Method in interface
Multi-partial deriviative.
deriviative() - Method in class
deriviative(ExpVector) - Method in class
Multi-partial deriviative.
determine(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Determine polynomial.
determine(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Determine list of polynomials.
determine(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Determine polynomial list.
determine(List<Condition<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Determine polynomial list.
determineAddPairs(ColoredSystem<C>, ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Determine polynomial relative to a condition of a colored system and add pairs.
DGroebnerBaseSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
D-Groebner Base sequential algorithm.
DGroebnerBaseSeq() - Constructor for class
DGroebnerBaseSeq(DReduction<C>) - Constructor for class
DGroebnerBaseSeqTest - Class in
DGroebner base sequential tests with JUnit.
DGroebnerBaseSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a DGroebnerBaseSeqTest object.
DHT_PORT - Variable in class
Default distributed hash table server port.
DHT_PORT - Variable in class
Default distributed hash table server port.
DHTTransport<K,V> - Class in edu.jas.util
Transport container for a distributed version of a HashTable.
DHTTransport() - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DHTTransport
protected constructor.
DHTTransport.Stor - Enum in edu.jas.util
differentiate(int) - Method in class
Differentiate with respect to variable r.
differentiate() - Method in class
Dimension - Class in edu.jas.application
Container for dimension parameters.
Dimension(int, Set<Integer>, Set<Set<Integer>>, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Dimension
dimension() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal dimension.
dimension(Set<Integer>, Set<Integer>, Set<Set<Integer>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal dimension.
dimension() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Ideal dimension.
DistHashTable<K,V> - Class in edu.jas.util
Distributed version of a HashTable.
DistHashTable(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Constructs a new DistHashTable.
DistHashTable(String, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
DistHashTable(ChannelFactory, String, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
DistHashTable(SocketChannel) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
DistHashTableServer<K> - Class in edu.jas.util
Server for the distributed version of a list.
DistHashTableServer() - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
Constructs a new DistHashTableServer.
DistHashTableServer(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
DistHashTableServer(ChannelFactory) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
DistHashTableTest - Class in edu.jas.util
DistHashTable test with JUnit.
DistHashTableTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
Constructs a DistHashTableTest object.
distribute() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Distributive representation as polynomial with all main variables.
distribute() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Distributive representation as polynomial with all main variables.
distribute(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Distribute a recursive polynomial to a generic polynomial.
distribute(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Distribute a recursive polynomial list to a generic polynomial list.
distribute(RecSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Distributive representation as polynomial with all main variables.
DistributedList - Class in edu.jas.util
Distributed version of a List.
DistributedList(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
Constructor for DistributedList.
DistributedList(String, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
Constructor for DistributedList.
DistributedList(ChannelFactory, String, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
Constructor for DistributedList.
DistributedList(SocketChannel) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
Constructor for DistributedList.
DistributedListServer - Class in edu.jas.util
Server for the distributed version of a list.
DistributedListServer() - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
Constructs a new DistributedListServer.
DistributedListServer(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
DistributedListServer(ChannelFactory) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
DistributedListTest - Class in edu.jas.util
DistributedList tests with JUnit.
DistributedListTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistributedListTest
Constructs a DistributedListTest object.
DistThreadPool - Class in edu.jas.util
Distributed thread pool.
DistThreadPool() - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
Constructs a new DistThreadPool with strategy StrategyEnumeration.FIFO and size DEFAULT_SIZE.
DistThreadPool(StrategyEnumeration) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
Constructs a new DistThreadPool with size DEFAULT_SIZE.
DistThreadPool(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
Constructs a new DistThreadPool with strategy StrategyEnumeration.FIFO.
DistThreadPool(int, String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
Constructs a new DistThreadPool with strategy StrategyEnumeration.FIFO.
DistThreadPool(StrategyEnumeration, int, String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
Constructs a new DistThreadPool.
DistThreadPoolTest - Class in edu.jas.util
DistThreadPool tests with JUnit.
DistThreadPoolTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
Constructs a DistThreadPoolTest object.
divide(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
ColorPolynomial division by coefficient.
divide(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local division.
divide(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber division.
divide(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue division.
divide(SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal division.
divide(SolvableLocalResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue division.
divide(SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue division.
divide(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue left division.
divide(BigComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number divide.
divide(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal divide.
divide(BigDecimalComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number divide.
divide(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger divide.
divide(BigOctonion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion divide.
divide(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion divide.
divide(BigQuaternion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion divide.
divide(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion divide.
divide(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number quotient.
divide(ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger divide.
divide(ModLong) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModLong divide.
divide(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product quasi-division.
divide(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial division.
divide(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient division.
divide(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber division.
divide(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number divide.
divide(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial division.
divide(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial division.
divide(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial division.
divide(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial division.
divide(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Local division.
divide(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient division.
divide(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Residue division.
divide(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word divide.
divide(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Divide by another power series.
divide(UnivPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Divide by another power series.
divide(ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber division.
divide(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber division.
divide(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.MonoidElem
Divide this by S.
divide(GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial division.
divide(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient division.
divide(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
divide(GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Divide this by S.
divideAndRemainder(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
use quotientRemainder()
divideAndRemainder(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
use quotientRemainder()
divideAndRemainder(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
use quotientRemainder()
divideAndRemainder(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
use quotientRemainder()
divideLeft(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word divide left.
divideRight(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word divide right.
divideRightPolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial right quotient for polynomials and partial right exact division by coefficient ring element.
divides(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector divides test.
divides(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word divides test.
divideWord(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word divide with prefix and suffix.
divideWord(Word, boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word divide with prefix and suffix.
doAddTo(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial destructive summation.
doAddTo(C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial destructive summation.
doAddTo(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial destructive summation.
doDecimalApproximation() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots
compute decimal approximation of the real root tuples.
doDecimalApproximation() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots
compute decimal approximation of the real root tuples.
doGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Do Groebner Base. compute the Groebner Base for this ideal.
doGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Do Groebner Base. compute the left Groebner Base for this ideal.
doGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Do Groebner Base.
domainAlgorithm(GBFactory.Algo) - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Request d-, e- or i-GB algorithm.
DONE - Static variable in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
Constant to signal completion.
doPutToMap(ExpVector, C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Put an ExpVector to coefficient entry into the internal map of this GenPolynomial.
doPutToMap(SortedMap<ExpVector, C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Put an a sorted map of exponents to coefficients into the internal map of this GenPolynomial.
doPutToMap(Word, C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Put a Word to coefficient entry into the internal map of this GenWordPolynomial.
doPutToMap(SortedMap<Word, C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Put an a sorted map of words to coefficients into the internal map of this GenWordPolynomial.
doRemoveFromMap(ExpVector, C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Remove an ExpVector to coefficient entry from the internal map of this GenPolynomial.
doRemoveFromMap(Word, C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Remove a Word to coefficient entry from the internal map of this GenWordPolynomial.
doToptimize() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Optimize the term order.
doubleValue() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get this decimal as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get this as a double.
dp - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name dp of Singular.
Dp - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name Dp of Singular.
dred - Variable in class
Reduction engine.
DReduction<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Polynomial D Reduction interface.
dreduction - Variable in class
DReductionSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Polynomial D-Reduction sequential use algorithm.
DReductionSeq() - Constructor for class
droots - Variable in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots
The list of decimal approximations of the complex algebraic roots.
droots - Variable in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots
The list of decimal approximations of the real algebraic roots.
ds - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name ds of Singular.
Ds - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name Ds of Singular.


e - Variable in class
e - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Monomial
Exponent of monomial.
e - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.TableRelation
First ExpVector of the data structure.
e - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.WordMonomial
Word of monomial.
e1 - Variable in class
GB engine.
e1 - Variable in class
GB engines.
e1 - Variable in class
GB engines.
e1 - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxy
GCD and resultant engines.
e2 - Variable in class
e2 - Variable in class
e2 - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxy
ec - Variable in class
ecart() - Method in class
edu.jas.application - package edu.jas.application
Groebner base application package.
edu.jas.arith - package edu.jas.arith
Basic arithmetic package.
edu.jas.fd - package edu.jas.fd
Factorization domain package. - package
Groebner bases package.
edu.jas.gbmod - package edu.jas.gbmod
Module Groebner base package.
edu.jas.gbufd - package edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner bases using unique factorization package.
edu.jas.integrate - package edu.jas.integrate
Elementary Integration package.
edu.jas.kern - package edu.jas.kern
JAS run-time kernel package.
edu.jas.poly - package edu.jas.poly
Generic coefficients polynomial package. - package
Generic coefficients power series package.
edu.jas.root - package edu.jas.root
Real and Complex Root Computation package.
edu.jas.structure - package edu.jas.structure
Basic structural interfaces.
edu.jas.ufd - package edu.jas.ufd
Unique factorization domain package.
edu.jas.ufdroot - package edu.jas.ufdroot
Unique Factorization Domain and Roots package.
edu.jas.util - package edu.jas.util
Concurrent programming utility classes.
edu.jas.vector - package edu.jas.vector
Generic vector and matrix package.
edu.mas.kern - package edu.mas.kern
Adaptors to MAS classes.
egcd(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(SolvableLocalResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(BigComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
BigComplex extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(BigDecimalComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
BigDecimalComplex extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(BigOctonion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(BigQuaternion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
BigRational extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(ModLong) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModInteger extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial extended greatest comon divisor.
egcd(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial extended greatest comon divisor.
egcd(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Power series extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(UnivPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Power series extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RingElem
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Extended greatest common divisor.
egcd(GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Extended greatest common divisor.
EGroebnerBaseSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
E-Groebner Base sequential algorithm.
EGroebnerBaseSeq() - Constructor for class
EGroebnerBaseSeq(EReductionSeq<C>) - Constructor for class
EGroebnerBaseSeqTest - Class in
EGroebner base sequential tests with JUnit.
EGroebnerBaseSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a EGroebnerBaseSeqTest object.
Element<C extends Element<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Element interface.
ElementaryIntegration<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.integrate
Methods related to elementary integration.
ElementaryIntegration(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
ElementaryIntegrationTest - Class in edu.jas.integrate
Quotient over BigRational GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
ElementaryIntegrationTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
Constructs a ElementaryIntegrationTest object.
ElemFactory<C extends Element<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Element factory interface.
eliminate(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
eliminate(String...) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
eliminate(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
elimPartialGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, String[], String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Partial Groebner base for specific variables.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Squarefree for coefficient content and primitive parts.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Greatest common divisor engine.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Squarefree decomposition engine.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Greatest common divisor engine for coefficient content and primitive parts.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Greatest common divisor engine for coefficient content and primitive parts.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Syzygy engine of the factory.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Syzygy engine of the factory.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
Greatest common divisor engine for coefficient content and primitive parts.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Greatest common divisor engine for coefficient content and primitive parts.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Greatest common divisor engine for coefficient content and primitive parts.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Greatest common divisor engine for coefficient content and primitive parts.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetCoPrime
Gcd computation engine.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetFactors
Factors decomposition engine.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetSquarefree
Squarefree decomposition engine.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Greatest common divisor engine for coefficient content and primitive parts.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Greatest common divisor engine for coefficient content and primitive parts.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Greatest common divisor engine for coefficient content and primitive parts.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Syzygy engine of the factory.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Greatest common divisor engine for coefficient content and primitive parts.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Complex root computation engine.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Engine for square free decomposition.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Real root computation engine.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
Gcd engine for base coefficients.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
GCD engine of the factory.
engine - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GCD engine for respective base coefficients.
ensureFieldProperty(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Ensure that the field property is determined.
entrySet() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Get the entries as Set.
eps - Variable in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Epsilon of the isolating rectangle for a complex root.
eps - Variable in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Epsilon of the isolating rectangle for a complex root.
eps - Variable in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Precision of the isolating interval for a real root.
EQUAL(LIST<C>, LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Equal. a and b are objects. t=true if a and b are equal and otherwise t=false.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Is this colored system equal to other.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Is this polynomial equal to other.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
Is this Groebner system equal to other.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetCoPrime
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetFactors
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetSquarefree
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.Integral
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.QuotIntegral
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorPair
equals(ExpVectorPair) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorPair
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.OptimizedModuleList
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.OptimizedPolynomialList
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.OrderedModuleList
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.OrderedPolynomialList
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialComparator
Equals test of comparator.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
RelationTable equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Boundary
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTuple
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.Element
Test if this is equal to b.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselApprox
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.util.MapEntry
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Comparison with any other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
equals method.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Comparison with any other object.
ered - Variable in class
Reduction engine.
EReduction<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Polynomial E-Reduction interface.
EReductionSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Polynomial E-Reduction sequential use algorithm.
EReductionSeq() - Constructor for class
euclideanDomain() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Request e-GB algorithm.
EVABS(ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector absolute value.
eval(C1, C2) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.BinaryFunctor
eval(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.UnaryFunctor
evalAsRightRecursivePolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
Evaluate RecSolvablePolynomial as right coefficients polynomial.
evalAsRightRecursivePolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
Evaluate RecSolvablePolynomial as right coefficients polynomial.
evaluate(RingFactory<C>, List<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
evaluate(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Evaluate at k-th variable.
evaluate(List<C>) - Method in class
Evaluate at given point.
evaluate(C) - Method in class
evaluate(List<C>) - Method in class
Evaluate at a tuple of elements.
evaluate(C) - Method in interface
evaluate(List<C>) - Method in interface
Evaluate at a tuple of elements.
evaluate(C) - Method in class
evaluate(List<C>) - Method in class
Evaluate at a tuple of elements.
evaluate(C) - Method in class
Evaluate at given point.
evaluateAll(RingFactory<C>, GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, List<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
use evaluateAll() with three arguments
evaluateAll(RingFactory<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, List<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Evaluate all variables.
evaluateFirst(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Evaluate at first (lowest) variable.
evaluateFirstRec(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Evaluate at first (lowest) variable.
evaluateMain(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Evaluate at main variable.
evaluateMain(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Evaluate at main variable.
evaluateMain(RingFactory<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Evaluate at main variable.
evaluateMain(RingFactory<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Evaluate at main variable.
evaluateMainRecursive(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Evaluate at main variable.
evaluateToComplexRealCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<Complex<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>>, Complex<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Evaluate to Complex<RealAlgebraicNumber> coefficients.
EVComparator() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder.EVComparator
EVDIF(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector difference.
EVDOV(ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector dependency on variables.
EVGCD(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector greatest common divisor.
EVIGLC(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Inverse graded lexicographical compare.
EVIGLC(ExpVector, ExpVector, int, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Inverse graded lexicographical compare part.
EVILCP(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Inverse lexicographical compare.
EVILCP(ExpVector, ExpVector, int, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Inverse lexicographical compare part.
EVIWLC(long[][], ExpVector, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Inverse weighted lexicographical compare.
EVIWLC(long[][], ExpVector, ExpVector, int, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Inverse weighted lexicographical compare part.
EVLCM(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector least common multiple.
EVMDEG(ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector maximal degree.
EVMT(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector multiple test.
EVNEG(ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector negate.
EVRAND(int, long, float) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Generate a random ExpVector.
EVRAND(int, long, float, Random) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Generate a random ExpVector.
EVRIGLC(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Reverse inverse graded lexicographical compare.
EVRIGLC(ExpVector, ExpVector, int, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Reverse inverse graded lexicographical compare part.
EVRILCP(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Reverse inverse lexicographical compare.
EVRILCP(ExpVector, ExpVector, int, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Reverse inverse lexicographical compare part.
EVSIGN(ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector sign.
EVSU(ExpVector, int, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector substitution.
EVSUM(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector summation.
EVTDEG(ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector total degree.
EVWDEG(long[][], ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector weighted degree.
evzero - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constant exponent vector 0 for this ring.
EVZERO - Variable in class
Zero ExpVector.
EXACT_EQUAL - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
If true, then use equals from java.math.BigDecimal, else use hacked approximate compareTo().
example0() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example0. for PPPJ 2006.
example1() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
example1. cyclic n-th roots polynomial systems.
example1() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.Examples
example1() - Static method in class edu.jas.integrate.Examples
Example rationals.
example1() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example1. random polynomial with rational coefficients.
example1() - Static method in class
example1() - Static method in class
example1() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.Examples
example1 with GenMatrix.
example1() - Static method in class edu.jas.vector.Examples
example10() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
example10. abtract types: GB of List>>>>.
example10() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExamplesGeoTheorems
Example Pappus, sequential.
example10() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example10() - Static method in class
example10() - Static method in class
example10() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.Examples
example10. factorization in Q(sqrt(2))(x)(sqrt(x))[y].
example11() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
example11. abtract types: GB of List>>.
example11() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExamplesGeoTheorems
Example Pappus, parallel proxy.
example11() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example11. degree matrix;
example11() - Static method in class
example11() - Static method in class
example11() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.ExamplesPartialFraction
example12() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
example12. abtract types: GB of List>>>.
example12() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExamplesGeoTheorems
Example Pappus, optimized term order.
example12() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example12. type games.
example12() - Static method in class
example12() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.ExamplesPartialFraction
example13() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExamplesGeoTheorems
Example Pappus, optimized term order and parallel proxy.
example13() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example13. poly parser for strange syntax.
example13() - Static method in class
example13() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.ExamplesPartialFraction
example14() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExamplesGeoTheorems
Example Pappus, fraction free.
example14() - Static method in class
example14() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.ExamplesPartialFraction
example15() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExamplesGeoTheorems
Example Pappus, optimized and fraction free.
example15() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.ExamplesPartialFraction
example16() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExamplesGeoTheorems
Example Pappus, proxy, optimized and fraction free.
example16() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.ExamplesPartialFraction
example17() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExamplesGeoTheorems
Example Pappus, optimized and parallel and fraction free.
example17() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.ExamplesPartialFraction
example2() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
example2. abtract types: List>>>.
example2() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.Examples
example2() - Static method in class edu.jas.integrate.Examples
Example rational plus logarithm.
example2() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example2. random polynomial with coefficients of rational polynomials.
example2() - Static method in class
example2() - Static method in class
example2() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.Examples
example2 with GenPolynomial.
example2() - Static method in class edu.jas.vector.Examples
example3() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
example3. abtract types: GB of List>>.
example3() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.Examples
example3() - Static method in class edu.jas.integrate.Examples
Example quotients with rational plus logarithm.
example3() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example3. random rational algebraic number.
example3() - Static method in class
example3() - Static method in class
example4() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
example4. abtract types: comprehensive GB of List>>.
example4() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example4. random modular algebraic number.
example4() - Static method in class
example4() - Static method in class
example5() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
example5. comprehensive GB of List>> and GB for regular ring.
example5() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example5. random solvable polynomial with rational coefficients.
example5() - Static method in class
example5() - Static method in class
example6() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
Example GBase and real root.
example6() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example6() - Static method in class
example6() - Static method in class
example6() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.Examples
example7() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
example7() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example7() - Static method in class
example7() - Static method in class
example8() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
example8() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example8() - Static method in class
example8() - Static method in class
example9() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
example9() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
example9() - Static method in class
example9() - Static method in class
example9() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.Examples
exampleGB() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.Examples
Example GBase.
exampleGB1() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.Examples
Example GBase.
exampleGBTrinks() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.Examples
Example Trinks GBase.
Examples - Class in edu.jas.application
Examples for application usage.
Examples() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Examples
Examples - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Examples for Groebner base usage.
Examples() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.Examples
Examples - Class in edu.jas.integrate
Examples related to elementary integration.
Examples() - Constructor for class edu.jas.integrate.Examples
Examples - Class in edu.jas.poly
Examples for polynomials usage.
Examples() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Examples
Examples - Class in
Examples for univariate power series implementations.
Examples() - Constructor for class
Examples - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Examples for ufd and elementaty integration usage.
Examples() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.Examples
Examples - Class in edu.jas.vector
Examples for basic linear algebra.
Examples() - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.Examples
ExamplesGeoTheorems - Class in edu.jas.application
ExamplesGeoTheorems for Groebner base usage.
ExamplesGeoTheorems() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ExamplesGeoTheorems
ExamplesMulti - Class in
Examples for multivariate power series implementations.
ExamplesMulti() - Constructor for class
ExamplesPartialFraction - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Examples related to partial fraction decomposition.
ExamplesPartialFraction() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.ExamplesPartialFraction
exchangeNE(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Exchange NE corner.
exchangeNW(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Exchange NW corner.
exchangeSE(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Exchange SE corner.
exchangeSW(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Exchange SW corner.
ExecutableChannels - Class in edu.jas.util
ExecutableChannels used to receive and execute classes.
ExecutableChannels() - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
Internal constructor.
ExecutableChannels(String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
Constructor from array of server:port strings.
ExecutableChannels(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
Constructor from machine file.
ExecutableChannelsTest - Class in edu.jas.util
ExecutableChannels tests with JUnit.
ExecutableChannelsTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
Constructs a ExecutableChannelsTest object.
ExecutableServer - Class in edu.jas.util
ExecutableServer is used to receive and execute classes.
ExecutableServer() - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
ExecutableServer on default port.
ExecutableServer(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
ExecutableServer(ChannelFactory) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
ExecutableServerTest - Class in edu.jas.util
ExecutableServer tests with JUnit.
ExecutableServerTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServerTest
Constructs a ExecutableServerTest object.
execute(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Execute a distributed GB example.
execute(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Execute a distributed GB example.
execute(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Execute a distributed GB example.
exponent - Variable in class edu.jas.application.PrimaryComponent
The exponent of prime for primary.
exponent() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Monomial
Getter for exponent.
exponentIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Iterator over exponents.
exponentIterator() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.Polynomial
Iterator over exponents.
expressionVariables(String) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Extract variable list from expression.
ExpVector - Class in edu.jas.poly
ExpVector implements exponent vectors for polynomials.
ExpVector() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVector.StorUnit - Enum in edu.jas.poly
Storage representation of exponent arrays.
expVectorAdd(List<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Degree matrix exponent vector add.
ExpVectorByte - Class in edu.jas.poly
ExpVectorByte implements exponent vectors for polynomials using arrays of byte as storage unit.
ExpVectorByte(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorByte(int, int, byte) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorByte(int, int, long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorByte(byte[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Internal constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorByte(long[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorByte(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorInteger - Class in edu.jas.poly
ExpVectorInteger implements exponent vectors for polynomials using arrays of int as storage unit.
ExpVectorInteger(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorInteger(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorInteger(int, int, long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorInteger(int[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Internal constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorInteger(long[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorInteger(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorIterable - Class in
Iterable for ExpVector, using total degree enumeration.
ExpVectorIterable(int) - Constructor for class
ExpVectorIterable(int, long) - Constructor for class
ExpVectorIterable(int, boolean, long) - Constructor for class
ExpVectorLong - Class in edu.jas.poly
ExpVectorLong implements exponent vectors for polynomials using arrays of long as storage unit.
ExpVectorLong(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorLong(int, int, long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorLong(long[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorLong(long[], boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Internal constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorLong(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorPair - Class in edu.jas.poly
ExpVectorPair implements pairs of exponent vectors for S-polynomials.
ExpVectorPair(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorPair
Constructors for ExpVectorPair.
ExpVectorShort - Class in edu.jas.poly
ExpVectorShort implements exponent vectors for polynomials using arrays of short as storage unit.
ExpVectorShort(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorShort(int, int, short) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorShort(int, int, long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorShort(short[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Internal constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorShort(long[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorShort(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Constructor for ExpVector.
ExpVectorTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
ExpVector tests with JUnit.
ExpVectorTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Constructs a ExpVectorTest object.
extend(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product extend.
extend(int) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Extend variables.
extend(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Extend variables.
extend(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Extend variables.
extend(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Extend variables.
extend(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Extend variables.
extend(GenPolynomialRing<C>, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Extend variables.
extend(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(PolynomialRing<C>, int, long) - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.Polynomial
Extend variables.
extend(int) - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.PolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Extend variables.
extend(RelationTable<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Extend variables.
extend(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Extend variables.
extendCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, int, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Extend coefficient variables.
extendCoefficients(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, int, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Extend coefficient variables.
ExtendedGB<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Container for a GB and transformation matrices.
ExtendedGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Constructor for class
extendLower(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Extend lower variables.
extendLower(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Extend lower variables.
extendLower(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Extend lower variables.
extendLower(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Extend lower variables.
extendLower(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Extend lower variables.
extendLower(GenPolynomialRing<C>, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Extend lower variables.
extendLower(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Extend lower variables.
extendLower(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Extend lower variables.
extendLower(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Extend lower variables.
extendNonZero(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Extend condition with non-zero polynomial.
extendUnivariate(GenPolynomialRing<C>, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Extend univariate to multivariate polynomial.
extendZero(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Extend condition with zero polynomial.
extension(String...) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal extension.
extension(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal extension.
extension(QuotientRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal extension.
extensionDegree() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Degree of extension field.
extensionDegree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Degree of extension field.
ExtensionFieldBuilder - Class in edu.jas.application
Builder for extension field towers.
ExtensionFieldBuilder() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
Constructor not for use.
ExtensionFieldBuilder(RingFactory) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
ExtensionFieldBuilderTest - Class in edu.jas.application
ExtensionFieldBuilder tests with JUnit.
ExtensionFieldBuilderTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
Constructs a ExtensionFieldBuilderTest object.
EXTENT(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
extGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extLeftGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Solvable Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Solvable Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extLeftGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Solvable Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Solvable Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Solvable Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Solvable Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Solvable Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Solvable Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.
extLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Solvable Extended Groebner base using critical pair class.


f - Variable in exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
F - Variable in class
F - Variable in class
f - Variable in exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
f - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.TableRelation
Second ExpVector of the data structure.
f1 - Variable in exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
f1 - Variable in exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
f2 - Variable in exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
f2 - Variable in exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
F2G - Variable in class
F2G - Variable in class
FactorAbsolute<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Absolute factorization algorithms class.
FactorAbsolute() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
No argument constructor.
FactorAbsolute(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
FactorAbstract<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Abstract factorization algorithms class.
FactorAbstract() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
No argument constructor.
FactorAbstract(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
factorAlgeb - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplex
Factorization engine for algebraic coefficients.
factorAlgebraic - Variable in class edu.jas.application.FactorRealReal
Factorization engine for base coefficients.
FactorAlgebraic<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Algebraic number coefficients factorization algorithms.
FactorAlgebraic() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraic
No argument constructor.
FactorAlgebraic(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraic
FactorAlgebraic(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, FactorAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraic
factorAlgebraic - Variable in class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraic
Factorization engine for base coefficients.
FactorAlgebraicPrim<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Algebraic number coefficients factorization algorithms.
FactorAlgebraicPrim() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrim
No argument constructor.
FactorAlgebraicPrim(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrim
FactorAlgebraicPrim(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, FactorAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrim
FactorAlgebraicPrimTest - Class in edu.jas.application
Factor algebraic tests with JUnit.
FactorAlgebraicPrimTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrimTest
FactorAlgebraicTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Factor algebraic tests with JUnit.
FactorAlgebraicTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraicTest
Constructs a FactorAlgebraicTest object.
factorBound(ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Factor coefficient bound.
factorCoeff - Variable in class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrim
Factorization engine for base coefficients.
factorCoeff - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraic
Factorization engine for base coefficients.
FactorComplex<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Complex coefficients factorization algorithms.
FactorComplex() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplex
No argument constructor.
FactorComplex(RingFactory<Complex<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplex
FactorComplex(ComplexRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplex
FactorComplex(ComplexRing<C>, FactorAbstract<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplex
FactorComplexTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Factor complex via algebraic tests with JUnit.
FactorComplexTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplexTest
Constructs a FactorComplexTest object.
factorCount(SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
Count number of factors in a (squarefree) factorization.
factorDegrees(List<ExpVector>, int) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorInteger
BitSet for factor degree list.
FactorFactory - Class in edu.jas.application
Factorization algorithms factory.
FactorFactory() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.FactorFactory
Protected factory constructor.
FactorFactory - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Factorization algorithms factory.
FactorFactory() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorFactory
Protected factory constructor.
FactorGenericTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Factor rational tests with JUnit.
FactorGenericTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorGenericTest
Constructs a FactorGenericTest object.
factorial(long) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.Combinatoric
FactorInteger<MOD extends GcdRingElem<MOD> & Modular> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
FactorInteger() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorInteger
No argument constructor.
FactorInteger(RingFactory<BigInteger>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorInteger
FactorIntegerTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Factor tests with JUnit.
FactorIntegerTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Constructs a FactorIntegerTest object.
Factorization<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.ufd
Factorization algorithms interface.
FactorModular<MOD extends GcdRingElem<MOD> & Modular> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Modular coefficients factorization algorithms.
FactorModular(RingFactory<MOD>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModular
FactorModularTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Factor modular tests with JUnit.
FactorModularTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModularTest
Constructs a FactorModularTest object.
FactorMoreTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Factor tests with JUnit.
FactorMoreTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorMoreTest
Constructs a FactorTest object.
FactorQuotient<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Rational function coefficients factorization algorithms.
FactorQuotient() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotient
No argument constructor.
FactorQuotient(QuotientRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotient
FactorQuotient(QuotientRing<C>, FactorAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotient
FactorQuotientTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Factor quotient tests with JUnit.
FactorQuotientTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotientTest
Constructs a FactorQuotientTest object.
FactorRational - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Rational number coefficients factorization algorithms.
FactorRational() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRational
No argument constructor.
FactorRationalTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Factor rational tests with JUnit.
FactorRationalTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRationalTest
Constructs a FactorRationalTest object.
FactorRealAlgebraic<C extends GcdRingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.ufdroot
Real algebraic number coefficients factorization algorithms.
FactorRealAlgebraic() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraic
No argument constructor.
FactorRealAlgebraic(RealAlgebraicRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraic
FactorRealAlgebraic(RealAlgebraicRing<C>, FactorAbstract<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraic
FactorRealAlgebraicTest - Class in edu.jas.ufdroot
Factor real algebraic tests with JUnit.
FactorRealAlgebraicTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraicTest
Constructs a FactorRealAlgebraicTest object.
FactorRealReal<C extends GcdRingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.application
Real algebraic number coefficients factorization algorithms.
FactorRealReal() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.FactorRealReal
No argument constructor.
FactorRealReal(RealAlgebraicRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.FactorRealReal
FactorRealReal(RealAlgebraicRing<C>, FactorAbstract<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.FactorRealReal
FactorRealRealTest - Class in edu.jas.application
Factor real algebraic tests with JUnit.
FactorRealRealTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.FactorRealRealTest
Constructs a FactorRealRealTest object.
factors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial factorization.
factors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Factorization
GenPolynomial factorization.
Factors<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Container for the factors of absolute factorization.
Factors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Factors(GenPolynomial<C>, AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Factors(GenPolynomial<C>, AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>>, List<Factors<AlgebraicNumber<C>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
factors - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsList
List of factors with coefficients from C.
factors - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsMap
List of factors with coefficients from C.
factorsAbsolute(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
GenPolynomial absolute factorization of a polynomial.
factorsAbsoluteIrreducible(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
GenPolynomial absolute factorization of a irreducible polynomial.
factorsAbsoluteSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
GenPolynomial absolute factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
factorsDegree(SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
Degree of a factorization.
FactorsList<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Container for the factors of a squarefree factorization.
FactorsList(GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsList
FactorsList(GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<Factors<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsList
FactorsMap<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Container for the factors of a eventually non-squarefree factorization.
FactorsMap(GenPolynomial<C>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsMap
FactorsMap(GenPolynomial<C>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>, SortedMap<Factors<C>, Long>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsMap
factorsRadical(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial factorization ignoring multiplicities.
factorsRadical(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial list factorization ignoring multiplicities.
factorsRadical(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Factorization
GenPolynomial factorization ignoring multiplicities.
factorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial factorization of a squarefree polynomial, using Kronecker substitution.
factorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorInteger
GenPolynomial factorization of a multivariate squarefree polynomial, using Hensel lifting if possible.
factorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Factorization
GenPolynomial factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
factorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<Quotient<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotient
GenPolynomial factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
factorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<BigRational>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRational
GenPolynomial factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
factorsSquarefreeHensel(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorInteger
GenPolynomial factorization of a multivariate squarefree polynomial, using Hensel lifting.
factorsSquarefreeKronecker(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial factorization of a squarefree polynomial, using Kronecker substitution.
factorsSquarefreeOptimize(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial factorization of a multivariate squarefree polynomial, using Kronecker substitution and variable order optimization.
FactorTest - Class in edu.jas.application
Factor tests with JUnit.
FactorTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.FactorTest
Constructs a FactorTest object.
FactorTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Factor tests with JUnit.
FactorTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.FactorTest
Constructs a FactorTest object.
factory - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
The current factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.Element
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Get the corresponding element factory.
factory() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Get the corresponding element factory.
FDUtil - Class in edu.jas.fd
Factorization domain utilities, for example recursive pseudo remainder.
FDUtil() - Constructor for class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
FDUtilTest - Class in edu.jas.fd
FDUtil tests with JUnit.
FDUtilTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.fd.FDUtilTest
Constructs a FDUtilTest object.
fglm(String, String) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
FieldElem<C extends FieldElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Field element interface.
FieldFactory<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Field factory interface.
FIFO - Static variable in class edu.jas.util.StrategyEnumeration
fill(int, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ListUtil
Create a list of given length and content.
fillFromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get a AlgebraicNumber element from a BigInteger value.
fillFromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get a AlgebraicNumber element from a long value.
fillIdempotent(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product fill with idempotent.
fillIdempotent(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RegularRingElem
Regular ring element fill with idempotent.
fillOne() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product fill with one.
fillOne() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RegularRingElem
Regular ring element fill with one.
findExtensionField() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Find largest extension field.
findExtensionField() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsList
Find largest extension field.
findExtensionField() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsMap
Find largest extension field.
FIRST(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
fixPoint(MultiVarPowerSeriesMap<C>) - Method in class
Fixed point construction.
fixPoint(UnivPowerSeriesMap<C>) - Method in class
Fixed point construction.
FOURTH(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
fractionFree() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Request fraction free algorithm.
fromAlgebraicCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
From AlgebraicNumber coefficients.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Get a Local element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Get a Local element from a long value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) LocalSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) LocalSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Get a RealAlgebraicNumber element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Get a RealAlgebraicNumber element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Get a Residue element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Get a Residue element from a long value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) ResidueSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) ResidueSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C> element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C> element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Get a SolvableLocalResidue element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Get a SolvableLocalResidue element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Get a SolvableLocal element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Get a SolvableLocal element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Get a SolvableResidue element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Get a SolvableResidue element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Get a WordResidue element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Get a WordResidue element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get a BigComplex element from a BigInteger.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get a BigComplex element from a long.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get a BigDecimal element from a math.BigDecimal.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get a BigDecimal element from long.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get a BigDecimalComplex element from a BigInteger.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get a BigDecimalComplex element from a long.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get a BigInteger element from a math.BigInteger.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get a BigInteger element from long.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Get a BigOctonion element from a BigInteger.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Get a BigOctonion element from a long.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get a BigQuaternion element from a BigInteger.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get a BigQuaternion element from a long.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get a BigRational element from a math.BigInteger.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get a BigRational element from a arith.BigInteger.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get a BigRational element from a long.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Get a ModInteger element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Get a ModInteger element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Get a ModLong element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Get a ModLong element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Get a Product element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Get a Product element from a long value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) QuotSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) QuotSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Get a SolvableQuotient element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Get a SolvableQuotient element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get a AlgebraicNumber element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get a AlgebraicNumber element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Get a Complex element from a BigInteger.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Get a Complex element from a long.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) GenPolynomial<C> element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) GenPolynomial<C> element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) GenSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) GenSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) GenWordPolynomial<C> element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) GenWordPolynomial<C> element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Get a Local element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Get a Local element from a long value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) QLRSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) QLRSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Get a Quotient element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Get a Quotient element from a long value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) RecSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a long value
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) RecSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) RecSolvableWordPolynomial<C> element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) RecSolvableWordPolynomial<C> element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Get a Residue element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Get a Residue element from a long value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get the Element for a.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get the Element for a.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class
Get a (constant) MultiVarPowerSeries<C> from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class
Get a (constant) MultiVarPowerSeries<C> from a java.math.BigInteger.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class
Get a (constant) UnivPowerSeries<C> from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class
Get a (constant) UnivPowerSeries<C> from a java.math.BigInteger.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Get a ComplexAlgebraicNumber element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Get a ComplexAlgebraicNumber element from a long value.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Get a RealAlgebraicNumber element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Get a RealAlgebraicNumber element from a long value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ElemFactory
Get the Element for a.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ElemFactory
Get the Element for a.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Get a Quotient element from a BigInteger value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Get a Quotient element from a long value.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Get the matrix for a.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Get the matrix for a.
fromInteger(long) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Get the vector for a.
fromInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Get the vector for a.
fromIntegerCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<BigInteger>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
From BigInteger coefficients.
fromIntegerCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
From BigInteger coefficients.
fromIntegerCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
From BigInteger coefficients.
fromIntegerCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
From BigInteger coefficients.
fromList(List<List<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AlgebraFactory
Convert list of list to matrix.
fromList(List<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ModulFactory
Convert list to module.
fromList(List<List<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
From List of coefficients.
fromList(List<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
From List of coefficients.
fromPolyCoefficients(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Rational function from integral polynomial coefficients.
fromPolyCoefficients(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Solvable residue coefficients from integral polynomial coefficients.
fromPolyCoefficients(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Word residue coefficients from integral word polynomial coefficients.
fromPolyCoefficients(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Rational function from integral polynomial coefficients.
fromPolyCoefficients(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<D>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Rational function from integral polynomial coefficients.
fromPolynomial(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Get a MultiVarPowerSeries<C> from a GenPolynomial<C>.
fromPolynomial(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Get a list of MultiVarPowerSeries<C> from a list of GenPolynomial<C>.
fromPolynomial(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Get a UnivPowerSeries<C> from a GenPolynomial<C>.
fromPowerSeries(UnivPowerSeries<C>, int) - Method in class
Get a MultiVarPowerSeries<C> from a univariate power series.
fromProduct(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<Product<Residue<C>>>>, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
From product representation.
fromProduct(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<Product<Residue<C>>>, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
From product representation.


