(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Id: SACPFAC.mi,v 1.3 1992/10/15 16:29:03 kredel Exp $ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of MAS. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1989 - 1992 Universitaet Passau * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Log: SACPFAC.mi,v $ * Revision 1.3 1992/10/15 16:29:03 kredel * Changed rcsid variable * * Revision 1.2 1992/02/12 17:35:00 pesch * Moved CONST definition to the right place * * Revision 1.1 1992/01/22 15:16:11 kredel * Initial revision * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE SACPFAC; (* SAC Polynomial Factorization Implementation Module. *) (* import lists and declarations. *) FROM MASELEM IMPORT MASMAX; FROM MASSTOR IMPORT LIST, SIL, BETA, LIST1, SFIRST, SRED, LENGTH, INV, FIRST, RED, COMP, ADV; FROM MASBIOS IMPORT SWRITE; FROM SACLIST IMPORT LIST3, CONC, CINV, ADV2, COMP2, FIRST2, EQUAL, RED2, SECOND, LIST2; FROM SACI IMPORT IODD, IREM, IDP2, ICOMP, IPROD, IQ, IDREM, IDPR, IDIF, IMP2, INEG; FROM SACM IMPORT MIHOM, MIPROD, SMFMI; FROM SACPRIM IMPORT SMPRM; FROM SACCOMB IMPORT CSFPAR, CSINT, CSUN, LEXNEX, LPERM, PERMR; FROM SACPOL IMPORT PUFP, PRIME, PDPV, PDEG, PLDCF, PTBCF, PDEGV, PINV; FROM SACIPOL IMPORT IPIHOM, IPSIGN, IPABS, IPDMV, IPEMV, IPSUM, IPDIF, IPIP, IPIQ, IPTRAN, IUPTPR, IPSUMN, IPQR, IPPROD, IPQ, IPEVAL; FROM SACMPOL IMPORT VMPIP, MIPPR, MPQ, MPHOM, MPMON, MUPDER, MMPIQR, SMFMIP, MIPDIF, MIPHOM, MIPIPR, MIPSUM; FROM SACDPOL IMPORT DPFP, DMPPRD, DMUPNR; FROM SACPGCD IMPORT MUPEGC, IPSF, IPPP, IPCPP, IPGCDC, MUPGCD; FROM SACUPFAC IMPORT IPFLC, IUSFPF, IUPFAC; CONST rcsidi = "$Id: SACPFAC.mi,v 1.3 1992/10/15 16:29:03 kredel Exp $"; CONST copyrighti = "Copyright (c) 1989 - 1992 Universitaet Passau"; PROCEDURE IPCEVP(RL,A: LIST; VAR B,L: LIST); (*Integral polynomial, choice of evaluation points. A is an r-variate integral polynomial, square-free in its main variable x, r ge 1. L is a list (l sub 1, ...,l sub r-1) of beta-integers, with L as small as possible in reverse lexicographic order with 0 lt 1 lt -1 lt 2 lt -2 lt ... such that deg sub x of A(x1, ...,x sub r-1,x)=deg sub x of A(l sub 1, ...,l sub r-1,x), and A(l sub 1, ...,l sub r-1,x) is the square- free univariate integral polynomial B.*) VAR AB, AL, ALT, AT, C, CP, D, E, EL, F, J1Y, LL, RLP: LIST; fin: BOOLEAN; BEGIN (*1*) (*initialize.