class JAS::Ring

Represents a JAS polynomial ring: GenPolynomialRing.

Methods to create ideals and ideals with parametric coefficients.



inject variables into environment


avoid capital letter variables


the Java factoy object, gcd engine, sqf engine, factorization engine


the Java factoy object, gcd engine, sqf engine, factorization engine


the Java factoy object, gcd engine, sqf engine, factorization engine


the Java factoy object, gcd engine, sqf engine, factorization engine

Public Class Methods

getEngineFactor(r) click to toggle source

Get the polynomial factorization engine implementation.

r is the given polynomial ring.

     # File examples/jas.rb
1950 def Ring.getEngineFactor(r)
1951     if r.is_a? RingElem
1952         r = r.elem;
1953     end
1954     if not r.is_a? GenPolynomialRing
1955        return nil;
1956     end
1957     begin 
1958        i = FactorFactory.getImplementation(r.coFac);
1959     rescue => e
1960        i = nil
1961     end
1962     #puts "factor engine: #{i}";
1963     return i;
1964 end
getEngineGcd(r) click to toggle source

Get the polynomial gcd engine implementation.

r is the given polynomial ring.

     # File examples/jas.rb
1907 def Ring.getEngineGcd(r)
1908     if r.is_a? RingElem
1909         r = r.elem;
1910     end
1911     if not r.is_a? GenPolynomialRing
1912        return nil;
1913     end
1914     begin
1915        i = GCDFactory.getProxy(r.coFac);
1916        #i = GCDFactory.getImplementation(r.coFac);
1917     rescue => e
1918        i = nil
1919     end
1920     #puts "gcd engine: #{i}";
1921     return i;
1922 end
getEngineSqf(r) click to toggle source

Get the polynomial squarefree engine implementation.

r is the given polynomial ring.

     # File examples/jas.rb
1929 def Ring.getEngineSqf(r)
1930     if r.is_a? RingElem
1931         r = r.elem;
1932     end
1933     if not r.is_a? GenPolynomialRing
1934        return nil;
1935     end
1936     begin 
1937        i = SquarefreeFactory.getImplementation(r.coFac);
1938     rescue => e
1939        i = nil
1940     end
1941     #puts "sqf engine: #{i}";
1942     return i;
1943 end
new(ringstr="",ring=nil) click to toggle source

Ring constructor.

ringstr string representation to be parsed. ring JAS ring object.

     # File examples/jas.rb
1872 def initialize(ringstr="",ring=nil)
1873     if ring == nil
1874        sr = ringstr );
1875        tok =;
1876        pfac = tok.nextPolynomialRing();
1877        #tok =;
1878        #@pset = tok.nextPolynomialSet();
1879        @ring = pfac;
1880     else
1881        if ring.is_a? Ring
1882           @ring = ring.ring
1883        else 
1884           @ring = ring;
1885        end
1886     end
1887     # parameter ",fast=false" not possible w/o keyword params
1888     #if fast == true
1889     #   return
1890     #end
1891     @engine = Ring.getEngineGcd(@ring);
1892     @sqf = Ring.getEngineSqf(@ring);
1893     @factor = Ring.getEngineFactor(@ring);
1894     variable_generators()
1895     #puts "self.class.auto_inject = " + self.class.auto_inject.to_s
1896     #puts "self.class.superclass.auto_inject = " + self.class.superclass.auto_inject.to_s
1897     if self.class.auto_inject or self.class.superclass.auto_inject # sic!
1898        inject_variables();
1899     end
1900 end

Public Instance Methods

==(other) click to toggle source

Test if two rings are equal.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2017 def ==(other)
2018     if not other.is_a? Ring
2019        return false;
2020     end
2021     return @ring.equals(other.ring);
2022 end
CRT(polystr="", list=nil, rem=nil) click to toggle source

Chinese remainder theorem.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2317 def CRT(polystr="", list=nil, rem=nil)
2318     if list == nil
2319        sr = polystr );
2320        tok =,sr);
2321        @list = tok.nextPolynomialList();
2322     else
2323        @list = rbarray2arraylist(list,nil,rec=2);
2324     end
2325     if rem == nil
2326        raise ArgumentError, "No remainders given."
2327     else
2328        @remlist = rbarray2arraylist(rem,nil,rec=1);
2329     end
2330     #puts "list = " + str(@list);
2331     #puts "remlist = " + str(@remlist);
2332     #puts
2333     h = PolyGBUtil.chineseRemainderTheorem(@list, @remlist);
2334     if h != nil
2335        h =;
2336     end
2337     return h;
2338 end
CRTinterpol(polystr="", list=nil, rem=nil) click to toggle source