G - Variable in class
G - Variable in class
G2F - Variable in class
G2F - Variable in class
GaloisFieldTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
Galois field tests with JUnit.
GaloisFieldTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
Constructs a GaloisFieldTest object.
GB(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive Groebner base via Groebner system.
GB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Groebner Base.
GB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Groebner Base.
GB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Groebner Base.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
D-Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base.
GB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface
GB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Distributed Groebner base.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Distributed Groebner base.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Distributed hybrid Groebner base.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Distributed Groebner base.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Parallel Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Parallel iterative Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base using pairlist class, iterative algorithm.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Distributed Groebner base.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Parallel Groebner base using sequential pair order class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Word Groebner base using word pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBase
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBase
GB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBaseAbstract
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBaseSeq
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLM
Groebner base using FGLM algorithm.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<Quotient<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotient
Groebner base using fraction free computation.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<BigRational>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRational
Groebner base using fraction free computation.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
R-Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeq
R-Groebner base using pairlist class.
GB(List<GenWordPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Word Groebner base using word pairlist class.
GB(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Word Groebner base using word pairlist class.
GBAlgorithmBuilder<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Builder for commutative Gröbner bases algorithm implementations.
GBAlgorithmBuilder() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Constructor not for use.
GBAlgorithmBuilder(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
GBAlgorithmBuilder(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
GBAlgorithmBuilder(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
GBAlgorithmBuilderTest - Class in edu.jas.application
GBAlgorithmBuilder tests with JUnit.
GBAlgorithmBuilderTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Constructs a GBAlgorithmBuilderTest object.
GBDist<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
use GroebnerBaseDistributedEC
GBDist(int, String, int) - Constructor for class
GBDist(int, PairList<C>, String, int) - Constructor for class
GBDistHybrid<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
use GroebnerBaseDistributedHybridEC
GBDistHybrid(int, int, String, int) - Constructor for class
GBDistHybrid(int, int, PairList<C>, String, int) - Constructor for class
GBDistSP<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Setup to run a distributed GB example.
GBDistSP(int, String, int) - Constructor for class
GBFactory - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner bases algorithms factory.
GBFactory() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Protected factory constructor.
GBFactory.Algo - Enum in edu.jas.gbufd
Algorithm indicators: igb = integerGB, egb = e-GB, dgb = d-GB, qgb = fraction coefficients GB, ffgb = fraction free GB.
GBFactoryTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner base factory tests with JUnit.
GBFactoryTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
Constructs a GBFactoryTest object.
GBOptimized<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner bases via optimized variable and term order.
GBOptimized(GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class
GBOptimized constructor.
GBOptimized(GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class
GBOptimized constructor.
GBProxy<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner bases parallel proxy.
GBProxy(GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class
Proxy constructor.
GBProxyTest - Class in
Groebner base proxy of sequential and parallel tests with JUnit.
GBProxyTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GBProxyTest object.
GBsys(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive Groebner base system using pairlist class.
GBTransportMess - Class in
Distributed GB transport message.
GBTransportMess() - Constructor for class
gcd(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber greatest common divisor.
gcd(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(SolvableLocalResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(BigComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number greatest common divisor.
gcd(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal greatest common divisor.
gcd(BigDecimalComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number greatest common divisor.
gcd(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger greatest common divisor.
gcd(BigOctonion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number greatest common divisor.
gcd(BigQuaternion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number greatest common divisor.
gcd(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number greatest common divisor.
gcd(ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger greatest common divisor.
gcd(ModLong) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModInteger greatest common divisor.
gcd(long, long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Long greatest common divisor.
gcd(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(C, C) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Coefficient greatest common divisor.
gcd(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber greatest common divisor.
gcd(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number greatest common divisor.
gcd(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector greatest common divisor.
gcd(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector greatest common divisor.
gcd(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector greatest common divisor.
gcd(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector greatest common divisor.
gcd(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector greatest common divisor.
gcd(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial greatest common divisor.
gcd(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial greatest common divisor.
gcd(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Power series greatest common divisor.
gcd(UnivPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Power series greatest common divisor.
gcd(ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber greatest common divisor.
gcd(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber greatest common divisor.
gcd(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RingElem
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxy
GenPolynomial greatest common divisor.
gcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenPolynomial greatest comon divisor.
gcd(C, C) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Coefficient greatest common divisor.
gcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial greatest common divisor.
gcd(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
List of GenPolynomials greatest common divisor.
gcd(GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModEval
GenPolynomial greatest common divisor, modular evaluation algorithm.
gcd(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<BigInteger>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModular
GenPolynomial greatest comon divisor, modular algorithm.
gcd(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Greatest common divisor.
gcd(GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Greatest common divisor.
GCDFactory - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Greatest common divisor algorithms factory.
GCDFactory() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactory
Protected factory constructor.
GCDFactoryTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GreatestCommonDivisor factory tests with JUnit.
GCDFactoryTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactoryTest
Constructs a GCDFactoryTest object.
GCDHenselTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GCD Hensel algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDHenselTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDHenselTest
Constructs a GCDHenselTest object.
GCDModEvalTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GCD Modular Evaluation algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDModEvalTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Constructs a GCDModEvalTest object.
GCDModLongEvalTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GCD Modular Evaluation algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDModLongEvalTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Constructs a GCDModLongEvalTest object.
GCDModLongTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GCD Modular algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDModLongTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
Constructs a GCDModularTest object.
GCDModularTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GCD Modular algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDModularTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Constructs a GCDModularTest object.
GCDPartFracRatTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GCD partial fraction with rational coefficients algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDPartFracRatTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPartFracRatTest
Constructs a GCDPartFracRatTest object.
GCDPrimitiveTest - Class in edu.jas.fd
GCD Primitive PRS algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDPrimitiveTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.fd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Constructs a GCDPrimitiveTest object.
GCDPrimitiveTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GCD Primitive PRS algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDPrimitiveTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Constructs a GCDPrimitiveTest object.
GCDProxy<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Greatest common divisor parallel proxy.
GCDProxy(GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract<C>, GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxy
Proxy constructor.
GCDProxyTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GreatestCommonDivisor proxy tests with JUnit.
GCDProxyTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxyTest
Constructs a GCDProxyTest object.
GcdRingElem<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Gcd ring element interface.
GCDSimpleTest - Class in edu.jas.fd
GCD Simple PRS algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDSimpleTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.fd.GCDSimpleTest
Constructs a GCDSimpleTest object.
GCDSimpleTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GCD Simple PRS algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDSimpleTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSimpleTest
Constructs a GCDSimpleTest object.
GCDSubresRatTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GCD Subres with rational coefficients algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDSubresRatTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Constructs a GCDSubresRatTest object.
GCDSubresTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GCD Subresultant PRS algorithm tests with JUnit.
GCDSubresTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
Constructs a GCDSubresTest object.
GCDTimingTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
GreatestCommonDivisor timing tests with JUnit.
GCDTimingTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GCDTimingTest
Constructs a GCDTimingTest object.
generate(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.RelationGenerator
Generates the relation table of a solvable polynomial ring.
generate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WeylRelations
Generates the relation table of this ring.
generate(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WeylRelations
Generates the relation table of this ring.
generate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WeylRelationsIterated
Generates the relation table of this ring.
generate(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WeylRelationsIterated
Generates the relation table of this ring.
generate(int) - Method in class
Generate coefficient.
generate(ExpVector) - Method in class
Generate coefficient.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get a list of the generating elements excluding the module variables.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get a list of all generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ElemFactory
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Get a list of the generating elements.
generators() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Get a list of the generating elements.
genIdealA() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
genIdealA() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
GenMatrix<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.vector
GenMatrix implements a generic matrix algebra over RingElem entries.
GenMatrix(GenMatrixRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Constructor for zero GenMatrix.
GenMatrix(GenMatrixRing<C>, List<List<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Constructor for GenMatrix.
GenMatrix(GenMatrixRing<C>, ArrayList<ArrayList<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Constructor for GenMatrix.
GenMatrixRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.vector
GenMatrixRing implements a generic matrix algebra factory with RingFactory.
GenMatrixRing(RingFactory<C>, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Constructors for GenMatrixRing.
GenMatrixRing(RingFactory<C>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Constructors for GenMatrixRing.
GenMatrixTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenMatrix tests with JUnit
GenMatrixTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenMatrixTest
Constructs a GenMatrixTest object.
GenMatrixTest - Class in edu.jas.vector
GenMatrix tests with JUnit
GenMatrixTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixTest
Constructs a GenMatrixTest object.
GenPolynomial<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenPolynomial generic polynomials implementing RingElem. n-variate ordered polynomials over C.
GenPolynomial(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Constructor for zero GenPolynomial.
GenPolynomial(GenPolynomialRing<C>, C, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Constructor for GenPolynomial c * xe.
GenPolynomial(GenPolynomialRing<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Constructor for GenPolynomial c * x0.
GenPolynomial(GenPolynomialRing<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Constructor for GenPolynomial xe.
GenPolynomial(GenPolynomialRing<C>, SortedMap<ExpVector, C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Constructor for GenPolynomial.
GenPolynomialRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenPolynomialRing generic polynomial factory implementing RingFactory; Factory for n-variate ordered polynomials over C.
GenPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object with the default term order.
GenPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, TermOrder) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object.
GenPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object.
GenPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object.
GenPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object.
GenPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, String[], TermOrder) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object.
GenPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object.
GenPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, GenPolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ.
GenPolynomialRing(GenPolynomialRing<C>, TermOrder) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object with the the same coefficient factory, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the term order differs.
GenPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
GenPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
Constructs a GenPolynomialTest object.
GenPolynomialTokenizer - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenPolynomial Tokenizer.
GenPolynomialTokenizer() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
No-args constructor reads from
GenPolynomialTokenizer(GenPolynomialRing, Reader) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Constructor with Ring and Reader.
GenPolynomialTokenizer(Reader) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Constructor with Reader.
GenPolynomialTokenizerTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenPolynomialTokenizer tests with JUnit.
GenPolynomialTokenizerTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Constructs a GenPolynomialTokenizerTest object.
genPrimeIdealA() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
genRandomIdeal() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
genRandomIdeal() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
GenSolvablePolynomial<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenSolvablePolynomial generic solvable polynomials implementing RingElem.
GenSolvablePolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for zero GenSolvablePolynomial.
GenSolvablePolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, C, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for GenSolvablePolynomial.
GenSolvablePolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for GenSolvablePolynomial.
GenSolvablePolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, SortedMap<ExpVector, C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for GenSolvablePolynomial.
GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenSolvablePolynomialRing generic solvable polynomial factory implementing RingFactory and extending GenPolynomialRing factory.
GenSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order and commutative relations.
GenSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, RelationTable<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
GenSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, TermOrder) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
GenSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, TermOrder, RelationTable<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
GenSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
GenSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
GenSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
GenSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, TermOrder, String[], RelationTable<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
GenSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, GenPolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ and the solvable multiplication relations are empty.
GenSolvablePolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenSolvablePolynomial Test using JUnit.
GenSolvablePolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialTest
Constructs a GenSolvablePolynomialTest object.
GenVector<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.vector
GenVector implements generic vectors with RingElem entries.
GenVector(GenVectorModul<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Constructor for zero GenVector.
GenVector(GenVectorModul<C>, List<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Constructor for GenVector.
GenVectorModul<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.vector
GenVectorModul implements a generic vector factory with RingElem entries.
GenVectorModul(RingFactory<C>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Constructor for GenVectorModul.
GenVectorTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenVector tests with JUnit
GenVectorTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenVectorTest
Constructs a RatGenVectorTest object.
GenVectorTest - Class in edu.jas.vector
GenVector tests with JUnit
GenVectorTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorTest
Constructs a RatGenVectorTest object.
GenWordPolynomial<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenWordPolynomial generic polynomials implementing RingElem.
GenWordPolynomial(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Constructor for zero GenWordPolynomial.
GenWordPolynomial(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>, C, Word) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Constructor for GenWordPolynomial c * xe.
GenWordPolynomial(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Constructor for GenWordPolynomial c * x0.
GenWordPolynomial(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>, Word) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Constructor for GenWordPolynomial xe.
GenWordPolynomial(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Constructor for GenWordPolynomial xe.
GenWordPolynomial(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>, C, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Constructor for GenWordPolynomial c * xe.
GenWordPolynomial(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>, SortedMap<Word, C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Constructor for GenWordPolynomial.
GenWordPolynomialRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenWordPolynomialRing generic polynomial factory implementing RingFactory; Factory for non-commutative string polynomials over C.
GenWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, WordFactory) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object with the default term order.
GenWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object.
GenWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object.
GenWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, GenWordPolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object.
GenWordPolynomialRing(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a polynomial factory object.
GenWordPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
GenWordPolynomial tests with JUnit.
GenWordPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
Constructs a GenWordPolynomialTest object.
get(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.PrimeList
get prime at index i.
get(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Get component.
get(int) - Method in class
Get cached coefficient or generate coefficient.
get(ExpVector) - Method in class
Get cached coefficient or generate coefficient.
get(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Get value under key from DHT.
get(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Get element at row i, column j.
getAscendComparator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Get the ascending order comparator.
getAscendComparator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get the ascending order comparator.
getAtomic(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Get an atomic element.
getCAS() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.Scripting
Get CAS for Order which is in effect.
getCenter() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Complex center.
getCGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
Get comprehensive Groebner base.
getChannel() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ChannelFactory
Get a new socket channel from a server socket.
getChannel(String) - Method in class edu.jas.util.ChannelFactory
Get a new socket channel to a given host.
getChannel(String, int) - Method in class edu.jas.util.ChannelFactory
Get a new socket channel to a given host.
getChannel(int) - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
getComparator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get PolynomialComparator.
getComparator(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get PolynomialComparator.
getConditionNonZero() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Get non zero condition.
getConditions() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
Get list of conditions determining this Groebner system.
getConditionZero() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Get zero condition.
getCOS(int) - Method in class
Get the power series of the cosinus function.
getCOS() - Method in class
Get the power series of the cosine function.
getCreations() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get the number of polynomial creations.
getDecimalCenter() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Complex of BigDecimal approximation of center.
getDescendComparator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Get the descending order comparator.
getDescendComparator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get the descending order comparator.
getEC() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
the used executable channel.
getEps() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Get epsilon.
getEps() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Get epsilon.
getEps() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Get the epsilon.
getEssentialPolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Get essential polynomial.
getEssentialPolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Get list of essential polynomials.
getEvord() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Get the first defined order indicator.
getEvord2() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Get the second defined order indicator.
getExample() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExamplesGeoTheorems
get Pappus Example.
getEXP(int) - Method in class
Get the power series of the exponential function.
getEXP() - Method in class
Get the power series of the exponential function.
getExponent() - Method in class edu.jas.application.PrimaryComponent
Get exponent.
getFactor(GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Get the factor for polynomial.
getFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Get the list of factors at one level.
getFactory(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Get ring factory at index i.
getFacul() - Method in class
Get the factorial coefficient.
getFacul() - Method in interface
Get the factorial coefficient.
getFacul() - Method in class
Get the factorial coefficient.
getField() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get the internal field indicator.
getFirst() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorPair
getGenerator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get the generating element.
getGenerator() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Get the generating element.
getGenerator() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Get the generating element.
getGenerators() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get the generating elements excluding the generators for the coefficient ring.
getGenerators() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get the generating elements excluding the generators for the coefficient ring.
getGreenCoefficients() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Get list of green coefficients of polynomials.
getGreenCoefficients() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Get zero condition on coefficients.
getHomPart(long) - Method in class
Homogeneous part.
getI() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Get the oi part.
getIm() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get the imaginary part.
getIm() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get the imaginary part.
getIm() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get the imaginary part im.
getIm() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Get the imaginary part.
getIMAG() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get the i element.
getIMAG() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get the i element.
getIMAG() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Get the i element.
getIMAG() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Get the i element.
getImagPart(int) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Boundary
Get imaginary part for polynomial i.
getImplementation(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, case AlgebraicNumber<C>.
getImplementation(ComplexRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, case Complex<C>.
getImplementation(QuotientRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, case Quotient<C>.
getImplementation(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, case recursive GenPolynomial<C>.
getImplementation(RealAlgebraicRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, case RealAlgebraicNumber<C>.
getImplementation(RealAlgebraicRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, case RealAlgebraicNumber<C>.
getImplementation(RingFactory<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, other cases.
getImplementation() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, no factory case.
getImplementation(ModLongRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case ModLong.
getImplementation(ModLongRing, PairList<ModLong>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case ModLong.
getImplementation(ModIntegerRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case ModInteger.
getImplementation(ModIntegerRing, PairList<ModInteger>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case ModInteger.
getImplementation(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigInteger.
getImplementation(BigInteger, GBFactory.Algo) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigInteger.
getImplementation(BigInteger, PairList<BigInteger>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigInteger.
getImplementation(BigInteger, GBFactory.Algo, PairList<BigInteger>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigInteger.
getImplementation(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigRational.
getImplementation(BigRational, GBFactory.Algo) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigRational.
getImplementation(BigRational, PairList<BigRational>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigRational.
getImplementation(BigRational, GBFactory.Algo, PairList<BigRational>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigRational.
getImplementation(QuotientRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case Quotient coefficients.
getImplementation(QuotientRing<C>, GBFactory.Algo) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case Quotient coefficients.
getImplementation(QuotientRing<C>, PairList<Quotient<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case Quotient coefficients.
getImplementation(QuotientRing<C>, GBFactory.Algo, PairList<Quotient<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case Quotient coefficients.
getImplementation(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case (recursive) polynomial.
getImplementation(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GBFactory.Algo) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case (recursive) polynomial.
getImplementation(GenPolynomialRing<C>, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case (recursive) polynomial.
getImplementation(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GBFactory.Algo, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case (recursive) polynomial.
getImplementation(ProductRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case regular rings.
getImplementation(RingFactory<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, other cases.
getImplementation(RingFactory<C>, PairList<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, other cases.
getImplementation() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, no factory case.
getImplementation(ModLongRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case ModLong.
getImplementation(ModLongRing, PairList<ModLong>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case ModLong.
getImplementation(ModIntegerRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case ModInteger.
getImplementation(ModIntegerRing, PairList<ModInteger>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case ModInteger.
getImplementation(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigInteger.
getImplementation(BigInteger, GBFactory.Algo) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigInteger.
getImplementation(BigInteger, PairList<BigInteger>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigInteger.
getImplementation(BigInteger, GBFactory.Algo, PairList<BigInteger>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigInteger.
getImplementation(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigRational.
getImplementation(BigRational, GBFactory.Algo) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigRational.
getImplementation(BigRational, PairList<BigRational>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigRational.
getImplementation(BigRational, GBFactory.Algo, PairList<BigRational>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case BigRational.
getImplementation(QuotientRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case Quotient coefficients.
getImplementation(QuotientRing<C>, GBFactory.Algo) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case Quotient coefficients.
getImplementation(QuotientRing<C>, PairList<Quotient<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case Quotient coefficients.
getImplementation(QuotientRing<C>, GBFactory.Algo, PairList<Quotient<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case Quotient coefficients.
getImplementation(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case (recursive) polynomial.
getImplementation(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GBFactory.Algo) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case (recursive) polynomial.
getImplementation(GenPolynomialRing<C>, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case (recursive) polynomial.
getImplementation(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GBFactory.Algo, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, case (recursive) polynomial.
getImplementation(RingFactory<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, other cases.
getImplementation(RingFactory<C>, PairList<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable implementation of GB algorithms, other cases.
getImplementation(ModIntegerRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithm, case ModInteger.
getImplementation(ModLongRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithm, case ModInteger.
getImplementation(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithm, case BigInteger.
getImplementation(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, case BigRational.
getImplementation(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, case AlgebraicNumber<C>.
getImplementation(ComplexRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, case Complex<C>.
getImplementation(QuotientRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, case Quotient<C>.
getImplementation(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, case recursive GenPolynomial<C>.
getImplementation(RingFactory<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithms, other cases.
getImplementation(ModLongRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactory
Determine suitable implementation of gcd algorithms, case ModLong.
getImplementation(ModIntegerRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactory
Determine suitable implementation of gcd algorithms, case ModInteger.
getImplementation(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactory
Determine suitable implementation of gcd algorithms, case BigInteger.
getImplementation(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactory
Determine suitable implementation of gcd algorithms, case BigRational.
getImplementation(RingFactory<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactory
Determine suitable implementation of gcd algorithms, other cases.
getImplementation(ModIntegerRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithm, case ModInteger.
getImplementation(ModLongRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFactory
Determine suitable implementation of factorization algorithm, case ModLong.
getImplementation(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFactory
Determine suitable implementation of squarefree factorization algorithm, case BigInteger.
getImplementation(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFactory
Determine suitable implementation of squarefree factorization algorithms, case BigRational.
getImplementation(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFactory
Determine suitable implementation of squarefree factorization algorithms, case AlgebraicNumber<C>.
getImplementation(QuotientRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFactory
Determine suitable implementation of squarefree factorization algorithms, case Quotient<C>.
getImplementation(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFactory
Determine suitable implementation of squarefree factorization algorithms, case GenPolynomial<C>.
getImplementation(RingFactory<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFactory
Determine suitable implementation of squarefree factorization algorithms, other cases.
getImplementationPoly(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFactory
getInReduction() - Method in class
Get in reduction status.
getInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Return a BigInteger from this Element.
getInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Return a BigInteger from this Element.
getInteger() - Method in interface edu.jas.arith.Modular
Return a BigInteger from this Element.
getIntegerModul() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Get the module part as BigInteger.
getIntegerModul() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Get the module part as BigInteger.
getIntegerModul() - Method in interface edu.jas.arith.ModularRingFactory
Return the BigInteger modul for the factory.
getJm() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get the imaginary part jm.
getJob() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
get a job for processing.
getJob() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
get a job for processing.
getJobs() - Method in class edu.jas.util.Terminator
getKey() - Method in class edu.jas.util.MapEntry
Get the key.
getKm() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get the imaginary part km.
getLang() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.Scripting
Get scripting language which is in effect.
getList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Get the List of GenPolynomials.
getList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Get the list of polynomials.
getList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Get the List of GenSolvablePolynomials.
getList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Get the List of GenWordPolynomials.
getList() - Method in class
Get the list of polynomials.
getList() - Method in class
Get the list of polynomials.
getList() - Method in interface
Get the list of polynomials.
getList() - Method in interface
Get the list of word polynomials.
getList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Get list.
getList() - Method in class
Get the list of power series.
getList() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Get the internal sorted map.
getList() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
Get the internal list, convert from Collection.
getLongModul() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Get the module part as long.
getLongPrime(int, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.PrimeList
Method to compute a prime as 2**n - m.
getMap() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
ExpVector to coefficient map of GenPolynomial.
getMap() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Word to coefficient map of GenWordPolynomial.
getMasterHost() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
get master host.
getMasterPort() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
get master port.
getMersennePrime(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.PrimeList
Method to compute a Mersenne prime as 2**n - 1.
getModul() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Get the module part.
getModul() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Get the module part.
getModul() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Get the module part.
getModul() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Get the module part as BigInteger.
getModul() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get the module part.
getModuleList(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Get ModuleList from PolynomialList.
getNE() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Get north east corner.
getNext() - Method in class
Get the next required pair from the pairlist.
getNumber() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
number of worker threads.
getNumber() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
number of worker threads.
getNW() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Get north west corner.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Get the one ideal.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Get the one ideal.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Get the one ideal.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get the one element, the empty word.
getONE() - Method in class
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.MonoidFactory
Get the constant one for the MonoidElem.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Get the one element.
getONE() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Get the constant one for the GenMatrix.
getONECoefficient() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get the one element from the coefficients.
getONECoefficient() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get the one element from the coefficients.
getPairNumber() - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
Get removed pair number.
getPairNumber() - Method in class
Get removed pair number.
getPairNumber() - Method in class
Get removed pair number.
getPairNumber() - Method in class
Get removed pair number.
getPermutation(String[], String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Permutation of variables for elimination.
getPolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Get full polynomial.
getPolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Get list of full polynomials.
getPolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
Get PolynomialList.
getPool() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.ComputerThreads
Get the thread pool.
getPrecision() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.Scripting
Get decimal approximation precision for scripting.
getPrime() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
getPrime() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
getPrime() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
getPrime1() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.HenselMultUtilTest
getPrime1() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
getPrime1() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
getPrime1() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
getPrime1() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
getPrime1() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
getPrime1() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtilTest
getPrime2() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.HenselMultUtilTest
getPrime2() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
getPrime2() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
getPrime2() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
getPrime2() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
getPrime2() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
getPrime2() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtilTest
getProxy(RingFactory<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable parallel/concurrent implementation of GB algorithms if possible.
getProxy(RingFactory<C>, PairList<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable parallel/concurrent implementation of GB algorithms if possible.
getProxy(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
Determine suitable parallel/concurrent implementation of GB algorithms if possible.
getProxy(RingFactory<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable parallel/concurrent implementation of GB algorithms if possible.
getProxy(RingFactory<C>, PairList<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable parallel/concurrent implementation of GB algorithms if possible.
getProxy(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Determine suitable parallel/concurrent implementation of GB algorithms if possible.
getProxy(ModLongRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactory
Determine suitable proxy for gcd algorithms, case ModLong.
getProxy(ModIntegerRing) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactory
Determine suitable proxy for gcd algorithms, case ModInteger.
getProxy(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactory
Determine suitable procy for gcd algorithms, case BigInteger.
getProxy(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactory
Determine suitable proxy for gcd algorithms, case BigRational.
getProxy(RingFactory<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactory
Determine suitable proxy for gcd algorithms, other cases.
getR() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Get the or part.
getRational() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Return a BigRational approximation of this Element.
getRational() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Return a BigRational approximation of this Element.
getRational() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Return a BigRational approximation of this Element.
getRational() - Method in interface edu.jas.arith.Rational
Return a BigRational approximation of this Element.
getRational() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Return a BigRational approximation of this Element.
getRational() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTuple
Rational approximation of each coordinate.
getRationalCenter() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Complex of BigRational approximation of center.
getRe() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get the real part.
getRe() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get the real part.
getRe() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get the real part.
getRe() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Get the real part.
getRealPart(int) - Method in class edu.jas.root.Boundary
Get real part for polynomial i.
getRedCoefficients() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Get list of red coefficients of polynomials.
getRedCoefficients() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Get non zero condition on coefficients.
getReductum() - Method in class
Get reduced polynomial.
getRing() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Get the GenPolynomialRing.
getRing() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Get the GenSolvablePolynomialRing.
getRing() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Get the GenWordPolynomialRing.
getRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Get rectangle for the complex root.
getRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Get rectangle for the complex root.
getRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Get the interval for the real root.
getSE() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Get south east corner.
getSecond() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorPair
getSIN(int) - Method in class
Get the power series of the sinus function.
getSIN() - Method in class
Get the power series of the sinus function.
getSocket() - Method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannel
Get the Socket
getSocket() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
Get the SocketChannel
getSolvableList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Get list as List of GenSolvablePolynomials.
getSolvableRing() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Get ring as GenSolvablePolynomialRing.
getSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Get the split index.
getStrategy() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
get used strategy.
getStrategy() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
get used strategy.
getSugarComparator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Get the sugar order comparator.
getSW() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Get south west corner.
getSymmetricInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Return a symmetric BigInteger from this Element.
getSymmetricInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Return a symmetric BigInteger from this Element.
getSymmetricInteger() - Method in interface edu.jas.arith.Modular
Return a symmetric BigInteger from this Element.
getSymmetricVal() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Get the symmetric value part.
getSymmetricVal() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Get the symmetric value part.
getTAN(int) - Method in class
Get the power series of the tangens function.
getTAN() - Method in class
Get the power series of the tangens function.
getUpperBound() - Method in class
Get the upper bound for the iterator.
getUpperBound() - Method in class edu.jas.util.LongIterable
Get the upper bound for the iterator.
getUseCriterion3() - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
Get useCriterion3.
getUseCriterion3() - Method in class
Get useCriterion3.
getUseCriterion3() - Method in class
Get useCriterion3.
getUseCriterion4() - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
Get useCriterion4.
getUseCriterion4() - Method in class
Get useCriterion4.
getUseCriterion4() - Method in class
Get useCriterion4.
getVal() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get the value.
getVal() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Get the value part.
getVal() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Get the value part.
getVal() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Get the value part.
getVal() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get the exponent vector.
getVal(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get the exponent at position i.
getVal() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Get the exponent vector.
getVal(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Get the exponent at position i.
getVal() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Get the exponent vector.
getVal(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Get the exponent at position i.
getVal() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Get the exponent vector.
getVal(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Get the exponent at position i.
getVal() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Get the exponent vector.
getVal(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Get the exponent at position i.
getVal(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Get the letter at position i.
getVal(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get the alphabet letter at position i.
getValue() - Method in class edu.jas.util.MapEntry
Get the value.
getValueList() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Get the internal list, convert from Collection.
getVars() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get the variable names.
getVars() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get the variable names.
getVars() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.PolynomialRing
Get the variable names.
getVars() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get the variable names.
getVars() - Method in class
Get the variable names.
getWait(K) - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Get value under key from DHT.
getWeight() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Get the weight array.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Get the zero ideal.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Get the zero ideal.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Get the zero ideal.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AbelianGroupFactory
Get the constant zero for the AbelianGroupElem.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Get the zero element.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Get the constant one for the GenMatrix.
getZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
getZEROCoefficient() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get the zero element from the coefficients.
getZEROCoefficient() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get the zero element from the coefficients.
GFGenPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
Galois field coefficients GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
GFGenPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
Constructs a GFGenPolynomialTest object.
GPolynomial(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
GPolynomial(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, int, GenPolynomial<C>, int, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
D-Polynomial with recording.
GPolynomial(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
GPolynomial(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, int, GenPolynomial<C>, int, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
D-Polynomial with recording.
grad(String, String) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
gradCompareTo(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word graded comparison.
graded() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Request FGLM algorithm.
gradInvlexCompareTo(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word graded comparison.
GreatestCommonDivisor<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.fd
(Non-unique) factorization domain greatest common divisor algorithm interface.
GreatestCommonDivisor<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.ufd
Greatest common divisor algorithm interface.
GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.fd
(Non-unique) factorization domain greatest common divisor common algorithms.
GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Greatest common divisor algorithms.
GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GreatestCommonDivisorFake<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Greatest common divisor algorithms with gcd always 1.
GreatestCommonDivisorFake() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorFake
GreatestCommonDivisorHensel<MOD extends GcdRingElem<MOD> & Modular> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Greatest common divisor algorithms with subresultant polynomial remainder sequence and univariate Hensel lifting.
GreatestCommonDivisorHensel() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorHensel
GreatestCommonDivisorHensel(boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorHensel
GreatestCommonDivisorModEval<MOD extends GcdRingElem<MOD> & Modular> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Greatest common divisor algorithms with modular evaluation algorithm for recursion.
GreatestCommonDivisorModEval() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModEval
GreatestCommonDivisorModular<MOD extends GcdRingElem<MOD> & Modular> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Greatest common divisor algorithms with modular computation and chinese remainder algorithm.
GreatestCommonDivisorModular() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModular
Constructor to set recursive algorithm.
GreatestCommonDivisorModular(boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModular
Constructor to set recursive algorithm.
GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.fd
(Non-unique) factorization domain greatest common divisor common algorithms with primitive polynomial remainder sequence.
GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive
GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Greatest common divisor algorithms with primitive polynomial remainder sequence.
GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive
GreatestCommonDivisorSimple<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.fd
(Non-unique) factorization domain greatest common divisor common algorithms with monic polynomial remainder sequence.
GreatestCommonDivisorSimple(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorSimple
GreatestCommonDivisorSimple<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Greatest common divisor algorithms with monic polynomial remainder sequence.
GreatestCommonDivisorSimple() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSimple
GreatestCommonDivisorSubres<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Greatest common divisor algorithms with subresultant polynomial remainder sequence.
GreatestCommonDivisorSubres() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSubres
green - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
The part with green (= zero) terms and coefficients.
GRLEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
GRLEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder named GRLEX.
GroebnerBase<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Groebner Bases interface.
GroebnerBaseAbstract<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner Bases abstract class.
GroebnerBaseAbstract() - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseAbstract(Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseAbstract(PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseAbstract(Reduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistECTest - Class in
Distributed GroebnerBase tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseDistECTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseDistECTest object.
GroebnerBaseDistHybridECTest - Class in
Distributed hybrid GroebnerBase tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseDistHybridECTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseDistHybridECTest object.
GroebnerBaseDistHybridTest - Class in
Distributed hybrid architecture GroebnerBase tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseDistHybridTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseDistHybridTest object.
GroebnerBaseDistributed<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
use GroebnerBaseDistributedEC
GroebnerBaseDistributed() - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributed(int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributed(int, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributed(int, ThreadPool, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributed(int, PairList<C>, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributed(int, ThreadPool, PairList<C>, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedEC<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner Base distributed algorithm.
GroebnerBaseDistributedEC(String) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedEC(String, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedEC(String, int, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedEC(String, int, ThreadPool, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedEC(String, int, PairList<C>, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedEC(String, int, ThreadPool, PairList<C>, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybrid<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
use GroebnerBaseDistributedHybridEC
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybrid() - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybrid(int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybrid(int, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybrid(int, int, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybrid(int, ThreadPool, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybrid(int, int, PairList<C>, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybrid(int, int, ThreadPool, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybrid(int, int, ThreadPool, PairList<C>, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybridEC<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner Base distributed hybrid algorithm.
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybridEC(String) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybridEC(String, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybridEC(String, int, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybridEC(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybridEC(String, int, ThreadPool, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybridEC(String, int, int, PairList<C>, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybridEC(String, int, int, ThreadPool, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistributedHybridEC(String, int, int, ThreadPool, PairList<C>, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseDistTest - Class in
Distributed GroebnerBase tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseDistTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseDistTest object.
GroebnerBaseFGLM<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner Base sequential FGLM algorithm.
GroebnerBaseFGLM() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLM
GroebnerBaseFGLM(Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLM
GroebnerBaseFGLM(Reduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLM
GroebnerBaseFGLM(Reduction<C>, PairList<C>, GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLM
GroebnerBaseFGLM(GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLM
GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner base FGLM examples.
GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
GroebnerBaseFGLMTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner base via FGLM tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseFGLMTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMTest
Constructs a GroebnerBaseFGLMTest object.
GroebnerBaseParallel<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner Base parallel algortihm.
GroebnerBaseParallel() - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParallel(int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParallel(int, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParallel(int, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParallel(int, ThreadPool) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParallel(int, ThreadPool, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParallel(int, Reduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParallel(int, ThreadPool, Reduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParIter<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner Base parallel iterative algortihm.
GroebnerBaseParIter() - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParIter(int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParIter(int, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParIter(int, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParIter(int, ThreadPool) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParIter(int, ThreadPool, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParIter(int, Reduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParIter(int, ThreadPool, Reduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseParIterTest - Class in
GroebnerBase parallel iterative GB tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseParIterTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseParIterTest object.
GroebnerBaseParSyzPairTest - Class in
Groebner base parallel, syzygy pair list, tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseParSyzPairTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseParSyzPairTest object.
GroebnerBaseParTest - Class in
GroebnerBase parallel tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseParTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseParTest object.
GroebnerBasePartial<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Partial Groebner Bases for subsets of variables.
GroebnerBasePartial() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
GroebnerBasePartial(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
GroebnerBasePartial(GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, GroebnerBaseAbstract<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
GroebnerBasePartTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Partial Groebner base sequential tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBasePartTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
Constructs a GroebnerBasePartTest object.
GroebnerBasePseudoParallel<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner Base with pseudo reduction multi-threaded parallel algorithm.
GroebnerBasePseudoParallel(int, RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
GroebnerBasePseudoParallel(int, RingFactory<C>, PseudoReduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
GroebnerBasePseudoParallel(int, RingFactory<C>, PseudoReduction<C>, ThreadPool) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
GroebnerBasePseudoParallel(int, RingFactory<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
GroebnerBasePseudoParallel(int, RingFactory<C>, PseudoReduction<C>, ThreadPool, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
GroebnerBasePseudoParTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner base pseudo reduction parallel tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBasePseudoParTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParTest
Constructs a GroebnerBasePseudoParTest object.
GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner Base with recursive pseudo reduction multi-threaded parallel algorithm.
GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel(int, RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel(int, RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, PseudoReduction<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel(int, RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, PseudoReduction<GenPolynomial<C>>, ThreadPool) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel(int, RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel(int, RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, PseudoReduction<GenPolynomial<C>>, ThreadPool, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
GroebnerBasePseudoRecParTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner base recursive pseudo reduction sequential tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBasePseudoRecParTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParTest
Constructs a GroebnerBasePseudoRecParTest object.
GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner Base with pseudo reduction sequential algorithm for integral function coefficients.
GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq(PseudoReduction<GenPolynomial<C>>, RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner base recursive pseudo reduction sequential tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
Constructs a GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest object.
GroebnerBasePseudoSeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner Base with pseudo reduction sequential algorithm.
GroebnerBasePseudoSeq(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeq
GroebnerBasePseudoSeq(RingFactory<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeq
GroebnerBasePseudoSeq(PseudoReduction<C>, RingFactory<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeq
GroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner base pseudo reduction sequential tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Constructs a GroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest object.
GroebnerBaseQuotient<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner Base sequential algorithm for rational function coefficients, fraction free computation.
GroebnerBaseQuotient(QuotientRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotient
GroebnerBaseQuotient(int, QuotientRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotient
GroebnerBaseQuotient(QuotientRing<C>, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotient
GroebnerBaseQuotient(int, QuotientRing<C>, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotient
GroebnerBaseQuotient(GroebnerBaseAbstract<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotient
GroebnerBaseQuotientTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner base sequential quotient fraction free tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseQuotientTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotientTest
Constructs a GroebnerBaseQuotientTest object.
GroebnerBaseRational<C extends BigRational> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner Base sequential algorithm for rational coefficients, fraction free computation.
GroebnerBaseRational() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRational
GroebnerBaseRational(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRational
GroebnerBaseRational(PairList<BigInteger>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRational
GroebnerBaseRational(int, PairList<BigInteger>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRational
GroebnerBaseRational(GroebnerBaseAbstract<BigInteger>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRational
GroebnerBaseRationalTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Groebner base sequential rational fraction free tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseRationalTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRationalTest
Constructs a GroebnerBaseRationalTest object.
GroebnerBaseSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner Base sequential algorithm.
GroebnerBaseSeq() - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeq(Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeq(PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeq(Reduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqIter<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner Base sequential iterative algorithm.
GroebnerBaseSeqIter() - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqIter(Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqIter(PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqIter(Reduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqIterTest - Class in
Groebner base sequential iterative GB tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseSeqIterTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseSeqIterTest object.
GroebnerBaseSeqPairDistributed<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
GroebnerBaseSeqPairDistributed() - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairDistributed(int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairDistributed(int, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairDistributed(int, int, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairDistributed(int, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairDistributed(int, ThreadPool, int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairDistributed(int, ThreadPool, int, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairDistTest - Class in
Groebner base distributed, sequential pair list, tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseSeqPairDistTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseSeqPairDistTest object.
GroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner Base parallel algorithm.
GroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel() - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel(int) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel(int, ThreadPool) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel(int, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel(int, ThreadPool, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairParTest - Class in
Groebner base parallel, sequential pair list, tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseSeqPairParTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseSeqPairParTest object.
GroebnerBaseSeqPairSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner Base sequential algorithm.
GroebnerBaseSeqPairSeq() - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairSeq(Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class
GroebnerBaseSeqPairSeqTest - Class in
Groebner base sequential, sequential pair list, tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseSeqPairSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseSeqPairSeqTest object.
GroebnerBaseSeqTest - Class in
Groebner base sequential tests with JUnit.
GroebnerBaseSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GroebnerBaseSeqTest object.
GroebnerSystem<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Container for a Groebner system.
GroebnerSystem(List<ColoredSystem<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
Constructor for a Groebner system.


halfInterval() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber half interval.
halfInterval() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
RealAlgebraicRing half interval.
halfInterval(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Half interval.
hash - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Stored hash code.
hash - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Stored hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Hash code for this colored system.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Hash code for this colored polynomial.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Hash code for this condition.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
Hash code for this pair.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
Hash code for this colored system.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Hash code for this ideal.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Hash code for this local.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Hash code for this local ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Hash code for this polynomial ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Hash code for this pair list.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Hash code for this RealAlgebraicNumber.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Hash code for this RealAlgebraicNumber.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Hash code for this residue.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Hash code for this residue ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Hash code for this polynomial ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Hash code for this polynomial ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Hash code for this solvable ideal.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Hash code for this local.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Hash code for this element.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Hash code for this quotient ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Hash code for this local ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Hash code for this residue.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Hash code for this residue ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Hash code for this solvable ideal.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Hash code for this residue.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Hash code for this residue ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Hash code for this BigComplex.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Hash code for this BigDecimal.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Hash code for this BigDecimalComplex.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Hash code for this BigInteger.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Hash code for this BigOctonion.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Hash code for this BigQuaternion.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Hash code for this BigRational.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Hash code for this ModInteger.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Hash code for this ModIntegerRing.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Hash code for this ModLong.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Hash code for this ModLongRing.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Hash code for this local.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Hash code for this product ring.
hashCode() - Method in class
Hash code for this Pair.
hashCode() - Method in class
Hash code for this WordPair.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
Hash code for this condition.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Hash code for this polynomial ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Hash code for this element.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Hash code for this quotient ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.Integral
Hash code for Integral.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
Hash code for this Factors.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.QuotIntegral
Hash code for QuotIntegral.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Hash code for this AlgebraicNumber.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Hash code for this AlgebraicNumber.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Hash code for this Complex.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Hash code for this ComplexRing<C>.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
hashCode for this exponent vector.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
hashCode for this exponent vector.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
hashCode for this exponent vector.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorPair
hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
hashCode for this exponent vector.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Hash code for this polynomial.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Hash code for this polynomial ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Hash code for this polynomial ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Hash code for this polynomial.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Hash code for this polynomial ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Hash code for this local.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Hash code for this local ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
Hash code for this module list.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.OrderedModuleList
Hash code for OrderedModuleList.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.OrderedPolynomialList
Hash code for OrderedPolynomialList.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialComparator
Hash code for this PolynomialComparator.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Hash code for this polynomial list.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Hash code for this polynomial ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Hash code for this local.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Hash code for this quotient ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Hash code for this polynomial ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Hash code for this polynomial ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Hash code for this relation table.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Hash code for this local.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Hash code for this residue ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
hashCode() - Method in class
Hash code for this polynomial.
hashCode() - Method in class
Hash code for this .
hashCode() - Method in class
Hash code for this Pair.
hashCode() - Method in class
Hash code for this polynomial.
hashCode() - Method in class
Hash code for this .
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Boundary
Hash code for this Rectangle.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Hash code for this ComplexAlgebraicNumber.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Hash code for this ComplexAlgebraicNumber.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
Hash code for this Interval.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Hash code for this RealAlgebraicNumber.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Hash code for this RealAlgebraicNumber.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTuple
Hash code for this Rectangle.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Hash code for this Rectangle.
hashCode() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.Element
Hashcode of this Element.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Hash code for this Factors.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselApprox
Hash code for this Factors.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
Hash code for this Factors.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Hash code for this quotient.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Hash code for this quotient ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.util.MapEntry
Hash code for this MapEntry.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Hash code for this GenMatrix.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Hash code for this matrix ring.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Hash code for this GenVector.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Hash code for this vector module.
hasJobs() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
check if there are jobs for processing.
hasJobs(int) - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
check if there are more than n jobs for processing.
hasJobs() - Method in class edu.jas.util.Terminator
hasJobs() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
check if there are jobs for processing.
hasJobs(int) - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
check if there are more than n jobs for processing.
hasNext() - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Test if there is possibly a pair in the list.
hasNext() - Method in class
Test if there is possibly a pair in the list.
hasNext() - Method in class
Test if there is possibly a pair in the list.
hasNext() - Method in class
Test if there is possibly a pair in the list.
hasNext() - Method in interface
Test if there is possibly a pair in the list.
hasNext() - Method in interface
Test if there is possibly a pair in the list.
hasNext() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyIterator
Test for availability of a next monomial.
hasNext() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordPolyIterator
Test for availability of a next monomial.
hasNext() - Method in class
Test if there is possibly a pair in the list.
hegcd(ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger half extended greatest common divisor.
hegcd(long, long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Long half extended greatest common divisor.
hegcd(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial half extended greatest comon divisor.
hegcd(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial half extended greatest comon divisor.
HenselApprox<MOD extends GcdRingElem<MOD> & Modular> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Container for the approximation result from a Hensel algorithm.
HenselApprox(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.HenselApprox
HenselMultUtil - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Hensel multivariate lifting utilities.
HenselMultUtil() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtil
HenselMultUtilTest - Class in edu.jas.application
HenselMultUtil tests with JUnit.
HenselMultUtilTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.HenselMultUtilTest
Constructs a HenselMultUtilTest object.
HenselMultUtilTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
HenselMultUtil tests with JUnit.
HenselMultUtilTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
Constructs a HenselMultUtilTest object.
HenselUtil - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Hensel utilities for ufd.
HenselUtil() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
HenselUtilTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
HenselUtil tests with JUnit.
HenselUtilTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
Constructs a HenselUtilTest object.
homCheck - Variable in class
Indicator if all coefficients of a homogeneous degree have been constructed.
homogeneousPart(long) - Method in class
Homogeneous part.
homogenize(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Make homogeneous.
homogenize() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Make homogeneous.