*) RLP:=RL-1; AT:=A; L:=BETA; LOOP (*2*) (*univariate.*) IF RLP = 0 THEN B:=AT; RETURN; END; (*3*) (*prepare to choose ll sub rlp.*) LL:=0; ADV2(AT, EL,ALT,AB); REPEAT fin:=TRUE; (*4*) (*evaluate alt and at for x sub rlp=ll.*) AL:=IPEMV(RLP,ALT,LL); IF AL = 0 THEN IF LL > 0 THEN LL:=-LL; ELSE LL:=1-LL; END; fin:=FALSE; (*go to 6; *) ELSE IF AB <> SIL THEN J1Y:=RLP+1; C:=IPEVAL(J1Y,AB,RLP,LL); ELSE C:=0; END; IF C = 0 THEN C:=BETA; END; C:=COMP2(EL,AL,C); CP:=IPDMV(RLP,C); IPGCDC(RLP,C,CP, D,E,F); IF PDEG(D) > 0 THEN (*go to 6;*) fin:=FALSE; IF LL > 0 THEN LL:=-LL; ELSE LL:=1-LL; END; END; END; UNTIL fin; (*5*) (*success.*) L:=COMP(LL,L); RLP:=RLP-1; AT:=C; END; (*go to 2;*) (*6*) (*try again. if ll > 0 then ll:=-ll; else ll:=1-ll; end; go to 4; *) (*9*) RETURN; END IPCEVP; PROCEDURE IPFAC(RL,A: LIST; VAR SL,CL,L: LIST); (*Integral polynomial factorization. A is a non-zero integral polynomial in r variables, r ge 1. s=sign(A). c is the integer content of A. L is a list ((e1,A1), ...,(ek,Ak)), k ge 0, where each ei is a positive integer, the Aips are the distinct positive irreducible integral factors of A, and A=s*c*(the product from i equal 1 to k of Ai**ei).*) VAR A1, A1S, AB, AS, CLS, EL1, J1Y, L1, LB, LS, P, RLP, SLS: LIST; BEGIN (*1*) (*rl=1.*) IF RL = 1 THEN IUPFAC(A, SL,CL,L); RETURN; END; (*2*) (*compute sign, absolute value, content and primitive part.*) SL:=IPSIGN(RL,A); AS:=IPABS(RL,A); IPCPP(RL,AS, CLS,AB); (*3*) (*factor content.*) RLP:=RL-1; IPFAC(RLP,CLS, SLS,CL,LS); (*4*) (*compute squarefree factorization of primitive part.*) IF PDEG(AB) = 0 THEN LB:=BETA; ELSE LB:=IPSF(RL,AB); END; (*5*) (*factor squarefree factors and combine.*) LB:=INV(LB); L:=BETA; WHILE LB <> SIL DO ADV(LB, P,LB); FIRST2(P, EL1,A1); L1:=ISFPF(RL,A1); REPEAT ADV(L1, A1,L1); J1Y:=LIST2(EL1,A1); L:=COMP(J1Y,L); UNTIL L1 = SIL; END; (*6*) (*adjoin factors of content.*) LS:=INV(LS); WHILE LS <> SIL DO ADV(LS, P,LS); FIRST2(P, EL1,A1S); A1:=LIST2(0,A1S); J1Y:=LIST2(EL1,A1); L:=COMP(J1Y,L); END; RETURN; (*9*) END IPFAC; PROCEDURE IPGFCB(RL,A: LIST): LIST; (*Integral polynomial Gelfond factor coefficient bound. A is an integral polynomial in r variables, r gt 0. a=2**h*(the degree of A in xr) where h=the least integer greater than the sum from i=1 to r of the maximum of 0 and ((2*the i-th partial derivative of A)-1)/2. a is an integer.