Chinese remainder theorem, interpolation.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2343 def CRTinterpol(polystr="", list=nil, rem=nil)
2344     if list == nil
2345        sr = polystr );
2346        tok =,sr);
2347        @list = tok.nextPolynomialList();
2348     else
2349        @list = rbarray2arraylist(list,nil,rec=2);
2350     end
2351     if rem == nil
2352        raise ArgumentError, "No remeinders given."
2353     else
2354        @remlist = rbarray2arraylist(rem,nil,rec=1);
2355     end
2356     #puts "ring = " + str(@ring.toScript());
2357     #puts "list = " + str(@list);
2358     #puts "remlist = " + str(@remlist);
2359     #puts
2360     h = PolyGBUtil.CRTInterpolation(@ring, @list, @remlist);
2361     if h != nil
2362        h =;
2363     end
2364     return h;
2365 end
algebraicRoots(a,eps=nil) click to toggle source

Compute algebraic real and complex roots of univariate polynomial.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2227 def algebraicRoots(a,eps=nil)
2228     if not a.is_a? RingElem
2229         a =;
2230     end
2231     return a.algebraicRoots(eps);
2232 end
complexRoots(a,eps=nil) click to toggle source

Compute complex roots of univariate polynomial.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2217 def complexRoots(a,eps=nil)
2218     if not a.is_a? RingElem
2219         a =;
2220     end
2221     return a.complexRoots(eps);
2222 end
decimalRoots(a,eps=nil) click to toggle source

Compute deximal approximation of algebraic real and complex roots.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2247 def decimalRoots(a,eps=nil)
2248     if not a.is_a? RingElem
2249         a =;
2250     end
2251     return a.decimalRoots(eps);
2252 end
element(poly) click to toggle source

Create an element from a string or an object.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2083 def element(poly)
2084     if not poly.is_a? String 
2085        begin
2086           if @ring == poly.ring 
2087              return;
2088           end
2089        rescue => e
2090           # pass
2091        end
2092        poly = str(poly);
2093     end
2094     i = self, "( " + poly + " )" );
2095     list = i.pset.list;
2096     if list.size > 0
2097        return list[0] );
2098     end
2099 end
factors(a) click to toggle source

Compute irreducible factorization for modular, integer, rational number and algebriac number coefficients.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2154 def factors(a)
2155     if a.is_a? RingElem
2156         a = a.elem;
2157     else
2158         a = element( a );
2159         a = a.elem;
2160     end
2161     begin
2162         cf = @ring.coFac;
2163         if cf.is_a? GenPolynomialRing
2164             e = @factor.recursiveFactors( a );
2165         else
2166             e = @factor.factors( a );
2167         end
2168         ll = {};
2169         for a in e.keySet()
2170             i = e.get(a);
2171             ll[ a ) ] = i;
2172         end
2173         return ll;
2174     rescue => e
2175         puts "error " + str(e)
2176         return nil
2177     end
2178 end
factorsAbsolute(a) click to toggle source

Compute absolute irreducible factorization for (modular,) rational number coefficients.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2184     def factorsAbsolute(a)
2185         if a.is_a? RingElem
2186             a = a.elem;
2187         else
2188             a = element( a );
2189             a = a.elem;
2190         end
2191         begin
2192             ll = @factor.factorsAbsolute( a );
2193 ##             ll = {};
2194 ##             for a in e.keySet()
2195 ##                 i = e.get(a);
2196 ##                 ll[ a ) ] = i;
2197             return ll;
2198         rescue => e
2199             puts "error in factorsAbsolute " + str(e)
2200             return nil
2201         end
2202     end
gcd(a,b) click to toggle source

Compute the greatest common divisor of a and b.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2104 def gcd(a,b)
2105     if a.is_a? RingElem
2106         a = a.elem;
2107     else
2108         a = element( a );
2109         a = a.elem;
2110     end
2111     if b.is_a? RingElem
2112         b = b.elem;
2113     else
2114         b = element( b );
2115         b = b.elem;
2116     end
2117     cf = @ring.coFac;
2118     if cf.is_a? GenPolynomialRing
2119         e = @engine.recursiveGcd( a, b );
2120     else
2121         e = @engine.gcd( a, b );
2122     end
2123     return e );
2124 end
gens() click to toggle source

Get list of generators of the polynomial ring.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2049 def gens()
2050     ll = @ring.generators();
2051     n ={ |e| };
2052     return n;
2053 end
ideal(ringstr="",list=nil) click to toggle source

Create an ideal.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2027 def ideal(ringstr="",list=nil)
2028     return,ringstr,list);
2029 end
inject_variables() click to toggle source

Inject variables for generators in top level environment.