i - Variable in class edu.jas.application.CPair
I - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
The constant i.
I - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
The constant i.
I - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
The constant i.
I - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
The constant i.
i - Variable in class
i - Variable in class
i - Variable in class
IABS(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Absolute value.
ICOMP(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Integer comparison.
Ideal<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Ideal implements some methods for ideal arithmetic, for example intersection, quotient and zero and positive dimensional ideal decomposition.
Ideal(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal(PolynomialList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal(PolynomialList<C>, GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, boolean, GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, boolean, GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, Reduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Ideal
ideal - Variable in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithUniv
The ideal.
ideal - Variable in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Polynomial ideal for localization.
ideal - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Polynomial ideal for the reduction.
ideal - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Solvable polynomial ideal for the reduction.
ideal - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Solvable polynomial ideal for localization.
ideal - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Solvable polynomial ideal for the reduction.
ideal - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Word polynomial ideal for the reduction.
ideal - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Ideal generator for localization.
IdealTest - Class in edu.jas.application
Ideal tests with JUnit.
IdealTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Constructs a IdealTest object.
IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots<D extends GcdRingElem<D> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.application
Container for Ideals together with univariate polynomials and complex algebraic roots.
IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots
Constructor not for use.
IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots(Ideal<D>, List<GenPolynomial<D>>, List<List<Complex<RealAlgebraicNumber<D>>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots
IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots(IdealWithUniv<D>, List<List<Complex<RealAlgebraicNumber<D>>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots
IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots<D extends GcdRingElem<D> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.application
Container for Ideals together with univariate polynomials and real algebraic roots.
IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots
Constructor not for use.
IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots(Ideal<D>, List<GenPolynomial<D>>, List<List<RealAlgebraicNumber<D>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots
IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots(IdealWithUniv<D>, List<List<RealAlgebraicNumber<D>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots
IdealWithRealRoots<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Container for Ideals together with univariate polynomials and real roots.
IdealWithRealRoots() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealRoots
Constructor not for use.
IdealWithRealRoots(Ideal<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<List<BigDecimal>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealRoots
IdealWithRealRoots(IdealWithUniv<C>, List<List<BigDecimal>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealRoots
IdealWithUniv<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Container for Ideals together with univariate polynomials.
IdealWithUniv() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithUniv
Constructor not for use.
IdealWithUniv(Ideal<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithUniv
IdealWithUniv(Ideal<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.IdealWithUniv
idemComplement() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product idempotent complement.
idemComplement() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RegularRingElem
Regular ring element idempotent complement.
idempotent() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product idempotent.
idempotent() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RegularRingElem
idempotentAnd(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product idempotent and.
idempotentAnd(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RegularRingElem
Regular ring element idempotent and.
idempotentOr(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product idempotent or.
idempotentOr(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RegularRingElem
Regular ring element idempotent or.
IDIF(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger subtract.
idleworkers - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
Number of idle workers.
idleworkers - Variable in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
Number of idle workers.
iengine - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRational
Factorization engine for integer base coefficients.
IGCD(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger greatest common divisor.
IGRLEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
IGRLEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder named IGRLEX.
im - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Imaginary part of the data structure.
im - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Imaginary part of the data structure.
im - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Imaginary part i of the data structure.
im - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Imaginary part of the data structure.
imaginaryPart(GenPolynomialRing<BigRational>, GenPolynomial<BigComplex>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Imaginary part.
imaginaryPartFromComplex(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Imaginary part.
indexOf(String, String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Index of s in A.
indexOf(char) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
IndexOf for letter in alphabet.
indexOf(String[], String) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
IndexOf for String array.
indexOfCauchy(C, C, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsSturm
Cauchy index of rational function f/g on interval.
indexOfRouth(C, C, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsSturm
Routh index of complex function f + i g on interval.
indexVar(String, String...) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get the index of a variable.
indexVarName(int, String...) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get the variable name at index.
INEG(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Negative value.
infiniteQuotient(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Infinite quotient.
infiniteQuotient(Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Infinite Quotient.
infiniteQuotient(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Infinite quotient.
infiniteQuotient(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Infinite Quotient.
infiniteQuotientExponent(GenPolynomial<C>, Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Infinite quotient exponent.
infiniteQuotientExponent(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Infinite quotient exponent.
infiniteQuotientOld(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Infinite quotient.
infiniteQuotientRab(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Infinite quotient.
infiniteQuotientRab(Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Infinite Quotient.
infiniteQuotientRab(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Infinite quotient.
infiniteQuotientRab(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Infinite Quotient.
init() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ChannelFactory
thread initialization and start.
init() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Initialize and start the list thread.
init() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
thread initialization and start.
init() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
List thread initialization and start.
init() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
thread initialization and start.
init() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
thread initialization and start.
init() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
thread initialization and start.
init() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
thread initialization and start.
init() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
thread initialization and start.
initFactory(RingFactory, RingFactoryTokenizer.coeffType) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Initialize coefficient and polynomial factories.
initFactory(RingFactory, GenPolynomialTokenizer.coeffType) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Initialize coefficient and polynomial factories.
initIdle(int) - Method in class edu.jas.util.Terminator
initSolvableFactory(RingFactory, RingFactoryTokenizer.coeffType) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Initialize coefficient and solvable polynomial factories.
initSolvableFactory(RingFactory, GenPolynomialTokenizer.coeffType) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Initialize coefficient and solvable polynomial factories.
inReduction - Variable in class
integerFromModularCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
BigInteger from ModInteger coefficients, symmetric.
integerFromModularCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<BigInteger>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
BigInteger from ModInteger coefficients, symmetric.
integerFromModularCoefficientsPositive(GenPolynomialRing<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
BigInteger from ModInteger coefficients, positive.
integerFromRationalCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<BigRational>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
BigInteger from BigRational coefficients.
integerFromRationalCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<BigInteger>, List<GenPolynomial<BigRational>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
BigInteger from BigRational coefficients.
integerFromRationalCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<BigRational>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
BigInteger from BigRational coefficients.
integerFromRationalCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<BigRational>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
BigInteger from BigRational coefficients.
integerFromRationalCoefficientsFactor(GenPolynomialRing<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<BigRational>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
BigInteger from BigRational coefficients.
Integral<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.integrate
Container for a rational function integral, polynomial version.
Integral(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.integrate.Integral
Integral(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.integrate.Integral
Integral(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<LogIntegral<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.integrate.Integral
integralFromQuotientCoefficients(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<SolvableQuotient<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
Integral solvable polynomial from solvable rational function coefficients.
integralFromQuotientCoefficients(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, Collection<GenSolvablePolynomial<SolvableQuotient<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
Integral solvable polynomial from solvable rational function coefficients.
integralFromQuotientCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<Quotient<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Integral polynomial from rational function coefficients.
integralFromQuotientCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, Collection<GenPolynomial<Quotient<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Integral polynomial from rational function coefficients.
integrate(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
Integration of a rational function.
integrate(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
Integration of a rational function.
integrate(C, int) - Method in class
Integrate with respect to variable r and with given constant.
integrate(C) - Method in class
Integrate with given constant.
integrateHermite(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
Integration of the rational part, Hermite reduction step.
integrateLogPart(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
Univariate GenPolynomial integration of the logaritmic part, Rothstein-Trager algorithm.
integrateLogPartIrreducible(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
Univariate GenPolynomial integration of the logaritmic part, Rothstein-Trager algorithm.
interpolate(AlgebraicNumber<C>, C, C, C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
AlgebraicNumber interpolation algorithm.
interpolate(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>, C, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
ModInteger interpolate on first variable.
interpolate(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C, C, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Univariate polynomial interpolation.
intersect(List<Ideal<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
intersect(Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
intersect(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
intersect(List<SolvableIdeal<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
intersect(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
intersect(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
intersect(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtil
intersect(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtil
intersect(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
intersect(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Interval<C extends RingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
Interval(C, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.Interval
Interval(C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.Interval
IntGenPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
BigInteger coefficients GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
IntGenPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.IntGenPolynomialTest
Constructs a IntGenPolynomialTest object.
introduceLowerVariable(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Introduce lower variable.
INV(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
InvalidBoundaryException - Exception in edu.jas.root
Invalid boundary exception class.
InvalidBoundaryException() - Constructor for exception edu.jas.root.InvalidBoundaryException
InvalidBoundaryException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.root.InvalidBoundaryException
InvalidBoundaryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.root.InvalidBoundaryException
InvalidBoundaryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.root.InvalidBoundaryException
InvalidExpressionException - Exception in edu.jas.poly
Invalid expression exception class.
InvalidExpressionException() - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.InvalidExpressionException
InvalidExpressionException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.InvalidExpressionException
InvalidExpressionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.InvalidExpressionException
InvalidExpressionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.poly.InvalidExpressionException
invariantMagnitudeInterval(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Invariant interval for algebraic number magnitude.
invariantMagnitudeRectangle(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Invariant rectangle for algebraic number magnitude.
invariantRectangle(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Invariant rectangle for algebraic number.
invariantRectangle(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsSturm
Invariant rectangle for algebraic number.
invariantSignInterval(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Invariant interval for algebraic number sign.
invariantSignInterval(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsSturm
Invariant interval for algebraic number sign.
invariantSignInterval(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsSturm
Invariant interval for algebraic number sign.
inverse(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Inverse for element modulo this ideal.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue inverse.
inverse(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Inverse for element modulo this ideal.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue inverse.
inverse(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Inverse for element modulo this ideal.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Integer inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Integer inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModLong inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product quasi-inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Local inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Residue inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word inverse.
inverse() - Method in class
Inverse power series.
inverse() - Method in class
Inverse power series.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber inverse.
inverse() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.MonoidElem
Inverse of this.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient inverse.
inverse() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Inverse of this.
inversePermutation(List<Integer>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Inverse of a permutation.
invGradCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector inverse graded lexicographical compareTo.
invGradCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector inverse graded lexicographical compareTo.
invGradCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector inverse graded lexicographical compareTo.
invGradCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector inverse graded lexicographical compareTo.
invGradCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector inverse graded lexicographical compareTo.
invGradCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector inverse graded lexicographical compareTo.
invGradCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector inverse graded lexicographical compareTo.
invGradCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector inverse graded lexicographical compareTo.
invGradCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector inverse graded lexicographical compareTo.
invGradCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector inverse graded lexicographical compareTo.
INVLEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
INVLEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder named INVLEX.
invlex - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name invlex of Sage.
invLexCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector inverse lexicographical compareTo.
invLexCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector inverse lexicographical compareTo.
invLexCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector inverse lexicographical compareTo.
invLexCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector inverse lexicographical compareTo.
invLexCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector inverse lexicographical compareTo.
invLexCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector inverse lexicographical compareTo.
invLexCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector inverse lexicographical compareTo.
invLexCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector inverse lexicographical compareTo.
invLexCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector inverse lexicographical compareTo.
invLexCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector inverse lexicographical compareTo.
invWeightCompareTo(long[][], ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector inverse weighted lexicographical compareTo.
invWeightCompareTo(long[][], ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector inverse weighted lexicographical compareTo.
invWeightCompareTo(long[][], ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector inverse weighted lexicographical compareTo.
invWeightCompareTo(long[][], ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector inverse weighted lexicographical compareTo.
invWeightCompareTo(long[][], ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector inverse weighted lexicographical compareTo.
invWeightCompareTo(long[][], ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector inverse weighted lexicographical compareTo.
invWeightCompareTo(long[][], ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector inverse weighted lexicographical compareTo.
invWeightCompareTo(long[][], ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector inverse weighted lexicographical compareTo.
invWeightCompareTo(long[][], ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector inverse weighted lexicographical compareTo.
invWeightCompareTo(long[][], ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector inverse weighted lexicographical compareTo.
inWork() - Method in class
In work pairs.
IPROD(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger multiply.
IQ(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger divide.
IQR(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Integer quotient and remainder.
IRAND(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger random.
IREM(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger remainder.
irr - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
Engine for factorization.
irreducibleSet(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Irreducible set.
irreducibleSet(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Irreducible set.
irreducibleSet(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Irreducible set.
irreducibleSet(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Irreducible set.
irreducibleSet(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Irreducible set.
irreducibleSet(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Irreducible set.
irreducibleSet(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Irreducible set.
isAbsoluteFactorization(Factors<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
GenPolynomial is absolute factorization.
isAbsoluteFactorization(FactorsList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
GenPolynomial is absolute factorization.
isAbsoluteFactorization(FactorsMap<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
GenPolynomial is absolute factorization.
isAbsoluteIrreducible(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
GenPolynomial test if is absolute irreducible.
isActive() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatus
isAllowed() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.PreemptStatus
isAnnihilator(GenPolynomial<C>, Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test for annihilator of element modulo this ideal.
isAnnihilator(Ideal<C>, Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test for annihilator of ideal modulo this ideal.
isAnnihilator(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Test for annihilator of element modulo this ideal.
isAnnihilator(SolvableIdeal<C>, SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Test for annihilator of ideal modulo this ideal.
isApproximateRoot(BigDecimal, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Test if x is an approximate real root.
isApproximateRoot(BigDecimal, GenPolynomial<BigDecimal>, GenPolynomial<BigDecimal>, BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Test if x is an approximate real root.
isApproximateRoot(List<BigDecimal>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Test if each x in R is an approximate real root.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Query if this monoid is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.MonoidFactory
Query if this monoid is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isAssociative() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Query if this ring is associative.
isBasePartialFraction(GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Test for Univariate GenPolynomial partial fraction decomposition.
isBasePartialFraction(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Test for Univariate GenPolynomial partial fraction decomposition.
isBasePartialFraction(GenPolynomial<C>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
Test for Univariate GenPolynomial partial fraction decomposition.
isBasePseudoQuotientRemainder(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Is GenPolynomial pseudo quotient and remainder.
isBaseSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
GenPolynomial test if is squarefree.
isBooleanClosed(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.RReduction
Is boolean closed, test if A == idempotent(ldcf(A)) A.
isBooleanClosed(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.RReduction
Is boolean closed, test if all A in F are boolean closed.
isBooleanClosed(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Is boolean closed, test if A == idempotent(ldcf(A)) A.
isBooleanClosed(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Is boolean closed, test if all A in F are boolean closed.
isCGB(GroebnerSystem<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive-Groebner base test.
isCharacteristicSet(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.CharacteristicSet
Characteristic set test.
isCharacteristicSet(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharacteristicSetSimple
Characteristic set test.
isCharacteristicSet(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharacteristicSetWu
Characteristic set test.
isCharRoot(GenPolynomial<C>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
Polynomial is char-th root.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Query if this monoid is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class
Query if this ring is commuative.
isCommutative() - Method in class
Is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.MonoidFactory
Query if this monoid is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Query if this ring is commutative.
isCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Query if this monoid is commutative.
isComplexRoots(List<GenPolynomial<Complex<BigDecimal>>>, List<List<Complex<BigDecimal>>>, BigDecimal) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Test for complex roots of zero dimensional ideal(L).
isCONE(BigComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number one.
isCONE(BigDecimalComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number one.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Is Qoutient a constant.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Is Residue a constant.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Is Qoutient a constant.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Is Quotient a constant.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Is SolvableResidue a constant.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Is WordResidue a constant.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Is Qoutient a constant.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Is GenPolynomial<C> a constant.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Is GenWordPolynomial<C> a constant.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Is Local a constant.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Is Quotient a constant.
isConstant() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.QuotPair
Test if element type is constant.
isConstant() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.Value
Test if element type is constant.
isConstant() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Is Qoutient a constant.
isContradictory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Is contradictory.
isCoPrime(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenPolynomial test for co-prime list.
isCoPrime(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial test for co-prime list.
isCoPrime(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial test for co-prime list of given list.
isCoPrimeSquarefree(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Squarefree
Test if list of GenPolynomials is squarefree and co-prime.
isCoPrimeSquarefree(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
Test if list of GenPolynomials is squarefree and co-prime.
isCZERO(BigComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number zero.
isCZERO(BigDecimalComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number zero.
isDecomposition(List<IdealWithUniv<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test for ideal decompostition.
isDetermined() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Is this colored system completely determined.
isDetermined() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Is this polynomial determined.
isDetermined(ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Is determined colored polynomial.
isDetermined(List<ColorPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Is determined list of colored polynomial.
isDetermined() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
Is each colored system completely determined.
isDiophantLift(GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular Diophant relation lifting test.
isDiophantLift(List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular Diophant relation lifting test.
isEmpty() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Is empty condition.
isEmpty() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
Is set.
isEmpty() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Test if the table is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Is the List empty?
isEmpty() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
Is the List empty?
isEmpty(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Is empty.
isExtendedEuclideanLift(List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular extended Euclidean relation lifting test.
isFactorization(GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial is factorization.
isFactorization(GenPolynomial<C>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial is factorization.
isFactorization(GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Factorization
GenPolynomial is factorization.
isFactorization(GenPolynomial<C>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Factorization
GenPolynomial is factorization.
isFactorization(GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Squarefree
GenPolynomial is (squarefree) factorization.
isFactorization(GenPolynomial<C>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Squarefree
GenPolynomial is (squarefree) factorization.
isFactorization(GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial is (squarefree) factorization.
isFactorization(GenPolynomial<C>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial is (squarefree) factorization.
isField - Variable in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Indicator if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Indicator if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Indicator if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Indicator if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Indicator if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Indicator if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Indicator if this ring is a field
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Indicator if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Indicator if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Indicator if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RingFactory
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isField() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Query if this ring is a field.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ElemFactory
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFinite() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Is this structure finite or infinite.
isFull() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Is Product full.
isFull() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RegularRingElem
Is regular ring element full.
isGB(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive-Groebner base test.
isGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive-Groebner base test.
isGB(GroebnerSystem<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive-Groebner system and base test.
isGB - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Indicator if list is a Groebner Base.
isGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test if this is a Groebner base.
isGB - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Indicator if list is a Groebner Base.
isGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Test if this is a left Groebner base.
isGB - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Indicator if list is a Groebner Base.
isGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Test if this is a twosided Groebner base.
isGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
D-Groebner base test.
isGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Groebner base test.
isGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Groebner base test.
isGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface
isGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base test.
isGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base test.
isGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, boolean) - Method in class
Groebner base test.
isGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, boolean) - Method in class
Groebner base test.
isGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class
isGB(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Groebner base test.
isGB(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Word Groebner base test.
isGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBase
Module Groebner base test.
isGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBase
isGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBaseAbstract
isGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBaseSeq
Module Groebner base test.
isGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeq
R-Groebner base test.
isGB(List<GenWordPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Wird Groebner base simple test.
isGBcol(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive-Groebner base test using colored systems.
isGBcol(int, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive-Groebner base test using colored systems.
isGBidem(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base idempotence test.
isGBrec(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Groebner base test.
isGBrec(int, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Groebner base test.
isGBsimple(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base simple test.
isGBsimple(int, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Groebner base simple test.
isGBsimple(int, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Groebner base simple test.
isGBsubst(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive-Groebner base test using substitution.
isGBsubst(int, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive-Groebner base test using substitution.
isGBsys(List<ColoredSystem<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive-Groebner system test.
isGBsys(int, List<ColoredSystem<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive-Groebner system test.
isGBsys(GroebnerSystem<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Comprehensive-Groebner system test.
isHenselLift(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, long, List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtil
use isHenselLift() without parameter k
isHenselLift(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtil
Modular Hensel lifting algorithm on coefficients test.
isHenselLift(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, BigInteger, BigInteger, List<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular Hensel lifting test.
isHenselLift(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, BigInteger, BigInteger, GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<BigInteger>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular Hensel lifting test.
isHenselLift(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, BigInteger, BigInteger, HenselApprox<MOD>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular Hensel lifting test.
isHomogeneous() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Is GenPolynomial<C> homogeneous.
isHomogeneous() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Is GenWordPolynomial<C> homogeneous.
isHomogeneous() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Test if all polynomials are homogeneous.
isIdempotent() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Is Product idempotent.
isIdempotent() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.RegularRingElem
Is idempotent.
isIdentityPermutation(List<Integer>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Test for identity permutation.
ISIGN(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Integer signum.
isIMAG() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Is Complex imaginary one.
isIMAG() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Is Complex imaginary one.
isIMAG() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Is BigOctonion imaginary one.
isIMAG() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Is BigQuaternion imaginary one.
isIMAG() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Is Complex imaginary one.
isIntegral(QuotIntegral<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
Test of integration of a rational function.
isIntegral(LogIntegral<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
Test of integration of the logarithmic part of a rational function.
isIrreducible(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial test if is irreducible.
isIrreducible(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Factorization
GenPolynomial test if is irreducible.
isLeftCoPrime(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenSolvablePolynomial test for left co-prime list.
isLeftCoPrime(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial test for co-prime list.
isLeftCoPrime(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial test for left co-prime list of given list.
isLeftGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Left Groebner base test.
isLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Left Groebner base test.
isLeftGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface
Module left Groebner base test.
isLeftGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Left Groebner base test.
isLeftGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, boolean) - Method in class
Left Groebner base test.
isLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Left Groebner base test.
isLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, boolean) - Method in class
Left Groebner base test.
isLeftGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class
Module left Groebner base test.
isLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Module left Groebner base test.
isLeftGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Module left Groebner base test.
isLeftGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract
Module left Groebner base test.
isLeftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq
Module left Groebner base test.
isLeftGBidem(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Left Groebner base idempotence test.
isLeftGBidem(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Left Groebner base idempotence test.
isLeftGBsimple(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Left Groebner base test.
isLeftGBsimple(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Left Groebner base test.
isLeftOreCond(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>[]) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Test left Ore condition.
isLeftOreCond(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>[]) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Test left Ore condition.
isLeftReductionMatrix(SolvableExtendedGB<C>) - Method in interface
Test if left reduction matrix.
isLeftReductionMatrix(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>, List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>) - Method in interface
Test if left reduction matrix.
isLeftReductionMatrix(SolvableExtendedGB<C>) - Method in class
Test if left reduction matrix.
isLeftReductionMatrix(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>, List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class
Test if left reduction matrix.
isLeftReductionMatrix(SolvableExtendedGB<C>) - Method in class
Test if M is a left reduction matrix.
isLeftReductionNF(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is reduction of normal form.
isLeftReductionNF(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is reduction of normal form.
isLeftZeroRelation(List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Test if left syzygy.
isLeftZeroRelation(ModuleList<C>, ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Test if left sysygy of modules
isLeftZeroRelation(List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Test if left syzygy.
isLeftZeroRelation(ModuleList<C>, ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Test if left sysygy of modules
isMaximal() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test if this ideal is maximal.
isMaximal() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Test if this ideal is maximal.
isMaximal() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Test if this ideal is maximal.
isMinimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Test for minimal ordered Groebner basis.
isMinimalGB(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Test for minimal ordered Groebner basis.
isMultiple(ExpVectorPair) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorPair
isNormalform(List<ColorPolynomial<C>>, ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<ColorPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is in normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Is in Normalform.
isNormalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Is in Normalform.
isNormalPositionFor(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test if this ideal is in normal position for variables i and j.
isNull(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Is null.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Is this polynomial ONE.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test if ONE is contained in the ideal.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Is Local one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Is RealAlgebraicNumber one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Is Residue one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Test if ONE is contained in the ideal.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Is SolvableLocal one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Is SolvableLocalResidue one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Is SolvableResidue one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Test if ONE is contained in the ideal.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Is WordResidue one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Is Complex number one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Is BigDecimal number one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Is Complex number one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Is BigInteger number one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Is BigOctonion number one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Is BigQuaternion number one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Is BigRational one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Is ModInteger number one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Is ModLong number one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Is Product one.
isONE() - Method in class
Is reduced to one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Is SolvableQuotient one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Is AlgebraicNumber one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Is Complex number one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Is GenPolynomial<C> one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Is GenWordPolynomial<C> one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Is Local one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Test if list contains a ONE.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Is Quotient one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Is Residue one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Is Word one.
isONE() - Method in class
Is power series one.
isONE() - Method in class
Is power series one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Is ComplexAlgebraicNumber one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Is RealAlgebraicNumber one.
isONE() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.MonoidElem
Test if this is one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Is Quotient one.
isONE() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Test if this is one.
isOONE(BigOctonion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Is BigOctonion number one.
isOverlap(Word, Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Overlap
Is word overlap.
isOverlap(Word, Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.OverlapList
Is word overlap list.
isOverlap(Overlap, Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Is word overlap.
isOZERO(BigOctonion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Is Octonion number zero.
isPrimaryDecomposition(List<PrimaryComponent<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test for primary ideal decompostition.
isQONE(BigQuaternion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Is BigQuaternion number one.
isQZERO(BigQuaternion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Is Quaternion number zero.
isRadicalMember(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Radical membership test.
isRadicalMember(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Radical membership test.
isRealRoots(List<GenPolynomial<BigDecimal>>, List<List<BigDecimal>>, BigDecimal) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Test for real roots of zero dimensional ideal(L).
isRecursiveCharRoot(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, Long>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
Recursive polynomial is char-th root.
isRecursiveCharRoot(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
Recursive polynomial is char-th root.
isRecursiveFactorization(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, Long>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial is factorization.
isRecursiveFactorization(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, SortedMap<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, Long>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial is (squarefree) factorization.
isRecursivePseudoQuotientRemainder(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
Is recursive GenSolvablePolynomial pseudo quotient and remainder.
isRecursivePseudoQuotientRemainder(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Is recursive GenPolynomial pseudo quotient and remainder.
isRecursiveRightPseudoQuotientRemainder(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
Is recursive GenSolvablePolynomial right pseudo quotient and remainder.
isRecursiveSquarefree(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
Recursive GenPolynomial test if is squarefree.
isRecursiveUnivariateSquarefree(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
GenPolynomial test if is squarefree.
isReducedBooleanClosed(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Is reduced boolean closed, test if all A in F are boolean closed or br(A) reduces to zero.
isReducible(List<ColorPolynomial<C>>, ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Is reducible.
isReducible(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is reducible.
isReducible(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is reducible.
isReducible(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is reducible.
isReducible(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is reducible.
isReducible(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is reducible.
isReducible(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is reducible.
isReducible(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial test if a non trivial factorization exsists.
isReducible(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Factorization
GenPolynomial test if a non trivial factorization exsists.
isReductionMatrix(ExtendedGB<C>) - Method in interface
Test if reduction matrix.
isReductionMatrix(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in interface
Test if reduction matrix.
isReductionMatrix(ExtendedGB<C>) - Method in class
Test if reduction matrix.
isReductionMatrix(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class
Test if reduction matrix.
isReductionNF(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is reduction of normal form.
isReductionNF(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is reduction of normal form.
isReductionNF(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is reduction of normal form.
isReductionNF(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is reduction of normal form.
isResultant(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtil
Test for resultant.
isRightFraction(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Test if SolvableQuotient right fraction.
isRightGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Test if this is a right Groebner base.
isRightGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Right Groebner base test.
isRightGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Right Groebner base test.
isRightGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface
Module right Groebner base test.
isRightGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Right Groebner base test.
isRightGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Right Groebner base test.
isRightGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class
Module right Groebner base test.
isRightGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Module right Groebner base test.
isRightGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Module right Groebner base test.
isRightGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract
Module right Groebner base test.
isRightGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq
Module right Groebner base test.
isRightGBidem(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Right Groebner base idempotence test.
isRightGBidem(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Right Groebner base idempotence test.
isRightOreCond(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>[]) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Test right Ore condition.
isRightOreCond(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>[]) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Test right Ore condition.
isRightRecursivePolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
Test RecSolvablePolynomial right coefficients polynomial.
isRightRecursivePolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
Test RecSolvablePolynomial right coefficients polynomial.
isRightZeroRelation(List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Test if right syzygy.
isRightZeroRelation(ModuleList<C>, ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Test if right sysygy of modules
isRightZeroRelation(List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Test if right syzygy.
isRightZeroRelation(ModuleList<C>, ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Test if right sysygy of modules
isRoot(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, Complex<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.RootFactory
Is complex algebraic number a root of a polynomial.
isRoot(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, List<Complex<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.RootFactory
Is complex algebraic number a root of a polynomial.
isRoot(GenPolynomial<C>, RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Is real algebraic number a root of a polynomial.
isRoot(GenPolynomial<C>, ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Is complex algebraic number a root of a polynomial.
isRootComplex(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>, ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Is complex algebraic number a root of a complex polynomial.
isRootRealCoeff(GenPolynomial<C>, Complex<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.RootFactory
Is complex algebraic number a root of a polynomial.
isRunning() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.ComputerThreads
Test if a pool is running.
isSingleLetters(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Test if all variables are single letters.
isSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial test if is squarefree.
isSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Factorization
GenPolynomial test if is squarefree.
isSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Squarefree
GenPolynomial test if is squarefree.
isSquarefree(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Squarefree
GenPolynomial list test if squarefree.
isSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial test if is squarefree.
isSquarefree(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial list test if squarefree.
isSquarefree(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
GenPolynomial test if is squarefree.
isSTD(List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>) - Method in class
Standard base test.
isSTD(int, List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>) - Method in class
Standard base test.
isStrongTopReducible(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.RReduction
Is strong top reducible.
isStrongTopReducible(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Is strong top reducible.
isTopReducible(List<ColorPolynomial<C>>, ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Is top reducible.
isTopReducible(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is top reducible.
isTopReducible(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is top reducible.
isTopReducible(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is top reducible.
isTopReducible(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is top reducible.
isTopReducible(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is top reducible.
isTopReducible(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is top reducible.
isTopReducible(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Is top reducible.
isTopReducible(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Is top reducible.
isTopReducible(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Is top reducible.
isTopReducible(List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>, MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Is top reducible.
isTopt - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Indicator if list has optimized term order.
isTopt - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Indicator if list has optimized term order.
isTrue() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.PrettyPrint
isTwosidedGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Test if this is a twosided Groebner base.
isTwosidedGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Twosided Groebner base test.
isTwosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Twosided Groebner base test.
isTwosidedGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface
Module twosided Groebner base test.
isTwosidedGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Twosided Groebner base test.
isTwosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Twosided Groebner base test.
isTwosidedGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class
Module twosided Groebner base test.
isTwosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Module twosided Groebner base test.
isTwosidedGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Module twosided Groebner base test.
isTwosidedGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract
Module twosided Groebner base test.
isTwosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq
Module twosided Groebner base test.
isTwosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Twosided Groebner base test.
isTwosidedGBidem(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Twosided Groebner base idempotence test.
isTwosidedGBidem(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Twosided Groebner base idempotence test.
ISUM(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger addition.
isUnit(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test if element is a unit modulo this ideal.
isunit - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Local
Flag to remember if this local element is a unit. -1 is unknown, 1 is unit, 0 not a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Is Local unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Is RealAlgebraicNumber unit.
isunit - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Flag to remember if this residue element is a unit. -1 is unknown, 1 is unit, 0 not a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Is Residue unit.
isUnit(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Test if element is a unit modulo this ideal.
isunit - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Flag to remember if this local element is a unit. -1 is unknown, 1 is unit, 0 not a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Is SolvableLocal unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Is SolvableLocalResidue a unit.
isunit - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Flag to remember if this residue element is a unit. -1 is unknown, 1 is unit, 0 not a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Is SolvableResidue unit.
isUnit(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Test if element is a unit modulo this ideal.
isunit - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Flag to remember if this residue element is a unit. -1 is unknown, 1 is unit, 0 not a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Is WordResidue unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Is Complex unit element.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Is BigDecimal number unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Is Complex unit element.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Is BigInteger number unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Is BigOctonion unit element.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Is BigQuaternion unit element.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Is BigRational unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Is ModInteger number a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Is ModLong number a unit.
isunit - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Flag to remember if this product element is a unit in each cmponent. -1 is unknown, 1 is unit, 0 not a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Is Product unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Is SolvableQuotient a unit.
isunit - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Flag to remember if this algebraic number is a unit. -1 is unknown, 1 is unit, 0 not a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Is AlgebraicNumber unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Is Complex unit element.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Is GenPolynomial<C> a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Is GenWordPolynomial<C> a unit.
isunit - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Flag to remember if this local element is a unit. -1 is unknown, 1 is unit, 0 not a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Is Local unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Is Quotient unit.
isunit - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Flag to remember if this residue element is a unit. -1 is unknown, 1 is unit, 0 not a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Is Residue unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Is Word unit.
isUnit() - Method in class
Is unit.
isUnit() - Method in class
Is unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Is ComplexAlgebraicNumber unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Is RealAlgebraicNumber unit.
isUnit() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.MonoidElem
Test if this is a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Is Quotient a unit.
isUnit() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Test if this is a unit.
isWeightHomogeneous() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Is GenPolynomial<C> homogeneous with respect to a weight.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Is this polynomial ZERO.
isZero() - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
Is reduced to zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test if ZERO ideal.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Is Local zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Is RealAlgebraicNumber zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Is Residue zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Test if ZERO ideal.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Is SolvableLocal zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Is SolvableLocalResidue zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Is SolvableResidue zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Test if ZERO ideal.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Is WordResidue zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Is Complex number zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Is BigDecimal number zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Is Complex number zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Is BigInteger number zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Is BigOctonion number zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Is BigQuaternion number zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Is BigRational zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Is ModInteger number zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Is ModLong number zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Is Product zero.
isZERO() - Method in class
Is reduced to zero.
isZero() - Method in class
Is reduced to zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Is SolvableQuotient zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Is AlgebraicNumber zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Is Complex number zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Is ExpVector zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Is GenPolynomial<C> zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Is GenWordPolynomial<C> zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Is Local zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Test if list contains only ZEROs.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Is Quotient zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Is Residue zero.
isZERO() - Method in class
Is power series zero.
isZero() - Method in class
Is reduced to zero.
isZERO() - Method in class
Test if this is zero.
isZERO() - Method in interface
Test if this is zero.
isZERO() - Method in class
Test if this is zero.
isZERO() - Method in class
Is power series zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Is ComplexAlgebraicNumber zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Is RealAlgebraicNumber zero.
isZERO() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AbelianGroupElem
Test if this is zero.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Is Quotient zero.
isZero(List<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.BasicLinAlg
Test vector of zero ring elements.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Test if this is equal to a zero matrix.
isZERO() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
test if this is equal to a zero vector.
isZeroDimDecomposition(List<IdealWithUniv<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test for zero dimensional ideal decompostition.
isZeroDimRadical() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Test for Zero dimensional radical.
isZeroRelation(List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Test if sysygy.
isZeroRelation(ModuleList<C>, ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Test if sysygy of modules.
isZeroRelation(List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyAbstract
Test if sysygy.
isZeroRelation(ModuleList<C>, ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyAbstract
Test if sysygy of modules.
iter - Variable in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Internal iterator.
iterated() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Request iterated GB algorithm.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get a BigInteger iterator.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get a BigRational iterator.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Get a ModInteger iterator.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Get a ModLong iterator.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.PrimeList
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get a AlgebraicNumber iterator.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Iterator over monomials.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get a GenPolynomial iterator.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Iterator over monomials.
iterator() - Method in class
Get an iterator over ExpVector.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.CartesianProduct
Get an iterator over subsets.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.CartesianProductInfinite
Get an iterator over subsets.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.CartesianProductLong
Get an iterator over subsets.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
List key iterator.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
List iterator.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.KsubSet
Get an iterator over subsets.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.LongIterable
Get an iterator over Long.
iterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.PowerSet
get an iterator over subsets.
IteratorsTest - Class in
Iterator tests with JUnit.
IteratorsTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a ListUtilTest object.
IteratorsTest - Class in edu.jas.util
Iterator tests with JUnit.
IteratorsTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.IteratorsTest
Constructs a ListUtilTest object.
iufd - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorHensel
Fall back gcd algorithm.
iufd - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModular


j - Variable in class edu.jas.application.CPair
J - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
The constant j.
j - Variable in class
j - Variable in class
j - Variable in class
jm - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Imaginary part j of the data structure.
jobstack - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
Work queue / stack.
jobstack - Variable in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
Work queue / stack.


K - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
The constant k.
k - Variable in class edu.jas.util.KsubSet
Katsura - Class in
Class to produce a system of equations as defined by Katsura.
Katsura(int) - Constructor for class
Katsura constructor.
Katsura(String, int) - Constructor for class
Katsura constructor.
Katsura(String, int, String) - Constructor for class
Katsura constructor.
key() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DHTTransport
Get the key from this DHTTransport Container.
keySet() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Get the keys as set.
km - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Imaginary part k of the data structure.
KsubSet<E> - Class in edu.jas.util
K-Subset with iterator.
KsubSet(List<E>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.KsubSet
KsubSet constructor.


l1 - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Overlap
l2 - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Overlap
lcm(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector least common multiple.
lcm(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector least common multiple.
lcm(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector least common multiple.
lcm(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector least common multiple.
lcm(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector least common multiple.
lcm(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word pseudo least common multiple.
lcm(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenPolynomial least comon multiple.
lcm(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial least common multiple.
leadingBaseCoefficient() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Leading base coefficient.
leadingBaseCoefficient() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Leading base coefficient.
leadingBaseCoefficient() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.Polynomial
Leading base coefficient.
leadingCoefficient() - Method in class
Leading base coefficient.
leadingCoefficient() - Method in class
Leading base coefficient.
leadingExpVector() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Get leading exponent vector.
leadingExpVector() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Leading exponent vector.
leadingExpVector() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.Polynomial
Leading exponent vector.
leadingExpVector(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Polynomial list leading exponent vectors.
leadingExpVector() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word leading exponent vector.
leadingMonomial() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Get leading monomial.
leadingMonomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Leading monomial.
leadingMonomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Leading monomial.
leadingMonomial() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.Polynomial
Leading monomial.
leadingWeightPolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Leading weight polynomial.
leadingWeightPolynomials() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Leading weight polynomials.
leadingWord() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Leading word.
left - Variable in class edu.jas.root.Interval
left interval border.
leftBaseContent(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial base coefficient content.
leftBaseGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial greatest common divisor.
leftBaseGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial greatest common divisor.
leftBaseGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorSimple
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial greatest common divisor.
leftBasePrimitivePart(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial base coefficient primitive part.
leftBasePseudoQuotient(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial sparse pseudo quotient for univariate polynomials or exact division.
leftBasePseudoQuotientRemainder(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial sparse pseudo quotient and remainder for univariate polynomials or exact division.
leftBaseSparsePseudoRemainder(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial sparse pseudo remainder for univariate polynomials.
leftContent(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenSolvablePolynomial left content.
leftContent(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial left content.
leftCoPrime(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenSolvablePolynomial left co-prime list.
leftCoPrime(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial co-prime list.
leftCoPrime(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial left co-prime list.
leftCoPrimeRec(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial left co-prime list.
leftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base.
leftGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Parallel Groebner base using sequential pair order class.
leftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Parallel Groebner base using sequential pair order class.
leftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Left Groebner base using pairlist class.
leftGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenSolvablePolynomial left greatest common divisor.
leftGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial greatest common divisor.
leftGcd(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
List of GenSolvablePolynomials left greatest common divisor.
leftIrreducibleSet(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Left irreducible set.
leftIrreducibleSet(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Left irreducible set.
leftLcm(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenSolvablePolynomial left least common multiple.
leftLcm(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial left least common multiple.
leftLinearCombination(C, C, GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
left linear compination of this matrix with scalar multiple of other matrix.
leftLinearCombination(C, C, GenVector<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
left linear combination of this vector with scalar multiple of other vector.
leftMinimalGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Left minimal ordered groebner basis.
leftMinimalGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Left minimal ordered groebner basis.
leftMinimalGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered groebner basis, parallel.
leftMinimalGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered groebner basis, parallel.
leftMinimalGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Minimal ordered Solvable Groebner basis.
leftMinimalGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Minimal ordered Solvable Groebner basis.
leftNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Left Normalform.
leftNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
LeftNormalform with recording.
leftNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Left Normalform Set.
leftNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Left Normalform Set.
leftNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Left Normalform.
leftNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
LeftNormalform with recording.
leftNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Left Normalform.
leftNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
LeftNormalform with recording.
leftNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Normalform with left recording.
leftNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Normalform with left recording.
leftNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Left normalform with recording.
leftNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Left normalform with recording.
leftNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionSeq
Left normalform.
leftNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionSeq
Left normalform with recording.
leftNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionSeq
leftNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionSeq
leftNormalformFactor(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReduction
Left normalform with multiplication factor.
leftNormalformFactor(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionSeq
Left normalform with factor.
leftNormalformRecursive(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReduction
Left normalform recursive.
leftNormalformRecursive(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionSeq
Left normalform recursive.
leftOreCond(C, C) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Coefficient left Ore condition.
leftOreCond(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Left Ore condition.
leftOreCond(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Left Ore condition.
leftOreCond(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygySeq
Left Ore condition.
leftPrimitivePart(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenSolvablePolynomial left primitive part.
leftPrimitivePart(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial left primitive part.
leftRecursiveContent(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial left recursive content.
leftRecursiveGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial left recursive greatest common divisor.
leftRecursivePrimitivePart(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial left recursive primitive part.
leftRecursiveUnivariateGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial recursive greatest common divisor.
leftRecursiveUnivariateGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial left recursive greatest common divisor.
leftRecursiveUnivariateGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorSimple
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial left recursive greatest common divisor.
leftScalarMultiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Left product of this matrix with scalar.
leftScalarMultiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Left product of this vector with scalar.
leftScalarProduct(List<C>, List<List<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.BasicLinAlg
Scalar product of vectors and a matrix of ring elements.
leftSimplifier(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Left simplifier.
leftSimplifier(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygySeq
Left simplifier.
leftSPolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Left S-Polynomial.
leftSPolynomial(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, int, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, int, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
S-Polynomial with recording.
leftSPolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Left S-Polynomial.
leftSPolynomial(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, int, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, int, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
S-Polynomial with recording.
leftZeroRelations(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Left syzygy for left Groebner base.
leftZeroRelations(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Left syzygy for left Groebner base.
leftZeroRelations(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Left syzygy for left module Groebner base.
leftZeroRelations(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Left syzygy for left Groebner base.
leftZeroRelations(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Left syzygy for left Groebner base.
leftZeroRelations(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Left syzygy for left module Groebner base.
leftZeroRelationsArbitrary(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Left syzygy module from arbitrary base.
leftZeroRelationsArbitrary(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Left syzygy module from arbitrary base.
leftZeroRelationsArbitrary(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Left syzygy for arbitrary left module base.
leftZeroRelationsArbitrary(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Left syzygy module from arbitrary base.
leftZeroRelationsArbitrary(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Left syzygy for arbitrary left module base.
leftZeroRelationsArbitrary(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygySeq
Left syzygy module from arbitrary base.
LELT(LIST<C>, int) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
List element.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Length of red and white parts.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Get the number of factors of this ring.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get the length of this exponent vector.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Get the length of this exponent vector.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Get the length of this exponent vector.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Get the length of this exponent vector.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Get the length of this exponent vector.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Length of GenPolynomial.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Length of GenWordPolynomial.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Get the length of this word.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get the alphabet length.
length() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
length() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
length() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
length() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsMap
LENGTH(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
lengthImag() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Length imaginary side.
lengthReal() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Length real side.
lex(String, String) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
LEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
LEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder named LEX.
lex - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name lex of Sage.
Lexicographic - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name Lexicographic of Math like CAS.
LIFO - Static variable in class edu.jas.util.StrategyEnumeration
liftDiophant(GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, List<MOD>, long, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtil
Modular diophantine equation solution and lifting algorithm.
liftDiophant(List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, List<MOD>, long, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtil
Modular diophantine equation solution and lifting algorithm.
liftDiophant(GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular diophantine equation solution and lifting algorithm.
liftDiophant(List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular diophantine equation solution and lifting algorithm.
liftDiophant(GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, long, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular diophantine equation solution and lifting algorithm.
liftDiophant(List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, long, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular diophantine equation solution and lifting algorithm.
liftExtendedEuclidean(GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Constructing and lifting algorithm for extended Euclidean relation.
liftExtendedEuclidean(List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Constructing and lifting algorithm for extended Euclidean relation.
liftHensel(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, List<BigInteger>, long, List<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtil
Modular Hensel lifting algorithm.
liftHensel(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, BigInteger, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular Hensel lifting algorithm on coefficients.
liftHensel(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, BigInteger, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular Hensel lifting algorithm on coefficients.
liftHensel(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, long, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular Hensel lifting algorithm on coefficients.
liftHenselFull(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, List<BigInteger>, long, List<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtil
Modular Hensel full lifting algorithm.
liftHenselMonic(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, List<BigInteger>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtil
Modular Hensel lifting algorithm, monic case.
liftHenselMonic(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, List<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular Hensel lifting algorithm on coefficients.
liftHenselQuadratic(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, BigInteger, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular quadratic Hensel lifting algorithm on coefficients.
liftHenselQuadratic(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, BigInteger, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular quadratic Hensel lifting algorithm on coefficients.
liftHenselQuadraticFac(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, BigInteger, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular Hensel lifting algorithm on coefficients.
liftHenselQuadraticFac(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, BigInteger, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtil
Modular Hensel lifting algorithm on coefficients.
linearCombination(C, A, C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AlgebraElem
Linear combination.
linearCombination(A, C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AlgebraElem
Linear combination.
linearCombination(C, M, C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ModulElem
Linear combination.
linearCombination(M, C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ModulElem
Linear combination.
linearCombination(C, GenMatrix<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Linear compination of this matrix with scalar multiple of other matrix.
linearCombination(GenMatrix<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Linear combination of this matrix with scalar multiple of other matrix.
linearCombination(C, GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Left linear combination of this matrix with scalar multiple of other matrix.
linearCombination(C, GenVector<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Linear combination of this vector with scalar multiple of other vector.
linearCombination(GenVector<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Linear combination of this vector with scalar multiple of other vector.
linearCombination(C, GenVector<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Left linear combination of this vector with scalar multiple of other vector.
list - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Colored polynomials of this system.
list - Variable in class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
List of colored systems.
list - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
The data structure is a PolynomialList.
list - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
The data structure is a PolynomialList.
list - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
The data structure is a list of word polynomials.
list - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
The data structure is a List of Lists of polynomials.
list - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
The data structure is a List of polynomials.
LIST<C> - Class in edu.mas.kern
MAS and SAC2/Aldes LIST emulation and adaptor class.
LIST() - Constructor for class edu.mas.kern.LIST
LIST constructor.
LIST(LinkedList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.mas.kern.LIST
internal LIST constructor.
LIST(List<C>) - Constructor for class edu.mas.kern.LIST
LIST constructor.
list - Variable in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Internal data structure.
LIST1(C) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
List, 1 element. a in an object.
LIST10(C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
List, 10 elements. a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 and a10 are objects.
LIST2(C, C) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
List, 2 elements. a and b are objects.
LIST3(C, C, C) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
List, 3 elements. a1, a2 and a3 are objects.
LIST4(C, C, C, C) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
List, 4 elements. a1, a2, a3 and a4 are objects.
LIST5(C, C, C, C, C) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
List, 5 elements. a1,a2,a3,a4 and a5 are objects.
listener - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
listener - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
listPermutation(List<Integer>, List<T>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Permutation of a list.
LISTTest - Class in edu.mas.kern
Basic list processing tests with JUnit.
LISTTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
Constructs a LISTTest object.
ListUtil - Class in edu.jas.util
List utilities.
ListUtil() - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ListUtil
ListUtilTest - Class in edu.jas.util
ListUtil tests with JUnit.
ListUtilTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ListUtilTest
Constructs a ListUtilTest object.
lMinterm(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLM
Algorithm lMinterm: MINTERM algorithm for inverse lexicographical term order.
Local<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Local ring element based on GenPolynomial with RingElem interface.
Local(LocalRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Local
The constructor creates a Local object from a ring factory.
Local(LocalRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Local
The constructor creates a Local object from a ring factory and a numerator polynomial.
Local(LocalRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Local
The constructor creates a Local object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator polynomial.
Local(LocalRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Local
The constructor creates a Local object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator polynomial.
Local<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Local element based on RingElem pairs.
Local(LocalRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Local
The constructor creates a Local object from a ring factory.
Local(LocalRing<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Local
The constructor creates a Local object from a ring factory and a numerator element.
Local(LocalRing<C>, C, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Local
The constructor creates a Local object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator element.
Local(LocalRing<C>, C, C, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Local
The constructor creates a Local object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator element.
LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest - Class in edu.jas.application
BigRational coefficients LocalResidueSolvablePolynomial QLR representation tests with JUnit.
LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Constructs a LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest object.
LocalRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Local ring class based on GenPolynomial with RingElem interface.
LocalRing(Ideal<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
The constructor creates a LocalRing object from an Ideal.
LocalRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Local ring factory based on RingElem principal ideal.
LocalRing(RingFactory<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
The constructor creates a LocalRing object from a RingFactory and a RingElem.
LocalSolvablePolynomial<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
LocalSolvablePolynomial generic recursive solvable polynomials implementing RingElem. n-variate ordered solvable polynomials over solvable polynomial coefficients.
LocalSolvablePolynomial(LocalSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for zero LocalSolvablePolynomial.
LocalSolvablePolynomial(LocalSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, SolvableLocal<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for LocalSolvablePolynomial.
LocalSolvablePolynomial(LocalSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, SolvableLocal<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for LocalSolvablePolynomial.
LocalSolvablePolynomial(LocalSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<SolvableLocal<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for LocalSolvablePolynomial.
LocalSolvablePolynomial(LocalSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, SortedMap<ExpVector, SolvableLocal<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for LocalSolvablePolynomial.
LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest - Class in edu.jas.application
BigRational coefficients LocalSolvablePolynomial QLR representation tests with JUnit.
LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Constructs a LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest object.
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing generic recursive solvable polynomial factory implementing RingFactory and extending GenSolvablePolynomialRing factory.
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableLocal<C>>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order and commutative relations.
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableLocal<C>>, int, RelationTable<SolvableLocal<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableLocal<C>>, int, TermOrder) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableLocal<C>>, int, TermOrder, RelationTable<SolvableLocal<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableLocal<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableLocal<C>>, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableLocal<C>>, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableLocal<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[], RelationTable<SolvableLocal<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableLocal<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ and the solvable multiplication relations are empty.
LocalSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableLocal<C>>, LocalSolvablePolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ and the solvable multiplication relations are empty.
LocalSolvablePolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.application
BigRational coefficients LocalSolvablePolynomial tests with JUnit.
LocalSolvablePolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
Constructs a LocalSolvablePolynomialTest object.
LocalTest - Class in edu.jas.application
Local tests with JUnit.
LocalTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.LocalTest
Constructs a LocalTest object.
LocalTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
Local tests with JUnit.
LocalTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
Constructs a LocalTest object.
logarithm - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.Integral
Integral of the logarithmic part.
logarithm - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.QuotIntegral
Integral of the logarithmic part.
logarithm(C, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
logger - Static variable in class
logger - Static variable in class
logger - Static variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtil
LogIntegral<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.integrate
Container for the logarithmic part of a rational function integral. num/den = sum( a_i ( der(d_i) / d_i ) ) integrate(num/den) = sum( a_i log ( d_i ) )
LogIntegral(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, List<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
longArrayPermutation(List<Integer>, long[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Permutation of a long array.
LongIterable - Class in edu.jas.util
Iterable for Long.
LongIterable() - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.LongIterable
LongIterable(long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.LongIterable
longValue() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get the value as long.
lookup(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Lookup RelationTable for existing relation.
lp - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name lp of Singular.
ls - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name ls of Singular.


M - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Dimension
Set of indices of all maximal independent sets (of variables).
magnitude() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber magnitude.
magnitude() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber magnitude.
magnitude() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber magnitude.
magnitudeBound(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Magnitude bound.
magnitudeBound(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Magnitude bound.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.CGBSeqTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ComplexRootTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Examples
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExamplesGeoTheorems
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrimTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorRealRealTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.HenselMultUtilTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.LocalTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilAppTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ReductionTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.RunGB
main method to be called from commandline
Usage: RunGB [seq|par(+)|dist(+)|disthyb(+)|cli] <file> #procs/#threadsPerNode [machinefile] <check> <log>
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.RunSGB
main method to be called from commandline
Usage: RunSGB [seq|seq+|par|par+] [irr|left|right|two] <file> #procs
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdealTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplexTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtilTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDPrimitiveTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDSimpleTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharSetTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.Examples
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotientTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRationalTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtilTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.ReductionTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeqTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.integrate.Examples
Main program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatusTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ANumGenPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexGenPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.Examples
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenMatrixTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenVectorTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.IntGenPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleListTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialListTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RatPolyGenPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimizationTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootUtilTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.Examples
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.ExamplesPartialFraction
Main program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraicTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplexTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorGenericTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModularTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorMoreTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotientTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRationalTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactoryTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDHenselTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPartFracRatTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxyTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSimpleTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDTimingTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtilTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientIntTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRatTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotIntPolynomialTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeIntTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRatTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraicTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
main method to start serving thread.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServerTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.IteratorsTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ListUtilTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.PowerSetTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannelTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannelTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.vector.Examples
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
makeKey(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Construct a key for (e,f).
map(UnaryFunctor<? super C, C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Map a unary function to the coefficients.
map(UnaryFunctor<? super C, C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Map a unary function to the coefficients.
map(GenPolynomialRing<D>, GenPolynomial<C>, UnaryFunctor<C, D>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Map a unary function to the coefficients.
map(UnaryFunctor<? super C, C>) - Method in class
Map a unary function to this power series.
map(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in interface
map(UnaryFunctor<? super C, C>) - Method in class
Map a unary function to this power series.
map(UnivPowerSeries<C>) - Method in interface
map(List<C>, UnaryFunctor<C, D>) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ListUtil
Map a unary function to the list.
MapEntry<K,V> - Class in edu.jas.util
MapEntry helper class implements Map.Entry.
MapEntry(K, V) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.MapEntry
matrix - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
MAX_LONG - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
maximal representable integer.
maxByte - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Largest byte.
maxDeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector maximal degree.
maxDeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector maximal degree.
maxDeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector maximal degree.
maxDeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector maximal degree.
maxDeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector maximal degree.
maxDegree(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Maximal degree of polynomial list.
maxIndex(int) - Method in class
Set maximal index.
maxInt - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Largest integer.
maxNorm() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial maximum norm.
maxNorm() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial maximum norm.
maxShort - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Largest short.
mengine - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorInteger
Gcd engine for modular base coefficients.
messages() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
Number of messages.
mfactor - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorInteger
Factorization engine for modular base coefficients.
mfile - Variable in class
machine file to use.
mfile - Variable in class
machine file to use.
MIABS(ModInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger absolute value.
MICOMP(ModInteger, ModInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger comparison.
middle() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
Middle point.
MIDIF(ModInteger, ModInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger subtraction.
MIINV(ModInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger inverse.
minByte - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Smallest byte.
MINEG(ModInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger negative.
minimalExtendedGB(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class
Minimal extended groebner basis.
minimalGB(ColoredSystem<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComprehensiveGroebnerBaseSeq
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Minimal ordered groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered groebner basis, parallel.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered groebner basis, parallel.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered groebner basis, parallel.
minimalGB(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Minimal ordered groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<Quotient<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotient
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<BigRational>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRational
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeq
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalGB(List<GenWordPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Minimal ordered Groebner basis.
minimalSolvableExtendedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class
Minimal solvable extended groebner basis.
minimalSTD(List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>) - Method in class
Minimal ordered Standard basis.
minInt - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Smallest integer.
minShort - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Smallest short.
MIPROD(ModInteger, ModInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger product.
MIQ(ModInteger, ModInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger quotient.
MIREM(ModInteger, ModInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger remainder.
MISIGN(ModInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger signum.
MISUM(ModInteger, ModInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger summation.
modAll(String, String, Integer) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
modfglm(String, String, Integer) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
ModGenPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
ModInteger coefficients GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
ModGenPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ModGenPolynomialTest
Constructs a ModGenPolynomialTest object.
ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
ModInteger coefficients GenSolvablePolynomial tests with JUnit.
ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Constructs a ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest object.
modGrad(String, String, Integer) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
ModGroebnerBase<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.gbmod
use respective methods from GroebnerBase
ModGroebnerBaseAbstract<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbmod
use respective methods from GroebnerBaseAbstract
ModGroebnerBaseAbstract() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBaseAbstract
ModGroebnerBasePar<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbmod
use respective methods from GroebnerBaseParallel
ModGroebnerBasePar(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBasePar
ModGroebnerBasePar(GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBasePar
ModGroebnerBaseSeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbmod
use respective methods from GroebnerBaseSeq
ModGroebnerBaseSeq(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBaseSeq
ModGroebnerBaseSeq(GroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBaseSeq
ModGroebnerBaseTest - Class in
ModGroebnerBase sequential and parallel tests with JUnit.
ModGroebnerBaseTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a ModGroebnerBaseTest object.
ModInteger - Class in edu.jas.arith
ModInteger class with GcdRingElem interface.
ModInteger(ModIntegerRing, BigInteger) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
The constructor creates a ModInteger object from a ModIntegerRing and a value part.
ModInteger(ModIntegerRing, long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
The constructor creates a ModInteger object from a ModIntegerRing and a long value part.
ModInteger(ModIntegerRing, String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
The constructor creates a ModInteger object from a ModIntegerRing and a String value part.
ModInteger(ModIntegerRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
The constructor creates a 0 ModInteger object from a given ModIntegerRing.
ModIntegerRing - Class in edu.jas.arith
ModIntegerRing factory with RingFactory interface.
ModIntegerRing(BigInteger) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
The constructor creates a ModIntegerRing object from a BigInteger object as module part.
ModIntegerRing(BigInteger, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
The constructor creates a ModIntegerRing object from a BigInteger object as module part.
ModIntegerRing(long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
The constructor creates a ModIntegerRing object from a long as module part.
ModIntegerRing(long, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
The constructor creates a ModIntegerRing object from a long as module part.
ModIntegerRing(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
The constructor creates a ModIntegerRing object from a String object as module part.
ModIntegerRing(String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
The constructor creates a ModIntegerRing object from a String object as module part.
ModIntegerTest - Class in edu.jas.arith
ModInteger and PrimeList tests with JUnit.
ModIntegerTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
Constructs a ModIntegerTest object.
modInverse(long, long) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Long modular inverse.
modInverse(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial modular inverse.
modInverse(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial modular inverse.
ModLong - Class in edu.jas.arith
ModLong class with RingElem interface.
ModLong(ModLongRing, BigInteger) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
The constructor creates a ModLong object from a ModLongRing and a value part.
ModLong(ModLongRing, long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
The constructor creates a ModLong object from a ModLongRing and a long value part.
ModLong(ModLongRing, Long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
The constructor creates a ModLong object from a ModLongRing and a Long value part.
ModLong(ModLongRing, String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
The constructor creates a ModLong object from a ModLongRing and a String value part.
ModLong(ModLongRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
The constructor creates a 0 ModLong object from a given ModLongRing.
ModLongRing - Class in edu.jas.arith
ModLongRing factory with RingFactory interface.
ModLongRing(long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
The constructor creates a ModLongRing object from a long integer as module part.
ModLongRing(long, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
The constructor creates a ModLongRing object from a long integer as module part.
ModLongRing(Long) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
The constructor creates a ModLongRing object from a Long integer as module part.
ModLongRing(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
The constructor creates a ModLongRing object from a Long integer as module part.
ModLongRing(BigInteger) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
The constructor creates a ModLongRing object from a BigInteger converted to long as module part.
ModLongRing(BigInteger, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
The constructor creates a ModLongRing object from a BigInteger converted to long as module part.
ModLongRing(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
The constructor creates a ModLongRing object from a String object as module part.
ModLongRing(String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
The constructor creates a ModLongRing object from a String object as module part.
ModLongTest - Class in edu.jas.arith
ModLong tests with JUnit.
ModLongTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
Constructs a ModLongTest object.
modPositivePower(C, long, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
power of a to the n-th, n positive, modulo m.
modPower(MonoidFactory<C>, C, long, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
power of a to the n-th modulo m.
modPower(MonoidFactory<C>, C, BigInteger, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
power of a to the n-th modulo m.
modPower(C, long, C) - Method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
power of a to the n-th mod m.
modPower(C, BigInteger, C) - Method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
power of a to the n-th mod m.
ModSolvableGroebnerBase<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.gbmod
use respective methods from SolvableGroebnerBase
ModSolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbmod
use respective methods from SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract
ModSolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract
ModSolvableGroebnerBasePar<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbmod
use respective methods from SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel
ModSolvableGroebnerBasePar(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBasePar
ModSolvableGroebnerBasePar(SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBasePar
ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbmod
use respective methods from SolvableGroebnerBaseSeq
ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq
ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq(SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq
ModSolvableGroebnerBaseTest - Class in
ModSolvableGroebnerBase sequential and parallel tests with JUnit.
ModSolvableGroebnerBaseTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a ModSolvableGroebnerBaseTest object.
modul - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Module part of the factory data structure.
modul - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Module part of the factory data structure.
modul - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Module part of the factory data structure.
modul - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Ring element for reduction.
modul - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Modular - Interface in edu.jas.arith
Interface with getInteger and getSymmetricInteger methods.
ModularNotInvertibleException - Exception in edu.jas.arith
Modular integer NotInvertibleException class.
ModularNotInvertibleException() - Constructor for exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
ModularNotInvertibleException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
ModularNotInvertibleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
ModularNotInvertibleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
ModularNotInvertibleException(GcdRingElem, GcdRingElem, GcdRingElem) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
ModularNotInvertibleException(String, GcdRingElem, GcdRingElem, GcdRingElem) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
ModularNotInvertibleException(String, Throwable, GcdRingElem, GcdRingElem, GcdRingElem) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
ModularNotInvertibleException(Throwable, GcdRingElem, GcdRingElem, GcdRingElem) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
ModularRingFactory<C extends RingElem<C> & Modular> - Interface in edu.jas.arith
Modular ring factory interface.
moduleCriterion(int, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Module criterium.
moduleCriterion(int, ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in interface
Module criterium.
moduleCriterion(int, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Module criterium.
moduleCriterion(int, ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class
Module criterium.
moduleCriterion(int, MultiVarPowerSeries<C>, MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Module criterium.
moduleCriterion(int, ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class
Module criterion.
ModulElem<M extends ModulElem<M,C>,C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Module element interface.
ModuleList<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
List of vectors of polynomials.
ModuleList(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
ModuleList(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
ModuleList(GenVectorModul<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenVector<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
ModuleListTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
ModuleList tests with JUnit.
ModuleListTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ModuleListTest
Constructs a ModuleListTest object.
moduleVars - Variable in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
moduleVars - Variable in class
moduleVars - Variable in class
ModulFactory<M extends ModulElem<M,C>,C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Module factory interface.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial monic, i.e. leadingCoefficient == 1.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial left monic, i.e. leadingCoefficient == 1.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial monic, i.e. leadingCoefficient == 1.
monic(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial monic, i.e. leadingBaseCoefficient == 1.
monic(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial monic, i.e. leadingBaseCoefficient == 1.
monic(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Polynomial list monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient monic.
monic() - Method in class
monic(List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>) - Static method in class
Power series list monic.
monic() - Method in class
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber monic.
monic() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient monic.
monicRec(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Recursive polynomial list monic.
monicUniv(List<UnivPowerSeries<C>>) - Static method in class
Univariate power series list monic.
mono - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Defining alphabet in WordFactory.
MonoidElem<C extends MonoidElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Monoid element interface.
MonoidFactory<C extends MonoidElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Monoid factory interface.
Monomial<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Monomial class.
Monomial(Map.Entry<ExpVector, C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Monomial
Constructor of monomial.
Monomial(ExpVector, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Monomial
Constructor of monomial.
monomialIterator() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.Polynomial
Iterator over monomials.
ms - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.PolyIterator
Internal iterator over polynomial map.
ms - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.WordPolyIterator
Internal iterator over polynomial map.
mset - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
Data structure.
mufd - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModEval
Modular gcd algorithm to use.
mufd - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModular
multipleOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector multiple test.
multipleOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector multiple test.
multipleOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector multiple test.
multipleOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector multiple test.
multipleOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector multiple test.
multipleOf(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word multiple test.
MultiplicativeSet<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Multiplicative set of polynomials. a, b in M implies a*b in M, 1 in M.
MultiplicativeSet(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
MultiplicativeSet constructor.
MultiplicativeSet(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
MultiplicativeSet constructor.
MultiplicativeSetCoPrime<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Multiplicative set of co-prime polynomials. a, b in M implies a*b in M, 1 in M.
MultiplicativeSetCoPrime(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetCoPrime
MultiplicativeSet constructor.
MultiplicativeSetCoPrime(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetCoPrime
MultiplicativeSet constructor.
MultiplicativeSetFactors<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Multiplicative set of irreducible polynomials. a, b in M implies a*b in M, 1 in M.
MultiplicativeSetFactors(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetFactors
MultiplicativeSet constructor.
MultiplicativeSetFactors(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, FactorAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetFactors
MultiplicativeSet constructor.
MultiplicativeSetSquarefree<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Multiplicative set of squarefree and co-prime polynomials. a, b in M implies a*b in M, 1 in M.
MultiplicativeSetSquarefree(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetSquarefree
MultiplicativeSet constructor.
MultiplicativeSetSquarefree(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, SquarefreeAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetSquarefree
MultiplicativeSet constructor.
MultiplicativeSetTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
MultiplicativeSet tests with JUnit.
MultiplicativeSetTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
Constructs a MultiplicativeSetTest object.
multiplicator - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionEntry
multiplicator - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionEntry
multiply(GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
ColorPolynomial multiplication by monomial.
multiply(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
ColorPolynomial multiplication by coefficient.
multiply(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local multiplication.
multiply(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local multiplication by GenPolynomial.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local multiplication by coefficient.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local multiplication by exponent.
multiply(LocalSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(LocalSolvablePolynomial<C>, LocalSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(SolvableLocal<C>, SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(SolvableLocal<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(SolvableLocal<C>, ExpVector, SolvableLocal<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(Map.Entry<ExpVector, SolvableLocal<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber multiplication.
multiply(RealAlgebraicNumber<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber multiplication.
multiply(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue multiplication.
multiply(ResidueSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ResidueSolvablePolynomial<C>, ResidueSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(SolvableResidue<C>, SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(SolvableResidue<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(SolvableResidue<C>, ExpVector, SolvableResidue<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(Map.Entry<ExpVector, SolvableResidue<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C>, ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(WordResidue<C>, WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(WordResidue<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(WordResidue<C>, ExpVector, WordResidue<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(Map.Entry<ExpVector, WordResidue<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal multiplication.
multiply(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal multiplication by GenSolvablePolynomial.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal multiplication by coefficient.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal multiplication by exponent.
multiply(SolvableLocalResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue multiplication.
multiply(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue multiplication by GenSolvablePolynomial.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue multiplication by coefficient.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue multiplication by exponent.
multiply(SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue multiplication.
multiply(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue multiplication.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue multiplication.
multiply(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue multiplication.
multiply(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue multiplication.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
multiply(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue multiplication.
multiply(BigComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number product.
multiply(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal multiply.
multiply(BigDecimalComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number product.
multiply(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger multiply.
multiply(BigOctonion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion multiply.
multiply(BigQuaternion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion multiply.
multiply(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number product.
multiply(ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger multiply.
multiply(ModLong) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModLong multiply.
multiply(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product multiplication.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product multiply by coefficient.
multiply(QuotSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(QuotSolvablePolynomial<C>, QuotSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(SolvableQuotient<C>, SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(SolvableQuotient<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(SolvableQuotient<C>, ExpVector, SolvableQuotient<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(Map.Entry<ExpVector, SolvableQuotient<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient multiplication.
multiply(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient multiplication by GenSolvablePolynomial.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient multiplication by coefficient.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient multiplication by exponent.
multiply(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber multiplication.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber multiplication.
multiply(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber multiplication.
multiply(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number product.
multiply(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(Map.Entry<ExpVector, C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(C, C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(C, ExpVector, C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(Map.Entry<ExpVector, C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(GenWordPolynomial<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(C, C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(C, Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(Word, Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(C, Word, Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(C, Word, C, Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(Map.Entry<Word, C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Local multiplication.
multiply(QLRSolvablePolynomial<C, D>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(QLRSolvablePolynomial<C, D>, QLRSolvablePolynomial<C, D>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(C, C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(C, ExpVector, C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(Map.Entry<ExpVector, C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient multiplication.
multiply(RecSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(RecSolvablePolynomial<C>, RecSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(Map.Entry<ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiply(RecSolvableWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(RecSolvableWordPolynomial<C>, RecSolvableWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(GenWordPolynomial<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(ExpVector, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(GenWordPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(GenWordPolynomial<C>, ExpVector, GenWordPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial left and right multiplication.
multiply(Map.Entry<ExpVector, GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiply(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Residue multiplication.
multiply(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word multiplication.
multiply(C, ExpVector) - Method in class
Multiply by exponent vector and coefficient.
multiply(C) - Method in class
Multiply by coefficient.
multiply(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Multiply by another power series.
multiply(C) - Method in class
Multiply by coefficient.
multiply(UnivPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Multiply by another power series.
multiply(ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber multiplication.
multiply(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber multiplication.
multiply(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber multiplication.
multiply(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber multiplication.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber multiplication.
multiply(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber multiplication.
multiply(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.MonoidElem
Multiply this with S.
multiply(RingFactory<C>, List<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
Multiply elements in list.
multiply(MonoidFactory<C>, List<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
Multiply elements in list.
multiply(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient multiplication.
multiply(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient multiplication by GenPolynomial.
multiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient multiplication by coefficient.
multiply(GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Multiply this with S.
multiplyLeft(SolvableLocal<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(Map.Entry<ExpVector, SolvableLocal<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(SolvableResidue<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(Map.Entry<ExpVector, SolvableResidue<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(WordResidue<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(Map.Entry<ExpVector, WordResidue<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(SolvableQuotient<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(Map.Entry<ExpVector, SolvableQuotient<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(Map.Entry<ExpVector, C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(Map.Entry<ExpVector, C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(Map.Entry<ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(GenWordPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiplyLeft(Map.Entry<ExpVector, GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
multiplyPermutation(List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Multiplication permutations.
multiplyRightRecursivePolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
RecSolvablePolynomial right coefficients multiply.
multiplySimple(GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Multiply this with S.
MultiVarCoefficients<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Abstract class for generating functions for coefficients of multivariate power series.
MultiVarCoefficients(MultiVarPowerSeriesRing<C>) - Constructor for class
Public constructor.
MultiVarCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
Public constructor.
MultiVarCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<C>, HashMap<Long, GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class
Public with pre-filled coefficient cache.
MultiVarCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<C>, HashMap<Long, GenPolynomial<C>>, HashSet<ExpVector>) - Constructor for class
Public constructor with pre-filled caches.
MultiVarCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<C>, HashMap<Long, GenPolynomial<C>>, BitSet) - Constructor for class
Public constructor with pre-filled caches.
MultiVarCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<C>, HashMap<Long, GenPolynomial<C>>, HashSet<ExpVector>, BitSet) - Constructor for class
Public constructor with pre-filled caches.
MultiVarPowerSeries<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Multivariate power series implementation.
MultiVarPowerSeries(MultiVarPowerSeriesRing<C>, MultiVarCoefficients<C>) - Constructor for class
MultiVarPowerSeries(MultiVarPowerSeriesRing<C>, MultiVarCoefficients<C>, int) - Constructor for class
MultiVarPowerSeriesMap<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Multivariate power series map interface.
MultiVarPowerSeriesRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Multivariate power series ring implementation.
MultiVarPowerSeriesRing(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
MultiVarPowerSeriesRing(RingFactory<C>, int) - Constructor for class
MultiVarPowerSeriesRing(RingFactory<C>, int, int) - Constructor for class
MultiVarPowerSeriesRing(RingFactory<C>, String[]) - Constructor for class
MultiVarPowerSeriesRing(RingFactory<C>, int, String[]) - Constructor for class
MultiVarPowerSeriesRing(RingFactory<C>, int, int, String[]) - Constructor for class
MultiVarPowerSeriesTest - Class in
Multivariate power series tests with JUnit.
MultiVarPowerSeriesTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a MultiVarPowerSeriesTest object.


n - Variable in class edu.jas.application.CPair
n - Variable in class
n - Variable in class
n - Variable in class
N_CPUS - Static variable in class edu.jas.kern.ComputerThreads
Number of processors.
N_THREADS - Static variable in class edu.jas.kern.ComputerThreads
nCopies - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Ring factory is n copies.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number negative.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number negative.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion number negative.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion number negative.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number negative.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger negative.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModLong negative.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number negative.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial negation.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial negation.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Local negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Residue negate.
negate() - Method in class
negate() - Method in class
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber negate.
negate() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AbelianGroupElem
Negate this.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient negate.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Negative of this matrix.
negate() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Negative of this vector.
NegativeDegreeLexicographic - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name NegativeDegreeLexicographic of Math like CAS.
NegativeDegreeReverseLexicographic - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name NegativeDegreeReverseLexicographic of Math like CAS.
NegativeLexicographic - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name NegativeLexicographic of Math like CAS.
NegativeReverseLexicographic - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name NegativeReverseLexicographic of Math like CAS.
negdeglex - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name negdeglex of Sage.
negdegrevlex - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name negdegrevlex of Sage.
neglex - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name neglex of Sage.
negrevlex - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name negrevlex of Sage.
nengine - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotient
Factorization engine for normal coefficients.
newVars(String, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
New variable names.
newVars(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
New variable names.
newVars(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
New variable names.
newVars() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
New variable names.
next() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyIterator
Get next monomial element.
next() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordPolyIterator
Get next monomial element.
nextCoefficientRing() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Parsing method for coefficient ring.
nextCoefficientRing() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for coefficient ring.
nextComma() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
nextComma() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
nextComment() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for comments.
nextExponent() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for exponent (of variable).
nextPairedString(Reader, char, char) - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.StringUtil
Parse paired String with given delimiters from Reader.
nextPolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for GenPolynomial.
nextPolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for polynomial list.
nextPolynomialRing() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Parsing method for polynomial ring.
nextPolynomialSet() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for polynomial set.
nextRelationTable() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Parsing method for solvable polynomial relation table.
nextRelationTable() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for solvable polynomial relation table.
nextSolvablePolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for solvable polynomial.
nextSolvablePolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for solvable polynomial list.
nextSolvablePolynomialRing() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Parsing method for solvable polynomial ring.
nextSolvablePolynomialSet() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for solvable polynomial set.
nextSolvableSubModuleList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for solvable submodule list.
nextSolvableSubModuleSet() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for solvable module set.
nextSplitIndex() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Parsing method for split index.
nextSplitIndex() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for split index.
nextString(Reader) - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.StringUtil
Parse white space delimited String from Reader.
nextString(Reader, char) - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.StringUtil
Parse String with given delimiter from Reader.
nextSubModuleList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for submodule list.
nextSubModuleSet() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for module set.
nextTermOrder() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Parsing method for term order name.
nextTermOrder() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for term order name.
nextVariableList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Parsing method for variable list.
nextVariableList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for variable list.
nextWeightArray() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Parsing method for weight array.
nextWeightArray() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for weight array.
nextWeightList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Parsing method for weight list.
nextWeightList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parsing method for weight list.
NO_THREADS - Static variable in class edu.jas.kern.ComputerThreads
Flag for thread usage.
NoConvergenceException - Exception in edu.jas.root
No convergence exception class.
NoConvergenceException() - Constructor for exception edu.jas.root.NoConvergenceException
NoConvergenceException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.root.NoConvergenceException
NoConvergenceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.root.NoConvergenceException
NoConvergenceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.root.NoConvergenceException
NoLiftingException - Exception in edu.jas.ufd
Non existing Hensel lifting.
NoLiftingException() - Constructor for exception edu.jas.ufd.NoLiftingException
NoLiftingException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.ufd.NoLiftingException
NoLiftingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.ufd.NoLiftingException
NoLiftingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.ufd.NoLiftingException
NoncomRingElem<C extends NoncomRingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Non-commutative ring element interface.
nonZero - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Data structure for condition non-zero.
norm() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number norm.
norm() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number norm.
norm() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number norm.
norm() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number norm.
norm() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number norm.
norm() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.StarRingElem
Norm of this.
norm(GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Norm of a polynomial with AlgebraicNumber coefficients.
norm(GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Norm of a polynomial with AlgebraicNumber coefficients.
normalform(Condition<C>, List<ColorPolynomial<C>>, ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
normalform(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Normalform for element.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Normalform for list of elements.
normalform(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Normalform for element.
normalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Normalform for list of solvable elements.
normalform(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Normalform for element.
normalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Normalform for list of solvable elements.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Normalform using d-reduction.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Normalform with recording.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Normalform using e-reduction.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Normalform with recording.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Normalform Set.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Normalform with recording.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Normalform Set.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Normalform with recording.
normalform(Map<Integer, GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Normalform with recording.
normalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Two-sided Normalform.
normalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Two-sided Normalform.
normalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
normalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Normalform Set.
normalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Normalform with left and right recording.
normalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Normalform Set.
normalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
normalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Normalform with left and right recording.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionPar
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionPar
Normalform with recording.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionSeq
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionSeq
Normalform with recording.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RPseudoReductionSeq
Normalform using r-reduction.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RPseudoReductionSeq
Normalform with recording.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Normalform using r-reduction.
normalform(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Normalform with recording.
normalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionSeq
normalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionSeq
Normalform with left and right recording.
normalform(List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>, MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Top normal-form with Mora's algorithm.
normalformFactor(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReduction
Normalform with multiplication factor.
normalformFactor(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionPar
normalformFactor(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionSeq
normalformFactor(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RPseudoReductionSeq
Normalform using r-reduction.
normalformFactor(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReduction
Left normalform with multiplication factor.
normalformFactor(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionSeq
Normalform with multiplication factor.
normalformRecursive(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReduction
Normalform recursive.
normalformRecursive(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionPar
Normalform recursive.
normalformRecursive(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionSeq
Normalform recursive.
normalformRecursive(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RPseudoReductionSeq
Normalform recursive.
normalformRecursive(List<GenWordPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>, GenWordPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReduction
Left normalform recursive.
normalformRecursive(List<GenWordPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>, GenWordPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionSeq
Normalform with polynomial coefficients.
normalizeFactorization(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
Normalize factorization. p'_i > 0 for i > 1 and p'_1 !
normalizeFactorization(SortedMap<GenPolynomial<C>, Long>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
Normalize factorization. p'_i > 0 for i > 1 and p'_1 !
normalizeMatrix(int, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class
Normalize M.
normalizeMatrix(int, List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class
Normalize M.
normalizeZerosOnes(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Normalize polynomial list.
normalizeZerosOnes(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Normalize polynomial list.
normalizeZerosOnes(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Normalize polynomial list.
normalizeZerosOnes(List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>) - Method in class
Normalize power series list.
normalPairlist() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Select normal critical pair-list strategy.
normalPositionFor(int, int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Compute normal position for variables i and j.
normalPositionIndex2Vars() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Normal position index, separate for polynomials with more than 2 variables.
normalPositionIndexUnivars() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Normal position index, separate multiple univariate polynomials.
NotDivisibleException - Exception in edu.jas.structure
NotDivisibleException class.
NotDivisibleException() - Constructor for exception edu.jas.structure.NotDivisibleException
NotDivisibleException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.structure.NotDivisibleException
NotDivisibleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.structure.NotDivisibleException
NotDivisibleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.structure.NotDivisibleException
noTestKSubsetIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.PowerSetTest
Test k-subset iterator.
notestRealRootIsolation() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
Test real root isolation.
notIdle() - Method in class edu.jas.util.Terminator
NotInvertibleException - Exception in edu.jas.structure
NotInvertibleException class.
NotInvertibleException() - Constructor for exception edu.jas.structure.NotInvertibleException
NotInvertibleException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.structure.NotInvertibleException
NotInvertibleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.structure.NotInvertibleException
NotInvertibleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.structure.NotInvertibleException
num - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Local
Numerator part of the element data structure.
num - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Numerator part of the element data structure.
num - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Numerator part of the element data structure.
num - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Numerator part of the data structure.
num - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Numerator part of the element data structure.
num - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.Integral
Original numerator polynomial with coefficients from C.
num - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
Original numerator polynomial with coefficients from C and deg(num) < deg(den).
num - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Numerator part of the element data structure.
num - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Numerator part of the element data structure.
num - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
Original numerator polynomial coefficients from C and deg(num) < deg(den).
num - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Numerator part of the element data structure.
number - Variable in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Representing recursive RealAlgebraicNumber.
number - Variable in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Representing AlgebraicNumber.
number - Variable in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Representing AlgebraicNumber.
numberOfVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Number of variables.
numberOfVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Number of variables.
numberOfVariables() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.PolynomialRing
Number of variables.
numChannels() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
number of channels.
numerator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
numerator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
numerator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
numerator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
numerator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
numerator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get the numerator.
numerator() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
numerator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
numerator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
numerator() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.QuotPair
numerator() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
numServers() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
number of servers.
nvar - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The number of variables.
nvar - Variable in class
The number of variables.


OABS(BigOctonion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number absolute value.
OCON(BigOctonion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number conjugate.
ODIF(BigOctonion, BigOctonion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number difference.
oi - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Second part of the data structure.
OINV(BigOctonion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number inverse.
ols - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.OverlapList
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 1 for this ring.
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 1 for this ring.
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 1 for this ring.
ONE - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
The constant 1.
ONE - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
The constant 1.
ONE - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
The constant 1.
ONE - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
The constant 1.
ONE - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
The constant 1.
ONE - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
The constant 1.
ONE - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
The Constant 1.
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 1 for this ring.
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 1 for this ring.
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 1 for this ring.
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 1 for this ring.
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 1 for this ring.
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 1 for this ring.
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 1 for this ring.
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
The empty word for this monoid.
ONE - Variable in class
The constant power series 1 for this ring.
ONE - Variable in class
The constant power series 1 for this ring.
ONE - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
ONEG(BigOctonion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number negative.
oneInGB - Variable in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
oneInGB - Variable in class
oneInGB - Variable in class
oneInGB - Variable in class
onlyFields() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Query if this ring consists only of fields.
open() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
open, setup of SocketChannels.
open(int) - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
open, setup of SocketChannels.
OPROD(BigOctonion, BigOctonion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number product.
optimalPermutation(List<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Optimal permutation for the Degree matrix.
optimize() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Request term order optimization.
optimize(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Request term order optimization.
OptimizedModuleList<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Container for optimization results.
OptimizedModuleList(List<Integer>, GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.OptimizedModuleList
OptimizedPolynomialList<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Container for optimization results.
OptimizedPolynomialList(List<Integer>, GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.OptimizedPolynomialList
optimizeTermOrder(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Optimize variable order.
optimizeTermOrder(PolynomialList<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Optimize variable order.
optimizeTermOrder(ModuleList<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Optimize variable order.
optimizeTermOrderModule(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Optimize variable order.
optimizeTermOrderOnCoefficients(PolynomialList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Optimize variable order on coefficients.
optimizeTermOrderOnCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Optimize variable order on coefficients.
optimizeTermOrderOnCoefficients(ModuleList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Optimize variable order on coefficients.
OQ(BigOctonion, BigOctonion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number quotient.
or - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
First part of the data structure.
ORAND(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number, random.
order() - Method in class
order() - Method in class
ORDER(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
OrderedCPairlist<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Pair list management.
OrderedCPairlist(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Constructor for OrderedPairlist.
OrderedCPairlist(int, GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Constructor for OrderedPairlist.
OrderedDPairlist<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Pair list management for d-Groebner bases.
OrderedDPairlist(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
Constructor for OrderedDPairlist.
OrderedDPairlist(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
Constructor for OrderedDPairlist.
OrderedMinPairlist<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Pair list management.
OrderedMinPairlist() - Constructor for class
OrderedMinPairlist(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
OrderedMinPairlist(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
OrderedModuleList<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Ordered list of vectors of polynomials.
OrderedModuleList(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.OrderedModuleList
OrderedPairlist<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Pair list management.
OrderedPairlist() - Constructor for class
OrderedPairlist(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
OrderedPairlist(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
OrderedPairlist<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Pair list management.
OrderedPairlist(MultiVarPowerSeriesRing<C>) - Constructor for class
Constructor for OrderedPairlist.
OrderedPairlist(int, MultiVarPowerSeriesRing<C>) - Constructor for class
Constructor for OrderedPairlist.
OrderedPolynomialList<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Ordered list of polynomials.
OrderedPolynomialList(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.OrderedPolynomialList
OrderedRPairlist<C extends RegularRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Pair list management for R-Groebner bases.
OrderedRPairlist(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.OrderedRPairlist
Constructor for OrderedRPairlist.
OrderedRPairlist(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.OrderedRPairlist
Constructor for OrderedRPairlist.
OrderedSyzPairlist<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Pair list management.
OrderedSyzPairlist() - Constructor for class
OrderedSyzPairlist(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
OrderedSyzPairlist(int, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
OrderedWordPairlist<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Pair list management of word polynomials.
OrderedWordPairlist() - Constructor for class
OrderedWordPairlist(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
orderExpVector() - Method in class
Order ExpVector.
orderMonomial() - Method in class
Order monomial.
OSUM(BigOctonion, BigOctonion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Octonion number sum.
others - Variable in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithUniv
A list of other useful polynomials. 1) field extension polynomials, 2) generators for infinite quotients.
Overlap - Class in edu.jas.poly
Container for overlap words.
Overlap(Word, Word, Word, Word) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Overlap
overlap(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word overlap list.
OverlapList - Class in edu.jas.poly
Container for lists of overlap words.
OverlapList() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.OverlapList


P - Variable in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
P - Variable in class
P - Variable in class
p - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.TableRelation
GenSolvablePolynomial of the data structure.
P - Variable in class
padCols(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
Pad columns and remove zero rows.
Pair<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Serializable subclass to hold pairs of polynomials.
Pair(Object, GenPolynomial<C>, int, int) - Constructor for class
obsolete since Java 1.5
Pair(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int, int) - Constructor for class
Pair constructor.
Pair(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Pair constructor.
Pair(ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int, int) - Constructor for class
Pair constructor.
Pair(ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Pair constructor.
Pair<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Serializable subclass to hold pairs of power series.
Pair(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>, MultiVarPowerSeries<C>, int, int) - Constructor for class
Pair constructor.
pairCount() - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Count remaining Pairs.
pairFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Factory for base elements.
pairFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Factory for base elements.
pairFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Factory for base elements.
pairFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Factory for base elements.
pairFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Factory for base elements.
pairFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Factory for base elements.
pairFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Factory for base elements.
pairFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Factory for base elements.
pairFactory() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.QuotPairFactory
Factory for base elements.
pairFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Factory for base elements.
pairlist - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Groebner base pair list of this system.
pairlist - Variable in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
pairlist - Variable in class
pairlist - Variable in class
pairlist - Variable in class
PairList<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Pair list management interface.
pairlist - Variable in class
PairListTest - Class in
Groebner base sequential tests with JUnit.
PairListTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a PairListTest object.
pairNumber(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
Set removed pair number.
pairNumber(int) - Method in class
Set removed pair number.
pairNumber(int) - Method in class
Set removed pair number.
pairNumber(int) - Method in class
Set removed pair number.
pairTag - Static variable in class
Message tag for pairs.
pairTag - Static variable in class
Message tag for pairs.
parallel() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Request parallel algorithm.
parallel(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Request parallel algorithm.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Parse Local from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Parse Local from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Parse RealAlgebraicNumber from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Parse RealAlgebraicNumber from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Parse Residue from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Parse Residue from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Parse SolvableLocalResidue from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Parse SolvableLocalResidue from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Parse SolvableLocal from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Parse SolvableLocal from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Parse SolvableResidue from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Parse SolvableResidue from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Parse WordResidue from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Parse WordResidue from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Parse complex number from string.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Parse complex number from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal parse from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal parse from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Parse complex number from string.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Parse complex number from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger parse from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger parse from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Parse quaternion number from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Parse quaternion number from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Parse quaternion number from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Parse quaternion number from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Parse rational number from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Parse rational number from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Parse ModInteger from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Parse ModInteger from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Parse ModLong from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Parse ModLong from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Parse Product from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Parse Product from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Parse SolvableQuotient from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Parse SolvableQuotient from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Parse AlgebraicNumber from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Parse AlgebraicNumber from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Parse complex number from string.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Parse complex number from Reader.
parse(String) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
parser for ExpVector.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Parse a polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Parse a polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Parse a polynomial with the use of GenWordPolynomialTokenizer.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Parse a polynomial with the use of GenWordPolynomialTokenizer.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Parse Local from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Parse Local from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Parse Quotient from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Parse Quotient from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Parse a solvable polynomial with the use of GenPolynomialTokenizer
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Parse Residue from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Parse Residue from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Parse from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Parse from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class
Parse a power series.
parse(Reader) - Method in class
Parse a power series.
parse(String) - Method in class
Parse a power series.
parse(Reader) - Method in class
Parse a power series.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Parse ComplexAlgebraicNumber from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Parse ComplexAlgebraicNumber from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Parse RealAlgebraicNumber from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Parse RealAlgebraicNumber from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ElemFactory
Parse from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ElemFactory
Parse from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Parse Quotient from String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Parse Quotient from Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Parse a matrix from a String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Parse a matrix from a Reader.
parse(String) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Parse a vector from a String.
parse(Reader) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Parse a vector from a Reader.
parseInterval(RingFactory<C>, String) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootUtil
Parse interval for a real root from String.
parseRectangle(RingFactory<Complex<C>>, String) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootUtil
Parse rectangle for a complex root from String.
partial - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
True for partially reversed variables.
PartialFraction<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Container for the partial fraction decomposition of a squarefree denominator.
PartialFraction(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, List<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
partialGB(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Partial Groebner base for specific variables.
partialGBrec(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Partial recursive Groebner base for specific variables.
partialPermutation(String[], String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Partial permuation for specific variables.
partialPermutation(String[], String[], String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Partial permuation for specific variables.
partialPermutation(String[], String[], String[], String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Partial permuation for specific variables.
perm - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.OptimizedModuleList
Permutation vector used to optimize term order.
perm - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.OptimizedPolynomialList
Permutation vector used to optimize term order.
permContraction(IdealWithUniv<Quotient<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal contraction and permutation.
permutation(GenPolynomialRing<C>, IdealWithUniv<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal permutation.
permutation(List<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Permutation of polynomial ring variables.
permutation(List<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Permutation of exponent vector.
permutation(List<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Permutation of exponent vector.
permutation(List<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Permutation of exponent vector.
permutation(List<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Permutation of exponent vector.
permutation(List<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Permutation of exponent vector.
permutation(List<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Permutation of polynomial ring variables.
permutation(List<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Permutation of polynomial ring variables.
permutation(List<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Permutation of polynomial ring variables.
permutation(List<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Permutation of polynomial ring variables.
permutation(List<Integer>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Permutation of the termorder.
permutation(List<Integer>, GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Permutation of polynomial exponent vectors.
permutation(List<Integer>, GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Permutation of polynomial exponent vectors.
permutation(List<Integer>, GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Permutation of polynomial ring variables.
permutationOnCoefficients(List<Integer>, GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Permutation of polynomial exponent vectors of coefficient polynomials.
permutationOnCoefficients(List<Integer>, GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
Permutation of polynomial exponent vectors of coefficients.
permuteVars(List<Integer>, String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Permute variable names.
pfac - Variable in class
Ring factory for polynomials.
pi - Variable in class edu.jas.application.CPair
pi - Variable in class
pi - Variable in class
pi - Variable in class
pj - Variable in class edu.jas.application.CPair
pj - Variable in class
pj - Variable in class
pj - Variable in class
pol - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionEntry
pol - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionEntry
pol - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.Integral
Integral of the polynomial part.
polCoeff - Variable in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Recursive solvable polynomial ring with polynomial coefficients.
polCoeff - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Recursive solvable polynomial ring with polynomial coefficients.
polCoeff - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Recursive solvable polynomial ring with polynomial coefficients.
polCoeff - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Recursive solvable polynomial ring with polynomial coefficients.
polCoeff - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Recursive solvable polynomial ring with polynomial coefficients.
poly - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Original (irreducible) polynomial to be factored with coefficients from C.
poly - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsList
Original polynomial to be factored with coefficients from C.
poly - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsMap
Original polynomial to be factored with coefficients from C.
PolyGBUtil - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Package gbufd utilities.
PolyGBUtil() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtil
PolyGBUtilTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
PolyGBUtil tests with JUnit.
PolyGBUtilTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtilTest
Constructs a PolyUtilTest object.
PolyIterator<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Iterator over monomials of a polynomial.
PolyIterator(SortedMap<ExpVector, C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.PolyIterator
Constructor of polynomial iterator.
polyList() - Method in class
Generate polynomial list.
PolyModUtil - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Package gb and gbufd utilities.
PolyModUtil() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyModUtil
Polynomial<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.poly
Polynomial interface.
PolynomialComparator<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Comparator for polynomials.
PolynomialComparator(TermOrder, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialComparator
polynomialExtension(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
Polynomial ring extension.
PolynomialList<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
List of polynomials.
PolynomialList(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
PolynomialList(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
PolynomialListTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
PolynomialList Test using JUnit.
PolynomialListTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialListTest
Constructs a PolynomialListTest object.
polynomialRing(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Define polynomial ring.
PolynomialRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.poly
Polynomial factory interface.
PolynomialTaylorFunction<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Polynomial functions capable for Taylor series expansion.
PolynomialTaylorFunction(GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class
PolynomialTaylorFunction(GenPolynomial<C>, long) - Constructor for class
polyRing() - Method in class
Get the corresponding GenPolynomialRing<C>.
polyRing() - Method in class
Get the corresponding GenPolynomialRing<C>.
polys - Variable in class edu.jas.root.Boundary
Boundary polynomials.
PolyUfdUtil - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Polynomial ufd utilities, like conversion between different representations and Hensel lifting.
PolyUfdUtil() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
PolyUfdUtilTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
PolyUfdUtil tests with JUnit.
PolyUfdUtilTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtilTest
Constructs a PolyUtilTest object.
PolyUtil - Class in edu.jas.poly
Polynomial utilities, for example conversion between different representations, evaluation and interpolation.
PolyUtil() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
PolyUtilApp<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Polynomial utilities for applications, for example conversion ExpVector to Product or zero dimensional ideal root computation.
PolyUtilApp() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
PolyUtilAppTest - Class in edu.jas.application
PolyUtilApp tests with JUnit.
PolyUtilAppTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilAppTest
Constructs a PolyUtilAppTest object.
PolyUtilRoot - Class in edu.jas.root
Polynomial utilities related to real and complex roots.
PolyUtilRoot() - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.PolyUtilRoot
PolyUtilTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
PolyUtil tests with JUnit.
PolyUtilTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Constructs a PolyUtilTest object.
pool - Variable in class
Thread pool.
pool - Variable in class
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class
Thread pool.
pool - Variable in class
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Pool of threads to use.
pool - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxy
Thread pool.
port - Variable in class
Server port to use.
port - Variable in class
Server port to use.
port - Variable in class
Server port to use.
port - Variable in class
Server port to use.
port - Variable in class
Server port to use.
port - Variable in class
Server port to use.
port - Variable in class
Server port to use.
port - Variable in class
Server port to use.
ports - Variable in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
positivePower(C, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
power of a to the n-th, n positive.
positivePower(C, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
power of a to the n-th, n positive.
power(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
power(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
power(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Power<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.structure
Power class to compute powers of RingElem.
Power() - Constructor for class edu.jas.structure.Power
The constructor creates a Power object.
Power(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.structure.Power
The constructor creates a Power object.
power(RingFactory<C>, C, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
power of a to the n-th.
power(MonoidFactory<C>, C, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
power of a to the n-th.
power(C, long) - Method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
power of a to the n-th.
PowerSet<E> - Class in edu.jas.util
Power set with iterator.
PowerSet(List<E>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.PowerSet
PowerSet constructor.
PowerSetTest - Class in edu.jas.util
PowerSet tests with JUnit.
PowerSetTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.PowerSetTest
Constructs a ListUtilTest object.
PRECISION - Variable in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Precision of the isolating rectangle for a complex root.
PRECISION - Static variable in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Precision of the isolating rectangle for a complex root.
PRECISION - Static variable in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Precision of the isolating rectangle for a complex root.
PreemptingException - Exception in edu.jas.kern
Preempting Exception class.
PreemptingException() - Constructor for exception edu.jas.kern.PreemptingException
PreemptingException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.kern.PreemptingException
PreemptingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.kern.PreemptingException
PreemptingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.kern.PreemptingException
PreemptStatus - Class in edu.jas.kern
PreemptStatus, defines global status for preemtive interruption handling.
PreemptStatus() - Constructor for class edu.jas.kern.PreemptStatus
No public constructor.
prepend(C, int) - Method in class
Prepend a new leading coefficient.
prepend(C) - Method in class
Prepend a new leading coefficient.
PrettyPrint - Class in edu.jas.kern
PrettyPrint, defines global pretty print status.
PrettyPrint() - Constructor for class edu.jas.kern.PrettyPrint
primary - Variable in class edu.jas.application.PrimaryComponent
The primary ideal.
PrimaryComponent<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Container for primary components of ideals.
PrimaryComponent() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.PrimaryComponent
Constructor not for use.
PrimaryComponent(Ideal<C>, IdealWithUniv<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.PrimaryComponent
PrimaryComponent(Ideal<C>, IdealWithUniv<C>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.PrimaryComponent
primaryDecomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal primary decompostition.
primaryIdeal(Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Zero dimensional ideal associated primary ideal.
prime - Variable in class edu.jas.application.PrimaryComponent
The associated prime ideal.
primeDecomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal prime decompostition.
PrimeList - Class in edu.jas.arith
List of big primes.
PrimeList() - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.PrimeList
Constructor for PrimeList.
PrimeList(PrimeList.Range) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.PrimeList
Constructor for PrimeList.
PrimeList.Range - Enum in edu.jas.arith
Range of probable primes.
primitiveElem - Variable in class edu.jas.application.PrimitiveElement
The primitive element.
primitiveElement(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, AlgebraicNumberRing<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct primitive element for double field extension.
primitiveElement(AlgebraicNumberRing<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct primitive element for double field extension.
PrimitiveElement<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Container for primitive elements.
PrimitiveElement() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.PrimitiveElement
Constructor not for use.
PrimitiveElement(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.PrimitiveElement
PrimitiveElement(AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>, AlgebraicNumberRing<C>, AlgebraicNumberRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.PrimitiveElement
primitivePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial primitive part.
primitivePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenPolynomial primitive part.
primitivePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial primitive part.
product(Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
product(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
product(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
product(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Left product.
product(WordIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
product(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Left product.
Product<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.arith
Direct product element based on RingElem.
Product(ProductRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.Product
The constructor creates a Product object from a ring factory.
Product(ProductRing<C>, SortedMap<Integer, C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.Product
The constructor creates a Product object from a ring factory and a ring element.
Product(ProductRing<C>, SortedMap<Integer, C>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.Product
The constructor creates a Product object from a ring factory, a ring element and an indicator if a is a unit.
product(GenMatrixRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Product matrix ring for multiplication.
ProductRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.arith
Direct product ring factory based on RingElem and RingFactory module.
ProductRing(RingFactory<C>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
The constructor creates a ProductRing object from an ring factory and a modul.
ProductRing(List<RingFactory<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
The constructor creates a ProductRing object from an ring factory and a modul.
productSlice(PolynomialList<Product<Residue<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Product slice.
productSlice(PolynomialList<Product<Residue<C>>>, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Product slice at i.
productSliceToString(Map<Ideal<C>, PolynomialList<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Product slice to String.
ProductTest - Class in edu.jas.arith
Product test with JUnit.
ProductTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
Constructs a ProductTest object.
productToString(PolynomialList<Product<Residue<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Product slice to String.
PseudoReduction<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial pseudo reduction interface.
PseudoReductionEntry<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial reduction container.
PseudoReductionEntry(GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionEntry
PseudoReductionPar<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial pseudo reduction sequential use algorithm.
PseudoReductionPar() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionPar
PseudoReductionSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial pseudo reduction sequential use algorithm.
PseudoReductionSeq() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.PseudoReductionSeq
PSUtil - Class in
Power series utilities.
PSUtil() - Constructor for class
put(ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Put one Polynomial to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Put a polynomial to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Put one Polynomial to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Put one Polynomial to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Put all polynomials in F to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Put one Polynomial to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Put one Polynomial to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Put all word polynomials in F to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Put one Polynomial to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Put all polynomials in F to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Put one Word Polynomial to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Put all word polynomials in F to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Put one power Series to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>) - Method in class
Put all power series in F to the pairlist and reduction matrix.
put(K, V) - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Put object to the distributed hash table.
putCount - Variable in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
putCount() - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Get the number of polynomials put to the pairlist.
putCount - Variable in class
putCount() - Method in class
Get the number of polynomials put to the pairlist.
putCount - Variable in class
putCount() - Method in class
Get the number of polynomials put to the pairlist.
putCount() - Method in interface
Get the number of polynomials put to the pairlist.
putCount() - Method in interface
Get the number of polynomials put to the pairlist.
putCount - Variable in class
putCount() - Method in class
Get the number of power series put to the pairlist.
putOne(ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Put to ONE-Polynomial to the pairlist.
putOne() - Method in class
Put the ONE-Polynomial to the pairlist.
putOne(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Put the ONE-Polynomial to the pairlist.
putOne() - Method in class
Put the ONE-Polynomial to the pairlist.
putOne(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Put the ONE-Polynomial to the pairlist.
putOne() - Method in class
Put the ONE-Polynomial to the pairlist.
putOne() - Method in interface
Put to ONE-Polynomial to the pairlist.
putOne() - Method in interface
Put to ONE-Polynomial to the pairlist.
putOne(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Put to ONE-power-series to the pairlist.
putOne() - Method in class
Put the ONE-power-series to the pairlist.
putWait(K, V) - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Put object to the distributed hash table.