*) VAR AL, HL, J1Y, NL, V: LIST; BEGIN (*1*) AL:=IPSUMN(RL,A); V:=PDEGV(RL,A); HL:=0; REPEAT ADV(V, NL,V); J1Y:=2*NL; J1Y:=J1Y-1; J1Y:=MASMAX(0,J1Y); HL:=HL+J1Y; UNTIL V = SIL; J1Y:=HL+1; HL:=J1Y DIV 2; AL:=IMP2(AL,HL); RETURN(AL); (*4*) END IPGFCB; PROCEDURE IPIQH(RL,PL,D,AB,BB,SB,TB,M,C: LIST; VAR A,B: LIST); (*Integral polynomial mod ideal quadratic Hensel lemma. D is a list of non-negative beta-integers (d sub 1, ...,d sub r-1), r ge 1. AB, BB, SB and TB belong to Z sub p (x sub 1, ...,x sub r-1,y)/(x sub 1 ** d sub 1, ...,x sub r-1 ** d sub r-1), with AB monic, AB*SB+BB*TB=1, deg sub y of AB gt 0 and p a prime beta-integer. C is an r-variate integral polynomial with AB*BB congruent to C. M, a positive integer, is equal to p**j for some positive integer j. A, B belong to Z sub M (x sub 1, ...,x sub r-1,y)/(x sub 1 ** d sub 1, ...,x sub r-1 ** d sub r-1), with A monic, A congruent to AB, B congruent to BB, deg sub y of A=deg sub y of AB, and A*B congruent to C.*) VAR AS, AT, BS, BT, CL, I, QL, QLS, QLT, R, RP, S, SS, ST, T, TS, TT, U, U1, UT, Y, Y1, Z, Z1: LIST; BEGIN (*1*) (*initialize.*) QL:=PL; A:=AB; B:=BB; S:=SB; T:=TB; I:=PINV(0,1,RL); IF QL = M THEN RETURN; END; LOOP (*2*) (*compute y,z.*) R:=MIPIPR(RL,M,D,A,B); R:=IPDIF(RL,C,R); U:=IPIQ(RL,R,QL); QLS:=IPROD(QL,QL); CL:=ICOMP(QLS,M); IF CL > 0 THEN QLT:=IQ(M,QL); AT:=MIPHOM(RL,QLT,A); BT:=MIPHOM(RL,QLT,B); ST:=MIPHOM(RL,QLT,S); TT:=MIPHOM(RL,QLT,T); ELSE QLT:=QL; AT:=A; BT:=B; ST:=S; TT:=T; END; UT:=MIPHOM(RL,QLT,U); MIPISE(RL,QLT,D,AT,BT,ST,TT,UT, Y,Z); (*3*) (*compute as,bs and check for end.*) R:=IPIP(RL,QL,Z); AS:=IPSUM(RL,A,R); R:=IPIP(RL,QL,Y); BS:=IPSUM(RL,B,R); IF CL >= 0 THEN A:=AS; B:=BS; RETURN; END; (*4*) (*compute y1,z1.*) R:=MIPIPR(RL,QLS,D,AS,S); RP:=MIPIPR(RL,QLS,D,BS,T); R:=MIPSUM(RL,QLS,R,RP); R:=MIPDIF(RL,QLS,R,I); U1:=IPIQ(RL,R,QL); MIPISE(RL,QL,D,A,B,S,T,U1, Y1,Z1); (*5*) (*compute ss,ts.*) R:=IPIP(RL,QL,Y1); SS:=MIPDIF(RL,QLS,S,R); R:=IPIP(RL,QL,Z1); TS:=MIPDIF(RL,QLS,T,R); (*6*) (*advance.*) QL:=QLS; A:=AS; B:=BS; S:=SS; T:=TS; END; (*go to 2;*) (*9*) RETURN; END IPIQH; PROCEDURE ISFPF(RL,A: LIST): LIST; (*Integral squarefree polynomial factorization. A is a positive integral polynomial in r variables, r ge 1, which with respect to its main variable is of positive degree, primitive, and squarefree. L is a list (A1, ...,Ak) of the distinct positive irreducible factors of A.