(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Id: MASLOG.mi,v 1.4 1994/11/28 21:04:08 dolzmann Exp $ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1993 Universitaet Passau * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of MAS. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Log: MASLOG.mi,v $ * Revision 1.4 1994/11/28 21:04:08 dolzmann * New revision of the MASLOG system: New functions and bug fixes of old one. * * Revision 1.3 1993/12/17 17:12:10 dolzmann * MASLOG is divided into three parts. (MLOGBASE, MLOGIO, MASLOG) * Additional input procedures are added. * * Revision 1.2 1993/10/03 18:28:02 dolzmann * New version of procedure FORMKVD * * Revision 1.1 1993/07/13 14:44:06 dolzmann * The maslog-system and a simple example. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE MASLOG; (* Maslog Implementation Module. *) (****************************************************************************** * M A S L O G * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Author: Andreas Dolzmann * * Language: MODULA II (mocka or mtc are possible.) * * System: Program for the computer algebra system MAS by Heinz Kredel. * * Project: MASLOG * * Remark: Libraries maskern, maslisp are used. * * Abstract: A package for the MAS computer algebra system by Heinz Kredel. * * This package implements basic routins on formulas of the first * * order predicate calculus. * ******************************************************************************) FROM MASBIOS IMPORT BLINES, MASORD, SWRITE; FROM MASELEM IMPORT MASREM; FROM MASERR IMPORT ERROR, confusion, fatal, harmless, severe, spotless; FROM MASLISPU IMPORT Declare, PROCF0, PROCF1, PROCF2, PROCF3, PROCP1; FROM MASSET IMPORT SetAddQ, SetComplementQ; FROM MASSTOR IMPORT ADV, COMP, FIRST, INV, LENGTH, LIST, LIST1, RED, SIL; FROM MASSYM2 IMPORT ASSOCQ, ENTER, EXPLOD, GENSYM, SREAD, UWRITE; FROM MLOGBASE IMPORT ANY, BOOL, EQUIV, ET, EXIST, FALSUM, FORALL, FORGARGS, FORGLVAR, FORGOP, FORISATOM, FORISBBFOR, FORISBOOLVAR, FORISLVAR, FORISVAR, FORMKBINOP, FORMKCNST, FORMKFOR, FORMKLVAR, FORMKQUANT, FORMKUNOP, FORMKVAR, FORPARGS, FORPBINOP, FORPBINOPA, FORPFOR, FORPLVAR, FORPQUANT, FORPQUANTA, FORPUNOP, FORPUNOPA, FORPVAR, FORPVARA, FORTST, FORVTENTER, FORVTGET, IMP, NON, PROCFB1, PROCFB2, REP, TVAR, VEL, VERUM, XOR; FROM SACLIST IMPORT ADV2, ADV3, AREAD, CCONC, CINV, COMP2, CONC, EQUAL, LIST10, LIST2, LIST3, LIST4, LIST5, MEMBER, SECOND, THIRD; CONST rcsidi = "$Id: MASLOG.mi,v 1.4 1994/11/28 21:04:08 dolzmann Exp $"; CONST copyrighti = "Copyright (c) 1993 Universitaet Passau"; (****************************************************************************** * M A K E P O S I T I V E * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORMKPOS(phi, pref: LIST;bbmkneg:PROCF1):LIST; (* formula make positive. phi is a formula; pref is a symbol of the set \{ET, VEL, NON\}; bbmkneg is a bb-procedure to negate a bb-formula; a formula equivalent to phi, which is relative positive, is returned. Relative positive means that negations are only in front of atomic formulas. pref is a switch that controls the substitution of the operators IMP, REP, EQUIV, XOR. If pref=NON then subformulas with IMP and REP are substituted, only if they are negated, EQUIV and XOR are not substituted. If pref=ET or pref=VEL then IMP and REP are substituted every time. If pref=ET (pref=VEL) then the outermost operator of the replacement for EQUIV and XOR is an ET (a VEL) operator. *) VAR op, args, vars, formula, posformula, result, key: LIST; VAR arg1, arg2, posarg1, posarg2, nposarg1, nposarg2: LIST; BEGIN IF phi = SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; IF (pref<>VEL) AND (pref<>ET) AND (pref<>NON) THEN ERROR(severe,"FORMKPOS: wrong preference given (assume NON)"); pref:=NON; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,args); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN phi; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(args,formula); RETURN