Computer Algebra Benchmark Initiative

Classification of Benchmarks

Topics which could be covered.

  • Average Quality Benchmarks
    like TPS, LIPS, FLOPS ?
    Mixture of typical application problems.

  • Graphical User Interface
    benchmarks ? assessments ? quality, ease of use, recommendations, desktop publishing quality.

  • Breadth and Scope Benchmarks
    quality of implemented mathematics
    E.g. probabilistic prime number tests, precomputed group sizes.

  • Performance Benchmarks

    • Low Level Benchmarks,
      Basic (Integer) and Polynomial Arithmetic.

    • Medium Level Benchmarks,
      Factorisation, Gröbner Bases, Resultants, etc.

    • High Level Benchmarks,
      Integration, Systems of Equations, Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition, other complex Applications.

  • Grand Challenges Benchmarks
    scalability, special hardware;
    e.g. van zur Gathens Factorisation Challenge.

  • Manufacturer Specific Benchmarks
    e.g. REDUCE test suite.

   Heinz Kredel, e-mail:
Last modification at 9. August 1998.