*) VAR A1P, A1S, ABP, ALP, AP, AS, B, BL, BP, C, D, DL, J1Y, KL, L, LP, LS, M, ML, NL, P, PL, T, TL, TP, V, VL: LIST; BEGIN (*1*) (*rl=1.*) IF RL = 1 THEN L:=IUSFPF(A); RETURN(L); END; (*2*) (*evaluate to univariate polynomial, as, and factor as.*) IPCEVP(RL,A, AS,T); AS:=IPABS(1,AS); AS:=IPPP(1,AS); LS:=IUSFPF(AS); (*3*) (*as irreducible.*) IF RED(LS) = SIL THEN L:=LIST1(A); RETURN(L); END; (*4*) (*translate a to ap and find prime pl not dividing discr(as).*) J1Y:=INV(T); T:=COMP(0,J1Y); AP:=IPTRAN(RL,A,T); P:=PRIME; NL:=PDEG(AS); REPEAT IF P = SIL THEN SWRITE("PRIME LIST EXHAUSTED IN ISFPF"); END; ADV(P, PL,P); B:=MPHOM(1,PL,AS); ML:=PDEG(B); IF ML = NL THEN BP:=MUPDER(PL,B); C:=MUPGCD(PL,B,BP); KL:=PDEG(C); END; UNTIL (ML = NL) AND (KL = 0); (*5*) (*convert as factors to monic factors modulo p.*) LP:=BETA; REPEAT ADV(LS, A1S,LS); A1P:=MPHOM(1,PL,A1S); A1P:=MPMON(1,PL,A1P); LP:=COMP(A1P,LP); UNTIL LS = SIL; (*6*) (*compute a factor coefficient bound for abp=ap*ldcf(ap).*) ALP:=PLDCF(AP); J1Y:=LIST2(0,ALP); ABP:=IPPROD(RL,AP,J1Y); BL:=IPGFCB(RL,ABP); BL:=IMP2(BL,1); M:=PL; WHILE ICOMP(M,BL) <= 0 DO M:=IDPR(M,PL); END; (*7*) (*compute factor degree bounds.*) V:=PDEGV(RL,ABP); D:=BETA; V:=RED(V); REPEAT ADV(V, VL,V); DL:=VL+1; D:=COMP(DL,D); UNTIL V = SIL; (*8*) (*lift modular factors.*) L:=MPIQHL(RL,PL,LP,M,D,AP); (*9*) (*combine lifted factors.*) LP:=IPFLC(RL,M,D,AP,L,0); (*10*) (*translate ap factors to a factors.*) TP:=BETA; REPEAT ADV(T, TL,T); J1Y:=INEG(TL); TP:=COMP(J1Y,TP); UNTIL T = SIL; TP:=INV(TP); L:=BETA; REPEAT ADV(LP, A1P,LP); J1Y:=IPTRAN(RL,A1P,TP); L:=COMP(J1Y,L); UNTIL LP = SIL; RETURN(L); (*13*) END ISFPF; PROCEDURE MIPISE(RL,M,D,A,B,S,T,C: LIST; VAR U,V: LIST); (*Modular integral polynomial mod ideal, solution of equation. D is a list (d sub 1, ...,d sub r-1) of non-negative beta-integers, r ge 1. A, B, S, T and C belong to Z sub M (x sub 1, ...,x sub r-1,y)/(x sub 1 ** d sub 1, ...,x sub r-1 ** d sub r-1), with A monic and of positive degree in y, and A*S+B*T=1. U and V belong to Z sub M(x sub 1, ...,x sub r-1,y)/(x sub 1 ** d sub 1, ...,x sub r-1 ** d sub r-1) such that A*U+B*V=C, and deg sub y of V lt deg sub y of A.