class Object

Public Instance Methods

_pprint(l) click to toggle source

Formats a list l to be displayed in a tabular layout. It is possible to pass an integer width to the textwrap function. The width of the terminal window could be obtained via the Python console module. However, since it is not included in Jas, we decided not to use it. The default width that textwrap uses is set to 70. There might be a better way to do this.

   # File examples/sdjas.rb
57 def _pprint(l)
58     col ={ |x| x.length }.max + 3 #  [len(x) for x in l]) + 3
59     padded ={|x| x.ljust(col) } #.join('')
60     #print textwrap(padded).join('\n')
61     line = ''
62     num = 70
63     padded.each{|x| line.length < num ? line+=x : begin puts line; line=x end }
64 end
_uri_to_name(uri) click to toggle source

Converts a uri to a name or key by only taking everything after the last / or (if present) #.

Examples:             ->   test   ->   testedBy
   # File examples/sdjas.rb
38 def _uri_to_name(uri)
39     usplit = URI(uri) #urlsplit(uri)
40     if usplit.fragment != nil
41         return usplit.fragment
42     else
43         #return pathsplit(usplit.path)[-1]
44         return usplit.path.split('/')[-1]
45     end
46 end
get_value_for_URI(sd, uri, predicate) click to toggle source

A quick convienience function to retrieve a single value of a given triple (object, predicate, …)

The parameter sd is a SymbolicData object that contains information about the SPARQL endpoint.

   # File examples/sdjas.rb
73 def get_value_for_URI(sd, uri, predicate)
74     result = nil
75     query = "SELECT * WHERE { <#{uri}> <#{predicate}> ?x }"
76     begin
77         qj =, query)
78         #puts "qj.json = " + str(qj.json)
79         result = qj.json['results']['bindings'][0]['x']['value']
80     rescue
81         #pass
82     end
83     return result
84 end