(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Id: MLOGIO.md,v 1.2 1994/11/28 21:04:14 dolzmann Exp $ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1993 Universitaet Passau * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of MAS. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Log: MLOGIO.md,v $ * Revision 1.2 1994/11/28 21:04:14 dolzmann * New revision of the MASLOG system: New functions and bug fixes of old one. * * Revision 1.1 1993/12/17 17:12:14 dolzmann * MASLOG is divided into three parts. (MLOGBASE, MLOGIO, MASLOG) * Additional input procedures are added. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) DEFINITION MODULE MLOGIO; (* Maslog Input Output System Definition Module. *) (****************************************************************************** * M L O G I O * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Author: Andreas Dolzmann * * Language: MODULA II (mocka or mtc are possible.) * * System: Program for the computer algebra system MAS by Heinz Kredel. * * Project: MASLOG * Remark: Libraries maskern, maslisp, maslog are used. * * Abstract: A package for the MAS computer algebra system by Heinz Kredel. * * This package implements input and outputroutins for formulas * * in the format of the MASLOG library. * ******************************************************************************) FROM MASSTOR IMPORT LIST; FROM MASLISPU IMPORT PROCF0,PROCF1,PROCP1,PROCF3; CONST rcsid = "$Id: MLOGIO.md,v 1.2 1994/11/28 21:04:14 dolzmann Exp $"; CONST copyright = "Copyright (c) 1993 Universitaet Passau"; (****************************************************************************** * P R E T T Y P R I N T * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORPPRT(phi: LIST; bbpprt:PROCP1); (* formula pretty print. phi is a formula; bbpprt a bb-procedure to write a bb-formula to the output stream; phi is written formated to the output stream. *) PROCEDURE FORPPVAR(var: LIST); (* formula pretty print variable. var is a variable; var is formated written to the output stream. *) PROCEDURE FORPPLVAR(lvar: LIST); (* formula print lvar. L is an lvar object; lvar is formated written to the output stream. *) (****************************************************************************** * T E X W R I T E * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORTEXW(phi: LIST; bbtexw:PROCP1); (* formula tex write. phi is a formula; bbtexw a bb-procedure to write a bb-formula in tex style to the outputstream; this procedure writes a formula in tex style to the outputstream. *) PROCEDURE FORTEXWVAR(var: LIST); (* formula tex write variable. var is a variable; this procedure writes var in tex style to the output stream. *) PROCEDURE FORTEXWLVAR(lvar: LIST); (* tex write list of varaiables. lvar is an lvar object; this procedure writes all variables in lvar in tex style to the outputstream. *) PROCEDURE FORPREAD(bbread:PROCF0):LIST; (* formula prefix read. bbread is a bb-procedure to read a bb.formula from the input stream. FORPREAD reads a formula in prefix notation from the input stream and returns the read formula. *) PROCEDURE KEYREAD(): LIST; (*key read. A keyword or a symbol for a keyword is read. A keyword is a string of letters ore a string of special characters. The keyword or the symbol is also terminated by the characters "()[]{}". This procedure is based on the procedure SREAD1 from the module MASSYM2 *) PROCEDURE FORRDVAR():LIST; (* formula read variable. A description of a variable is read from the input stream. *) PROCEDURE FORRDLVAR():LIST; (* formula read list of variables. One variable or a list of variables are read from the input stream. A LVAR-object is returned. *) PROCEDURE FORIREAD(bbread:PROCF0):LIST; (* formula infix read. bbread is a bb-procedure to read a bb.formula from the input stream. This procedure reads a formula in infix notation from the input stream and returns the read formula. *) END MLOGIO. (* -EOF- *)