*) VAR Q, W, Y, Z: LIST; BEGIN (*1*) W:=MIPIPR(RL,M,D,T,C); MMPIQR(RL,M,D,W,A, Q,V); Y:=MIPIPR(RL,M,D,S,C); Z:=MIPIPR(RL,M,D,B,Q); U:=MIPSUM(RL,M,Y,Z); RETURN; (*4*) END MIPISE; PROCEDURE MPIQH(RL,PL,D,AB,BB,SB,TB,M,DP,C: LIST; VAR A,B: LIST); (*Modular polynomial mod ideal, quadratic Hensel lemma. p is a beta- prime. D and DP are lists of positive beta-integers of length r-1, r ge 1. AB, BB, SB, TB belong to Z sub p (x sub 1, ...,x sub r-1,y)/(x sub 1 ** d(1), ...,x sub r-1 ** d(r-1)), with AB monic, AB*SB+BB*TB=1, and deg sub y of AB gt 0. C is an r-variate integral polynomial, with AB* BB congruent to C. M, a positive integer, is equal to p**j for some positive integer j. A, b belong to Z sub M(x sub 1, ...,x sub r-1,y)/ (x sub 1 ** DP(1), ...,x sub rl-1 ** DP(r-1)), with A monic, A congruent to AB, B congruent to BB, deg sub y of A=deg sub y of AB, and A*B congruent to C.*) VAR AS, BS, CB, DH, DL, DPP, DS, IL, S, SS, T, TS: LIST; BEGIN (*1*) (*initialize.*) DH:=D; A:=AB; B:=BB; S:=SB; T:=TB; DPP:=CINV(DP); IL:=RL-1; CB:=MPHOM(RL,PL,C); (*2*) (*lift in x sub il.*) WHILE IL > 0 DO ADV(DPP, DL,DPP); MPIQHS(RL,PL,DH,A,B,S,T,IL,DL,CB, AS,BS,SS,TS,DS); A:=AS; B:=BS; S:=SS; T:=TS; DH:=DS; IL:=IL-1; END; (*3*) (*lift to m.*) IPIQH(RL,PL,DP,AS,BS,S,T,M,C, A,B); RETURN; (*6*) END MPIQH; PROCEDURE MPIQHL(RL,PL,F,M,D,C: LIST): LIST; (*Modular polynomial mod ideal quadratic Hensel lemma, list. C is an r-variate integral polynomial. F is a list (f sub 1, ...,f sub m) of monic univariate polynomials of positive degree over Z sub p, with the product of the f sub i (x) similar to C(0, ...,0,x), and gcd(f sub i, f sub j)=1 for 1 le i lt j le m, p a beta-prime not dividing ldcf(C). M is a positive power of p. D is a list (d sub 1, ...,d sub r-1) of non-negative beta-integers. FP is a list (fp sub 1, ...,fp sub m) of monic polynomials in Z sub M (x sub 1, ...,x sub r-1,x)/(x sub 1 ** d sub 1, ...,x sub r-1 ** d sub r-1), with C similar to the product of the fp sub i, fp sub i congruent to f sub i, and deg sub x of fp sub i=deg sub x of f sub i, for 1 le i le m.*) VAR A, AB, B, BB, CB, CP, DP, FP, FS, IL, R, RLP, SB, TB: LIST; BEGIN (*1*) (*initialize.*) FP:=BETA; FS:=F; CP:=IPIHOM(RL,D,C); CP:=MIPHOM(RL,M,CP); B:=CP; RLP:=RL-1; DP:=BETA; FOR IL:=1 TO RLP DO DP:=COMP(1,DP); END; (*2*) (*lift factors.