class SPARQL

This is a ‘wrapper’ class for SPARQL queries. A class might be a slight overkill. It was made with the idea, that one can store the query and the result together, to re-evaluate both without having to access the server. However, in the end this feature was not really needed.



The json representation of the query result

Public Class Methods

new(sd, query, output = 'json') click to toggle source

Perform the SPARQL query.

    # File examples/sdjas.rb
185 def initialize(sd, query, output = 'json')
186     @_sd = sd;
187     @_query = query;
188     @_data = {
189         'query' => query,
190         'output' => output
191     }
192     #self.response = requests.get(self._sd.url, params = self._data)
193     #puts "url = " + str(self._sd.url)
194     uri = URI("http://" + @_sd.url.to_s)
195     #puts "uri      = " + uri.to_s
196     #puts " = " +
197     #puts "uri.port = " + uri.port.to_s
198     Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port ) do |conn|
199        #puts "conn = " + str(conn)
201        #puts "query = " + str(query)
202        #_path = @_sd.sqpath + "?" + URI.encode_www_form(@_data)
203        uri.path = @_sd.sqpath
204        uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(@_data)
205        #puts "uri       = ", uri
206        #puts "uri       = " + str(uri)
207        #puts "uri.path  = " + uri.path.to_s
208        #puts "uri.query = " + uri.query.to_s
209        req =
210        #puts "req = " + str(req)
211        response = conn.request( req );
212        if not response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
213           puts "response = " + response.to_s + "\n"
214           raise RuntimeError, "HTTP GET #{uri} not successful" 
215        end
217        #head = response.code.to_s + " " + response.msg
218        #puts "head = " + str(head) + "\n"
219        @text = response.body()
220        #puts "body = " + str(@text)
221        @json = JSON.load(@text)
222        #puts "json = " + str(@json)
223     end
224 end