QABS(BigQuaternion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number absolute value.
qCoFac - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
Factory for a transcendental extension of a finite field of characteristic p coefficients.
QCON(BigQuaternion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number conjugate.
QDIF(BigQuaternion, BigQuaternion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number difference.
qengine - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteFieldCharP
Squarefree engine for infinite ring of characteristic p base coefficients.
QINV(BigQuaternion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number inverse.
QLRSolvablePolynomial<C extends GcdRingElem<C> & QuotPair<GenPolynomial<D>>,D extends GcdRingElem<D>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
QLRSolvablePolynomial generic recursive solvable polynomials implementing RingElem. n-variate ordered solvable polynomials over solvable quotient, local and local-residue coefficients.
QLRSolvablePolynomial(QLRSolvablePolynomialRing<C, D>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for zero QLRSolvablePolynomial.
QLRSolvablePolynomial(QLRSolvablePolynomialRing<C, D>, C, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for QLRSolvablePolynomial.
QLRSolvablePolynomial(QLRSolvablePolynomialRing<C, D>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for QLRSolvablePolynomial.
QLRSolvablePolynomial(QLRSolvablePolynomialRing<C, D>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for QLRSolvablePolynomial.
QLRSolvablePolynomial(QLRSolvablePolynomialRing<C, D>, SortedMap<ExpVector, C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for QLRSolvablePolynomial.
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C> & QuotPair<GenPolynomial<D>>,D extends GcdRingElem<D>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing generic recursive solvable polynomial factory implementing RingFactory and extending GenSolvablePolynomialRing factory.
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order and commutative relations.
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, RelationTable<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, TermOrder) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, TermOrder, RelationTable<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, GenSolvablePolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ and the solvable multiplication relations are empty.
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, QLRSolvablePolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ and the solvable multiplication relations are empty.
QLRSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<C>, int, TermOrder, String[], RelationTable<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
QNEG(BigQuaternion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number negative.
qpfac - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Factory to create coefficients.
QPROD(BigQuaternion, BigQuaternion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number product.
QQ(BigQuaternion, BigQuaternion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number quotient.
QRAND(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number, random.
QSUM(BigQuaternion, BigQuaternion) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quaternion number sum.
quadratic - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorHensel
Flag for linear or quadratic Hensel lift.
QuatGenPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
BigQuaternion coefficients GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
QuatGenPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenPolynomialTest
Constructs a QuatGenPolynomialTest object.
QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
BigQuaternion coefficients GenSolvablePolynomial tests with JUnit.
QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Constructs a QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest object.
queues - Variable in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
Queues for each message tag.
quot - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.QuotIntegral
Original rational function with coefficients from C.
quotient(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
quotient(Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
quotient(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
quotient(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Quotient<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Quotient element based on RingElem pairs.
Quotient(QuotientRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
The constructor creates a Quotient object from a ring factory.
Quotient(QuotientRing<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
The constructor creates a Quotient object from a ring factory and a numerator element.
Quotient(QuotientRing<C>, C, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
The constructor creates a Quotient object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator element.
Quotient(QuotientRing<C>, C, C, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
The constructor creates a Quotient object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator element.
Quotient<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Quotient, that is a rational function, based on GenPolynomial with RingElem interface.
Quotient(QuotientRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
The constructor creates a Quotient object from a ring factory.
Quotient(QuotientRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
The constructor creates a Quotient object from a ring factory and a numerator polynomial.
Quotient(QuotientRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
The constructor creates a Quotient object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator polynomial.
Quotient(QuotientRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
The constructor creates a Quotient object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator polynomial.
quotientFromIntegralCoefficients(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<SolvableQuotient<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
Solvable rational function from integral solvable polynomial coefficients.
quotientFromIntegralCoefficients(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<SolvableQuotient<C>>, Collection<GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
Solvable rational function from integral solvable polynomial coefficients.
quotientFromIntegralCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<Quotient<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Rational function from integral polynomial coefficients.
quotientFromIntegralCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<Quotient<C>>, Collection<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Rational function from integral polynomial coefficients.
QuotientIntTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Quotient over BigInteger GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
QuotientIntTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientIntTest
Constructs a QuotientIntTest object.
QuotientRatTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Quotient over BigRational GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
QuotientRatTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRatTest
Constructs a QuotientRatTest object.
quotientRemainder(BigComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal compute quotient and remainder.
quotientRemainder(BigDecimalComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger compute quotient and remainder.
quotientRemainder(BigOctonion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(BigQuaternion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtil
Solvable quotient and remainder via reduction.
quotientRemainder(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number quotient and remainder.
quotientRemainder(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial division with remainder.
quotientRemainder(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial left division with remainder.
quotientRemainder(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial division with remainder.
quotientRemainder(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(UnivPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
quotientRemainder(GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Quotient and remainder by division of this by S.
QuotientRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Quotient ring factory using RingElem and RingFactory.
QuotientRing(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
The constructor creates a QuotientRing object from a RingFactory.
QuotientRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Quotient ring factory based on GenPolynomial with RingElem interface.
QuotientRing(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
The constructor creates a QuotientRing object from a GenPolynomialRing.
QuotientRing(GenPolynomialRing<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
The constructor creates a QuotientRing object from a GenPolynomialRing.
QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest - Class in edu.jas.application
BigRational coefficients QuotientSolvablePolynomial QLR representation tests with JUnit.
QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Constructs a QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest object.
QuotientTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
Quotient tests with JUnit.
QuotientTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
Constructs a QuotientTest object.
QuotIntegral<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.integrate
Container for a rational function integral, quotient version .
QuotIntegral(Integral<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.integrate.QuotIntegral
QuotIntegral(QuotientRing<C>, Integral<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.integrate.QuotIntegral
QuotIntegral(Quotient<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.integrate.QuotIntegral
QuotIntegral(Quotient<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<LogIntegral<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.integrate.QuotIntegral
QuotIntPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Quotient BigInteger coefficient GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
QuotIntPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.QuotIntPolynomialTest
Constructs a QoutIntPolynomialTest object.
QuotPair<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Quotient pair interface.
QuotPairFactory<C extends RingElem<C>,D extends RingElem<D>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Quotient pair factory interface.
QuotSolvablePolynomial<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
QuotSolvablePolynomial generic recursive solvable polynomials implementing RingElem. n-variate ordered solvable polynomials over solvable polynomial coefficients.
QuotSolvablePolynomial(QuotSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for zero QuotSolvablePolynomial.
QuotSolvablePolynomial(QuotSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, SolvableQuotient<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for QuotSolvablePolynomial.
QuotSolvablePolynomial(QuotSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, SolvableQuotient<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for QuotSolvablePolynomial.
QuotSolvablePolynomial(QuotSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<SolvableQuotient<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for QuotSolvablePolynomial.
QuotSolvablePolynomial(QuotSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, SortedMap<ExpVector, SolvableQuotient<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for QuotSolvablePolynomial.
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing generic recursive solvable polynomial factory implementing RingFactory and extending GenSolvablePolynomialRing factory.
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableQuotient<C>>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order and commutative relations.
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableQuotient<C>>, int, RelationTable<SolvableQuotient<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableQuotient<C>>, int, TermOrder) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableQuotient<C>>, int, TermOrder, RelationTable<SolvableQuotient<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableQuotient<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableQuotient<C>>, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableQuotient<C>>, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableQuotient<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[], RelationTable<SolvableQuotient<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableQuotient<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ and the solvable multiplication relations are empty.
QuotSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableQuotient<C>>, QuotSolvablePolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ and the solvable multiplication relations are empty.
QuotSolvablePolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
BigRational coefficients QuotSolvablePolynomial tests with JUnit.
QuotSolvablePolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
Constructs a QuotSolvablePolynomialTest object.


r1 - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Overlap
r2 - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Overlap
radical() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal radical.
radicalDecomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Ideal radical decompostition.
ran - Variable in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots
The list of real algebraic roots.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Local random.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Generate a random residum polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Local random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate a random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
RealAlgebraicNumber random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
RealAlgebraicNumber random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Residue random.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Generate a random residum polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Residue random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate a random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate a random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
SolvableLocalResidue random.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Generate a random quotient.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
SolvableLocalResidue random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
SolvableLocal random.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Generate a random residum polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
SolvableLocal random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
SolvableResidue random.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Generate a random residum polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
SolvableResidue random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
WordResidue random.
random(int, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Generate a random residum polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
WordResidue random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number, random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number, random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal random.
random(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal random.
random(int, int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number, random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number, random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number, random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number, random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
ModInteger random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
ModInteger random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
ModLong random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
ModLong random.
random - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
A default random sequence generator.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Product random.
random(int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Product random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Product random.
random(int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Product random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate a random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
SolvableQuotient random.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Generate a random quotient.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
SolvableQuotient random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
AlgebraicNumber random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
AlgebraicNumber random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Complex number random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Complex number random.
random(int, long, float) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Generate a random ExpVector.
random(int, long, float, Random) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Generate a random ExpVector.
random - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
A default random sequence generator.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Random polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Random polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Generate a random polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Generate a random polynomial.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate a random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Random polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Random polynomial.
random(int, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Generate a random polynomial.
random(int, int, int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Generate a random polynomial.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Local random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Local random.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.PolynomialRing
Generate a random polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float, Random) - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.PolynomialRing
Generate a random polynomial.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate a random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Quotient random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Quotient random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate a random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate a random solvable polynomial.
random(int, int, int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Random solvable polynomial.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Residue random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Residue random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Generate a random Element with size less equal to n.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Generate a random Element with size less equal to n.
random - Static variable in class
A default random sequence generator.
random() - Method in class
Generate a random power series with k = 5, d = 0.7.
random(int) - Method in class
Generate a random power series with d = 0.7.
random(int, Random) - Method in class
Generate a random power series with d = 0.7.
random(int, float) - Method in class
Generate a random power series.
random(int, float, Random) - Method in class
Generate a random power series.
random - Static variable in class
A default random sequence generator.
random() - Method in class
Generate a random power series with k = 5, d = 0.7.
random(int) - Method in class
Generate a random power series with d = 0.7.
random(int, Random) - Method in class
Generate a random power series with d = 0.7.
random(int, float) - Method in class
Generate a random power series.
random(int, float, Random) - Method in class
Generate a random power series.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
ComplexAlgebraicNumber random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
ComplexAlgebraicNumber random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
RealAlgebraicNumber random.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
RealAlgebraicNumber random.
random(int, float) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AlgebraFactory
Random Matrix.
random(int) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ElemFactory
Generate a random Element with size less equal to n.
random(int, Random) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ElemFactory
Generate a random Element with size less equal to n.
random(int, float) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ModulFactory
Random vector.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Quotient random.
random(int, int, int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Generate a random quotient polynomial.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Quotient random.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Random matrix.
random(int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Random matrix.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Random matrix.
random(int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Random matrix.
random(int) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Random vector.
random(int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Random vector.
random(int, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Random vector.
random(int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Random vector.
randomLower(int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Random lower triangular matrix.
randomLower(int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Random lower triangular matrix.
randomPoint() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
Random point of interval.
randomPoint() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Random point of recatangle.
randomUpper(int, float) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Random upper triangular matrix.
randomUpper(int, float, Random) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Random upper triangular matrix.
RatGenPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
BigRational coefficients GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
RatGenPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
Constructs a RatGenPolynomialTest object.
RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
BigRational coefficients GenSolvablePolynomial tests with JUnit.
RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Constructs a RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest object.
Rational - Interface in edu.jas.arith
Interface with method to get a BigRational (approximation).
rational - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.Integral
Integral of the rational part.
rational - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.QuotIntegral
Integral of the polynomial and rational part.
rationalLength() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
BigRational Length.
rationalLength() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTuple
Rational Length.
rationalLength() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Rational Length.
rationalMiddle() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
Rational middle point.
RatPolyGenPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
BigRational coefficients GenPolynomial coefficients GenPolynomial tests with JUnit.
RatPolyGenPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RatPolyGenPolynomialTest
Constructs a RatPolyGenPolynomialTest object.
rbb - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Backing recursive Groebner base engine.
re - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Real part of the data structure.
re - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Real part of the data structure.
re - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Real part of the data structure.
re - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Real part of the data structure.
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.util.CatReader
Read char array.
realAlgebraicExtension(String, String, String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
Real algebraic field extension.
RealAlgebraicNumber<C extends GcdRingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.application
Complex algebraic number class based on bi-variate real algebraic numbers.
RealAlgebraicNumber(RealAlgebraicRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a zero RealAlgebraicNumber.
RealAlgebraicNumber(RealAlgebraicRing<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a RealAlgebraicNumber object from a GenPolynomial value.
RealAlgebraicNumber(RealAlgebraicRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a RealAlgebraicNumber object from a GenPolynomial value.
RealAlgebraicNumber(RealAlgebraicRing<C>, RealAlgebraicNumber<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a RealAlgebraicNumber object from a recursive real algebraic value.
RealAlgebraicNumber<C extends GcdRingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
Real algebraic number class based on AlgebraicNumber.
RealAlgebraicNumber(RealAlgebraicRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a RealAlgebraicNumber object from RealAlgebraicRing modul and a GenPolynomial value.
RealAlgebraicNumber(RealAlgebraicRing<C>, AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a RealAlgebraicNumber object from RealAlgebraicRing modul and a AlgebraicNumber value.
RealAlgebraicNumber(RealAlgebraicRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
The constructor creates a RealAlgebraicNumber object from a GenPolynomial object module.
realAlgebraicNumbers(GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Real algebraic numbers.
realAlgebraicNumbers(GenPolynomial<C>, BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Real algebraic numbers.
realAlgebraicNumbersField(GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Real algebraic numbers from a field.
realAlgebraicNumbersField(GenPolynomial<C>, BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Real algebraic numbers from a field.
realAlgebraicNumbersIrred(GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Real algebraic numbers from a irreducible polynomial.
realAlgebraicNumbersIrred(GenPolynomial<C>, BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Real algebraic numbers from a irreducible polynomial.
RealAlgebraicRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.application
Real algebraic number factory class based on bi-variate real algebraic numbers.
RealAlgebraicRing(IdealWithUniv<C>, ResidueRing<C>, RealRootTuple<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
The constructor creates a RealAlgebraicNumber factory object from a IdealWithUniv, ResidueRing and a root tuple.
RealAlgebraicRing(IdealWithUniv<C>, RealRootTuple<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
The constructor creates a RealAlgebraicNumber factory object from a IdealWithUniv and a root tuple.
RealAlgebraicRing(IdealWithUniv<C>, RealRootTuple<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
The constructor creates a RealAlgebraicNumber factory object from a IdealWithUniv and a root tuple.
RealAlgebraicRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
Real algebraic number factory class based on AlgebraicNumberRing with RingFactory interface.
RealAlgebraicRing(GenPolynomial<C>, Interval<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
The constructor creates a RealAlgebraicNumber factory object from a GenPolynomial objects module.
RealAlgebraicRing(GenPolynomial<C>, Interval<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
The constructor creates a RealAlgebraicNumber factory object from a GenPolynomial objects module.
realAlgebraicRoots(IdealWithUniv<D>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct real roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
realAlgebraicRoots(List<IdealWithUniv<D>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct real roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
realAlgebraicRoots(Ideal<D>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct exact set of real roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
RealAlgebraicTest - Class in edu.jas.application
RealAlgebraicNumber Test using JUnit.
RealAlgebraicTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
Constructs a RealAlgebraicTest object.
RealAlgebraicTest - Class in edu.jas.root
RealAlgebraicNumber Test using JUnit.
RealAlgebraicTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
Constructs a RealAlgebraicTest object.
realAlgFromRealCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Convert to RealAlgebraicNumber coefficients.
realFromAlgebraicCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.PolyUtilRoot
Convert to RealAlgebraicNumber coefficients.
realFromRealAlgCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Convert to RealAlgebraicNumber coefficients.
realIntervalMagnitude(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Real algebraic number magnitude.
realIntervalSign(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Real algebraic number sign.
realMagnitude(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.RealRoots
Real algebraic number magnitude.
realMagnitude(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Real algebraic number magnitude.
realPart(GenPolynomialRing<BigRational>, GenPolynomial<BigComplex>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Real part.
realPartFromComplex(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Real part.
realRing - Variable in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Recursive real root ring.
realRootBound(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.RealRoots
Real root bound.
realRootBound(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Real root bound.
realRootCount(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.RealRoots
Number of real roots in interval.
realRootCount(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Number of real roots in interval.
realRootCount(Interval<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsSturm
Number of real roots in interval.
realRootCount(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsSturm
Number of real roots in interval.
realRoots(Ideal<D>, List<GenPolynomial<D>>, D) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct superset of real roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
realRoots(List<IdealWithUniv<D>>, D) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct superset of real roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
realRoots(Ideal<D>, D) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct superset of real roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
RealRoots<C extends RingElem<C> & Rational> - Interface in edu.jas.root
Real roots interface.
realRoots(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.RealRoots
Isolating intervals for the real roots.
realRoots(GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.RealRoots
Isolating intervals for the real roots.
realRoots(GenPolynomial<C>, BigRational) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.RealRoots
Isolating intervals for the real roots.
realRoots(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Isolating intervals for the real roots.
realRoots(GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Isolating intervals for the real roots.
realRoots(GenPolynomial<C>, BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Isolating intervals for the real roots.
realRoots(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsSturm
Isolating intervals for the real roots.
realRoots(Interval<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsSturm
Isolating intervals for the real roots.
RealRootsAbstract<C extends RingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
Real roots abstract class.
RealRootsAbstract() - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
RealRootsSturm<C extends RingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
Real root isolation using Sturm sequences.
RealRootsSturm() - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RealRootsSturm
RealRootTest - Class in edu.jas.root
RealRoot tests with JUnit.
RealRootTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
Constructs a RealRootTest object.
RealRootTuple<C extends GcdRingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
RealAlgebraicNumber root tuple.
RealRootTuple(List<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RealRootTuple
realRootTuples(Ideal<D>, D) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct superset of real roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
realRootTuples(List<IdealWithUniv<D>>, D) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Construct superset of real roots for zero dimensional ideal(G).
realSign(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.RealRoots
Real algebraic number sign.
realSign(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Real algebraic number sign.
receive(int) - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
recieve on channel i.
receive() - Method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannel
Receives an object
receive(Integer) - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
Receive an object.
recMultiply(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
recMultiply(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
record(CriticalPair<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Record reduced polynomial.
recordCount - Variable in class
RecSolvablePolynomial<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
RecSolvablePolynomial generic recursive solvable polynomials implementing RingElem. n-variate ordered solvable polynomials over solvable polynomial coefficients.
RecSolvablePolynomial(RecSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for zero RecSolvablePolynomial.
RecSolvablePolynomial(RecSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for RecSolvablePolynomial.
RecSolvablePolynomial(RecSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for RecSolvablePolynomial.
RecSolvablePolynomial(RecSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for RecSolvablePolynomial.
RecSolvablePolynomial(RecSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for RecSolvablePolynomial.
RecSolvablePolynomial(RecSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, SortedMap<ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for RecSolvablePolynomial.
RecSolvablePolynomialRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
RecSolvablePolynomialRing generic recursive solvable polynomial factory implementing RingFactory and extending GenSolvablePolynomialRing factory.
RecSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order and commutative relations.
RecSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, int, RelationTable<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
RecSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, int, TermOrder) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
RecSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, int, TermOrder, RelationTable<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
RecSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
RecSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
RecSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
RecSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[], RelationTable<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
RecSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, RecSolvablePolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ and the solvable multiplication relations are empty.
RecSolvablePolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
BigRational coefficients RecSolvablePolynomial tests with JUnit.
RecSolvablePolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Constructs a RecSolvablePolynomialTest object.
RecSolvableWordPolynomial<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
RecSolvableWordPolynomial generic recursive solvable polynomials implementing RingElem. n-variate ordered solvable polynomials over non-commutative word polynomial coefficients.
RecSolvableWordPolynomial(RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for zero RecSolvableWordPolynomial.
RecSolvableWordPolynomial(RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for RecSolvableWordPolynomial.
RecSolvableWordPolynomial(RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for RecSolvableWordPolynomial.
RecSolvableWordPolynomial(RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for RecSolvableWordPolynomial.
RecSolvableWordPolynomial(RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for RecSolvableWordPolynomial.
RecSolvableWordPolynomial(RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>, SortedMap<ExpVector, GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for RecSolvableWordPolynomial.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing generic recursive solvable polynomial factory implementing RingFactory and extending GenSolvablePolynomialRing factory.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order and commutative relations.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, int, RelationTable<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, int, TermOrder) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, int, TermOrder, RelationTable<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[], RelationTable<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ and the solvable multiplication relations are empty.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
BigRational coefficients RecSolvableWordPolynomial tests with JUnit.
RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Constructs a RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest object.
rect - Variable in class edu.jas.root.Boundary
Rectangle<C extends RingElem<C> & Rational> - Class in edu.jas.root
Rectangle(Complex<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Rectangle(Complex<C>, Complex<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Rectangle(Complex<C>, Complex<C>, Complex<C>, Complex<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
recUnivariateList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables with given exponent.
recUnivariateList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables with given exponent.
recUnivariateList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables with given exponent.
recUnivariateList() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables with given exponent.
recUnivariateList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables with given exponent.
recUnivariateList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables with given exponent.
recUnivariateList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
recUnivariateList(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables with given exponent.
recursive(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Recursive representation as polynomial with i main variables.
recursive(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Recursive representation as polynomial ring with i main variables.
recursive(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Recursive representation.
recursive(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Recursive representation.
recursive(RelationTable) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Recursive representation.
recursiveContent(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial commuting recursive content.
recursiveContent(GenWordPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
GenWordPolynomial recursive coefficient content.
recursiveContent(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial recursive content.
recursiveContent(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorFake
GenPolynomial recursive content.
recursiveDensePseudoRemainder(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial dense pseudo remainder.
recursiveDeriviative(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial recursive polynomial derivative main variable.
recursiveDivide(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial recursive quotient for recursive polynomials and exact division by coefficient ring element.
recursiveDivide(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial divide.
recursiveDivide(GenWordPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial divide.
recursiveDivideRightEval(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial recursive quotient for recursive polynomials and exact division by coefficient ring element.
recursiveDivideRightPolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial recursive right quotient for recursive polynomials and partial right exact division by coefficient ring element.
recursiveFactors(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
Recursive GenPolynomial factorization.
recursiveFactorsSquarefree(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
Recursive GenPolynomial factorization of a squarefree polynomial.
recursiveGcd(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial recursive greatest common divisor.
recursivePrimitivePart(GenWordPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
GenWordPolynomial recursive coefficient primitive part.
recursivePrimitivePart(List<GenWordPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
List of GenWordPolynomial recursive coefficient primitive part.
recursivePrimitivePart(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial recursive primitive part.
recursivePrimitivePart(List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
List of recursive GenPolynomial base coefficient primitive part.
recursivePrimitivePart(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorFake
GenPolynomial recursive primitive part.
recursivePseudoDivide(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial recursive pseudo divide.
recursivePseudoQuotient(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial recursive pseudo quotient for recursive polynomials.
recursivePseudoQuotientRemainder(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial recursive pseudo quotient and remainder for recursive polynomials.
recursivePseudoRemainder(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
recursivePseudoRemainder(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSubres
recursiveResultant(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial recursive resultant.
recursiveRightDivide(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial recursive quotient for recursive polynomials and partial right exact division by coefficient ring element.
recursiveRightPseudoQuotient(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial recursive right pseudo quotient for recursive polynomials.
recursiveRightPseudoQuotientRemainder(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial right sparse pseudo quotient and remainder for recursive solvable polynomials.
recursiveRightSparsePseudoRemainder(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial right sparse pseudo remainder for recursive solvable polynomials.
recursiveRightSparsePseudoRemainderOld(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial right sparse pseudo remainder for recursive solvable polynomials.
recursiveSparsePseudoRemainder(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial sparse pseudo remainder for recursive solvable polynomials.
recursiveSparsePseudoRemainder(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
GenPolynomial sparse pseudo remainder.
recursiveSquarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial recursive polynomial squarefree factorization.
recursiveSquarefreePart(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial recursive polynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
recursiveUnivariateGcd(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxy
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive greatest common divisor.
recursiveUnivariateGcd(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive greatest common divisor.
recursiveUnivariateGcd(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorFake
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive greatest comon divisor.
recursiveUnivariateGcd(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorHensel
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive greatest comon divisor.
recursiveUnivariateGcd(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<MOD>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModEval
Recursive univariate GenPolynomial greatest common divisor.
recursiveUnivariateGcd(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModular
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive greatest comon divisor.
recursiveUnivariateGcd(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive greatest comon divisor.
recursiveUnivariateGcd(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSimple
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive greatest comon divisor.
recursiveUnivariateGcd(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSubres
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive greatest comon divisor.
recursiveUnivariateResultant(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxy
Univariate GenPolynomial resultant.
recursiveUnivariateResultant(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive resultant.
recursiveUnivariateResultant(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<MOD>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<MOD>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModEval
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive resultant.
recursiveUnivariateResultant(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModular
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive resultant.
recursiveUnivariateResultant(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSimple
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive resultant.
recursiveUnivariateResultant(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorSubres
Univariate GenPolynomial recursive resultant.
recursiveUnivariateRootCharacteristic(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
GenPolynomial char-th root univariate polynomial with polynomial coefficients.
recursiveUnivariateRootCharacteristic(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFiniteFieldCharP
GenPolynomial char-th root univariate polynomial with polynomial coefficients.
recursiveUnivariateRootCharacteristic(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteAlgebraicFieldCharP
GenPolynomial char-th root univariate polynomial with polynomial coefficients.
recursiveUnivariateRootCharacteristic(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<Quotient<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteFieldCharP
GenPolynomial char-th root univariate polynomial with polynomial coefficients.
recursiveUnivariateSquarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial recursive univariate polynomial squarefree factorization.
recursiveUnivariateSquarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
GenPolynomial recursive univariate polynomial squarefree factorization.
recursiveUnivariateSquarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
GenPolynomial recursive univariate polynomial squarefree factorization.
recursiveUnivariateSquarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRingChar0
GenPolynomial recursive univariate polynomial squarefree factorization.
recursiveUnivariateSquarefreePart(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial recursive polynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
recursiveUnivariateSquarefreePart(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
GenPolynomial recursive univariate polynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
recursiveUnivariateSquarefreePart(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
GenPolynomial recursive univariate polynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
recursiveUnivariateSquarefreePart(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRingChar0
GenPolynomial recursive univariate polynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
The part with red (= non zero) terms and coefficients.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Reduction engine.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
red - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Reduction engine.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Reduction engine.
red - Variable in class
Reduction engine.
red - Variable in class
red - Variable in class
red - Variable in class
Reduction engine.
red - Variable in class
Reduction engine.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
Pseudo reduction engine.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Pseudo reduction engine.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Pseudo reduction engine.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Pseudo reduction engine.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Pseudo reduction engine.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Reduction engine.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyAbstract
Reduction engine.
red - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Reduction engine.
red - Variable in class
red - Variable in class
Reduction engine.
RED(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
RED2(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Reductum 2.
RED3(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Reductum 3.
RED4(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Reductum 4.
reDetermine() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Re determine colorings of polynomials.
reDetermine(ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Re determine colored polynomial.
reDetermine(List<ColorPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Re determine list of colored polynomials.
redRec - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Pseudo reduction engine.
redRec - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Pseudo reduction engine.
redRec - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Reduction engine.
redTerms(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLM
Compute the residues to given polynomial list.
reducedBooleanClosure(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.RReduction
Reduced boolean closure, compute BC(A) for all A in F.
reducedBooleanClosure(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.RReduction
Reduced boolean closure, compute BC(A) modulo F.
reducedBooleanClosure(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Reduced boolean closure, compute BC(A) for all A in F.
reducedBooleanClosure(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
Reduced boolean closure, compute BC(A) modulo F.
REDUCT(LIST<C>, int) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
reduction - Variable in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
reduction(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number reduction to lowest terms.
reduction - Variable in class
reduction - Variable in class
Reduction<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Polynomial Reduction interface.
reduction - Variable in class
ReductionAbstract<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Polynomial Reduction abstract class.
ReductionAbstract() - Constructor for class
ReductionPar<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Polynomial reduction parallel usable algorithm.
ReductionPar() - Constructor for class
ReductionSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Polynomial reduction sequential use algorithm.
ReductionSeq() - Constructor for class
ReductionSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Multivariate power series reduction sequential use algorithm.
ReductionSeq() - Constructor for class
ReductionTest - Class in edu.jas.application
Reduction tests with JUnit.
ReductionTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ReductionTest
Constructs a ReductionTest object.
ReductionTest - Class in
Reduction tests with JUnit.
ReductionTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a ReductionTest object.
ReductionTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Reduction tests with JUnit.
ReductionTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.ReductionTest
Constructs a ReductionTest object.
reductum - Variable in class
reductum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
reductum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
reductum() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.Polynomial
reductum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word without leading exponent vector.
reductum(int) - Method in class
reductum() - Method in class
reductum() - Method in class
refineInterval(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.RealRoots
Refine interval.
refineInterval(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Refine interval.
refineIntervals(List<Interval<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.RealRoots
Refine intervals.
refineIntervals(List<Interval<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Refine intervals.
RegularRingElem<C extends RegularRingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Regular ring element interface.
RelationGenerator<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.poly
Generate Relation Tables for solvable polynomial rings.
relationList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Convert relation table to list of polynomial triples.
RelationTable<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
RelationTable for solvable polynomials.
RelationTable(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Constructor for RelationTable requires ring factory.
RelationTable(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Constructor for RelationTable requires ring factory.
RelationTableTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
RelationTable tests with JUnit.
RelationTableTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
Constructs a RelationTableTest object.
release() - Method in class edu.jas.util.Terminator
Release if possible.
remainder(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local remainder.
remainder(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber remainder.
remainder(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue remainder.
remainder(SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal remainder.
remainder(SolvableLocalResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue remainder.
remainder(SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue remainder.
remainder(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue remainder.
remainder(BigComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number inverse.
remainder(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal remainder.
remainder(BigDecimalComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number inverse.
remainder(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger remainder.
remainder(BigOctonion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion remainder.
remainder(BigQuaternion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion remainder.
remainder(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number remainder.
remainder(ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger remainder.
remainder(ModLong) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModLong remainder.
remainder(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product quasi-remainder.
remainder(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient remainder.
remainder(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber remainder.
remainder(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number remainder.
remainder(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial remainder.
remainder(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial remainder.
remainder(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Local remainder.
remainder(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient remainder.
remainder(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Residue remainder.
remainder(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word remainder.
remainder(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Power series remainder.
remainder(UnivPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Power series remainder.
remainder(ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber remainder.
remainder(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber remainder.
remainder(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.MonoidElem
Remainder after division of this by S.
remainder(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient remainder.
remainder(GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Remainder after division of this by S.
remainingVars(String[], String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartial
Remaining variables vars \ pvars.
remCount - Variable in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
remCount() - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Get the number of required pairs removed from the pairlist.
remCount - Variable in class
remCount() - Method in class
Get the number of required pairs removed from the pairlist.
remCount - Variable in class
remCount() - Method in class
Get the number of required pairs removed from the pairlist.
remCount() - Method in interface
Get the number of required pairs removed from the pairlist.
remCount() - Method in interface
Get the number of required pairs removed from the pairlist.
remCount - Variable in class
remCount() - Method in class
Get the number of required pairs removed from the pairlist.
RemoteExecutable - Interface in edu.jas.util
Interface RemoteExecutable.
remove() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyIterator
Remove the last monomial returned from underlying set if allowed.
remove() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordPolyIterator
Remove the last monomial returned from underlying set if allowed.
removedTestAlgebraicNumber() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test algebraic number polynomial.
removedTestGaloisField() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test Galois field coefficient polynomial.
removeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
Remove factors by mset factors division.
removeFactors(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
Remove factors by mset factors division.
removeNext() - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
Remove the next required pair from the pairlist and reduction matrix.
removeNext() - Method in class
Get and remove the next required pair from the pairlist.
removeNext() - Method in class
Remove the next required pair from the pairlist and reduction matrix.
removeNext() - Method in class
Remove the next required pair from the pairlist and reduction matrix.
removeNext() - Method in class
Remove the next required pair from the pairlist and reduction matrix.
removeNext() - Method in class
Remove the next required pair from the pairlist and reduction matrix.
removeNext() - Method in class
Remove the next required pair from the pairlist and reduction matrix.
removeNext() - Method in interface
Remove the next required pair from the pairlist and reduction matrix.
removeNext() - Method in interface
Remove the next required pair from the pairlist and reduction matrix.
removeNext() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.OrderedRPairlist
Remove the next required pair from the pairlist and reduction matrix.
removeNext() - Method in class
Remove the next required pair from the pairlist and reduction matrix.
removeUnusedLowerVariables(GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Remove all lower variables which do not occur in polynomial.
removeUnusedMiddleVariables(GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Remove upper block of middle variables which do not occur in polynomial.
removeUnusedUpperVariables(GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Remove all upper variables which do not occur in polynomial.
replace(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
Replace polynomial list of mset.
replace(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetCoPrime
Replace polynomial list of mset.
replace(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetFactors
Replace polynomial list of mset.
replace(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetSquarefree
Replace polynomial list of mset.
Residue<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Residue ring element based on GenPolynomial with RingElem interface.
Residue(ResidueRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Residue
The constructor creates a Residue object from a ring factory.
Residue(ResidueRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Residue
The constructor creates a Residue object from a ring factory and a polynomial.
Residue(ResidueRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.Residue
The constructor creates a Residue object from a ring factory, a polynomial and an indicator if a is a unit.
Residue<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Residue element based on RingElem residue.
Residue(ResidueRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Residue
The constructor creates a Residue object from a ring factory.
Residue(ResidueRing<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Residue
The constructor creates a Residue object from a ring factory and a ring element.
Residue(ResidueRing<C>, C, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Residue
The constructor creates a Residue object from a ring factory, a ring element and an indicator if a is a unit.
ResidueRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Residue ring factory based on GenPolynomial with RingFactory interface.
ResidueRing(Ideal<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
The constructor creates a ResidueRing object from an Ideal.
ResidueRing(Ideal<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
The constructor creates a ResidueRing object from an Ideal.
ResidueRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Residue ring factory based on RingElem and RingFactory module.
ResidueRing(RingFactory<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
The constructor creates a ResidueRing object from an ring factory and a modul.
ResidueSolvablePolynomial<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
ResidueSolvablePolynomial generic solvable polynomials with solvable residue coefficients implementing RingElem. n-variate ordered solvable polynomials over solvable residue coefficients.
ResidueSolvablePolynomial(ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for zero ResidueSolvablePolynomial.
ResidueSolvablePolynomial(ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for ResidueSolvablePolynomial.
ResidueSolvablePolynomial(ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, SolvableResidue<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for ResidueSolvablePolynomial.
ResidueSolvablePolynomial(ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, SolvableResidue<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for ResidueSolvablePolynomial.
ResidueSolvablePolynomial(ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<SolvableResidue<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for ResidueSolvablePolynomial.
ResidueSolvablePolynomial(ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, SortedMap<ExpVector, SolvableResidue<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
Constructor for ResidueSolvablePolynomial.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest - Class in edu.jas.application
BigRational coefficients ResidueSolvablePolynomial QLR representation tests with JUnit.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Constructs a ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest object.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing generic solvable polynomial with residue coefficients factory implementing RingFactory and extending GenSolvablePolynomialRing factory.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableResidue<C>>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order and commutative relations.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableResidue<C>>, int, RelationTable<SolvableResidue<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableResidue<C>>, int, TermOrder) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableResidue<C>>, int, TermOrder, RelationTable<SolvableResidue<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableResidue<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableResidue<C>>, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableResidue<C>>, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableResidue<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[], RelationTable<SolvableResidue<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing(RingFactory<SolvableResidue<C>>, ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ and the solvable multiplication relations are empty.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.application
BigRational coefficients ResidueSolvablePolynomial tests with JUnit.
ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
Constructs a ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest object.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial solvable polynomials with WordResidue coefficients implementing RingElem. n-variate ordered solvable polynomials over non-commutative word residue coefficients.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial(ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for zero ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial(ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial(ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>, WordResidue<C>, ExpVector) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial(ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>, WordResidue<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial(ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<WordResidue<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial(ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C>, SortedMap<ExpVector, WordResidue<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
Constructor for ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing solvable polynomial with word residue coefficients factory.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<WordResidue<C>>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order and commutative relations.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<WordResidue<C>>, int, RelationTable<WordResidue<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<WordResidue<C>>, int, TermOrder) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<WordResidue<C>>, int, TermOrder, RelationTable<WordResidue<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<WordResidue<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<WordResidue<C>>, TermOrder, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order and commutative relations.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<WordResidue<C>>, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the default term order.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<WordResidue<C>>, int, TermOrder, String[], RelationTable<WordResidue<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the given term order.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing(RingFactory<WordResidue<C>>, ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constructor creates a solvable polynomial factory object with the the same term order, number of variables and variable names as the given polynomial factory, only the coefficient factories differ and the solvable multiplication relations are empty.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest - Class in edu.jas.application
BigRational coefficients ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial tests with JUnit.
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Constructs a ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest object.
ResidueTest - Class in edu.jas.application
Residue tests with JUnit.
ResidueTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.ResidueTest
Constructs a ResidueTest object.
ResidueTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
Residue test with JUnit.
ResidueTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
Constructs a ResidueTest object.
resolution(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Resolution of a module.
resolution(PolynomialList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Resolution of a polynomial list.
resolution(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygySeq
Resolution of a module.
resolution(PolynomialList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygySeq
Resolution of a polynomial list.
resolution(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Resolution of a module.
resolution(PolynomialList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Resolution of a polynomial list.
resolution(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygySeq
Resolution of a module.
resolution(PolynomialList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygySeq
Resolution of a polynomial list.
resolutionArbitrary(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Resolution of a module.
resolutionArbitrary(PolynomialList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Resolution of a polynomial list.
resolutionArbitrary(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygySeq
Resolution of a module.
resolutionArbitrary(PolynomialList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygySeq
Resolution of a polynomial list.
resolutionArbitrary(PolynomialList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Resolution of a polynomial list.
resolutionArbitrary(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Resolution of a module.
resolutionArbitrary(PolynomialList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygySeq
Resolution of a polynomial list.
resolutionArbitrary(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygySeq
Resolution of a module.
restart() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatus
Restart timer, set run-time to current time.
resultant(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxy
GenPolynomial resultant.
resultant(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenPolynomial resultant.
resultant(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenPolynomial resultant.
resultant(GenPolynomial<MOD>, GenPolynomial<MOD>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModEval
GenPolynomial resultant, modular evaluation algorithm.
resultant(GenPolynomial<BigInteger>, GenPolynomial<BigInteger>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorModular
GenPolynomial resultant, modular algorithm.
resultTag - Static variable in class
Message tag for results.
resultTag - Static variable in class
Message tag for results.
retPermuted - Variable in class
Indicator for return of permuted polynomials.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Reverse variables.
reverse(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Reverse lower j variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Reverse variables.
reverse(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Reverse lower j variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Reverse variables.
reverse(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Reverse lower j variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Reverse variables.
reverse(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Reverse lower j variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Reverse variables.
reverse(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Reverse lower j variables.
reverse(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Reverse variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse(PolynomialRing<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.Polynomial
Reverse variables.
reverse - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialComparator
reverse() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.PolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Reverse variables.
reverse(RelationTable<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Reverse variables and relations.
reverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Reverse variables.
reverse(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Reverse variables.
ReverseLexicographic - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name ReverseLexicographic of Math like CAS.
reverseUpper(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Reverse upper j variables.
reverseWeight(long[][]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Weight TermOrder with reversed weight vectors.
revert(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Revert exponent order.
REVILEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
REVILEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder named REVILEX.
revInvGradCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector reverse inverse graded compareTo.
revInvGradCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector reverse inverse graded compareTo.
revInvGradCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector reverse inverse graded compareTo.
revInvGradCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector reverse inverse graded compareTo.
revInvGradCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector reverse inverse graded compareTo.
revInvGradCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector reverse inverse graded compareTo.
revInvGradCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector reverse inverse graded compareTo.
revInvGradCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector reverse inverse graded compareTo.
revInvGradCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector reverse inverse graded compareTo.
revInvGradCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector reverse inverse graded compareTo.
revInvLexCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector reverse inverse lexicographical compareTo.
revInvLexCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector reverse inverse lexicographical compareTo.
revInvLexCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector reverse inverse lexicographical compareTo.
revInvLexCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector reverse inverse lexicographical compareTo.
revInvLexCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector reverse inverse lexicographical compareTo.
revInvLexCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector reverse inverse lexicographical compareTo.
revInvLexCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector reverse inverse lexicographical compareTo.
revInvLexCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector reverse inverse lexicographical compareTo.
revInvLexCompareTo(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector reverse inverse lexicographical compareTo.
revInvLexCompareTo(ExpVector, int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector reverse inverse lexicographical compareTo.
REVITDG - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
REVITDG - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder named REVITDG.
REVLEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
REVLEX - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder named REVLEX.
REVTDEG - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
REVTDEG - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder named REVTDEG.
RGroebnerBasePseudoSeq<C extends RegularRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Regular ring Groebner Base with pseudo reduction sequential algorithm.
RGroebnerBasePseudoSeq(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
RGroebnerBasePseudoSeq(RPseudoReduction<C>, RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
RGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
R-Groebner base sequential tests with JUnit.
RGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Constructs a RGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest object.
RGroebnerBaseSeq<C extends RegularRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Regular ring Groebner Base sequential algorithm.
RGroebnerBaseSeq() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeq
RGroebnerBaseSeq(RReduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeq
RGroebnerBaseSeqTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
R-Groebner base sequential tests with JUnit.
RGroebnerBaseSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeqTest
Constructs a RGroebnerBaseSeqTest object.
right - Variable in class edu.jas.root.Interval
right interval border.
rightBaseContent(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial right base coefficient content.
rightBaseGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial right greatest common divisor.
rightBaseGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial right greatest common divisor.
rightBaseGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorSimple
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial right greatest common divisor.
rightBasePrimitivePart(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial right base coefficient primitive part.
rightBaseSparsePseudoRemainder(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtil
GenSolvablePolynomial sparse right pseudo remainder for univariate polynomials.
rightContent(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenSolvablePolynomial right content.
rightContent(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial right content.
rightDivide(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue right division.
rightDivide(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.NoncomRingElem
Right division.
rightFraction() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient right fraction.
rightGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Groebner Base.
rightGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Right Groebner base.
rightGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Right Groebner base using opposite ring left GB.
rightGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Right Groebner base using opposite ring left GB.
rightGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface
Right Groebner base using pairlist class.
rightGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Right Groebner base using opposite ring left GB.
rightGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Right Groebner base using opposite ring left GB.
rightGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class
Right Groebner base using pairlist class.
rightGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Right Groebner base using pairlist class.
rightGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Right Groebner base using pairlist class.
rightGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Right Groebner base using pairlist class.
rightGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract
Right Groebner base using pairlist class.
rightGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq
Right Groebner base using pairlist class.
rightGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenSolvablePolynomial right greatest common divisor.
rightGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial right greatest common divisor.
rightLcm(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenSolvablePolynomial right least common multiple.
rightLcm(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial right least common multiple.
rightMinimalGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Right minimal ordered groebner basis.
rightNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Right Normalform.
rightNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
RightNormalform with recording.
rightNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Right Normalform.
rightNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
RightNormalform with recording.
rightNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Right Normalform.
rightNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
RightNormalform with recording.
rightNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Right normalform with recording.
rightNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Right normalform with recording.
rightNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Right normalform with recording.
rightNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Right normalform with recording.
rightNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionSeq
Right normalform.
rightNormalform(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionSeq
Left normalform with recording.
rightNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionSeq
rightNormalform(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionSeq
rightNormalformFactor(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionSeq
Right normalform with multiplication factor.
rightNormalformRecursive(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionSeq
Right normalform recursive.
rightOreCond(C, C) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Coefficient rigth Ore condition.
rightOreCond(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Right Ore condition.
rightOreCond(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Right Ore condition.
rightOreCond(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygySeq
Right Ore condition.
rightPrimitivePart(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisor
GenSolvablePolynomial right primitive part.
rightPrimitivePart(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial right primitive part.
rightRecursiveContent(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial right recursive content.
rightRecursiveGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial right recursive greatest common divisor.
rightRecursivePolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial right coefficients from left coefficients.
rightRecursivePolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial right coefficients from left coefficients.
rightRecursivePrimitivePart(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
GenSolvablePolynomial right recursive primitive part.
rightRecursiveUnivariateGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial right recursive greatest common divisor.
rightRecursiveUnivariateGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorPrimitive
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial right recursive greatest common divisor.
rightRecursiveUnivariateGcd(GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorSimple
Univariate GenSolvablePolynomial right recursive greatest common divisor.
rightRemainder(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue right remainder.
rightRemainder(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.NoncomRingElem
Right remainder.
rightScalarProduct(List<C>, List<List<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.BasicLinAlg
Scalar product of vectors and a matrix of ring elements.
rightScalarProduct(List<GenVector<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
right scalar / dot product of this vector with list of other vectors.
rightSPolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
Right S-Polynomial.
rightSPolynomial(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Right S-Polynomial.
rightZeroRelations(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Right syzygy module from Groebner base.
rightZeroRelations(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Right syzygy module from Groebner base.
rightZeroRelations(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Right syzygy for right module Groebner base.
rightZeroRelationsArbitrary(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Right syzygy module from arbitrary base.
rightZeroRelationsArbitrary(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygy
Right syzygy module from arbitrary base.
rightZeroRelationsArbitrary(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Right syzygy module from arbitrary base.
rightZeroRelationsArbitrary(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Right syzygy module from arbitrary base.
rightZeroRelationsArbitrary(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Right syzygy for arbitrary base.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
The current polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Polynomial ring of the factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
The factory for the recursive solvable polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Ring part of the data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Polynomial ring of the factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
The factory for the recursive solvable polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
The factory for the recursive solvable polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Solvable polynomial ring of the factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Solvable polynomial ring of the factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Polynomial ring of the factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Reference to the word polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Polynomial ring of the factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModIntegerRing reference.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModLongRing reference.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
One Ring factory.
ring - Variable in class
ring - Variable in class
ring - Variable in class
ring - Variable in class
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
Polynomial ring factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
The factory for the recursive solvable polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Solvable polynomial ring of the factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Ring part of the data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Ring part of the factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Complex class elements factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
The factory for the polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
The factory for the solvable polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
The factory for the polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Local class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Ring factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
The factory for the solvable polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
The factory for the solvable polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
The factory for the recursive solvable polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Ring factory of this factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
The factory for the recursive solvable polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
The factory for the recursive solvable polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
The factory for the solvable polynomial ring.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Residue class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Ring factory.
ring - Variable in class
Power series ring factory.
ring - Variable in class
ring - Variable in class
Power series ring factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Ring part of the data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Ring part of the data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient class factory data structure.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Polynomial ring of the factory.
ring - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
RingElem<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Ring element interface.
RingFactory<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Ring factory interface.
RingFactoryTokenizer - Class in edu.jas.application
RingFactory Tokenizer.
RingFactoryTokenizer() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
No-args constructor reads from
RingFactoryTokenizer(GenPolynomialRing, Reader) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Constructor with Ring and Reader.
RingFactoryTokenizer(Reader) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Constructor with Reader.
ringList - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Ring factory list.
RNABS(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number absolute value.
RNCOMP(BigRational, BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number comparison.
RNDEN(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number denominator.
RNDIF(BigRational, BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number difference.
RNDWR(BigRational, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number decimal write.
RNINT(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number from integer.
RNINV(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number inverse.
RNNEG(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number negative.
RNNUM(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number numerator.
RNPROD(BigRational, BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number product.
RNQ(BigRational, BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number quotient.
RNRAND(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number, random.
RNRED(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number reduction to lowest terms.
RNSIGN(BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number sign.
RNSUM(BigRational, BigRational) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number sum.
root(BigInteger, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.Roots
Integer n-th root.
root(BigDecimal, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.Roots
N-th root.
rootBound(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.ComplexRoots
Root bound.
rootBound(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Root bound.
rootCharacteristic(C) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFiniteFieldCharP
Characteristics root of a coefficient.
rootCharacteristic(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFiniteFieldCharP
Characteristics root of a polynomial.
rootCharacteristic(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteAlgebraicFieldCharP
Characteristics root of a AlgebraicNumber.
rootCharacteristic(GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteAlgebraicFieldCharP
GenPolynomial char-th root main variable.
rootCharacteristic(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteFieldCharP
Characteristics root of a Quotient.
rootCharacteristic(GenPolynomial<Quotient<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteFieldCharP
GenPolynomial char-th root main variable.
RootFactory - Class in edu.jas.application
Roots factory.
RootFactory() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RootFactory
RootFactory - Class in edu.jas.root
Roots factory.
RootFactory() - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RootFactory
Roots - Class in edu.jas.arith
Root computation algorithms.
Roots() - Constructor for class edu.jas.arith.Roots
RootUtil - Class in edu.jas.root
Real root utilities.
RootUtil() - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RootUtil
RootUtilTest - Class in edu.jas.root
RootUtil tests with JUnit.
RootUtilTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.root.RootUtilTest
Constructs a RootUtilTest object.
rows - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
Number of rows in the data structure.
rows - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
rp - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrder name rp of Singular.
RPseudoReduction<C extends RegularRingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial R pseudo reduction interface.
RPseudoReductionSeq<C extends RegularRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial regular ring pseudo reduction sequential use algorithm.
RPseudoReductionSeq() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.RPseudoReductionSeq
rred - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeq
Reduction engine.
rreduction - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.OrderedRPairlist
RReduction<C extends RegularRingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial R Reduction interface.
RReductionSeq<C extends RegularRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial Regular ring Reduction sequential use algorithm.
RReductionSeq() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.RReductionSeq
rroots - Variable in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealRoots
The list of real roots.
run() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ChannelFactory
Run the servers accept() in an infinite loop.
run() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
main server method.
run() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
main server method.
run() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
run is main server method.
run() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
Run receive() in an infinite loop.
RunGB - Class in edu.jas.application
Simple setup to run a GB example.
RunGB() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RunGB
RunSGB - Class in edu.jas.application
Simple setup to run a solvable GB example.
RunSGB() - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.RunSGB


S - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Dimension
Indices of a maximal independent set (of variables).
s - Variable in class
sbb - Variable in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq
Used Solvable Groebner base algorithm.
sbb - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygySeq
Groebner basis engine.
sc - Variable in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
Underlying socket channel.
scalarMultiply(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AlgebraElem
Scalar multiplication.
scalarMultiply(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ModulElem
Scalar multiplication.
scalarMultiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Product of this matrix with scalar.
scalarMultiply(C) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Product of this vector with scalar.
scalarProduct(M) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ModulElem
Scalar product.
scalarProduct(List<M>) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ModulElem
Scalar product.
scalarProduct(List<C>, List<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.BasicLinAlg
Scalar product of vectors of ring elements.
scalarProduct(C, List<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.BasicLinAlg
Scalar product of ring element with vector of ring elements.
scalarProduct(List<C>, C) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.BasicLinAlg
Scalar product of vector of ring element with ring element.
scalarProduct(GenVector<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
scalar / dot product of this vector with other vector.
scalarProduct(List<GenVector<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
scalar / dot product of this vector with list of other vectors.
scaleSubtractMultiple(C, C, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial scale and subtract a multiple.
scaleSubtractMultiple(C, C, ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial scale and subtract a multiple.
scaleSubtractMultiple(C, ExpVector, C, ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial scale and subtract a multiple.
scaleSubtractMultiple(C, C, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial scale and subtract a multiple.
scaleSubtractMultiple(C, C, ExpVector, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial scale and subtract a multiple.
scaleSubtractMultiple(C, ExpVector, C, ExpVector, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial scale and subtract a multiple.
Scripting - Class in edu.jas.kern
Scripting, defines script language for output in toScript() method.
Scripting() - Constructor for class edu.jas.kern.Scripting
Scripting.CAS - Enum in edu.jas.kern
Scripting.Lang - Enum in edu.jas.kern
SECOND(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
select(Selector<? super C>) - Method in class
Select coefficients.
select(Selector<? super C>) - Method in class
Select coefficients.
select(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.Selector
Selector<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Selector interface.
selectStackTrace(String) - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.StringUtil
Select stack trace parts.
selectWithVariable(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Select polynomial with univariate leading term in variable i.
send(int, Object) - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
send on channel i.
send(Object) - Method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannel
Sends an object
send(Integer, Object) - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
Sends an object.
sengine - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
Squarefree decompositon engine for base coefficients.
seriesOfTaylor(GenPolynomial<C>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Taylor series for polynomial.
seriesOfTaylor(TaylorFunction<C>, List<C>) - Method in class
Taylor power series.
seriesOfTaylor(TaylorFunction<C>, C) - Method in class
Taylor power series.
servers - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
servers - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
servers - Variable in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
servers - Variable in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
List of server threads.
set - Variable in class edu.jas.util.KsubSet
data structure.
set - Variable in class edu.jas.util.PowerSet
data structure.
set(int, int, C) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Set element at row i, column j.
setActive() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatus
setAllow, set run-time interruption to allowed status.
setAllIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Set the iteration algorithm to all elements.
setAllIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Set the iteration algorithm to all elements.
setAllIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.LongIterable
Set the iteration algorithm to all elements.
setAllow() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.PreemptStatus
setAllow, set preemtive interruption to allowed status.
setCallBack(Callable<Boolean>) - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatus
set call back, set the Callabe object.
setCAS(Scripting.CAS) - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.Scripting
Set CAS for order.
setDuplicatesIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Set the iteration algorithm to allow duplicate elements.
setEps(C) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Set a new epsilon.
setEps(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Set a new epsilon.
setEps(C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Set a new epsilon.
setEps(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Set a new epsilon.
setEps(C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Set a new epsilon.
setEps(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Set a new epsilon.
setExponent(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.PrimaryComponent
Set exponent.
setField(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Assert that this ring is a field.
setField(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Set field property of this ring.
setField(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Assert that this ring is a field.
setInReduction() - Method in class
Set in reduction status.
setInternal() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.PrettyPrint
setLang(Scripting.Lang) - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.Scripting
Set scripting language.
setLimit(long) - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatus
setLimit, set run-time limit in milliseconds.
setList(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Set the list of polynomials.
setList(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Set the list of polynomials.
setMutate(int, int, C) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Set element at row i, column j.
setNoDuplicatesIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Set the iteration algorithm to no duplicate elements.
setNonNegativeIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Set the iteration algorithm to non-negative elements.
setNonNegativeIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Set the iteration algorithm to non-negative elements.
setNonNegativeIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.LongIterable
Set the iteration algorithm to non-negative elements.
setNotActive() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatus
setNotActive, set run-time interruption to not active status.
setNotAllow() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.PreemptStatus
setNotAllow, set preemtive interruption to not allowed status.
setNoThreads() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.ComputerThreads
Set no thread usage.
setPrecision(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.Scripting
Set decimal approximation precision for scripting.
setPretty() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.PrettyPrint
setReductum(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Set reduced polynomial.
setRoot(RealRootTuple<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Set a refined rectangle for the complex root.
setRoot(Rectangle<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Set a refined rectangle for the complex root.
setRoot(Interval<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Set a refined interval for the real root.
setServerPort(int, String) - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
setThreads() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.ComputerThreads
Set thread usage.
setTruncate(int) - Method in class
Set truncate.
setTruncate(int) - Method in class
Set truncate.
setTruncate(int) - Method in class
Set truncate.
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.CGBSeqTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComplexRootTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrimTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorRealRealTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.HenselMultUtilTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilAppTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ReductionTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdealTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplexTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtilTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDPrimitiveTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDSimpleTest
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharSetTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotientTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRationalTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtilTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.ReductionTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeqTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatusTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ANumGenPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexGenPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenMatrixTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenVectorTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.IntGenPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleListTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialListTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatPolyGenPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimizationTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RootUtilTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraicTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplexTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorGenericTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModularTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorMoreTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotientTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRationalTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactoryTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDHenselTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPartFracRatTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxyTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSimpleTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDTimingTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtilTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientIntTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRatTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotIntPolynomialTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeIntTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRatTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraicTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServerTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.util.IteratorsTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ListUtilTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.util.PowerSetTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannelTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannelTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorTest
setUp() - Method in class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
setUpperBound(long) - Method in class
Set the upper bound for the iterator.
setUpperBound(long) - Method in class edu.jas.util.LongIterable
Set the upper bound for the iterator.
setUseCriterion3(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
Set useCriterion3.
setUseCriterion3(boolean) - Method in class
Set useCriterion3.
setUseCriterion3(boolean) - Method in class
Set useCriterion3.
setUseCriterion4(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
Set useCriterion4.
setUseCriterion4(boolean) - Method in class
Set useCriterion4.
setUseCriterion4(boolean) - Method in class
Set useCriterion4.
setVal(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Set the exponent at position i to e.
setVal(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Set the exponent at position i to e.
setVal(int, byte) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Set the exponent at position i to e.
setVal(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Set the exponent at position i to e.
setVal(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Set the exponent at position i to e.
setVal(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Set the exponent at position i to e.
setVal(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Set the exponent at position i to e.
setVal(int, short) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Set the exponent at position i to e.
setValue(V) - Method in class edu.jas.util.MapEntry
Set the value.
setVars(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Set the variable names.
setZero() - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
Set zero reduction.
setZero() - Method in class
Set zero reduction.
setZero() - Method in class
Set zero reduction.
SFIRST(LIST<C>, C) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Set first.
SGBFactory - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Solvable Groebner bases algorithms factory.
SGBFactory() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactory
Protected factory constructor.
SGBFactoryTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Solvable Groebner base factory tests with JUnit.
SGBFactoryTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
Constructs a SGBFactoryTest object.
SGBProxy<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in
Groebner bases parallel proxy.
SGBProxy(SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class
Proxy constructor.
SGBProxyTest - Class in
SolvableGroebnerBase proxy of sequential and parallel tests with JUnit.
SGBProxyTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a SGBProxyTest object.
shift(LocalSolvablePolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomial
LocalSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
shift(ResidueSolvablePolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomial
ResidueSolvablePolynomial multiplication with exponent vector.
shift(ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial
ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
shift(QuotSolvablePolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomial
QuotSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
shift(QLRSolvablePolynomial<C, D>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomial
QLRSolvablePolynomial multiplication with exponent vector.
shift(RecSolvablePolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomial
RecSolvablePolynomial multiplication.
shift(RecSolvableWordPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomial
RecSolvableWordPolynomial multiplication.
shift(int, int) - Method in class
Shift coefficients.
shift(ExpVector) - Method in class
Shift coefficients.
shift(int) - Method in class
Shift coefficients.
shiftLeft(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger shift left.
shiftSelect(Selector<? super C>) - Method in class
Shift select coefficients.
shiftSelect(Selector<? super C>) - Method in class
Shift select coefficients.
shuffle(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
Method shuffle returns a random permutation of a string of variables.
shutdown - Variable in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
Shutdown request.
sided - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Indicator of side of Groebner Base.
signChange(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.root.RealRoots
Sign changes on interval bounds.
signChange(Interval<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsAbstract
Sign changes on interval bounds.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Since complex numbers are unordered, we use lexicographical order of re and im.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Since complex numbers are unordered, we use lexicographical order of re and im.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Since quaternion numbers are unordered, we use lexicographical order of re, im, jm and km.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Since quaternion numbers are unordered, we use lexicographical order of re, im, jm and km.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number sign.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModLong signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Since complex numbers are unordered, we use lexicographical order of re and im.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Local signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Residue signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Word signum.
signum() - Method in class
signum() - Method in class
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTuple
signum() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AbelianGroupElem
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient signum.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
sign of matrix.
signum() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
sign of vector.
signVar(List<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootUtil
Count changes in sign.
SIL - Static variable in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
simplePairlist() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Select simple critical pair-list strategy.
simplify() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Simplify zero and non-zero polynomial conditions.
size() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.PrimeList
size of current list.
size() - Method in class
Get the size of the list of polynomials.
size() - Method in interface
Get the size of the list of polynomials.
size() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Size of the table.
size() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Size of the (local) list.
size() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
number of servers.
size() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
Size of the (local) list.
size() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
number of servers.
size() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
number of servers.
SocketChannel - Class in edu.jas.util
SocketChannel provides a communication channel for Java objects using TCP/IP sockets.
SocketChannel(Socket) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.SocketChannel
Constructs a socket channel on the given socket s.
SocketChannelTest - Class in edu.jas.util
SocketChannel tests with JUnit.
SocketChannelTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.SocketChannelTest
SolvableExtendedGB<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Container for a GB and transformation matrices.
SolvableExtendedGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>, List<List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBase<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Solvable Groebner Bases interface.
SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Solvable Groebner Bases abstract class.
SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract() - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract(SolvableReduction<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract(PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract(SolvableReduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Solvable Groebner Base parallel algorithm.
SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel() - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel(int) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel(int, ThreadPool) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel(int, SolvableReduction<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel(int, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel(int, SolvableReduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel(int, ThreadPool, SolvableReduction<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel(int, ThreadPool, SolvableReduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseParTest - Class in
SolvableGroebnerBase parallel tests with JUnit.
SolvableGroebnerBaseParTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a SolvableGroebnerBaseParTest object.
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Solvable Groebner Base with pseudo reduction sequential algorithm.
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, SolvablePseudoReduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, SolvablePseudoReduction<C>, PairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Solvable Groebner base pseudo sequential tests with JUnit.
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
Constructs a SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest object.
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Solvable Groebner Base with pseudo reduction sequential algorithm.
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq(RingFactory<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq(SolvablePseudoReduction<C>, RingFactory<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Solvable Groebner base pseudo sequential tests with JUnit.
SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Constructs a SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest object.
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Solvable Groebner bases sequential algorithms.
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeq() - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeq(SolvableReduction<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeq(PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeq(SolvableReduction<C>, PairList<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Solvable Groebner Base parallel algorithm.
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel() - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel(int) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel(int, ThreadPool) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel(int, SolvableReduction<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel(int, ThreadPool, SolvableReduction<C>) - Constructor for class
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParTest - Class in
SolvableGroebnerBase parallel tests with JUnit.
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParTest object.
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqTest - Class in
Solvable Groebner base sequential tests with JUnit.
SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqTest object.
SolvableIdeal<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Solvable Ideal implements some methods for ideal arithmetic, for example sum, intersection, quotient.
SolvableIdeal(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>, boolean, SolvableIdeal.Side) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(PolynomialList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(PolynomialList<C>, SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, SolvableReduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, SolvableIdeal.Side) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, boolean, SolvableIdeal.Side) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, SolvableReduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, boolean, SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, boolean, SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, SolvableReduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal(PolynomialList<C>, boolean, boolean, SolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, SolvableReduction<C>, SolvableIdeal.Side) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
SolvableIdeal.Side - Enum in edu.jas.application
Side variant of ideal.
SolvableIdealTest - Class in edu.jas.application
SolvableIdeal tests with JUnit.
SolvableIdealTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Constructs a SolvableIdealTest object.
SolvableLocal<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
SolvableLocal ring element based on pairs of GenSolvablePolynomial with GcdRingElem interface.
SolvableLocal(SolvableLocalRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
The constructor creates a SolvableLocal object from a ring factory.
SolvableLocal(SolvableLocalRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
The constructor creates a SolvableLocal object from a ring factory and a numerator polynomial.
SolvableLocal(SolvableLocalRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
The constructor creates a SolvableLocal object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator polynomial.
SolvableLocal(SolvableLocalRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
The constructor creates a SolvableLocal object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator polynomial.
SolvableLocalResidue<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
SolvableLocalResidue, that is a (left) rational function, based on pairs of GenSolvablePolynomial with GcdRingElem interface.
SolvableLocalResidue(SolvableLocalResidueRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
The constructor creates a SolvableLocalResidue object from a ring factory.
SolvableLocalResidue(SolvableLocalResidueRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
The constructor creates a SolvableLocalResidue object from a ring factory and a numerator polynomial.
SolvableLocalResidue(SolvableLocalResidueRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
The constructor creates a SolvableLocalResidue object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator solvable polynomial.
SolvableLocalResidue(SolvableLocalResidueRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
The constructor creates a SolvableLocalResidue object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator polynomial.
SolvableLocalResidueRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
SolvableLocalResidue ring factory for SolvableLocalResidue based on GenSolvablePolynomial with GcdRingElem interface.
SolvableLocalResidueRing(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
The constructor creates a SolvableLocalResidueRing object from a SolvableIdeal.
SolvableLocalResidueTest - Class in edu.jas.application
SolvableLocalResidue over BigRational GenSolvablePolynomial tests with JUnit.
SolvableLocalResidueTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
Constructs a SolvableLocalResidueTest object.
SolvableLocalRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
SolvableLocal ring factory for SolvableLocal with GcdRingElem interface.
SolvableLocalRing(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
The constructor creates a SolvableLocalRing object from a SolvableIdeal.
SolvableLocalTest - Class in edu.jas.application
SolvableLocal over BigRational GenSolvablePolynomial tests with JUnit.
SolvableLocalTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
Constructs a SolvableLocalTest object.
SolvableModuleListTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
SolvableModuleList tests using JUnit.
SolvableModuleListTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
Constructs a SolvableModuleListTest object.
SolvablePseudoReduction<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial pseudo reduction interface.
SolvablePseudoReductionSeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial pseudo reduction sequential use algorithm.
SolvablePseudoReductionSeq() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionSeq
SolvablePseudoReductionTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Solvable Reduction tests with JUnit.
SolvablePseudoReductionTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionTest
Constructs a SolvablePseudoReductionTest object.
SolvableQuotient<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
SolvableQuotient, that is a (left) rational function, based on GenSolvablePolynomial with RingElem interface.
SolvableQuotient(SolvableQuotientRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
The constructor creates a SolvableQuotient object from a ring factory.
SolvableQuotient(SolvableQuotientRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
The constructor creates a SolvableQuotient object from a ring factory and a numerator polynomial.
SolvableQuotient(SolvableQuotientRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
The constructor creates a SolvableQuotient object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator solvable polynomial.
SolvableQuotient(SolvableQuotientRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
The constructor creates a SolvableQuotient object from a ring factory and a numerator and denominator polynomial.
SolvableQuotientRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
SolvableQuotient ring factory based on GenPolynomial with RingElem interface.
SolvableQuotientRing(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
The constructor creates a SolvableQuotientRing object from a GenSolvablePolynomialRing.
SolvableQuotientTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
SolvableQuotient over BigRational GenSolvablePolynomial tests with JUnit.
SolvableQuotientTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientTest
Constructs a SolvableQuotientTest object.
SolvableReduction<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Solvable polynomial Reduction interface.
SolvableReductionAbstract<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Solvable polynomial Reduction abstract class.
SolvableReductionAbstract() - Constructor for class
SolvableReductionPar<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Solvable polynomial Reduction parallel usable algorithm.
SolvableReductionPar() - Constructor for class
SolvableReductionSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Solvable polynomial Reduction algorithm.
SolvableReductionSeq() - Constructor for class
SolvableReductionTest - Class in
Solvable Reduction tests with JUnit.
SolvableReductionTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a SolvableReductionTest object.
SolvableResidue<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
SolvableResidue ring element based on GenSolvablePolynomial with GcdRingElem interface.
SolvableResidue(SolvableResidueRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
The constructor creates a SolvableResidue object from a ring factory.
SolvableResidue(SolvableResidueRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
The constructor creates a SolvableResidue object from a ring factory and a polynomial.
SolvableResidue(SolvableResidueRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
The constructor creates a SolvableResidue object from a ring factory, a polynomial and an indicator if a is a unit.
SolvableResidueRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
SolvableResidue ring factory based on GenSolvablePolynomialRing with GcdRingFactory interface.
SolvableResidueRing(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
The constructor creates a SolvableResidueRing object from an Ideal.
SolvableResidueRing(SolvableIdeal<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
The constructor creates a SolvableResidueRing object from an SolvableIdeal.
SolvableResidueTest - Class in edu.jas.application
SolvableResidue tests with JUnit.
SolvableResidueTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueTest
Constructs a SolvableResidueTest object.
SolvableSyzygy<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.gbufd
Syzygy interface for solvable polynomials.
SolvableSyzygyAbstract<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Syzygy abstract class for solvable polynomials.
SolvableSyzygyAbstract() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
SolvableSyzygySeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Syzygy sequential class for solvable polynomials.
SolvableSyzygySeq(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygySeq
SolvableSyzygyTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
SolvableSyzygy tests with JUnit.
SolvableSyzygyTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
Constructs a SolvableSyzygyTest object.
solveODE(UnivPowerSeries<C>, C) - Method in class
Solve an ordinary differential equation. y' = f(y) with y(0) = c.
solvePDE(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>, C, int) - Method in class
Solve an partial differential equation. y_r' = f(y_r) with y_r(0) = c.
sort(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<List<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.OrderedModuleList
Sort a list of vectors of polynomials with respect to the ascending order of the leading Exponent vectors of the first column.
sort(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.OrderedPolynomialList
Sort a list of polynomials with respect to the ascending order of the leading Exponent vectors.
sort(GenPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.OrderedPolynomialList
Sort a list of polynomials with respect to the ascending order of the leading Exponent vectors.
SPolynomial(ColorPolynomial<C>, ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
SPolynomial(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
SPolynomial(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
SPolynomial(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, int, GenPolynomial<C>, int, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
S-Polynomial with recording.
SPolynomial(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
SPolynomial(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, int, GenPolynomial<C>, int, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
S-Polynomial with recording.
SPolynomial(C, Word, GenWordPolynomial<C>, Word, C, Word, GenWordPolynomial<C>, Word) - Method in interface
S-Polynomials of non-commutative polynomials.
SPolynomial(C, Word, GenWordPolynomial<C>, Word, C, Word, GenWordPolynomial<C>, Word) - Method in class
S-Polynomials of non-commutative polynomials.
SPolynomial(Overlap, C, GenWordPolynomial<C>, C, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
S-Polynomials of non-commutative polynomials.
SPolynomial(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>, MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
S-Power-series, S-polynomial.
SPolynomials(GenWordPolynomial<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface
S-Polynomials of non-commutative polynomials.
SPolynomials(GenWordPolynomial<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
S-Polynomials of non-commutative polynomials.
sqf - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
Engine for squarefree decomposition.
sqrt(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.Roots
Integer square root.
sqrt(BigDecimal) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.Roots
Square root.
sqrt(BigDecimalComplex) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.Roots
Complex decimal number square root.
sqrtInt(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.Roots
Integer square root.
squarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Radical approximation.
Squarefree<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree decomposition interface.
SquarefreeAbstract<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Abstract squarefree decomposition class.
SquarefreeAbstract(GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
SquarefreeAlgModTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree factorization tests with JUnit.
SquarefreeAlgModTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Constructs a SquarefreeAlgModTest object.
SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree factorization tests with JUnit.
SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Constructs a SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest object.
squarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial squarefree factorization.
squarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Factorization
GenPolynomial squarefree factorization.
squarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Squarefree
GenPolynomial squarefree factorization.
squarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial squarefree factorization.
squarefreeFactors(C) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
Coefficients squarefree factorization.
squarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
GenPolynomial squarefree factorization.
squarefreeFactors(C) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
Coefficients squarefree factorization.
squarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
GenPolynomial squarefree factorization.
squarefreeFactors(C) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
Coefficient squarefree factorization.
squarefreeFactors(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteAlgebraicFieldCharP
Squarefree factors of a AlgebraicNumber.
squarefreeFactors(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteFieldCharP
Squarefree factors of a Quotient.
squarefreeFactors(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRingChar0
GenPolynomial squarefree factorization.
squarefreeFactors(C) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRingChar0
Coefficients squarefree factorization.
SquarefreeFactory - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree factorization algorithms factory.
SquarefreeFactory() - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFactory
Protected factory constructor.
SquarefreeFieldChar0<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree decomposition for coefficient fields of characteristic 0.
SquarefreeFieldChar0(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
SquarefreeFieldCharP<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree decomposition for coefficient fields of characteristic p.
SquarefreeFieldCharP(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
SquarefreeFiniteFieldCharP<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree decomposition for finite coefficient fields of characteristic p.
SquarefreeFiniteFieldCharP(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFiniteFieldCharP
SquarefreeInfiniteAlgebraicFieldCharP<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree decomposition for algebraic extensions of infinite coefficient fields of characteristic p > 0.
SquarefreeInfiniteAlgebraicFieldCharP(RingFactory<AlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteAlgebraicFieldCharP
SquarefreeInfiniteFieldCharP<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree decomposition for infinite coefficient fields of characteristic p.
SquarefreeInfiniteFieldCharP(RingFactory<Quotient<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeInfiniteFieldCharP
SquarefreeIntTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree factorization tests with JUnit.
SquarefreeIntTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeIntTest
Constructs a SquarefreeIntTest object.
SquarefreeModLongTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree factorization tests with JUnit.
SquarefreeModLongTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Constructs a SquarefreeModLongTest object.
SquarefreeModTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree factorization tests with JUnit.
SquarefreeModTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Constructs a SquarefreeModTest object.
squarefreePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
GenPolynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
squarefreePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Factorization
GenPolynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
squarefreePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.ufd.Squarefree
GenPolynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
squarefreePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
GenPolynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
squarefreePart(C) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAbstract
Coefficients greatest squarefree divisor.
squarefreePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
GenPolynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
squarefreePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
GenPolynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
squarefreePart(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRingChar0
GenPolynomial greatest squarefree divisor.
SquarefreeQuotModTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree factorization tests with JUnit.
SquarefreeQuotModTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Constructs a SquarefreeQuotModTest object.
SquarefreeRatTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree factorization tests with JUnit.
SquarefreeRatTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRatTest
Constructs a SquarefreeRatTest object.
SquarefreeRingChar0<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree decomposition for coefficient rings of characteristic 0.
SquarefreeRingChar0(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRingChar0
SquarefreeTest - Class in edu.jas.ufd
Squarefree Factory tests with JUnit.
SquarefreeTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeTest
Constructs a SquarefreeTest object.
sred - Variable in class
Solvable reduction engine.
sred - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Pseudo reduction engine.
sred - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Pseudo reduction engine.
sred - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyAbstract
Solvable reduction engine.
SRED(LIST<C>, LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
Set reductum.
sredRec - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Pseudo reduction engine.
StandardBaseSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Standard Base sequential algorithm.
StandardBaseSeq() - Constructor for class
StandardBaseSeq(ReductionSeq<C>) - Constructor for class
StarRingElem<C extends StarRingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Star ring element interface.
STD(List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>) - Method in class
Standard base using pairlist class.
STD(int, List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>) - Method in class
Standard base using pairlist class.
stdVars() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Standard variable names.
stdVars(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Generate variable names.
STDVARS(int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Standard variable names.
STDVARS(String, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Generate variable names.
STOP - Static variable in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
Constant to request shutdown.
stor - Static variable in class edu.jas.util.DHTTransport
storunit - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Used storage representation of exponent arrays.
strategy - Variable in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Requested pairlist strategy.
strategy - Variable in class
Strategy for pair selection.
strategy - Variable in class
Strategy for pair selection.
strategy - Variable in class
Strategy for pair selection.
strategy - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
strategy - Variable in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
StrategyEnumeration - Class in edu.jas.util
StringUtil - Class in edu.jas.kern
Static String and Reader methods.
StringUtil() - Constructor for class edu.jas.kern.StringUtil
sturmSequence(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsSturm
Sturm sequence.
sturmSequence(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootsSturm
Sturm sequence.
subst(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector substitution.
subst(int, byte) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector substitution.
subst(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector substitution.
subst(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector substitution.
subst(int, int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector substitution.
subst(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector substitution.
subst(int, short) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector substitution.
subst(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector substitution.
substituteConvertToAlgebraicCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Convert to AlgebraicNumber coefficients.
substituteFromAlgebraicCoefficients(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<AlgebraicNumber<C>>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
From AlgebraicNumber coefficients.
substituteKronecker(GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Kronecker substitution.
substituteKronecker(GenPolynomial<C>, long) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Kronecker substitution.
substituteKronecker(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtil
Kronecker substitution.
substituteMain(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Substitute main variable.
substituteUnivariate(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Substitute univariate polynomial.
subtract(ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
ColorPolynomial subtraction.
subtract(GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
ColorPolynomial subtract.
subtract(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local subtraction.
subtract(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber subtraction.
subtract(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue subtraction.
subtract(SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal subtraction.
subtract(SolvableLocalResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue subtraction.
subtract(SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue subtraction.
subtract(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue subtraction.
subtract(BigComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number subtract.
subtract(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal subtract.
subtract(BigDecimalComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number subtract.
subtract(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger subtract.
subtract(BigOctonion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion subtraction.
subtract(BigQuaternion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion subtraction.
subtract(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number difference.
subtract(ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger subtraction.
subtract(ModLong) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModLong subtraction.
subtract(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product subtraction.
subtract(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient subtraction.
subtract(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber subtraction.
subtract(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number subtract.
subtract(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector subtract.
subtract(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector subtract.
subtract(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector subtract.
subtract(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector subtract.
subtract(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector subtract.
subtract(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial subtraction.
subtract(C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial subtraction.
subtract(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial subtract.
subtract(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial subtraction.
subtract(C, Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial subtraction.
subtract(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial subtract.
subtract(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Local subtraction.
subtract(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient subtraction.
subtract(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Residue subtraction.
subtract(C, ExpVector) - Method in class
Subtract exponent vector and coefficient.
subtract(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Subtract a another power series.
subtract(UnivPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Subtraction of two power series.
subtract(ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber subtraction.
subtract(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber subtraction.
subtract(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AbelianGroupElem
Subtract S from this.
subtract(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient subtraction.
subtract(GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Difference of matrices.
subtract(GenVector<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Difference of vectors.
subtractMultiple(C, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial subtract a multiple.
subtractMultiple(C, ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial subtract a multiple.
subtractMultiple(C, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial subtract a multiple.
subtractMultiple(C, ExpVector, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial
GenSolvablePolynomial subtract a multiple.
subtractZip(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Subtraction of two power series, using zip().
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.CGBSeqTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ComplexRootTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrimTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorRealRealTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.FactorTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.HenselMultUtilTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.LocalTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilAppTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ReductionTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdealTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplexTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtilTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDPrimitiveTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDSimpleTest
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharSetTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotientTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRationalTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtilTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.ReductionTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeqTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatusTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ANumGenPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexGenPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenMatrixTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenVectorTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.IntGenPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleListTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialListTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RatPolyGenPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimizationTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.root.RootUtilTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraicTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplexTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorGenericTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModularTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorMoreTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotientTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRationalTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactoryTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDHenselTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPartFracRatTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxyTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSimpleTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDTimingTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtilTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientIntTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRatTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotIntPolynomialTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeIntTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRatTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraicTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServerTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.util.IteratorsTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ListUtilTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.util.PowerSetTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannelTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannelTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorTest
suite() - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
sum(ColorPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
ColorPolynomial summation.
sum(GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
ColorPolynomial summation.
sum(Ideal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
sum(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
sum(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
sum(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Local summation.
sum(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(RealAlgebraicNumber<RealAlgebraicNumber<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Residue summation.
sum(SolvableIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Solvable ideal summation.
sum(GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Solvable summation.
sum(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Solvable summation.
sum(SolvableLocal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
SolvableLocal summation.
sum(SolvableLocalResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
SolvableLocalResidue summation.
sum(SolvableResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
SolvableResidue summation.
sum(WordIdeal<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Word ideal summation.
sum(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Word summation.
sum(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Word summation.
sum(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue summation.
sum(BigComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Complex number summation.
sum(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
BigDecimal summation.
sum(BigDecimalComplex) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Complex number summation.
sum(BigInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
BigInteger summation.
sum(BigOctonion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
BigOctonion summation.
sum(BigQuaternion) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
BigQuaternion summation.
sum(BigRational) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Rational number sum.
sum(ModInteger) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
ModInteger summation.
sum(ModLong) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
ModLong summation.
sum(Product<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Product summation.
sum(SolvableQuotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient summation.
sum(AlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
AlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Complex number summation.
sum(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector summation.
sum(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector summation.
sum(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector summation.
sum(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector summation.
sum(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector summation.
sum(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial summation.
sum(C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial addition.
sum(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial addition.
sum(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial summation.
sum(C, Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial addition.
sum(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial addition.
sum(Local<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Local summation.
sum(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Quotient summation.
sum(Residue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Residue summation.
sum(Map.Entry<ExpVector, C>) - Method in class
Sum monomial.
sum(C, ExpVector) - Method in class
Sum exponent vector and coefficient.
sum(MultiVarCoefficients<C>) - Method in class
Sum exponent vector and coefficient.
sum(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Sum a another power series.
sum(UnivPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Sum of two power series.
sum(ComplexAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(AlgebraicNumber<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
ComplexAlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(RealAlgebraicNumber<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(C) - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
RealAlgebraicNumber summation.
sum(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.AbelianGroupElem
Sum of this and S.
sum(RingFactory<C>, List<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
Sum elements in list.
sum(AbelianGroupFactory<C>, List<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.structure.Power
Sum elements in list.
sum(Quotient<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Quotient summation.
sum(GenMatrix<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Sum of matrices.
sum(GenVector<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Sum of vectors.
sumNorm() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
GenPolynomial sum norm.
sumNorm() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
GenWordPolynomial sum norm.
sumZip(MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Sum of two power series, using zip().
switchVariables(GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Recursive GenPolynomial switch varaible blocks.
syzGcd(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyModUtil
Greatest common divisor via least common multiple.
syzGcd(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyModUtil
Greatest common divisor.
syzGcdCofactors(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyModUtil
Greatest common divisor and cofactors via least common multiple and reduction.
syzLcm(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyModUtil
Least common multiple via ideal intersection.
syzLcm(GenPolynomialRing<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyModUtil
Least common multiple.
Syzygy<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.gbufd
Syzygy interface.
SyzygyAbstract<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
SyzygyAbstract class.
SyzygyAbstract() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyAbstract
syzygyPairlist() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Select syzygy critical pair-list strategy.
SyzygySeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
SyzygySeq class.
SyzygySeq(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygySeq
SyzygyTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Syzygy tests with JUnit.
SyzygyTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyTest
Constructs a SyzygyTest object.


table - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The solvable multiplication relations.
table - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
The data structure for the relations.
TableRelation<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
TableRelation container for storage and printing in RelationTable.
TableRelation(ExpVector, ExpVector, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TableRelation
Constructor to setup the data structure.
TaggedSocketChannel - Class in edu.jas.util
TaggedSocketChannel provides a communication channel with message tags for Java objects using TCP/IP sockets.
TaggedSocketChannel(SocketChannel) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
Constructs a tagged socket channel on the given socket channel s.
TaggedSocketChannelTest - Class in edu.jas.util
TaggedSocketChannel tests with JUnit.
TaggedSocketChannelTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannelTest
tagSize() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
Number of tags.
TaylorFunction<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Interface for functions capable for Taylor series expansion.
TaylorFunctionAdapter<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Adapter for functions capable for Taylor series expansion.
TaylorFunctionAdapter() - Constructor for class
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.CGBSeqTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComplexRootTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrimTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorRealRealTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.HenselMultUtilTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilAppTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ReductionTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdealTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplexTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtilTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDPrimitiveTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDSimpleTest
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharSetTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotientTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRationalTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtilTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.ReductionTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeqTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatusTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ANumGenPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexGenPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenMatrixTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenVectorTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.IntGenPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleListTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialListTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatPolyGenPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimizationTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RootUtilTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraicTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplexTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorGenericTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModularTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorMoreTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotientTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRationalTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactoryTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDHenselTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPartFracRatTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxyTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSimpleTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDTimingTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtilTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientIntTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRatTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotIntPolynomialTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeIntTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRatTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraicTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServerTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.util.IteratorsTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ListUtilTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.util.PowerSetTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannelTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannelTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorTest
tearDown() - Method in class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
terminate(boolean) - Method in class
Terminates the distributed thread pools.
terminate(boolean) - Method in class
Terminates the distributed thread pools.
terminate(boolean) - Method in class
Terminates the distributed thread pools.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate(boolean) - Method in class
Terminates the distributed thread pools.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate(boolean) - Method in class
Terminates the distributed thread pools.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBaseAbstract
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModGroebnerBasePar
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBasePar
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLM
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotient
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRational
Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
terminate() - Static method in class edu.jas.kern.ComputerThreads
Stop execution.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ChannelFactory
Terminate the Channel Factory
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Terminate the list thread.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
terminate all servers.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
Terminate the list thread.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
terminate all servers.
terminate(boolean) - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
Terminates the threads.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
Terminates the threads.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
terminate all servers.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
Terminate the TaggedSocketChannel.
terminate() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
Terminates the threads.
Terminator - Class in edu.jas.util
Terminating helper class.
Terminator(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.Terminator
TermOrder - Class in edu.jas.poly
Term order class for ordered polynomials.
TermOrder() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Constructor for default term order.
TermOrder(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Constructor for given term order.
TermOrder(long[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Constructor for given exponent weights.
TermOrder(long[][]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Constructor for given exponent weights.
TermOrder(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Constructor for given split order.
TermOrder.EVComparator - Class in edu.jas.poly
Comparator for ExpVectors.
TermOrderByName - Class in edu.jas.poly
Term order names for ordered polynomials.
TermOrderByName() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
TermOrderByNameTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
TermOrderByName tests with JUnit.
TermOrderByNameTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Constructs a TermOrderByNameTest object.
TermOrderOptimization - Class in edu.jas.poly
Term order optimization.
TermOrderOptimization() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimization
TermOrderOptimizationTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
TermOrderOptimization tests with JUnit.
TermOrderOptimizationTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimizationTest
Constructs a TermOrderOptimizationTest object.
TermOrderTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
TermOrder tests with JUnit.
TermOrderTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Constructs a TermOrderTest object.
test2RootDecimal() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test root decimal.
testAccessors() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
Test accessors.
testAccessors() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
Test accessors.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplexTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ANumGenPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexGenPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.IntGenPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test solvable addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatPolyGenPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientIntTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRatTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotIntPolynomialTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixTest
Test addition.
testAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorTest
Test addition.
testAddition2() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test addition.
testAdditionGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientTest
Test addition without syzygy gcd.
testAlgebraicConversions() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test algebraic conversions.
testAlgebraicFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrimTest
Test algebraic factorization.
testAlgebraicFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraicTest
Test algebraic factorization.
testAlgebraicNumberBigRational() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
Test get AlgebraicNumber<BigRational> implementation.
testAlgebraicNumberBigRational() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
Test get AlgebraicNumber<BigRational> implementation.
testAlgebraicNumberBigRational() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactoryTest
Test get AlgebraicNumber<BigRational> implementation.
testAlgebraicNumberBrace() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test algebraic number polynomial with braces.
testAlgebraicNumberModInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
Test get AlgebraicNumber<ModInteger> implementation.
testAlgebraicNumberModInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
Test get AlgebraicNumber<ModInteger> implementation.
testAlgebraicNumberModInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactoryTest
Test get AlgebraicNumber<ModInteger> implementation.
testAlgebraicNumberModInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxyTest
Test get AlgebraicNumber<ModInteger&glt; implementation.
testAlgebraicSubstitution() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test algebraic substitution.
testAnnihilator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test Ideal annihilator.
testAnnihilator() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Test SolvableIdeal annihilator.
testAnyKSubsetIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.PowerSetTest
Test any k-subset iterator.
testArbitraryRecursiveGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test arbitrary recursive gcd.
testArbitraryRecursiveGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test arbitrary recursive gcd.
testArbitraryRecursiveGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test arbitrary recursive gcd.
testArbitraryRecursiveGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test arbitrary recursive gcd.
testArbitraryRecursiveGCDModular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
Test arbitrary recursive gcd modular coefficients.
testArbitraryRecursiveGCDModular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Test arbitrary recursive gcd modular coefficients.
testArbitraryRecursiveGCDSimple() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDSimpleTest
Test arbitrary recursive gcd simple.
testArbitraryRecursiveGCDSimple() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSimpleTest
Test arbitrary recursive gcd simple.
testArbitraryRecursiveGCDsubres() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
Test arbitrary recursive gcd subresultant.
testAscendComparator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test ascend comparators.
testAscendComparator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test ascend comparators.
testAscendComparatorSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test ascend comparators split.
testAscendComparatorSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test ascend comparators split.
testAscendComparatorWeightSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test ascend comparators weight and split.
testAscendComparatorWeightSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test ascend comparators weight and split.
testBaseContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test base content and primitive part.
testBaseContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test base content and primitive part.
testBaseContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test base content and primitive part.
testBaseContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test base content and primitive part.
testBaseExtGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPartFracRatTest
Test base extended gcd.
testBaseGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test base gcd.
testBaseGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test base gcd.
testBaseGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test base gcd.
testBaseGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test base gcd.
testBaseGcdSimple() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSimpleTest
Test base gcd simple.
testBaseGcdSubres() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
Test base gcd subresultant.
testBaseModularAbsoluteFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModularTest
Test modular absolute factorization.
testBasePartFrac() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPartFracRatTest
Test base partial fraction.
testBasePartFracExponent() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPartFracRatTest
Test base partial fraction exponent.
testBasePartFracList() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPartFracRatTest
Test base partial fraction list.
testBasePartFracListExponent() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPartFracRatTest
Test base partial fraction list exponent (squarefree).
testBasePseudoDivision() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtilTest
Test base pseudo division.
testBasePseudoDivision() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test base pseudo division.
testBasePseudoDivisionDense() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test base dense pseudo division.
testBasePseudoDivisionSparse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test base sparse pseudo division.
testBaseQR() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test base quotioent and remainder.
testBaseQR() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test base quotioent and remainder.
testBaseQR() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPartFracRatTest
Test base quotioent and remainder.
testBaseQR() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test base quotioent and remainder.
testBaseQR() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test base quotioent and remainder.
testBaseRationalAbsoluteFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRationalTest
Test rational absolute factorization.
testBaseResultant() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSimpleTest
Test base resultant integral coefficients.
testBaseSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test base squarefree.
testBaseSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test base squarefree.
testBaseSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeIntTest
Test base squarefree.
testBaseSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test base squarefree.
testBaseSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test base squarefree.
testBaseSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test base squarefree.
testBaseSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRatTest
Test base squarefree.
testBaseSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test base squarefree with char-th root.
testBaseSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test base squarefree with char-th root.
testBaseSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test base squarefree with char-th root.
testBaseSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test base squarefree with char-th root.
testBaseSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test base squarefree with char-th root.
testBaseSquarefreeCharRoot2() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test base squarefree with char-th root, two times.
testBaseSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test base squarefree factors.
testBaseSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test base squarefree factors.
testBaseSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeIntTest
Test base squarefree factors.
testBaseSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test base squarefree factors.
testBaseSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test base squarefree factors.
testBaseSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test base squarefree factors.
testBaseSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRatTest
Test base squarefree factors.
testBaseSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test base squarefree factors with char-th root.
testBaseSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test base squarefree factors with char-th root.
testBaseSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test base squarefree factors with char-th root.
testBaseSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test base squarefree factors with char-th root.
testBaseSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test base squarefree factors with char-th root.
testBaseSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot2() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test base squarefree factors with char-th root, two times.
testBaseSubresultant() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
Test base subresultant.
testBigComplex() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
Test get BigComplex implementation.
testBigComplex() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
Test get BigComplex implementation.
testBigComplex() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test complex polynomial.
testBigComplex() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactoryTest
Test get BigComplex implementation.
testBigComplex() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxyTest
Test get BigComplex implementation.
testBigDecimal() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test decimal polynomial.
testBigInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
Test get BigInteger implementation.
testBigInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
Test get BigInteger implementation.
testBigInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test integer polynomial.
testBigInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactoryTest
Test get BigInteger implementation.
testBigInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxyTest
Test get BigInteger implementation.
testBigIntegerModule() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test integer polynomial module.
testBigQuaternion() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test quaternion polynomial.
testBigRational() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
Test get BigRational implementation.
testBigRational() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
Test get BigRational implementation.
testBigRational() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test rational polynomial.
testBigRational() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactoryTest
Test get BigRational implementation.
testBigRational() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxyTest
Test get BigRational implementation.
testBigRationalErorr() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test rational polynomial with errors.
testBigRationalGeneric() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test rational polynomial with generic coefficients.
testBigRationalSolvableModule() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test rational solvable polynomial module.
testBivariateComplexFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplexTest
Test bivariate complex via algebraic factorization.
testBivariateIntegerFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test bi-variate integer factorization.
testBLAS1() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.IntGenPolynomialTest
Test BLAS level 1.
testBLAS1() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
Test BLAS level 1.
testC5() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
testCallBack() - Method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatusTest
Tests call back.
testCartesianProduct() - Method in class edu.jas.util.IteratorsTest
Test cartesian product.
testCauchyIndex() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test Cauchy index.
testCharacteristicSet() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharSetTest
Test random characteristic set simple.
testCharacteristicSetExample() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharSetTest
Test characteristic set, example Circle of Apollonius, from CLO IVA, 1992.
testCharacteristicSetExampleSec() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharSetTest
Test characteristic set, example secant from wang.
testCharacteristicSetExampleT() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharSetTest
Test characteristic set, example ??.
testCharacteristicSetWu() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharSetTest
Test random characteristic set Wu.
testCharPower() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
Test object potentiation.
testCheckTime() - Method in class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatusTest
Tests checkTime.
testChineseRemainder() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
Test chinese remainder.
testChineseRemainder() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
Test chinese remainder.
testChineseRemainder() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
Test chinese remainder.
testChineseRemainder() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test chinese remainder.
testCoefficientBasePseudoRemainder() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtilTest
Test coefficient base pseudo remainder.
testCoefficientRecursivePseudoRemainder() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtilTest
Test coefficient recursive pseudo remainder.
testCoefficients() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
Test polynomial and solvable coefficients.
testCoefficients() - Method in class
Test MultiVarCoefficients.
testCoefficientsInPS() - Method in class
Test MultiVarCoefficients in power series.
testCombinatoric() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test Combinatoric.
testCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test commutative ring.
testCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test commutative ring.
testCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
Test commutative ring.
testCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test commutative ring.
testCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
Test commutative ring.
testCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test commutative ring.
testCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test commutative ring.
testCompare() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
Test compareTo of complex algebraic numbers.
testCompare() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicTest
Test compareTo of complex algebraic numbers.
testCompare() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
Test compareTo of real algebraic numbers.
testCompareException() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test compare exception.
testCompareExceptionSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test compare exception split.
testCompareExceptionSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test compare exception split.
testCompareExceptionWeigth() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test compare exception weight.
testCompareExceptionWeigth() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test compare exception weight.
testCompareGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotientTest
Test compare GBases.
testCompareWeight() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test compare weight.
testCompareWeight() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test compare weight.
testCompareWeight2() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test compare weight 2 rows.
testCompareWeight2() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test compare weight 2 rows.
testCompareWeightSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test compare weight split.
testComplexAbsoluteFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplexTest
Test complex absolute via algebraic factorization.
testComplexAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test addition for Complex.
testComplexAlgebraicFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RootUtilTest
Test complex algebraic factory.
testComplexConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test static initialization and constants for BigComplex.
testComplexConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test string constructor and toString for BigComplex.
testComplexConversion() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test complex conversion.
testComplexFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplexTest
Test complex via algebraic factorization.
testComplexMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test multiplication for Complex.
testComplexParts() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test Complex real and imaginary part.
testComplexRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test random and compares Complex.
testComplexRationalFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RootUtilTest
Test complex rational factory.
testComplexReduction() - Method in class
Test complex coefficient reduction.
testComplexRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test complex roots univariate polynomials in zero dim ideal.
testComplexRootApproximation() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test complex root approximation.
testComplexRootApproximationFull() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test complex root approximation full algorithm.
testComplexRootApproximationWilkinsonFull() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test complex root approximation full algorithm with Wilkinson polynomials. p = (x-i0)*(x-i1)*(x-i2)*(x-i3*...
testComplexRootApproximationWilkinsonInverseFull() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test complex root approximation full algorithm with Wilkinson polynomials, inverse roots. p = (x-1/i1)*(x-1/i2)*(x-1/i3*...
testComplexRootInvariant() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test complex root invariant rectangle.
testComplexRootInvariantMagnitude() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test complex root invariant magnitude rectangle.
testComplexRootRefinement() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test complex root refinement.
testComplexRootRefinementFull() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test complex root refinement full.
testComplexRoots() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test complex roots.
testComplexRootsImag() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComplexRootTest
Test complex roots, imaginary.
testComplexRootsImag() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test complex roots, sqrt(-1).
testComplexRootsRand() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComplexRootTest
testComplexRootsRand() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test complex roots.
testConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplexTest
Test static initialization and constants.
testConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
Test static initialization and constants.
testConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalTest
Test static initialization and constants.
testConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
Test static initialization and constants.
testConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
Test static initialization and constants.
testConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
Test static initialization and constants.
testConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
Test static initialization and constants.
testConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
Test static initialization and constants.
testConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
Test static initialization and constants.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ANumGenPolynomialTest
Test constructor //and toString
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexGenPolynomialTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.IntGenPolynomialTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenPolynomialTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenPolynomialTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatPolyGenPolynomialTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class
Test constructor and generators.
testConstruction() - Method in class
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientIntTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRatTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotIntPolynomialTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructionC1() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
Test construction Q(sqrt(-1))(+3rt(i)) by extension field builder.
testConstructionF0() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
Test construction Q(sqrt(2))(x)(sqrt(x)) by hand.
testConstructionF1() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
Test construction Q(sqrt(2))(x)(sqrt(x)) by extension field builder.
testConstructionF2() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
Test construction Q(x)(sqrt(2))(sqrt(x)) by extension field builder.
testConstructionF3() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
Test construction Z_p(sqrt(2))(x)(sqrt(x)) by extension field builder.
testConstructionInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test basic construction for BigInteger.
testConstructionIntegerDGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test construction for d-GB BigInteger.
testConstructionIntegerEGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test construction for e-GB BigInteger.
testConstructionM1() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
Test construction by extension field builder and multiple algebraic extension.
testConstructionM2() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
Test construction by extension field builder and multiple transcendent extension.
testConstructionR1() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
Test construction Q(+3rt(3))(+sqrt(+3rt(3)))(+5rt(2)) by extension field builder.
testConstructionR2factory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilderTest
Test construction Q(+3rt(3))(+sqrt(+3rt(3)))(+5rt(2))[y] by extension field builder and real root calculation.
testConstructionRational() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test basic construction for BigRational.
testConstructionRationalFF() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test construction for BigRational and fraction free.
testConstructionRationalFFParallel() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test construction for BigRational fraction free and parallel.
testConstructionRationalFGLM() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test construction for BigRational and FGLM.
testConstructionRationalMore() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test construction for BigRational and more.
testConstructionRationalMoreCompute() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test construction for BigRational and more and compute.
testConstructionRationalOptimized() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test construction for BigRational and optimize.
testConstructionRationalParallel() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test construction for BigRational and parallel.
testConstructionRationalParilistCompute() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilderTest
Test construction for BigRational and pairlists and compute.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test constructor, generators and properties.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test constructor, generators and properties.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
Test constructor, generators and properties.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test constructor, generators and properties.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test constructor, generators and properties.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
Test constructor, generators and properties.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test constructor, generators and properties.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplexTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
Test constructor, generators and properties.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleListTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialListTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test constructor, generators and properties.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test constructor, generators and properties.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
Test constructor and toString.
testConstructors() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
Test constructors and factory.
testConstructors() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test constructors and factory.
testConstructors() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
Test constructors and factory.
testConstructorSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
testConstructorSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test constructor, split TO.
testConstructorWeight() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test constructor weight and toString.
testConstructorWeight() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test constructor weight and toString.
testContaines() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
Test multiplicative set contained.
testContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test content and primitive part.
testContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test content and primitive part.
testContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test content and primitive part.
testContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test content and primitive part.
testConversion() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test recursive <--> distributive conversion.
testConversionRing() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test recursive <--> distributive ring conversion.
testCoPrime() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test co-prime factors.
testCoPrime() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test co-prime factors.
testCoPrime() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
Test co-prime factors.
testCoPrime() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Test co-prime factors.
testCoPrime() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test co-prime factors.
testCoPrime() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test co-prime factors.
testCoPrimeContaines() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
Test co-prime multiplicative set contained.
testCoPrimeRemoveFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
Test co-prime multiplicative set removeFactors.
testDependency() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test dependency on variables.
testDependency2() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test dependency on variables.
testDescendComparator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test descend comparators.
testDescendComparator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test descend comparators.
testDescendComparatorSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test descend comparators split.
testDescendComparatorSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test descend comparators split.
testDescendComparatorWeightSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByNameTest
Test descend comparators weight and split.
testDescendComparatorWeightSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test descend comparators weight and split.
testDiophantLifting() - Method in class edu.jas.application.HenselMultUtilTest
Test multivariate diophant lifting.
testDiophantLiftingList() - Method in class edu.jas.application.HenselMultUtilTest
Test multivariate diophant lifting list.
testDiscriminant() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
testDistHashTable0() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
Tests create and terminate DistHashTableServer.
testDistHashTable1() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
Tests create and terminate DistHashTable.
testDistHashTable2() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
Tests if the created DistHashTable has #n objects as content.
testDistHashTable3() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
Tests if the two created DistHashTables have #n objects as content.
testDistHashTable4() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
Tests if the three created DistHashTables have #n objects as content.
testDistHashTable5() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
Tests if the two created DistHashTables have #n objects as content when one is created later.
testDistHashTable6() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableTest
Tests if the two created DistHashTables have #n objects as content using getWait() when one is created later.
testDistRecWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test distribute and recursion for Weyl relations.
testDistributedGBase() - Method in class
Test distributed GBase.
testDistributedGBase() - Method in class
Test distributed GBase.
testDistributedGBase() - Method in class
Test distributed GBase.
testDistributedGBaseCorner() - Method in class
Test distributed GBase corner cases.
testDistributedGBaseCorner() - Method in class
Test distributed GBase corner cases.
testDistributedHybridGBase() - Method in class
Test distributed hybrid GBase.
testDistributedList1() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListTest
Tests if the created DistributedList has #n objects as content.
testDistributedList2() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListTest
Tests if the two created DistributedLists have #n objects as content.
testDistributedList3() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListTest
Tests if the three created DistributedLists have #n objects as content.
testDistributedList6() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListTest
Tests if the two created DistributedLists have #n objects as content when one is created later.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplexTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ANumGenPolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.IntGenPolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenPolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicTest
Test distributive law.
testDistributive() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
Test distributive law.
testDistThreadPool1() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created DistThreadPool is empty.
testDistThreadPool2() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created DistThreadPool is non empty.
testDistThreadPool3() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created DistThreadPool has no jobs.
testDistThreadPool4() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created DistThreadPool has jobs.
testDistThreadPool5() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created DistThreadPool has many jobs.
testDistThreadPool6() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created DistThreadPool has correct strategy.
testDistThreadPool7() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created DistThreadPool has jobs and correct strategy.
testDivision() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueTest
Test division.
testDoubleMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test solvable left and right multiplication.
testDoubleValue() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
Test doubleValue.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorAlgebraicPrimTest
Test dummy for Junit.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorRealRealTest
Test dummy for Junit.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorTest
Test dummy for Junit.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAlgebraicTest
Test dummy for Junit.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorComplexTest
Test dummy for Junit.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test dummy for Junit.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModularTest
Test dummy for Junit.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorMoreTest
Test dummy for Junit.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRationalTest
Test dummy for Junit.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorTest
Test dummy for Junit.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDTimingTest
Test dummy for junit.
testDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraicTest
Test dummy for Junit.
testElimIdeal() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test elimination Ideals.
testElimSolvableIdeal() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Test elimination SolvableIdeals.
testEnumerator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
Test enumerator.
testEnumerator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberTest
Test enumerator.
testEvalAll() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test evaluate all.
testEvalFirst() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test evaluate first.
testEvalMain() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test evaluate main.
testEvalMainRecursive() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test evaluate main recursive.
testEvaluation() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test evaluation.
testEvaluation() - Method in class
Test evaluation.
testEvaluation() - Method in class
Test evaluation.
testExample1GBase() - Method in class
Test example 1 word GBase.
testExample1GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test example 1 word GBase.
testExample2GBase() - Method in class
Test example 2 word GBase.
testExample2GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test example 3 word GBase.
testException() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test exception.
testExceptionSplit() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderTest
Test exception split.
testExecutableChannels1() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
Tests if the ExecutableChannels could be initialized with null.
testExecutableChannels2() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
Tests if the ExecutableChannels could be initialized with small server array.
testExecutableChannels3() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
Tests if the ExecutableChannels could be initialized with big server array.
testExecutableChannels4() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
Tests if the ExecutableChannels could be initialized and opened.
testExecutableChannels5() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
Tests if 11 ExecutableChannels could be initialized and opened.
testExecutableChannels6() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
Tests if 10 ExecutableChannels to 1 server could be initialized and opened.
testExecutableChannels7() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
Tests if 5 ExecutableChannels to 10 servers could be initialized and opened.
testExecutableChannels8() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
Tests if the ExecutableChannels could be initialized with servers from file.
testExecutableChannels9() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannelsTest
Tests if the ExecutableChannels could be initialized with servers from file.
testExecutableServer1() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServerTest
Tests if the ExecutableServer could be started and terminated.
testExecutableServer2() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServerTest
Tests if the ExecutableServer can execute a RemoteExecutable.
testExecutableServer3() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServerTest
Tests if the ExecutableServer can execute more RemoteExecutable.
testExecutableServer4() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServerTest
Tests if the ExecutableServer can execute a RemoteExecutable.
testExpVector() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
Test leadingExpVector and reductum.
testExpVector() - Method in class
Test ExpVector iterator.
testExtCont() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test extension-contraction.
testExtendContract() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
Test extension and contraction.
testExtendContract() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test extension and contraction.
testExtendContractWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test extension and contraction for Weyl relations.
testExtendContractWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
Test extension and contraction for Weyl relations.
testExtendContractWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test extension and contraction for Weyl relations.
testExtendContractWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test extension and contraction for Weyl relations.
testExtendContractWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test extension and contraction for Weyl relations.
testFactorsContaines() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
Test irreducible multiplicative set contained.
testFactorsRemoveFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
Test irreducible multiplicative set removeFactors.
testFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorTest
Test factory.
testFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test factory.
testFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
Test word factory.
testFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorTest
Test factory.
testFactoryGeneric() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorTest
Test factory generic.
testFactoryGeneric() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorTest
Test factory generic.
testFactoryGeneric() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeTest
Test factory generic.
testFactorySpecific() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorTest
Test factory specific.
testFactorySpecific() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorTest
Test factory specific.
testFactorySpecific() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeTest
Test factory specific.
testFixpoints() - Method in class
Test fix point constructions.
testGaloisFieldBrace() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test Galois field coefficient polynomial with braces.
testGaloisFieldWoBrace() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test Galois field coefficient polynomial without braces.
testGB - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Indicator if test has been performed if this is a Groebner Base.
testGB - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Indicator if test has been performed if this is a Groebner Base.
testGB - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Indicator if test has been performed if this is a Groebner Base.
testGBase() - Method in class
Test GBase.
testGBasePart() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
Test partial GBase.
testGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
Test gcd.
testGcd() - Method in class
Test gcd.
testGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test gcd.
testGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test gcd.
testGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test gcd.
testGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test gcd.
testGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test gcd.
testGCD3() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test gcd 3 variables.
testGCD3() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test gcd 3 variables.
testGCD3() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test gcd 3 variables.
testGCD3() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test gcd 3 variables.
testGCDbaseModular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
Test base gcd modular coefficients.
testGCDbaseModular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Test base gcd modular coefficients.
testGCDfield() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test gcd field coefficients.
testGcdModular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
Test gcd modular coefficients.
testGcdModular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Test gcd modular coefficients.
testGCDPrimitive() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test full gcd primitive.
testGCDSimple() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSimpleTest
Test gcd simple.
testGCDsubres() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
Test gcd subresultant.
testGenericFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorGenericTest
Test generic factorization.
testGenPolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
Test get GenPolynomial implementation.
testGenPolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
Test get GenPolynomial implementation.
testGenPolynomial() - Method in class
Test GenPolynomial iterator.
testGenPolynomialMonomial() - Method in class
Test GenPolynomial monomial iterator.
testHawes2GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParTest
Test Hawes2 GBase.
testHawes2GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
Test Hawes2 GBase.
testHawes2GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
Test Hawes2 GBase with commutative relations.
testHenselGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDHenselTest
Test Hensel algorithm gcd.
testHenselGCD3() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDHenselTest
Test Hensel gcd 3 variables.
testHenselLifting() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
Test Hensel lifting.
testHenselLifting2FullList() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
Test univariate and multivariate Hensel lifting list, 2 variables.
testHenselLifting2List() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
Test multivariate Hensel lifting list, 2 variables.
testHenselLifting3FullList() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
Test univariate and multivariate Hensel lifting list, 3 variables.
testHenselLifting4FullList() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
Test univariate and multivariate Hensel lifting list, 3 variables.
testHenselLiftingGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
Test Hensel lifting with gcd.
testHenselLiftingList() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
Test Hensel lifting new list version.
testHenselLiftingMonicList() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
Test multivariate Hensel lifting monic case list.
testHenselLiftingMonicList() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
Test Hensel monic lifting new list version.
testHenselQuadraticLifting() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
Test Hensel quadratic lifting.
testHenselQuadraticLiftingGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
Test Hensel quadratic lifting with gcd.
testHomogeneous() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
Test homogeneous.
testHomogeneousPolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialListTest
Test homogeneous polynomial list.
testIdealCommonZeros() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test Ideal common zeros.
testIdealComplexRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test complex roots univariate polynomials in zero dim ideal.
testIdealDimension() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test Ideal dimension.
testIdealInfiniteQuotient() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test Ideal infinite quotient.
testIdealInfiniteQuotientRabi() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test Ideal infinite quotient with Rabinowich trick.
testIdealProduct() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test Ideal product.
testIdealQuotient() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test Ideal quotient.
testIdealRadicalMember() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test Ideal radical membership.
testIdealRealRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test real roots univariate polynomials in zero dim ideal.
testIdealSum() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test Ideal sum.
testIdealSum() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Test Ideal sum.
testIdealSum() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdealTest
Test Ideal sum.
testIdealTopt() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test Ideal term order optimization.
testInfiniteCartesianProduct() - Method in class edu.jas.util.IteratorsTest
Test infinite cartesian product.
testInfiniteCartesianProductTwoList() - Method in class edu.jas.util.IteratorsTest
Test infinite cartesian product.
testIntAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
Test integer addition.
testIntAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
Test integer addition.
testIntAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
Test integer addition.
testIntAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
Test integer addition.
testIntAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
Test integer addition.
testIntConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
Test constructor for integer.
testIntConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
Test constructor for integer.
testIntConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
Test constructor for integer.
testIntConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
Test constructor for integer.
testIntDivision() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
Test integer division.
testIntegerAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test addition for Integer.
testIntegerConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test static initialization and constants for BigInteger.
testIntegerConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test string constructor and toString for BigInteger.
testIntegerDReduction() - Method in class
Test integer coefficient d-reduction.
testIntegerEReduction() - Method in class
Test integer coefficient e-reduction.
testIntegerFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test integer factorization.
testIntegerFactorizationEx1() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test integer factorization, example 1 from Wang.
testIntegerFactorizationEx2() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test integer factorization, example 2 from Wang.
testIntegerFactorizationEx3() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test integer factorization, example 3 from Wang.
testIntegerFactorizationEx4() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test integer factorization, example 4 from Wang.
testIntegerFactorizationEx5() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test integer factorization, example 5 from Wang.
testIntegerFactorizationEx6() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test integer factorization, example 6 from Wang.
testIntegerFactorizationEx7() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test integer factorization, example 7 from Wang.
testIntegerFactorizationHk() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test integer factorization.
testIntegerFactorizationIrred() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test integer factorization irreducible polynomial.
testIntegerIntegralFunctionFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorMoreTest
Test integer integral function factorization.
testIntegerMonicFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test integer monic factorization.
testIntegerMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test multiplication for Integer.
testIntegerPower() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test power for Integer.
testIntegerPseudoReduction() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.ReductionTest
Test integer coefficient pseudo-reduction.
testIntegerRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test random and compares Integer.
testIntegerRReduction() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.ReductionTest
Test integer coefficient pseudo r-reduction.
testIntegralFunctionFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorMoreTest
Test integral function factorization.
testInterpolate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
Test interpolate, is chinese remainder special case.
testInterpolateMultivariate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test interpolate multivariate deg > 0 polynomial.
testInterpolateRationalMultivariate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test interpolate rational multivariate deg > 0 polynomial.
testInterpolateUnivariate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test interpolate univariate deg > 0 polynomial.
testInterpolateUnivariateOne() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test interpolate univariate 1 polynomial.
testIntMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
Test integer multiplication.
testIntMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
Test integer multiplication.
testIntMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
Test integer multiplication.
testIntMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
Test integer multiplication.
testIntMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
Test integer multiplication.
testIntRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
Test random integer.
testIntRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
Test random integer.
testIntRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
Test random integer.
testIntReduction() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionTest
Test Int reduction.
testIntReduction() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionTest
Test rational coefficient reduction.
testIntReduction0() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionTest
Test constants and empty list reduction.
testIntReduction0() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionTest
Test constants and empty list reduction.
testIntReductionRecording() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.ReductionTest
Test integer pseudo coefficient reduction with recording.
testIntReductionRecording() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionTest
Test Int reduction recording.
testIntReductionRecording() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionTest
Test rational coefficient reduction with recording.
testIntRReductionRecording() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.ReductionTest
Test integer pseudo coefficient r-reduction with recording.
testIntSpolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionTest
Test rational S-polynomial.
testInverse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
Test inverse.
testInverse() - Method in class
Test inverse.
testIrredDecomp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test ideal decomposition.
testIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
Test iterator.
testIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
Test iterator.
testIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
Test iterator.
testIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
Test iterator.
testIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.PowerSetTest
Test iterator.
testIterators() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
Test iterators.
testKroneckerSubstitution() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtilTest
Test Kronecker substitution.
testKsubSet() - Method in class edu.jas.util.IteratorsTest
Test k-subset set.
testLcm() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test lcm.
testLCM() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test lcm.
testLCM() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test lcm.
testLCM() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test lcm.
testLCM() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test lcm.
testLcm2() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test lcm.
testLeftAndRightRecursiveDivision() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtilTest
Test recursive division coefficient polynomial.
testLiftingDiophantList() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
Test lifting of list of Diophant relation.
testLiftingEgcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
Test lifting of extended Euclidean relation.
testLiftingEgcdList() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselUtilTest
Test lifting of list of extended Euclidean relation.
testLISTcontent() - Method in class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
Test static LIST rational content.
testLISTcreate() - Method in class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
Test static LIST creation.
testLISTdestruct() - Method in class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
Test static LIST destructive operations.
testLISTelems() - Method in class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
Test static LIST many elements.
testLISTinit() - Method in class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
Test static initialization LIST.
testListMap() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ListUtilTest
Test list map.
testLISToper() - Method in class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
Test static LIST operations.
testLISTrecursive() - Method in class edu.mas.kern.LISTTest
Test static LIST recursive structures.
testLong() - Method in class edu.jas.util.IteratorsTest
Test Long iterator.
testLookupKeys() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
Test lookup keys.
testLookupOneKey() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
Test lookup one key.
testMagnitude() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
Test arithmetic of magnitude of real algebraic numbers.
testMap() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
Test coefficient map function.
testMap() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test coefficient map function.
testMersennePrime() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
Test Mersenne prime list.
testMixedRational() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
Test mixed rational integral.
testModAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
Test modular addition.
testModConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
Test constructor for modular.
testModEvalGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test modular evaluation gcd.
testModEvalGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test modular evaluation gcd.
testModInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
Test get ModInteger implementation.
testModInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
Test get ModInteger implementation.
testModInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test modular integer polynomial.
testModInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDFactoryTest
Test get ModInteger implementation.
testModInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxyTest
Test get ModInteger implementation.
testModMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
Test modular multiplication.
testModRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
Test random modular.
testModular2Factorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModularTest
Test modular factorization, case p = 2.
testModularConversion() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test random modular <--> integer conversion.
testModularEvaluationGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
Test modular algorithm gcd with modular evaluation recursive algorithm.
testModularEvaluationGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Test modular algorithm gcd with modular evaluation recursive algorithm.
testModularFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModularTest
Test modular factorization.
testModularFactorizationExam() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModularTest
Test modular factorization example.
testModularRationalFunctionFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorMoreTest
Test modular rational function factorization.
testModularSimpleGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
Test modular algorithm gcd with simple PRS recursive algorithm.
testModularSimpleGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Test modular algorithm gcd with simple PRS recursive algorithm.
testModuleList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleListTest
Test module list.
testModuleList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
Test module list.
testModulePolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleListTest
Test module and polynomial list.
testModulePolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
Test module and polynomial list.
testModulePolynomialModuleList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleListTest
Test module and polynomial and module list.
testModulePolynomialModuleList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
Test module and polynomial and module list.
testModulePolynomialModuleListPolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleListTest
Test module and polynomial and module and polynomial list.
testModulePolynomialModuleListPolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
Test module and polynomial and module and polynomial list.
testMulti2Division() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
Test multivariate 2 division.
testMulti3Division() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
Test multivariate 3 division.
testMultiLetters() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
Test constructor with multi-letter Strings.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplexTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ANumGenPolynomialTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexGenPolynomialTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.IntGenPolynomialTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenPolynomialTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenPolynomialTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test solvable multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatPolyGenPolynomialTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class
Test multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientIntTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRatTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotIntPolynomialTest
Test object multiplication.
testMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorTest
Test scalar multiplication.
testMultiplicationAxioms() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
Test multiplication axioms.
testMultiplicationAxioms() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
Test multiplication axioms.
testMultivariateIntegerFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test multivariate integer factorization.
testMultivariateModularFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorModularTest
Test multivariate modular factorization.
testNNIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
Test non-negative iterator.
testNNIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
Test non-negative iterator.
testNorm() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
Test norm and abs.
testNormalPosition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test normal position.
testOrderedPolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialListTest
Test ordered polynomial list.
testOreConditions() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
Test Ore conditions.
testOverlap() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
Test overlap.
testParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test parallel GBase.
testParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test parallel GBase.
testParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test parallel GBase.
testParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test parallel GBase.
testParallelGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParTest
Test parallel GBase.
testParallelGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotientTest
Test parallel GBase.
testParallelGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRationalTest
Test parallel GBase.
testParallelModGB() - Method in class
Test parallel GBase.
testParallelSeqPairParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test compare parallel with sequential pair parallel GBase.
testParallelSyzPairParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test compare parallel with syzygy pair parallel GBase.
testParallelTSGBase() - Method in class
Test parallel twosided GBase.
testParallelTSGBase() - Method in class
Test parallel twosided GBase.
testParse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
Test parse.
testParse() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
Test parse.
testParse() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientTest
Test parse.
testParse() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientIntTest
Test parse().
testParse() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRatTest
Test parse().
testParse() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotIntPolynomialTest
Test parse().
testParse() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixTest
Test parse matrix.
testParse() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorTest
Test parse vector.
testPartCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test partially commutative ring.
testPartCommutative() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
Test partially commutative ring.
testPartialPermutation() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
Test partial permutation.
testPermGen() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
Test permutation generation.
testPermutation() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimizationTest
Test permutations.
testPolyAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
Test polynomial addition.
testPolyAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
Test polynomial addition.
testPolyAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
Test polynomial addition.
testPolyAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
Test polynomial addition.
testPolyCoefOptimization() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimizationTest
Test polynomial coefficients optimization.
testPolyConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
Test constructor for polynomial.
testPolyConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
Test constructor for polynomial.
testPolyConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
Test constructor for polynomial.
testPolyConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
Test constructor for polynomial.
testPolyDivision() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
Test polynomial division.
testPolyMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
Test polynomial multiplication.
testPolyMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
Test polynomial multiplication.
testPolyMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
Test polynomial multiplication.
testPolyMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
Test polynomial multiplication.
testPolynomial() - Method in class
Test polynomial constructions.
testPolynomialAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenMatrixTest
Test addition.
testPolynomialAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenVectorTest
Test addition.
testPolynomialComplexRoots() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ComplexRootTest
Test polynomial with complex roots.
testPolynomialConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenMatrixTest
Test constructor and toString.
testPolynomialConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenVectorTest
Test constructor and toString.
testPolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleListTest
Test polynomial list.
testPolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialListTest
Test polynomial list.
testPolynomialList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
Test polynomial list.
testPolynomialMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenMatrixTest
Test scalar multiplication.
testPolynomialMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenVectorTest
Test scalar multiplication.
testPolynomialRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenMatrixTest
Test random matrix
testPolynomialRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenVectorTest
Test random vector
testPolyOptimization() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderOptimizationTest
Test polynomial optimization.
testPolyProductConversionAN() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test polynomal over product represenation conversion, algebraic numbers.
testPolyRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexTest
Test random polynomial.
testPolyRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
Test random polynomial.
testPolyRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientTest
Test random polynomial.
testPolyRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueTest
Test random polynomial.
testPowerSet() - Method in class edu.jas.util.IteratorsTest
Test power set.
testPrimaryDecomp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test primary ideal decomposition.
testPrimaryDecomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test 0-dim primary decomposition.
testPrime() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
Test prime list.
testPrimeDecomp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test prime ideal decomposition.
testPrimeDecomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test 0-dim prime decomposition.
testPrimitiveElement() - Method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilAppTest
Test primitive element.
testPrimitiveElementTower() - Method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilAppTest
Test primitive element of extension tower.
testProduct() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
Test get Product implementation.
testProductConversionRN() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test product represenation conversion, rational numbers.
testProxy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactoryTest
Test get proxy implementation.
testProxy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SGBFactoryTest
Test get proxy implementation.
testProxyGBase() - Method in class
Test proxy GBase.
testProxyTSGBase() - Method in class
Test proxy twosided GBase.
testPureLogarithm1() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
Test 1/p pure logarithm integral.
testPureLogarithmD() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
Test p'/p pure logarithm integral.
testQuaternionAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test addition for Quaternion.
testQuaternionConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test static initialization and constants for BigQuaternion.
testQuaternionConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test string constructor and toString for BigQuaternion.
testQuaternionMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test multiplication for Quaternion.
testQuaternionRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test random and compares Quaternion.
testQuotientFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotientTest
Test quotient coefficient polynomial factorization.
testQuotRem() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
Test object quotient and remainder.
testQuotRem() - Method in class
Test object quotient and remainder.
testQuotRem1() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ANumGenPolynomialTest
Test object quotient and remainder.
testQuotRem1() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
Test object quotient and remainder.
testRadicalDecomp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test radical ideal decomposition.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test random polynomial and conversion.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplexTest
Test random rationals.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplexTest
Test random decimal.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalTest
Test random rationals.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigIntegerTest
Test random integer.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonionTest
Test random rationals.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternionTest
Test random rationals.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
Test random rationals.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerTest
Test random modular integers.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
Test random modular integers.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberModTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ANumGenPolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexGenPolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test random integer.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GaloisFieldTest
Test random polynomial
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GFGenPolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.IntGenPolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalTest
Test random integer.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenPolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenPolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenPolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatPolyGenPolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
Test random word.
testRandom() - Method in class
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientIntTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRatTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotIntPolynomialTest
Test random polynomial.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixTest
Test random matrix.
testRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorTest
Test random vector.
testRandom2() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test random exp vector 2.
testRandomConversion() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test random recursive <--> distributive conversion.
testRandomPL() - Method in class
Test and compare random OrderedPairlist and CriticalPairList.
testRandomSyzPL() - Method in class
Test and compare random OrderedPairlist and OrderedSyzPairlist.
testRatAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
Test rational addition.
testRatConstruction() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
Test constructor for rational.
testRational() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
Test rational integral.
testRationalAbsoluteFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRationalTest
Test rational absolute factorization.
testRationalAddition() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test addition for Rational.
testRationalConstants() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test static initialization and constants for BigRational.
testRationalConstructor() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test string constructor and toString for BigRational.
testRationalConversion() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test random rational <--> integer conversion.
testRationalFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRationalTest
Test rational univariate factorization.
testRationalFunctionFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorMoreTest
Test rational function factorization.
testRationalMultiFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorRationalTest
Test rational multivariate factorization.
testRationalMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test multiplication for Rational.
testRationalPower() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test power for Rational.
testRationalRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test random and compares Rational.
testRationalRecursive() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
Test rational integral with quotient coefficients.
testRationalRReduction() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.ReductionTest
Test rational coefficient r-reduction.
testRationalWithLogarithm() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
Test mixed rational with p'/p + 1/p logarithm integral.
testRationalWithLogarithmD() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
Test mixed rational with p'/p logarithm integral.
testRatMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
Test rational multiplication.
testRatPolReduction() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ReductionTest
Test rational coefficient polynomial parametric reduction, caseDistinction and determination.
testRatRandom() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductTest
Test random rational.
testRatReduction() - Method in class
Test rational coefficient reduction.
testRatReduction() - Method in class
Test Rat reduction.
testRatReduction() - Method in class
Test rational coefficient reduction.
testRatReduction0() - Method in class
Test constants and empty list reduction.
testRatReduction0() - Method in class
Test constants and empty list reduction.
testRatReduction0() - Method in class
Test constants and empty list reduction.
testRatReductionPar() - Method in class
Test rational coefficient parallel reduction.
testRatReductionPar() - Method in class
Test Rat reduction parallel.
testRatReductionPar0() - Method in class
Test parallel reduction with constants and empty list reduction.
testRatReductionRecording() - Method in class
Test rational coefficient reduction with recording.
testRatReductionRecording() - Method in class
Test Rat reduction recording.
testRatReductionRecording() - Method in class
Test rational coefficient reduction with recording.
testRatRReductionRecording() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.ReductionTest
Test rational coefficient r-reduction with recording.
testRatSpolynomial() - Method in class
Test rational S-polynomial.
testRealAlgebraicFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufdroot.FactorRealAlgebraicTest
Test real algebraic factorization.
testRealAlgebraicFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RootUtilTest
Test real algebraic factory.
testRealAlgebraicNumberSign() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
Test real algebraic number sign.
testRealRealAlgebraicFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.application.FactorRealRealTest
Test real real algebraic factorization.
testRealRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test real roots univariate polynomials in zero dim ideal.
testRealRootIsolation() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
Test real root isolation.
testRealRootIsolationDecimalWilkinson() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
Test real root isolation and decimal refinement of Wilkinson polynomials.
testRealRootIsolationDecimalWilkinsonAll() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
Test real root isolation and decimal refinement of Wilkinson polynomials, all roots.
testRealRootIsolationDecimalWilkinsonInverse() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
Test real root isolation and decimal refinement of Wilkinson polynomials, inverse roots.
testRealRootIsolationDecimalWilkinsonInverseAll() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
Test real root isolation and decimal refinement of Wilkinson polynomials, inverse roots, all roots.
testRealRootIsolationWilkinson() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
Test real root isolation for Wilkinson like polynomials.
testRealRootIsolationWilkinson() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
Test real root isolation Wilkinson polynomials.
testRealRootIsolationWilkinsonInverse() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
Test real root isolation Wilkinson polynomials inverse.
testRecParallelGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParTest
Test recursive parallel GBase.
testRecSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
Test recursive sequential GBase.
testRecSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
Test recursive sequential GBase.
testRecursion() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test recursion.
testRecursiveContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test recursive content and primitive part.
testRecursiveContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test recursive content and primitive part.
testRecursiveContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test recursive content and primitive part.
testRecursiveContentPP() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test recursive content and primitive part.
testRecursiveContentPPmodular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
Test recursive content and primitive part, modular coefficients.
testRecursiveContentPPmodular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Test recursive content and primitive part, modular coefficients.
testRecursiveGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test recursive gcd.
testRecursiveGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test recursive gcd.
testRecursiveGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test recursive gcd.
testRecursiveGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test recursive gcd.
testRecursiveGCDModular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongTest
Test recursive gcd modular coefficients.
testRecursiveGCDModular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Test recursive gcd modular coefficients.
testRecursiveGCDSimple() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSimpleTest
Test recursive gcd simple.
testRecursiveGCDsubres() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
Test recursive gcd subresultant.
testRecursiveIteratedWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test recursive for iterated Weyl relations.
testRecursivePseudoDivision() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtilTest
Test recursive pseudo division.
testRecursivePseudoDivision() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test recursive pseudo division.
testRecursivePseudoDivisionDense() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtilTest
Test recursive dense pseudo division.
testRecursivePseudoDivisionSparse() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.PolyUfdUtilTest
Test recursive sparse pseudo division.
testRecursiveQR() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test recursive quotioent and remainder.
testRecursiveQR() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModLongEvalTest
Test recursive quotioent and remainder.
testRecursiveQR() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test recursive quotioent and remainder.
testRecursiveQR() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresRatTest
Test recursive quotioent and remainder.
testRecursiveResultantModular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Test recursive resultant modular coefficients.
testRecursiveResultantSimple() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSimpleTest
Test recursive resultant simple.
testRecursiveSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test recursive squarefree.
testRecursiveSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test recursive squarefree.
testRecursiveSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeIntTest
Test recursive squarefree.
testRecursiveSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test recursive squarefree.
testRecursiveSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test recursive squarefree.
testRecursiveSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test recursive squarefree.
testRecursiveSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRatTest
Test recursive squarefree.
testRecursiveSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test recursive squarefree with char-th root.
testRecursiveSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test recursive squarefree with char-th root.
testRecursiveSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test recursive squarefree with char-th root.
testRecursiveSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test recursive squarefree with char-th root.
testRecursiveSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test recursive squarefree with char-th root.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test recursive squarefree factors.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test recursive squarefree factors.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeIntTest
Test recursive squarefree factors.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test recursive squarefree factors.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test recursive squarefree factors.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test recursive squarefree factors.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRatTest
Test recursive squarefree factors.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test recursive squarefree factors with char-th root.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test recursive squarefree factors with char-th root.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test recursive squarefree factors with char-th root.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test recursive squarefree factors with char-th root.
testRecursiveSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test recursive squarefree factors with char-th root.
testRecursiveSubresultant() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
Test recursive subresultant.
testRecursiveWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test recursive for Weyl relations.
testRecursiveWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
Test recursive for Weyl relations.
testRecursiveWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test recursive for Weyl relations.
testReductum() - Method in class
Test reductum.
testReIm() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
Test real and imaginary.
testRelationList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
Test to relation list and back.
testRemoveFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
Test multiplicative set removeFactors.
testRemoveUnusedLower() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test remove unused lower varaibles.
testRemoveUnusedMiddle() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test remove unused middle varaibles.
testRemoveUnusedUpper() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test remove unused upper varaibles.
testResidueOreConditions() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
Test Ore conditions for residues.
testResultant() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModEvalTest
Test resultant.
testResultant() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
Test and compare resultant.
testResultantBaseModular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Test base resultant modular coefficients.
testResultantInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtilTest
Test resultant integer.
testResultantIntegerProxy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtilTest
Test resultant integer parallel proxy.
testResultantModular() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtilTest
Test resultant modular.
testResultantModular() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDModularTest
Test resultant modular coefficients.
testResultantModularParallel() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtilTest
Test resultant modular parallel proxy.
testReverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
Test reversion.
testReverse() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test reversion.
testReverseWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test reversion for Weyl relations.
testReverseWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
Test reversion for Weyl relations.
testReverseWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test reversion for Weyl relations.
testReverseWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test reversion for Weyl relations.
testReverseWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test reversion for Weyl relations.
testRightRecursivePolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.FDUtilTest
Test recursive right coefficient polynomial.
testRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueTest
Test roots (eval mod ideal). todo
testRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test root.
testRootBound() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test root bound.
testRootBound() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
Test root bound.
testRootDecimal() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test root decimal.
testRootDecimalComplex() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test root complex decimal.
testRootDecomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test 0-dim root decomposition.
testRootDecompositionReal() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test 0-dim root decomposition and real roots.
testRouth() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test Routh.
testScalarMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixTest
Test scalar multiplication.
testSeqPairDistributedGBase() - Method in class
Test distributed GBase.
testSeqPairParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test parallel GBase.
testSeqPairSequentialExtendedGBase() - Method in class
Test sequential extended GBase.
testSeqPairSequentialGBase() - Method in class
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialArbitraryModSolvableSyzygy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
Test sequential arbitrary module SolvableSyzygy.
testSequentialArbitraryModSyzygy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyTest
Test sequential arbitrary module Syzygy.
testSequentialArbitrarySyzygy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
Test sequential arbitrary base Syzygy.
testSequentialArbitrarySyzygy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyTest
Test sequential arbitrary base Syzygy.
testSequentialArbitrarySyzygyCLO() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
Test sequential arbitrary base Syzygy, ex CLO 2, p 214 ff.
testSequentialArbitrarySyzygyCLO() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyTest
Test sequential arbitrary base Syzygy, ex CLO 2, p 214 ff.
testSequentialArbitrarySyzygyWA32() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
Test sequential arbitrary base Syzygy, ex WA_32.
testSequentialCGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.CGBSeqTest
Test sequential CGB.
testSequentialDistributedGBase() - Method in class
Test compare sequential with distributed GBase.
testSequentialDistributedGBase() - Method in class
Test compare sequential with distributed GBase.
testSequentialDistributedGBase() - Method in class
Test compare sequential with distributed GBase.
testSequentialExtendedGBase() - Method in class
Test sequential extended GBase.
testSequentialExtendedGBase() - Method in class
Test sequential extended GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class
Test sequential univariate Word GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotientTest
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRationalTest
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeqTest
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test sequential univariate Word GBase.
testSequentialGBaseBoth() - Method in class
Test sequential GBase, both.
testSequentialLeftModSolvableGB() - Method in class
Test sequential left GBase.
testSequentialLeftModSolvableWeylGB() - Method in class
Test sequential left Weyl GBase.
testSequentialModGB() - Method in class
Test sequential GBase.
testSequentialModSolvableSyzygy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
Test sequential module SolvableSyzygy.
testSequentialModSyzygy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyTest
Test sequential module Syzygy.
testSequentialParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test compare sequential with parallel GBase.
testSequentialParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test compare sequential with parallel GBase.
testSequentialRightModSolvableGB() - Method in class
Test sequential right GBase.
testSequentialRightModSolvableWeylGB() - Method in class
Test sequential right Weyl GBase.
testSequentialSeqPairDistributedGBase() - Method in class
Test compare sequential with distributed GBase.
testSequentialSeqPairParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test compare sequential with parallel GBase.
testSequentialSolvableSyzygy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
Test sequential SolvableSyzygy.
testSequentialSyzPairParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test compare sequential with syzygy pair parallel GBase.
testSequentialSyzygy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyTest
Test sequential Syzygy.
testSequentialTSGBase() - Method in class
Test sequential twosided GBase.
testSequentialTSGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
Test sequential twosided GBase.
testSequentialTSGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test sequential twosided GBase.
testSequentialTSModSolvableGB() - Method in class
Test sequential twosided GBase.
testSequentialTSModSolvableWeylGB() - Method in class
Test sequential twosided Weyl GBase.
testSequentialWeylSolvableSyzygy() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableSyzygyTest
Test sequential Weyl SolvableSyzygy.
testSignum() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicTest
Test signum and magnitude.
testSignum() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicTest
Test sign of real algebraic numbers.
testSignVar() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RootUtilTest
Test sign variations.
testSimpleMultiplication() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixTest
Test (simple) multiplication.
testSocketChannel0() - Method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannelTest
testSocketChannel1() - Method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannelTest
testSocketChannel2() - Method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannelTest
testSocketChannel3() - Method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannelTest
testSolvableBigRational() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test rational solvable polynomial.
testSolvableCoeffs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test solvable coefficient ring.
testSolvableCoeffs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test solvable coefficient ring.
testSolvableCoeffs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialTest
Test solvable coefficient ring.
testSolvableCoeffs() - Method in class edu.jas.application.QuotientSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test solvable coefficient ring.
testSolvableCoeffs() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialTest
Test solvable coefficient ring.
testSolvableCoeffs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialTest
Test solvable coefficient ring.
testSolvableCoeffsRelations() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialQLRTest
Test solvable coefficient ring.
testSolvableCoeffsRelations() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialTest
Test solvable coefficient ring.
testSolvableIdealCommonZeros() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Test SolvableIdeal common zeros.
testSolvableIdealDimension() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Test SolvableIdeal dimension.
testSolvableIdealInfiniteQuotient() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Test SolvableIdeal infinite quotient.
testSolvableIdealInfiniteQuotientRabi() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Test (commutative) SolvableIdeal infinite quotient with Rabinowich trick.
testSolvableIdealProduct() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Test SolvableIdeal product.
testSolvableIdealQuotient() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Test SolvableIdeal quotient.
testSolvableIdealRadicalMember() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Test (commutative) SolvableIdeal radical membership.
testSolvableModInteger() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test mod integer solvable polynomial.
testSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test squarefree.
testSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test squarefree.
testSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeIntTest
Test squarefree.
testSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test squarefree.
testSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test squarefree.
testSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test squarefree.
testSquarefree() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRatTest
Test squarefree.
testSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test squarefree with char-th root.
testSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test squarefree with char-th root.
testSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test squarefree with char-th root.
testSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test squarefree with char-th root.
testSquarefreeCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test squarefree with char-th root.
testSquarefreeContaines() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
Test squarefree multiplicative set contained.
testSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test squarefree factors.
testSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test squarefree factors.
testSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeIntTest
Test squarefree factors.
testSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test squarefree factors.
testSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test squarefree factors.
testSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test squarefree factors.
testSquarefreeFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRatTest
Test squarefree factors.
testSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgModTest
Test squarefree factors with char-th root.
testSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeAlgQuotModTest
Test squarefree factors with char-th root.
testSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModLongTest
Test squarefree factors with char-th root.
testSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeModTest
Test squarefree factors with char-th root.
testSquarefreeFactorsCharRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeQuotModTest
Test squarefree factors with char-th root.
testSquarefreeRemoveFactors() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetTest
Test squarefree multiplicative set removeFactors.
testSquareRoot() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ArithTest
Test square root.
testSturmSequence() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTest
Test Sturm sequence.
testSubres() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDSubresTest
Test subresultant.
testSubstitution() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test substitution.
testSwitchVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test switch variables.
testSymmetric() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
Test lookup symmetric products.
testSyzPairParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test syzygy pair parallel GBase.
testTaggedSocketChannel0() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannelTest
testTaggedSocketChannel1() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannelTest
testTaggedSocketChannel2() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannelTest
testTaggedSocketChannel3() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannelTest
testTaggedSocketChannel4() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannelTest
testTaggedSocketChannel5() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannelTest
testTaylor() - Method in class
Test Taylor series.
testTaylor() - Method in class
Test Taylor series.
testTaylorSeries() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtilTest
Test Taylor series.
testTdeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test tdeg.
testTdeg2() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test tdeg.
testThreadPool1() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created ThreadPool is empty.
testThreadPool2() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created ThreadPool is non empty.
testThreadPool3() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created ThreadPool has no jobs.
testThreadPool4() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created ThreadPool has jobs.
testThreadPool5() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created ThreadPool has many jobs.
testThreadPool6() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created ThreadPool has correct strategy.
testThreadPool7() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
Tests if the created ThreadPool has jobs and correct strategy.
testTiming() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongTest
Test timing ModLong to ModInteger.
testTotalDegExpVector() - Method in class
Test total degree ExpVector iterator.
testTotalDegExpVectorIteratorAllFin() - Method in class
Test total degree ExpVector iterator.
testTotalDegExpVectorIteratorFin() - Method in class
Test total degree ExpVector iterator.
testTotalDegExpVectorIteratorInf() - Method in class
Test total degree ExpVector iterator.
testTrinks6GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMTest
Test Trinks6 GBase.
testTrinks7() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.RGroebnerBaseSeqTest
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7CompareGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRationalTest
Test Trinks7 compare GBase.
testTrinks7ExtendedGBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7ExtendedGBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.application.CGBSeqTest
Test Trinks CGB.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 as non-commutative example word GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMTest
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParTest
Test Trinks6/7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRationalTest
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test Trinks7 as non-commutative example word GBase.
testTrinks7GBase_t1_p4() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase_t2_p2() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBase_t4_p1() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBaseCompl() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMTest
Test Trinks7 GBase over Q(i).
testTrinks7GBaseElimPart() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
Test elim partial Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBaseMin() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase, min pair list.
testTrinks7GBaseMin() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase, min pair list.
testTrinks7GBasePart() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
Test partial Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBasePartRec() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
Test partial recursive Trinks7 GBase.
testTrinks7GBaseSqrt() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMTest
Test Trinks7 GBase over Q(sqrt(2)).
testTrinks7GBaseSyz() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase, syz pair list.
testTrinks7GBaseSyz() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase, syz pair list.
testTuple() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ListUtilTest
Test tuple transpose.
testUniqueNNIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRationalTest
Test non-negative unique iterator.
testUnivariate() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
Test univariate.
testUnivDivision() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialTest
Test univariate division.
testUnivPoly() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test univariate polynomials in ideal.
testUnivPoly() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdealTest
Test univariate polynomials in ideal.
testUpdateKeys() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
Test update more keys.
testUpdateOneKey() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTableTest
Test update one key.
testValueOf() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
Test valueOf.
testVariables() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizerTest
Test variables.
testWeightdeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test weighted.
testWeightdeg2() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorTest
Test weighted.
testWeightHomogeneous() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTest
Test weight homogeneous.
testWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test Weyl polynomials.
testWeyl() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RatGenSolvablePolynomialTest
Test Weyl polynomials.
testWeylIntReduction() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionTest
Test Weyl Integer reduction.
testWeylIntReduction0() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvablePseudoReductionTest
Test constants and empty list reduction.
testWeylModulePolynomialModuleListPolynomial() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.SolvableModuleListTest
Test module and polynomial and module and polynomial list with WeylRelations.
testWeylParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test Weyl parallel GBase.
testWeylParallelGBase() - Method in class
Test Weyl parallel GBase.
testWeylParallelTSGBase() - Method in class
Test Weyl parallel twosided GBase is always 1.
testWeylParallelTSGBase() - Method in class
Test Weyl parallel twosided GBase is always 1.
testWeylProxyGBase() - Method in class
Test Weyl proxy GBase.
testWeylProxyTSGBase() - Method in class
Test Weyl proxy twosided GBase is always 1.
testWeylRatReduction() - Method in class
Test Weyl Rational reduction.
testWeylRatReduction0() - Method in class
Test constants and empty list reduction.
testWeylRatReductionPar() - Method in class
Test Weyl Rational reduction parallel.
testWeylSequentialExtendedGBase() - Method in class
Test Weyl sequential extended GBase.
testWeylSequentialGBase() - Method in class
Test Weyl sequential GBase.
testWeylSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
Test Weyl sequential GBase.
testWeylSequentialGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test Weyl sequential GBase.
testWeylSequentialTSGBase() - Method in class
Test Weyl sequential twosided GBase is always 1.
testWeylSequentialTSGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
Test Weyl sequential twosided GBase is always 1.
testWeylSequentialTSGBase() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Test Weyl sequential twosided GBase is always 1.
testWindingNumber() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test winding number.
testWindingNumberWrong() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootTest
Test winding number with wrong precondition.
testWordCoeffs() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test word coefficient ring.
testWordCoeffsRelations() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialTest
Test word coefficient ring.
testWordIdealCommonZeros() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdealTest
Test WordIdeal common zeros.
testWordIdealProduct() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdealTest
Test WordIdeal product.
testZeroDimDecomp() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealTest
Test zero dimensional decomposition.
theList - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
theList - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
theList - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistributedList
theList - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistributedListServer
THIRD(LIST<C>) - Static method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
ThreadPool - Class in edu.jas.util
Thread pool using stack / list workpile.
ThreadPool() - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
Constructs a new ThreadPool with strategy StrategyEnumeration.FIFO and size DEFAULT_SIZE.
ThreadPool(StrategyEnumeration) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
Constructs a new ThreadPool with size DEFAULT_SIZE.
ThreadPool(int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
Constructs a new ThreadPool with strategy StrategyEnumeration.FIFO.
ThreadPool(StrategyEnumeration, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
Constructs a new ThreadPool.
ThreadPoolTest - Class in edu.jas.util
ThreadPool tests with JUnit.
ThreadPoolTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.util.ThreadPoolTest
Constructs a ThreadPoolTest object.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoParallel
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePseudoRecParallel
Number of threads to use.
threads - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
Number of threads to use.
threadsPerNode - Variable in class
Number of threads per node to use.
threadsPerNode - Variable in class
Number of threads per node to use.
threadsPerNode - Variable in class
Number of threads per node to use.
TimeExceededException - Exception in edu.jas.kern
Time exceeded exception class.
TimeExceededException() - Constructor for exception edu.jas.kern.TimeExceededException
TimeExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.kern.TimeExceededException
TimeExceededException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.kern.TimeExceededException
TimeExceededException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.jas.kern.TimeExceededException
TimeStatus - Class in edu.jas.kern
Run-time status, defines global status and handling for run time limits.
TimeStatus() - Constructor for class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatus
No public constructor.
TimeStatusTest - Class in edu.jas.kern
TimeStatus tests with JUnit.
TimeStatusTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.kern.TimeStatusTest
Constructs a TimeStatusTest object.
toComplex(GenPolynomialRing<Complex<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Complex from real polynomial.
toDecimal(Complex<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsAbstract
Get decimal approximation.
toDecimal() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
BigDecimal representation of Interval.
top - Variable in class edu.jas.application.CReductionSeq
Flag if top-reduction only should be used.
topCoefficientPseudoRemainder(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtil
Top coefficient pseudo remainder of the leading coefficient of P wrt A in the main variables.
toPolyCoefficients(LocalSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Integral function from rational polynomial coefficients.
toPolyCoefficients(GenPolynomial<SolvableLocal<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Integral function from rational polynomial coefficients.
toPolyCoefficients(ResidueSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Integral function from solvable residue coefficients.
toPolyCoefficients(GenPolynomial<SolvableResidue<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Integral function from solvable residue coefficients.
toPolyCoefficients(ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Integral word function from word residue coefficients.
toPolyCoefficients(GenPolynomial<WordResidue<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Integral word function from word residue coefficients.
toPolyCoefficients(QuotSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Integral function from rational polynomial coefficients.
toPolyCoefficients(GenPolynomial<SolvableQuotient<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Integral function from rational polynomial coefficients.
toPolyCoefficients(QLRSolvablePolynomial<C, D>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Integral function from rational polynomial coefficients.
toPolyCoefficients(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Integral function from rational polynomial coefficients.
topPseudoRemainder(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtil
Top pseudo reduction wrt the main variables.
toProduct(ProductRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, C, ExpVector) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Product representation.
toProduct(ProductRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Product representation.
toProduct(ProductRing<ModInteger>, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Product representation.
toProduct(GenPolynomialRing<Product<ModInteger>>, GenPolynomial<BigInteger>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Product representation.
toProduct(GenPolynomialRing<Product<ModInteger>>, List<GenPolynomial<BigInteger>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Product representation.
toProductGen(GenPolynomialRing<Product<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Product representation.
toProductGen(GenPolynomialRing<Product<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Product representation.
toProductGen(ProductRing<C>, C) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Product representation.
toProductRes(GenPolynomialRing<Product<Residue<C>>>, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Product representation.
toProductRes(GenPolynomialRing<Product<Residue<C>>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Product representation.
toProductRes(ProductRing<Residue<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Product representation.
toProductRes(List<ColoredSystem<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Product residue representation.
tord - Variable in class
tord - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The term order.
tord - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialComparator
toRecursive(GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
To recursive representation.
toRecursive(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
To recursive representation.
toResidue(GenPolynomialRing<Residue<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Residue coefficient representation.
toResidue(GenPolynomialRing<Residue<C>>, GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
Residue coefficient representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Get the Script representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
Script representation of ColorPolynomial.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
Get the Script representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealRoots
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithUniv
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.PrimaryComponent
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.PrimitiveElement
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation of an ExpVector of this ring.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
String representation of TermOrder.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Boundary
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTuple
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.Element
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ElemFactory
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsList
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsMap
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselApprox
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScript() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Get a scripting compatible string representation.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.Element
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Get a scripting compatible string representation of the factory.
toScriptOrder(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Script and String representation of TermOrder name.
toScriptPlain() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Script representation of TermOrder without prefix and weight matrix.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColoredSystem
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
String representation of ColorPolynomial.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Condition
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.CPair
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Dimension
String representation of the ideal.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
String representation of the ideal.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
String representation of the GB algorithm implementation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.GroebnerSystem
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
String representation of the ideal.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithComplexAlgebraicRoots
String representation of the ideal.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealAlgebraicRoots
String representation of the ideal.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithRealRoots
String representation of the ideal.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithUniv
String representation of the ideal.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Local
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
toString(Complex<RealAlgebraicNumber<D>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
String representation of a deximal approximation of a complex number.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.PrimaryComponent
String representation of the ideal.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.PrimitiveElement
String representation of the ideal.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicNumber
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.RealAlgebraicRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
String representation of the solvable ideal.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocal
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidue
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalResidueRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableLocalRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
String representation of the solvable ideal.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get the string representation.
toString(int) - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get the decimal string representation with given precision.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModIntegerRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ModLongRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in exception edu.jas.arith.ModularNotInvertibleException
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.PrimeList
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.ProductRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class
Get the String representation with GB engine.
toString() - Method in class
Get the String representation with GB engines.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Get the String representation with GB engines.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in interface
toString() - Method in class
Get the String representation with GB engines.
toString() - Method in class
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class
Get the String representation with GB engines.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in interface
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseQuotient
Get the String representation with GB engines.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseRational
Get the String representation with GB engines.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSet
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetCoPrime
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetFactors
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.MultiplicativeSetSquarefree
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotient
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableQuotientRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.Integral
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.QuotIntegral
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in exception edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNotInvertibleException
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Complex
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ComplexRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get the string representation.
toString(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get the string representation with variable names.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorPair
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
String representation of GenPolynomial.
toString(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
String representation of GenPolynomial.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
String representation of GenWordPolynomial.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Local
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.LocalRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
String representation of the module list.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Monomial
String representation of Monomial.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.OptimizedModuleList
String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.OptimizedPolynomialList
String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Overlap
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.OverlapList
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialComparator
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList
String representation of the polynomial list.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Quotient
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QuotientRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Get the String representation.
toString(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ResidueRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TableRelation
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
String representation of TermOrder.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.Word
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordMonomial
String representation of Monomial.
toString() - Method in class
String representation of power series.
toString(int) - Method in class
To String with given truncate.
toString() - Method in class
To String.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
To String.
toString() - Method in class
String representation of power series.
toString(int) - Method in class
To String with given truncate.
toString() - Method in class
To String.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Boundary
String representation of Boundary.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicNumber
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexAlgebraicRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Interval
String representation of Interval.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicNumber
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealAlgebraicRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTuple
String representation of tuple.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.root.Rectangle
String representation of Rectangle.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbsolute
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorAbstract
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Factors
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsList
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorsMap
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxy
Get the String representation with gcd engines.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GreatestCommonDivisorAbstract
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselApprox
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.Quotient
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Get the String representation as RingFactory.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldChar0
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeFieldCharP
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.SquarefreeRingChar0
Get the String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ChannelFactory
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DHTTransport
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTableServer
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableChannels
String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ExecutableServer
String representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.util.SocketChannel
to string
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.util.StrategyEnumeration
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.util.TaggedSocketChannel
To string.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.util.Terminator
to string
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
Get the String representation as RingElem.
toString() - Method in class edu.mas.kern.LIST
To string.
toString1(Complex<D>) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.PolyUtilApp
String representation of a deximal approximation of a complex number.
toStringPlain() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
String representation of TermOrder without prefix and weight matrix.
toStringX() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.LogIntegral
Get the String representation.
toStringX() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.PartialFraction
Get the String representation.
totalDeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector total degree.
totalDeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector total degree.
totalDeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector total degree.
totalDeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector total degree.
totalDeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorPair
totalDeg() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector total degree.
totalDegree() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Total degree.
totalDegree(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Total degree of polynomial list.
totalDegreeLeadingTerm(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Maximal degree of leading terms of a polynomial list.
totalExtensionDegree() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumberRing
Total degree of nested extension fields.
totalNormalform(List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>, MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Total reduced normal-form with Mora's algorithm.
totalNormalform(List<MultiVarPowerSeries<C>>) - Method in class
Total reduced normalform with Mora's algorithm.
toZero - Variable in class edu.jas.application.CPair
toZero - Variable in class
toZero - Variable in class
trailingBaseCoefficient() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Trailing base coefficient.
trailingBaseCoefficient() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Trailing base coefficient.
trailingBaseCoefficient() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.Polynomial
Trailing base coefficient.
trailingExpVector() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Trailing exponent vector.
trailingWord() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Trailing word.
transcendentExtension(String) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ExtensionFieldBuilder
Transcendent field extension.
translate(String[]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Translate variable names.
translation - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
The translation array of Strings.
transpose(GenMatrixRing<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrix
Transposed matrix.
transpose() - Method in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
Transposed matrix ring.
transRef - Static variable in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
The translation reference string.
transVar(char) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Translate variable name.
trimAll(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Trim all variable names.
truncate() - Method in class
truncate() - Method in class
truncate() - Method in class
tuple - Variable in class edu.jas.root.RealRootTuple
Tuple of RealAlgebraicNumbers.
tupleFromList(List<List<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.util.ListUtil
Tuple from lists.
twosidedDivide(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue two-sided division.
twosidedDivide(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.NoncomRingElem
Two-sided division.
twosidedGB() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Groebner Base.
twosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Groebner base.
twosidedGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBase
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseAbstract
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbmod.ModSolvableGroebnerBaseSeq
Twosided Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
Twosided Solvable Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedGB(int, List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SolvableGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
Twosided Solvable Groebner base using pairlist class.
twosidedRemainder(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
WordResidue two-sided remainder.
twosidedRemainder(C) - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.NoncomRingElem
Two-sided remainder.