*) WHILE FS <> SIL DO ADV(FS, AB,FS); CB:=PUFP(RL,CP); CB:=MIPHOM(1,PL,CB); BB:=MPQ(1,PL,CB,AB); MUPEGC(PL,AB,BB, R,SB,TB); AB:=PINV(1,AB,RLP); BB:=PINV(1,BB,RLP); SB:=PINV(1,SB,RLP); TB:=PINV(1,TB,RLP); MPIQH(RL,PL,DP,AB,BB,SB,TB,M,D,CP, A,B); FP:=COMP(A,FP); IF FS <> SIL THEN MMPIQR(RL,M,D,CP,A, CP,R); END; END; FP:=INV(FP); RETURN(FP); (*5*) END MPIQHL; PROCEDURE MPIQHS(RL,M,D,AB,BB,SB,TB,SL,NL,C: LIST; VAR A,B,S,T,DP: LIST); (*Modular polynomial mod ideal, quadratic Hensel lemma on a single variable. M is a positive integer. D is a list of positive beta-integers (d sub 1, ...,d sub r-1), r ge 2. AB, BB, SB, TB belong to Z sub M(x sub 1, ...,x sub r-1,y)/(x sub 1 ** d sub 1, ...,x sub r-1 **d sub r-1). s is a positive integer lt r, and N is a non-negative beta-integer. C is an element of Z sub M ( x sub 1, ..., x sub r-1,yl). AB is monic. AB*SB+BB*TB=1, AB*BB is congruent to C, and deg sub y of AB gt 0. A, B, S, T belong to Z sub M(x sub 1, ...,x sub r-1,y)/(x sub 1 ** d sub 1, ...,S sub s-1 ** d sub s-1,x sub s ** n,x sub s+1 ** d sub s+1, ...,x sub r-1 ** d sub r-1), with A*S+B*T=1, deg sub y of A=deg sub y of AB, A monic, A*B congruent to C, and A congruent to AB, B congruent to BB, S congruent to SB, T congruent to TB. DP is a list of non-negative beta-integers (d sub 1, ...,d sub s-1,n,d sub s+1, ...,d sub r-1).*) VAR AS, BS, DB, DH, DL, DS, DT, I, IL, J1Y, SS, TS, U, U1, V, VP, VPP, Y, Y1, YB, Z, Z1, ZB: LIST; BEGIN (*1*) (*initialize.*) A:=AB; B:=BB; S:=SB; T:=TB; I:=LIST2(0,1); J1Y:=RL-1; I:=PINV(1,I,J1Y); DB:=D; DS:=D; DH:=BETA; FOR IL:=1 TO SL-1 DO ADV(DS, DL,DS); DH:=COMP(DL,DH); END; ADV(DS, DL,DS); DT:=COMP(NL,DS); DP:=CINV(DH); DP:=CONC(DP,DT); LOOP (*2*) IF DL > NL THEN A:=IPIHOM(RL,DP,A); B:=IPIHOM(RL,DP,B); S:=IPIHOM(RL,DP,S); T:=IPIHOM(RL,DP,T); END; IF DL >= NL THEN RETURN; END; (*3*) (*compute y,z.*) V:=MIPIPR(RL,M,DP,A,B); VP:=MIPDIF(RL,M,C,V); U:=PDPV(RL,VP,SL,DL); MIPISE(RL,M,DB,A,B,S,T,U, Y,Z); (*4*) (*compute as,bs the liftings of a and b.*) J1Y:=-DL; YB:=PDPV(RL,Y,SL,J1Y); J1Y:=-DL; ZB:=PDPV(RL,Z,SL,J1Y); AS:=MIPSUM(RL,M,A,ZB); BS:=MIPSUM(RL,M,B,YB); (*5*) (*compute y1,z1.*) V:=MIPIPR(RL,M,DP,AS,S); VP:=MIPIPR(RL,M,DP,BS,T); VPP:=MIPSUM(RL,M,V,VP); V:=MIPDIF(RL,M,VPP,I); U1:=PDPV(RL,V,SL,DL); MIPISE(RL,M,DB,A,B,S,T,U1, Y1,Z1); (*6*) (*compute ss,ts.*) J1Y:=-DL; YB:=PDPV(RL,Y1,SL,J1Y); J1Y:=-DL; ZB:=PDPV(RL,Z1,SL,J1Y); SS:=MIPDIF(RL,M,S,YB); TS:=MIPDIF(RL,M,T,ZB); (*7*) (*update.*) DL:=DL+DL; DT:=COMP(DL,DS); DB:=CINV(DH); DB:=CONC(DB,DT); A:=AS; B:=BS; S:=SS; T:=TS; END; (*go to 2;*) (*10*) RETURN; END MPIQHS; END SACPFAC. 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