     # File examples/jas.rb
1994 def inject_variables() 
1995     begin 
1996        require "irb/frame" # must be placed here
1997        bin = IRB::Frame.bottom(0);
1998        env = eval "self", bin;
1999        #puts "inject_gens: env1 = " + str(env)
2000        inject_gens(env)
2001        #puts "inject_gens: env2 = " + str(env)
2002     rescue => e
2003        puts "error: 'irb/frame' not found, e = " + str(e);
2004     end
2005 end
integrate(a) click to toggle source

Integrate rational function or power series.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2278 def integrate(a)
2279     if not a.is_a? RingElem
2280         a =;
2281     end
2282     return a.integrate();
2283 end
one() click to toggle source

Get the one of the polynomial ring.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2058 def one()
2059     return @ring.getONE() );
2060 end
paramideal(ringstr="",list=nil,gbsys=nil) click to toggle source

Create an ideal in a polynomial ring with parameter coefficients.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2034 def paramideal(ringstr="",list=nil,gbsys=nil)
2035     return,ringstr,list,gbsys);
2036 end
powerseriesRing() click to toggle source

Get a power series ring from this ring.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2041 def powerseriesRing()
2042     pr =;
2043     return"",nil,pr);
2044 end
random(k=5,l=7,d=3,q=0.3) click to toggle source

Get a random polynomial.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2072 def random(k=5,l=7,d=3,q=0.3)
2073     r = @ring.random(k,l,d,q);
2074     if @ring.coFac.isField()
2075         r = r.monic();
2076     end
2077     return r );
2078 end
realRoots(a,eps=nil) click to toggle source

Compute real roots of univariate polynomial.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2207 def realRoots(a,eps=nil)
2208     if not a.is_a? RingElem
2209         a =;
2210     end
2211     return a.realRoots(eps);
2212 end
rootReduce(a, b) click to toggle source

Root reduce of real and complex algebraic numbers. Compute an extension field with a primitive element.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2268 def rootReduce(a, b)
2269     if not a.is_a? RingElem
2270         a =;
2271     end
2272     return a.rootReduce(b);
2273 end
rootRefine(a,eps=nil) click to toggle source

Compute algebraic real and complex roots refinement.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2237 def rootRefine(a,eps=nil)
2238     if not a.is_a? RingElem
2239         a =;
2240     end
2241     return a.rootRefine(eps);
2242 end
rootsOfUnity(a) click to toggle source

Roots of unity of real and complex algebraic numbers.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2257 def rootsOfUnity(a)
2258     if not a.is_a? RingElem
2259         a =;
2260     end
2261     return a.rootsOfUnity();
2262 end
squarefreeFactors(a) click to toggle source

Compute squarefree factors of polynomial.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2129 def squarefreeFactors(a)
2130     if a.is_a? RingElem
2131         a = a.elem;
2132     else
2133         a = element( a );
2134         a = a.elem;
2135     end
2136     cf = @ring.coFac;
2137     if cf.is_a? GenPolynomialRing
2138         e = @sqf.recursiveSquarefreeFactors( a );
2139     else
2140         e = @sqf.squarefreeFactors( a );
2141     end
2142     ll = {};
2143     for a in e.keySet()
2144         i = e.get(a);
2145         ll[ a ) ] = i;
2146     end
2147     return ll;
2148 end
subring(polystr="", list=nil) click to toggle source

Sub ring generators as Groebner base.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2288 def subring(polystr="", list=nil)
2289     if list == nil
2290        sr = polystr );
2291        tok =,sr);
2292        @list = tok.nextPolynomialList();
2293     else
2294        @list = rbarray2arraylist(list,rec=1);
2295     end
2296     sr = PolyGBUtil.subRing(@list);
2297     srr = { |a| }; 
2298     return srr;
2299 end
subringmember(list, a) click to toggle source

Sub ring member test. list is a Groebner base. Test if a in K.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2305 def subringmember(list, a)
2306     sr = { |p| p.elem }; 
2307     if a.is_a? RingElem
2308         a = a.elem;
2309     end
2310     b = PolyGBUtil.subRingMember(sr, a);
2311     return b;
2312 end
to_s() click to toggle source

Create a string representation.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2010 def to_s()
2011     return @ring.toScript();
2012 end
variable_generators() click to toggle source

Define instance variables for generators.

     # File examples/jas.rb
1969 def variable_generators() 
1970    Ring.instance_eval( "attr_accessor :generators;" )
1971    @generators = {};
1972    for i in self.gens()
1973       begin 
1974          ivs = nameFromValue(i);
1975          if ivs != nil
1976             #puts "string: #{ivs} = " + ivs.class.to_s;
1977             if @generators[ ivs ] != nil
1978                puts "redefining local variable #{ivs}";
1979             end
1980             @generators[ ivs ] = i;
1981             self.instance_eval( "def #{ivs}; @generators[ '#{ivs}' ]; end" )
1982          end
1983       rescue => e
1984          puts "ring error: #{ivs} = " + i.to_s + ", e = " + str(e);
1985          #pass
1986       end
1987    end
1988 #puts "locally defined generators: " + @generators.keys().join(", ");
1989 end
zero() click to toggle source

Get the zero of the polynomial ring.

     # File examples/jas.rb
2065 def zero()
2066     return @ring.getZERO() );
2067 end