ufd - Variable in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegration
Engine for greatest common divisors.
ufdGCD - Variable in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRing
Use GCD of package edu.jas.ufd.
UnaryFunctor<C extends Element<C>,D extends Element<D>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Unary functor interface.
uniqueIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get a BigRational iterator with no duplicates.
univariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable.
univariate(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable.
univariate(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable.
univariate(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable.
univariate(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(String) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Generate univariate polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(String, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Generate univariate polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Generate univariate polynomial in a given variable.
univariate(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Generate univariate polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Generate univariate polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable.
univariate(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Generate univariate polynomial in a given variable.
univariate(int) - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.PolynomialRing
Generate univariate polynomial in a given variable.
univariate(int, long) - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.PolynomialRing
Generate univariate polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable.
univariate(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable.
univariate(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable.
univariate(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariate(int, int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Generate univariate solvable polynomial in a given variable with given exponent.
univariateDegrees() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Univariate head term degrees.
univariateDegrees() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal
Univariate head term degrees.
univariateDegrees() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
Univariate head term degrees.
univariateDegrees(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Univariate head term degrees.
univariateDegrees(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Univariate head term degrees.
univariateDegrees(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class
Univariate head term degrees.
univariateList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
univariateList(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
univariateList(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables with given exponent.
univariateList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
univariateList(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
univariateList(int, long) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables with given exponent.
univariateList() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
univariateList() - Method in interface edu.jas.poly.PolynomialRing
Generate list of univariate polynomials in all variables.
UnivPowerSeries<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Univariate power series implementation.
UnivPowerSeries(UnivPowerSeriesRing<C>, Coefficients<C>) - Constructor for class
UnivPowerSeriesMap<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Univariate power series map interface.
UnivPowerSeriesRing<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Univariate power series ring implementation.
UnivPowerSeriesRing(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class
UnivPowerSeriesRing(RingFactory<C>, int) - Constructor for class
UnivPowerSeriesRing(RingFactory<C>, String) - Constructor for class
UnivPowerSeriesRing(GenPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class
UnivPowerSeriesRing(RingFactory<C>, int, String) - Constructor for class
UnivPowerSeriesTest - Class in
Univariate power series tests with JUnit.
UnivPowerSeriesTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a UnivPowerSeriesTest object.
update(CriticalPair<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class
Record reduced polynomial and update critical pair list.
update() - Method in class
Update pairlist.
update(ExpVector, ExpVector, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Update or initialize RelationTable with new relation. relation is e * f = p.
update(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Update or initialize RelationTable with new relation. relation is e * f = p.
update(GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Update or initialize RelationTable with new relation. relation is e * f = p.
update(ExpVector, ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RelationTable
Update or initialize RelationTable with new relation. relation is e * f = p.
updateMany() - Method in class
Update pairlist, several pairs at once.
upolys - Variable in class edu.jas.application.IdealWithUniv
The list of univariate polynomials.
upperBound - Variable in class
upperBound - Variable in class edu.jas.util.CartesianProductLong
useCriterion3 - Variable in class edu.jas.application.CPair
useCriterion3 - Variable in class
useCriterion3 - Variable in class
useCriterion3 - Variable in class
useCriterion4 - Variable in class edu.jas.application.CPair
useCriterion4 - Variable in class edu.jas.application.OrderedCPairlist
useCriterion4 - Variable in class
useCriterion4 - Variable in class
useCriterion4 - Variable in class
useCriterion4 - Variable in class


v - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Dimension
Names of all variables.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Residue
Value part of the element data structure.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
Value part of the element data structure.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Value part of the element data structure.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
The data structure.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
The data structure.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.ModInteger
Value part of the element data structure.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.ModLong
Value part of the element data structure.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.arith.Product
Value part of the element data structure.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.AlgebraicNumber
Value part of the element data structure.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
The data structure for polynomials.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.Residue
Value part of the element data structure.
val - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenVector
value() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidue
value() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
Value<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Value interface.
value() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.Value
Value getter.
value() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DHTTransport
Get the value from this DHTTransport Container.
valueFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.SolvableResidueRing
Factory for base elements.
valueFactory() - Method in class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
Factory for base elements.
ValueFactory<C extends RingElem<C>,D extends RingElem<D>> - Interface in edu.jas.structure
Value factory interface.
valueFactory() - Method in interface edu.jas.structure.ValueFactory
Factory for value elements.
valueIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
List value iterator.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.jas.application.Condition.Color
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(WordResidue<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C> element from a coefficient value.
valueOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C> element from an ExpVector.
valueOf(WordResidue<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a ResidueSolvableWordPolynomial<C> element from a coeffcient and an ExpVector.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal.Side
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(BigDecimal) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get a BigDecimal element from a math.BigDecimal.
valueOf(long) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
Get a BigDecimal element from long.
valueOf(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get a BigInteger element from a math.BigInteger.
valueOf(long) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
Get a BigInteger element from long.
valueOf(BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get a BigRational element from a math.BigInteger.
valueOf(long) - Static method in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
Get a BigRational element from a long.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.jas.arith.PrimeList.Range
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory.Algo
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.jas.kern.Scripting.CAS
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.jas.kern.Scripting.Lang
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.jas.poly.ExpVector.StorUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) GenPolynomial<C> element from a coefficient value.
valueOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get a GenPolynomial<C> element from an exponent vector.
valueOf(C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get a GenPolynomial<C> element from a coeffcient and an exponent vector.
valueOf(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) GenPolynomial<C> element from a coefficient value.
valueOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a GenPolynomial<C> element from an exponent vector.
valueOf(C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a GenPolynomial<C> element from a coeffcient and an exponent vector.
valueOf(C) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) GenWordPolynomial<C> element from a coefficient value.
valueOf(Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get a GenWordPolynomial<C> element from a word.
valueOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get a GenWordPolynomial<C> element from an ExpVector.
valueOf(C, Word) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get a GenWordPolynomial<C> element from a coeffcient and a word.
valueOf(C, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get a GenWordPolynomial<C> element from a coeffcient and an ExpVector.
valueOf(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get a GenWordPolynomial<C> element from a GenPolynomial<C>.
valueOf(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
Get a list of GenWordPolynomial<C> element from a list of GenPolynomial<C>.
valueOf(GenPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a (constant) RecSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a coefficient value.
valueOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a RecSolvablePolynomial<C> element from an exponent vector.
valueOf(GenPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
Get a RecSolvablePolynomial<C> element from a coeffcient and an exponent vector.
valueOf(GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a (constant) RecSolvableWordPolynomial<C> element from a coefficient value.
valueOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a RecSolvableWordPolynomial<C> element from an ExpVector.
valueOf(GenWordPolynomial<C>, ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
Get a RecSolvableWordPolynomial<C> element from a coeffcient and an ExpVector.
valueOf(ExpVector) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Get the Element for an ExpVector.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.jas.util.DHTTransport.Stor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum edu.jas.application.Condition.Color
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.jas.application.SolvableIdeal.Side
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.jas.arith.PrimeList.Range
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory.Algo
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.jas.kern.Scripting.CAS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.jas.kern.Scripting.Lang
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.jas.poly.ExpVector.StorUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.jas.util.DHTTransport.Stor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class edu.jas.util.DistHashTable
Get the values as Collection.
variableList(String) - Static method in class edu.jas.application.RingFactoryTokenizer
Parse variable list from String.
variableList(String) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer
Parse variable list from String.
varIndex(int) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get the array index of a variable at index.
varList(String) - Method in class
Generate variable list.
varList(String, String) - Method in class
Generate variable list.
vars - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The names of the variables.
vars - Variable in class
The names of the variables.
varsToString(String[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
Get the string representation of the variables.
varsToString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
Get a String representation of the variable names.
varsToString() - Method in class
Get a String representation of the variable names.
vecToList(List<GenVector<GenPolynomial<C>>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.ModuleList
Get a list of vectors as List of list of GenPolynomials.
vectorAdd(List<C>, List<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.vector.BasicLinAlg
Addition of vectors of ring elements.


waitDone() - Method in class edu.jas.util.Terminator
Wait until released.
weightDeg(long[][]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVector
ExpVector weighted degree.
weightDeg(long[][]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorByte
ExpVector weighted degree.
weightDeg(long[][]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorInteger
ExpVector weighted degree.
weightDeg(long[][]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong
ExpVector weighted degree.
weightDeg(long[][]) - Method in class edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorShort
ExpVector weighted degree.
weightDegree() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial
Weight degree.
weightForOrder(int, int) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
Construct weight for INVLEX.
weightOrder(long[]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
Construct weight TermOrder.
weightOrder(long[][]) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrderByName
Construct weight TermOrder.
weightToScript() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
Script representation of weight matrix.
weightToString() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.TermOrder
String representation of weight matrix.
WeylRelations<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Generate Relation Table for Weyl Algebras Adds the respective relations to the relation table of the given solvable ring factory.
WeylRelations() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WeylRelations
The no argument constructor.
WeylRelations(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WeylRelations
The constructor requires a ring factory.
WeylRelationsIterated<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Generate Relation Table for Weyl Algebras Adds the respective relations to the relation table of the given solvable ring factory.
WeylRelationsIterated() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WeylRelationsIterated
The no argument constructor.
WeylRelationsIterated(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WeylRelationsIterated
The constructor requires a ring factory.
white - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ColorPolynomial
The part with white (= unknown color) terms and coefficients.
windingNumber(Rectangle<C>, GenPolynomial<Complex<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.root.ComplexRootsSturm
Winding number of complex function A on rectangle.
wone - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
The constant empty word exponent for this ring.
Word - Class in edu.jas.poly
Word implements strings of letters for polynomials.
Word(WordFactory) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Word
Constructor for Word.
Word(WordFactory, String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Word
Constructor for Word.
Word(WordFactory, String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.Word
Constructor for Word.
word() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.WordMonomial
Getter for word.
WordComparator() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory.WordComparator
WordFactory - Class in edu.jas.poly
WordFactory implements alphabet related methods.
WordFactory() - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Constructor for WordFactory.
WordFactory(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Constructor for WordFactory.
WordFactory(String[]) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WordFactory
Constructor for WordFactory.
WordFactory.WordComparator - Class in edu.jas.poly
Comparator for Words.
WordGroebnerBase<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Non-commutative Groebner Bases interface for GenWordPolynomials.
WordGroebnerBaseAbstract<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Non-commutative Groebner Bases abstract class.
WordGroebnerBaseAbstract() - Constructor for class
WordGroebnerBaseAbstract(WordReduction<C>) - Constructor for class
WordGroebnerBaseAbstract(WordReduction<C>, WordPairList<C>) - Constructor for class
WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Non-commutative word Groebner Base sequential algorithm.
WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, WordPseudoReductionSeq<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq(RingFactory<GenPolynomial<C>>, WordPseudoReductionSeq<GenPolynomial<C>>, WordPairList<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeq
WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Word Groebner base recursive pseudo reduction sequential tests with JUnit.
WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest
Constructs a WordGroebnerBasePseudoRecSeqTest object.
WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Non-commutative word Groebner Base sequential algorithm.
WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq(RingFactory<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq(RingFactory<C>, WordPseudoReductionSeq<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq(RingFactory<C>, WordPseudoReductionSeq<C>, WordPairList<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeq
WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Word Groebner base sequential tests with JUnit.
WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest
Constructs a WordGroebnerBasePseudoSeqTest object.
WordGroebnerBaseSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Non-commutative word Groebner Base sequential algorithm.
WordGroebnerBaseSeq() - Constructor for class
WordGroebnerBaseSeq(WordReduction<C>) - Constructor for class
WordGroebnerBaseSeq(WordReduction<C>, WordPairList<C>) - Constructor for class
WordGroebnerBaseSeqTest - Class in
Groebner base sequential tests with JUnit.
WordGroebnerBaseSeqTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a WordGroebnerBaseSeqTest object.
WordIdeal<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
Word Ideal implements some methods for ideal arithmetic, for example containment, sum or product.
WordIdeal(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
WordIdeal(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
WordIdeal(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, WordGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, WordReduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
WordIdeal(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
WordIdeal(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, boolean, WordGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
WordIdeal(GenWordPolynomialRing<C>, List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>, boolean, WordGroebnerBaseAbstract<C>, WordReduction<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordIdeal
WordIdealTest - Class in edu.jas.application
WordIdeal tests with JUnit.
WordIdealTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordIdealTest
Constructs a WordIdealTest object.
wordIterator() - Method in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomial
Iterator over words.
wordMonic(List<GenWordPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil
Word polynomial list monic.
WordMonomial<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
WordMonomial class.
WordMonomial(Map.Entry<Word, C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WordMonomial
Constructor of word monomial.
WordMonomial(Word, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WordMonomial
Constructor of word monomial.
WordPair<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Serializable subclass to hold pairs of word polynomials.
WordPair(GenWordPolynomial<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>, int, int) - Constructor for class
WordPair constructor.
WordPairList<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
WordPair list management interface.
WordPolyIterator<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.poly
Iterator over monomials of a polynomial.
WordPolyIterator(SortedMap<Word, C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WordPolyIterator
Constructor of polynomial iterator.
WordPseudoReduction<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial pseudo reduction interface.
WordPseudoReductionEntry<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Word polynomial reduction container.
WordPseudoReductionEntry(GenWordPolynomial<C>, C) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionEntry
WordPseudoReductionSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Polynomial word reduction sequential use algorithm.
WordPseudoReductionSeq() - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionSeq
WordPseudoReductionTest - Class in edu.jas.gbufd
Word reduction tests with JUnit.
WordPseudoReductionTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.gbufd.WordPseudoReductionTest
Constructs a WordPseudoReductionTest object.
WordReduction<C extends RingElem<C>> - Interface in
Polynomial WordReduction interface.
WordReductionAbstract<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Polynomial word reduction abstract class.
WordReductionAbstract() - Constructor for class
WordReductionSeq<C extends RingElem<C>> - Class in
Polynomial word reduction sequential use algorithm.
WordReductionSeq() - Constructor for class
WordReductionTest - Class in
Word reduction tests with JUnit.
WordReductionTest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a WordReductionTest object.
WordResidue<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
WordResidue ring element based on GenWordPolynomial with GcdRingElem interface.
WordResidue(WordResidueRing<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
The constructor creates a WordResidue object from a ring factory.
WordResidue(WordResidueRing<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
The constructor creates a WordResidue object from a ring factory and a polynomial.
WordResidue(WordResidueRing<C>, GenWordPolynomial<C>, int) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordResidue
The constructor creates a WordResidue object from a ring factory, a polynomial and an indicator if a is a unit.
WordResidueRing<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> - Class in edu.jas.application
WordResidue ring factory based on GenWordPolynomialRing with GcdRingFactory interface.
WordResidueRing(WordIdeal<C>) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
The constructor creates a WordResidueRing object from an Ideal.
WordResidueRing(WordIdeal<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordResidueRing
The constructor creates a WordResidueRing object from an WordIdeal.
WordResidueTest - Class in edu.jas.application
WordResidue tests with JUnit.
WordResidueTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.application.WordResidueTest
Constructs a WordResidueTest object.
WordTest - Class in edu.jas.poly
Word and WordFactory tests with JUnit.
WordTest(String) - Constructor for class edu.jas.poly.WordTest
Constructs a WordTest object.
workers - Variable in class edu.jas.util.DistThreadPool
Array of workers.
workers - Variable in class edu.jas.util.ThreadPool
Array of workers.


xtestAdditionGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.QuotientRatTest
Test addition with syzygy gcd and euclids gcd.
xtestAlgebraicNumberBigRational() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDProxyTest
Test get AlgebraicNumber<BigRational> implementation.
xtestArbitraryRecursiveGCDPrimitive() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test arbitrary recursive gcd primitive.
xtestAUX() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
xtestBaseGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDTimingTest
Test base gcd simple.
xtestBaseGcdPrimitive() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test base gcd primitive.
xtestBaseGcdSimple() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDSimpleTest
Test base gcd simple.
xtestBaseRationalAbsoluteFactorizationRoT() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorTest
Test rational absolute factorization, Rothstein-Trager step.
xtestC6() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
xtestCAP() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
xtestDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorGenericTest
Test dummy for Junit.
xtestDummy() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorQuotientTest
Test dummy for Junit.
xtestElimPartialPermutation() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBasePartTest
Test elimination partial permutation.
xtestEquilibrium() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
xtestFiveVarsOrder() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
xtestGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDTimingTest
Test gcd.
xtestGCDSimple() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDSimpleTest
Test full gcd simple.
xtestHairerRungeKutta_1() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
xtestHenselLifting3List() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
Test multivariate Hensel lifting list, 3 variables.
xtestHenselLifting4List() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.HenselMultUtilTest
Test multivariate Hensel lifting list, 4 variables.
xtestIsaac() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
xtestModC5() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
xtestNiermann() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
xtestRationalWithLogarithm1() - Method in class edu.jas.integrate.ElementaryIntegrationTest
Test mixed rational with 1/p logarithm integral.
xtestRecursiveGCD() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDTimingTest
Test recursive gcd.
xtestRecursiveGCDPrimitive() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDPrimitiveTest
Test univariate recursive gcd primitive.
xtestRecursiveLeftGCDSimple() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDSimpleTest
Test univariate recursive left gcd simple.
xtestRecursiveRightGCDSimple() - Method in class edu.jas.fd.GCDSimpleTest
Test univariate recursive right gcd simple.
xtestTrinks2() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
xtestTrinks7GBaseZ() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase over Z.
xtestTrinks7GBaseZ() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase over Z.
xtestTrinks7GBaseZ_B() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase over Z(B).
xtestTrinks7GBaseZ_B() - Method in class
Test Trinks7 GBase over Z(B).


ytestCassouMod1() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
ytestCharacteristicSetExampleCC() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.CharSetTest
Test characteristic set, example circum-center.
ytestHenselLinearSubresGcd() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.GCDHenselTest
Test linear Hensel algorithm gcd.
ytestLamm1() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
ytestOmdi1() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples
ytestQuadvariateIntegerFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test quad-variate integer factorization.
ytestTrivariateIntegerFactorization() - Method in class edu.jas.ufd.FactorIntegerTest
Test tri-variate integer factorization.
ytestWalkS7() - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.GroebnerBaseFGLMExamples


zero - Variable in class edu.jas.application.Condition
Data structure for condition zero.
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.application.LocalSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.application.ResidueSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigComplex
The constant 0.
ZERO - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimal
The constant 0.
ZERO - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigDecimalComplex
The constant 0.
ZERO - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigInteger
The constant 0.
ZERO - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigOctonion
The constant 0.
ZERO - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigQuaternion
The constant 0.
ZERO - Static variable in class edu.jas.arith.BigRational
The Constant 0.
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.gbufd.QuotSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.GenWordPolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.QLRSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvablePolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.poly.RecSolvableWordPolynomialRing
The constant polynomial 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Variable in class
The constant power series 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Variable in class
The constant power series 0 for this ring.
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenMatrixRing
ZERO - Variable in class edu.jas.vector.GenVectorModul
zeroCache - Variable in class
Cache for known zero coefficients.
zeroDegrees(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Static method in class edu.jas.gbufd.PolyGBUtil
Extract polynomials with degree zero in the main variable.
zeroDimDecomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Zero dimensional ideal irreducible decompostition.
zeroDimDecompositionExtension(List<GenPolynomial<C>>, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Zero dimensional ideal irreducible decompostition extension.
zeroDimElimination(List<IdealWithUniv<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Zero dimensional ideal elimination to original ring.
zeroDimPrimaryDecomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Zero dimensional ideal primary decompostition.
zeroDimPrimaryDecomposition(List<IdealWithUniv<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Zero dimensional ideal primary decompostition.
zeroDimPrimeDecomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Zero dimensional ideal prime decompostition.
zeroDimPrimeDecompositionFE() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Zero dimensional ideal prime decompostition, with field extension.
zeroDimRadicalDecomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Zero dimensional radical decompostition.
zeroDimRootDecomposition() - Method in class edu.jas.application.Ideal
Zero dimensional ideal decompostition for real roots.
zeroRelations(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Syzygy module from Groebner base.
zeroRelations(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Syzygy module from Groebner base.
zeroRelations(int, GenVector<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Syzygy module from Groebner base. v must be a Groebner base.
zeroRelations(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Syzygy module from module Groebner base.
zeroRelations(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyAbstract
Syzygy module from Groebner base.
zeroRelations(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyAbstract
Syzygy module from Groebner base.
zeroRelations(int, GenVector<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyAbstract
Syzygy module from Groebner base. v must be a Groebner base.
zeroRelations(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyAbstract
Syzygy module from module Groebner base.
zeroRelationsArbitrary(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Syzygy module from arbitrary base.
zeroRelationsArbitrary(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Syzygy module from arbitrary base.
zeroRelationsArbitrary(ModuleList<C>) - Method in interface edu.jas.gbufd.Syzygy
Syzygy module from arbitrary module base.
zeroRelationsArbitrary(List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyAbstract
Syzygy module from arbitrary base.
zeroRelationsArbitrary(ModuleList<C>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygyAbstract
Syzygy module from arbitrary module base.
zeroRelationsArbitrary(int, List<GenPolynomial<C>>) - Method in class edu.jas.gbufd.SyzygySeq
Syzygy module from arbitrary base.
zip(BinaryFunctor<? super C, ? super C, C>, MultiVarPowerSeries<C>) - Method in class
Map a binary function to this and another power series.
zip(BinaryFunctor<? super C, ? super C2, C>, UnivPowerSeries<C2>) - Method in class
Map a binary function to this and another power series.
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