complement(formula,pref,bbmkneg); ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN result:=SIL; WHILE args <> SIL DO FORPARGS(args,formula,args); posformula:=FORMKPOS(formula,pref,bbmkneg); result:=COMP(posformula,result); END; RETURN FORMKFOR(op,INV(result)); ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(args,vars,formula); posformula:=FORMKPOS(formula,pref,bbmkneg); RETURN FORMKQUANT(op,vars,posformula); ELSIF (op=IMP) AND (pref<>NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(VEL,complement(arg1,pref,bbmkneg), FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg)); ELSIF (op=IMP) AND (pref=NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(IMP,FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg), FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg)); ELSIF (op=REP) AND (pref<>NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(VEL,FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg), complement(arg2,pref,bbmkneg)); ELSIF (op=REP) AND (pref=NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(REP,FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg), FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg)); ELSIF (op=EQUIV) AND (pref<>NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); posarg1:=FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg); posarg2:=FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg); nposarg1:=complement(arg1,pref,bbmkneg); nposarg2:=complement(arg2,pref,bbmkneg); IF pref=ET THEN RETURN FORMKBINOP(ET,FORMKBINOP(VEL,nposarg1,posarg2), FORMKBINOP(VEL,posarg1,nposarg2)); ELSIF pref=VEL THEN RETURN FORMKBINOP(VEL,FORMKBINOP(ET,posarg1,posarg2), FORMKBINOP(ET,nposarg1,nposarg2)); END; ELSIF (op=EQUIV) AND (pref=NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(EQUIV, FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg), FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg)); ELSIF (op=XOR) AND (pref<>NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); posarg1:=FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg); posarg2:=FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg); nposarg1:=complement(arg1,pref,bbmkneg); nposarg2:=complement(arg2,pref,bbmkneg); IF pref=VEL THEN RETURN FORMKBINOP(VEL,FORMKBINOP(ET,posarg1,nposarg2), FORMKBINOP(ET,nposarg1,posarg2)); ELSIF pref=ET THEN RETURN FORMKBINOP(ET,FORMKBINOP(VEL,posarg1,posarg2), FORMKBINOP(VEL,nposarg1,nposarg2)); END; ELSIF (op=XOR) AND (pref=NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(XOR, FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg), FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg)); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN RETURN phi; ELSE RETURN phi; END; END FORMKPOS; PROCEDURE complement(phi, pref: LIST; bbmkneg:PROCF1): LIST; (* complement. like FORMKPOS, but supposes that phi is negated. *) VAR op,args,vars,formula,posformula,result: LIST; VAR arg1,arg2, posarg1, posarg2, nposarg1, nposarg2: LIST; BEGIN IF phi = SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,args); IF op=VERUM THEN RETURN FORMKCNST(FALSUM); ELSIF op=FALSUM THEN RETURN FORMKCNST(VERUM); ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPARGS(args,formula,args); RETURN FORMKPOS(formula,pref,bbmkneg); ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN result:=SIL; WHILE args <> SIL DO FORPARGS(args,formula,args); posformula:=complement(formula,pref,bbmkneg); result:=COMP(posformula,result); END; RETURN FORMKFOR(notsymbol(op),INV(result)); ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(args,vars,formula); posformula:=complement(formula,pref,bbmkneg); RETURN FORMKQUANT(notsymbol(op),vars,posformula); ELSIF op=REP THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); posarg1:=complement(arg1,pref,bbmkneg); posarg2:=FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg); RETURN FORMKBINOP(ET,posarg1,posarg2); ELSIF op=IMP THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); posarg1:=FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg); posarg2:=complement(arg2,pref,bbmkneg); RETURN FORMKBINOP(ET,posarg1,posarg2); ELSIF (op=XOR) AND (pref<>NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); posarg1:=FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg); posarg2:=FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg); nposarg1:=complement(arg1,pref,bbmkneg); nposarg2:=complement(arg2,pref,bbmkneg); IF pref=ET THEN RETURN FORMKBINOP(ET,FORMKBINOP(VEL,posarg1,nposarg2), FORMKBINOP(VEL,nposarg1,posarg2)); ELSIF pref=VEL THEN RETURN FORMKBINOP(VEL,FORMKBINOP(ET,posarg1,posarg2), FORMKBINOP(ET,nposarg1,nposarg2)); END; ELSIF (op=XOR) AND (pref=NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(EQUIV, FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg), FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg)); ELSIF (op=EQUIV) AND (pref<>NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); posarg1:=FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg); posarg2:=FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg); nposarg1:=complement(arg1,pref,bbmkneg); nposarg2:=complement(arg2,pref,bbmkneg); IF pref=VEL THEN RETURN FORMKBINOP(VEL,FORMKBINOP(ET,posarg1,nposarg2), FORMKBINOP(ET,nposarg1,posarg2)); ELSIF pref=ET THEN RETURN FORMKBINOP(ET,FORMKBINOP(VEL,posarg1,posarg2), FORMKBINOP(VEL,nposarg1,nposarg2)); END; ELSIF (op=EQUIV) AND (pref=NON) THEN FORPBINOPA(args,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(XOR, FORMKPOS(arg1,pref,bbmkneg), FORMKPOS(arg2,pref,bbmkneg)); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN RETURN FORMKUNOP(NON,phi); ELSE RETURN bbmkneg(phi); END; END complement; (****************************************************************************** * M A K E D I S J U N C T I V E N O R M A L F O R M * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORMKDNF(phi: LIST; bbmkneg: PROCF1): LIST; (* formula make dnf. phi is a quantifier-free formula, bbmkneg is a bb-pro\-ce\-dure to negate a bb-formula; a formula phi1 equivalent to phi is returned. phi1 is in strict dnf. *) BEGIN RETURN FORMKDNF1(phi, bbmkneg, FALSE); END FORMKDNF; PROCEDURE FORMKDNF1(phi: LIST; bbmkneg: PROCF1; neg: BOOLEAN): LIST; (* formula make postiv 1. phi is a quantifier-free formula; bbmkneg is a bb-procedure to negate a bb-formula, neg is a flag that shows whether a negation was read or not; FORMKDNF1 returns an equivalent formula in strict dnf. *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, dnfarg, result, opvel, psi, prednf: LIST; BEGIN IF phi=SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN IF neg THEN RETURN FORMKUNOP(VEL, FORMKUNOP(ET,notsymbol(phi))); ELSE RETURN FORMKUNOP(VEL,FORMKUNOP(ET,phi)); END; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(red,arg); RETURN FORMKDNF1(arg,bbmkneg,NOT neg); ELSIF ((op=VEL) AND (NOT neg)) OR ((op=ET) AND neg) (* VEL *) THEN (* transform all arguments in dnf and join all disjunctions *) result:=SIL; WHILE red <> SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); dnfarg:=FORMKDNF1(arg,bbmkneg,neg); FORPARGS(dnfarg,opvel,psi); result:=CCONC(result,psi); END; RETURN FORMKFOR(VEL,result); ELSIF ((op=ET) AND (NOT neg)) OR ((op=VEL) AND neg) (* ET *) THEN (* transform all arguments in dnf ... *) prednf:=SIL; WHILE red <> SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); prednf:=COMP(FORMKDNF1(arg,bbmkneg,neg),prednf); END; RETURN distribetovel(INV(prednf)); ELSIF op=IMP THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKDNF1(FORMKBINOP(VEL,FORMKUNOP(NON,arg1),arg2), bbmkneg,neg); ELSIF op=REP THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKDNF1(FORMKBINOP(VEL,arg1,FORMKUNOP(NON,arg2)), bbmkneg,neg); ELSIF ((op=EQUIV) AND (NOT neg)) OR ((op=XOR) AND neg) THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKDNF1(FORMKBINOP(VEL, FORMKBINOP(ET, FORMKUNOP(NON,arg1),FORMKUNOP(NON,arg2)), FORMKBINOP(ET,arg1,arg2)),bbmkneg,FALSE); ELSIF ((op=XOR) AND (NOT neg)) OR ((op=EQUIV) AND neg) THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKDNF1(FORMKBINOP(VEL, FORMKBINOP(ET,arg1,FORMKUNOP(NON,arg2)), FORMKBINOP(ET,FORMKUNOP(NON,arg1),arg2)), bbmkneg,FALSE); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN IF neg THEN RETURN FORMKUNOP(VEL,FORMKUNOP(ET,FORMKUNOP(NON,phi))); ELSE RETURN FORMKUNOP(VEL,FORMKUNOP(ET,phi)); END; ELSE IF neg THEN RETURN FORMKUNOP(VEL, FORMKUNOP(ET,bbmkneg(phi))); ELSE RETURN FORMKUNOP(VEL,FORMKUNOP(ET,phi)); END; END; END FORMKDNF1; PROCEDURE distribetovel(L: LIST): LIST; (* distributive et over vel. L is a list of boolean terms in strict dnf; a boolean term t equivalent to ET(L) is returned. t is in strict dnf. *) VAR first, firstpt, tail, elem, redelem, obj, result, prefix: LIST; VAR dummy: LIST; BEGIN IF L = SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(L,first,tail); IF tail = SIL THEN RETURN first; END; FORPARGS(first,dummy,first); WHILE tail <> SIL DO FORPARGS(tail,obj,tail); FORPARGS(obj,dummy,obj); result:=SIL; WHILE obj <> SIL DO FORPARGS(obj,elem,obj); redelem:=RED(elem); firstpt:=first; WHILE firstpt <> SIL DO FORPARGS(firstpt,prefix,firstpt); result:=COMP(CCONC(prefix,redelem),result); END; END; first:=result; END; result:=FORMKFOR(VEL,result); RETURN result; END distribetovel; (****************************************************************************** * M A K E C O N J U N C T I V E N O R M A L F O R M * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORMKCNF(phi: LIST; bbmkneg: PROCF1): LIST; (* formula make cnf. phi is a quantifier-free formula, bbmkneg is a bb-pro\-ce\-dure to negate a bb-formula; a formula phi1 equivalent to phi is returned. phi1 is in strict cnf. *) BEGIN RETURN FORMKCNF1(phi, bbmkneg, FALSE); END FORMKCNF; PROCEDURE FORMKCNF1(phi: LIST; bbmkneg: PROCF1; neg: BOOLEAN): LIST; (* formula make cnf 1. phi is a quantifier-free formula, bbmkneg is a bb-procedure to negate a bb-formula positive, neg is a flag, that shows whether a negation was read or not; FORMKCNF1 returns an equivalent formula in strict cnf. *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, cnfarg, result, opet, psi, precnf: LIST; BEGIN IF phi=SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN IF neg THEN RETURN FORMKUNOP(ET, FORMKUNOP(VEL,notsymbol(op))); ELSE RETURN FORMKUNOP(ET,FORMKUNOP(VEL,phi)); END; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(red,arg); RETURN FORMKCNF1(arg,bbmkneg,NOT neg); ELSIF ((op=ET) AND (NOT neg)) OR ((op=VEL) AND neg) (* op=ET *) THEN (* transform all arguments in cnf and join all disjunctions *) result:=SIL; WHILE red <> SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); cnfarg:=FORMKCNF1(arg,bbmkneg,neg); FORPARGS(cnfarg,opet,psi); result:=CCONC(result,psi); END; RETURN FORMKFOR(ET,result); ELSIF ((op=VEL) AND (NOT neg)) OR ((op=ET) AND neg) (* op=VEL *) THEN (* transform all arguments in cnf ... *) precnf:=SIL; WHILE red <> SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); precnf:=COMP(FORMKCNF1(arg,bbmkneg,neg),precnf); END; RETURN distribveloet(INV(precnf)); ELSIF op=IMP THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKCNF1(FORMKBINOP(VEL,FORMKUNOP(NON,arg1),arg2), bbmkneg,neg); ELSIF op=REP THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKCNF1(FORMKBINOP(VEL,arg1,FORMKUNOP(NON,arg2)), bbmkneg,neg); ELSIF ((op=XOR) AND (NOT neg)) OR ((op=EQUIV) AND neg) THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKCNF1(FORMKBINOP(ET, FORMKBINOP(VEL, FORMKUNOP(NON,arg1),FORMKUNOP(NON,arg2)), FORMKBINOP(VEL,arg1,arg2)),bbmkneg,FALSE); ELSIF ((op=EQUIV) AND (NOT neg)) OR ((op=XOR) AND neg) THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKCNF1(FORMKBINOP(ET, FORMKBINOP(VEL,arg1,FORMKUNOP(NON,arg2)), FORMKBINOP(VEL,FORMKUNOP(NON,arg1),arg2)), bbmkneg,FALSE); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN IF neg THEN RETURN FORMKUNOP(ET,FORMKUNOP(VEL,FORMKUNOP(NON,phi))); ELSE RETURN FORMKUNOP(ET,FORMKUNOP(VEL,phi)); END; ELSE IF neg THEN RETURN FORMKUNOP(ET, FORMKUNOP(VEL,bbmkneg(phi))); ELSE RETURN FORMKUNOP(ET,FORMKUNOP(VEL,phi)); END; END; END FORMKCNF1; PROCEDURE distribveloet(L: LIST): LIST; (* distributive vel over et. L is a list of quantifier-free formulas in strict cnf; a quantifier-free formula equivalent to VEL(L), which is in strict cnf, is returned. *) VAR first, firstpt, tail, elem, redelem, obj, result, prefix: LIST; VAR dummy: LIST; BEGIN IF L = SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(L,first,tail); IF tail = SIL THEN RETURN first; END; FORPARGS(first,dummy,first); WHILE tail <> SIL DO FORPARGS(tail,obj,tail); FORPARGS(obj,dummy,obj); result:=SIL; WHILE obj <> SIL DO FORPARGS(obj,elem,obj); redelem:=RED(elem); firstpt:=first; WHILE firstpt <> SIL DO FORPARGS(firstpt,prefix,firstpt); result:=COMP(CCONC(prefix,redelem),result); END; END; first:=result; END; result:=FORMKFOR(ET,result); RETURN result; END distribveloet; (****************************************************************************** * M A K E P R E N E X * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORMKPRENEX(phi,pref:LIST): LIST; (* formula make prenex. phi is a formula; pref is an element of \{EXIST, FORALL\}; a formula psi in prenex normal form is returned. phi must be a relative positive formula without additional operation symbols like IMP, REP, etc. All bound variables in phi must have different specifications (i.e. different names or different types). The only transformation which is used to calculate psi is the interchange of a junctor with a quantifier. The formula psi has the minimal number of blocks of quantifiers under all prenex formulas which are built using only the interchange of a junctor with a quantifier. The argument pref is only respected, if there are two equivalent formulas with the same optimal number of blocks of quantifiers. In this case the formula is returned which has a "pref"-quantifier as the outermost operation symbol.*) VAR pnfs, phi1, phi2, qbphi1, qbphi2: LIST; BEGIN IF (pref<>EXIST) AND (pref<>FORALL) THEN ERROR(severe, "FORMKPRENEX: wrong preference given (assume EXIST)"); pref:=EXIST; END; pnfs:=FORMKPRENEX1(phi); IF RED(pnfs)=SIL THEN (* Only one element: No choice is possible. *) RETURN FIRST(FIRST(pnfs)); END; phi1:=FIRST(FIRST(pnfs)); phi2:=FIRST(SECOND(pnfs)); qbphi1:=SECOND(FIRST(pnfs)); qbphi2:=SECOND(SECOND(pnfs)); (* Choice resp. number of blocks of quantifiers. *) IF qbphi1<qbphi2 THEN RETURN phi1; ELSIF qbphi1>qbphi2 THEN RETURN phi2; (* Choice resp. the preferd type of quantifier. *) ELSIF FORGOP(phi1)=pref THEN RETURN phi1; ELSE RETURN phi2; END; END FORMKPRENEX; PROCEDURE FORMKPRENEXI(phi,pref:LIST): LIST; (* formula make prenex. phi is a formula; pref is an element of \{EXIST, FORALL\}; a formula psi in prenex normal form is returned. phi must be a relative positive formula without additional operation symbols like IMP, REP, etc. All bound variables in phi must have different specifications (i.e. different names or different types). The only transformation which is used to calculate psi is the interchange of a junctor with a quantifier. The formula psi has the minimal number of blocks of quantifiers under all prenex formulas which are built using only the interchange of a junctor with a quantifier. The argument pref is only respected, if there are two equivalent formulas with the same optimal number of blocks of quantifiers. In this case the formula is returned which has a "pref"-quantifier as the innermost operation symbol.*) VAR pnfs, phi1, phi2, qbphi1, qbphi2: LIST; BEGIN IF (pref<>EXIST) AND (pref<>FORALL) THEN ERROR(severe, "FORMKPRENEX: wrong preference given (assume EXIST)"); pref:=EXIST; END; pnfs:=FORMKPRENEX1(phi); IF RED(pnfs)=SIL THEN (* Only one element: No choice is possible. *) RETURN FIRST(FIRST(pnfs)); END; phi1:=FIRST(FIRST(pnfs)); phi2:=FIRST(SECOND(pnfs)); qbphi1:=SECOND(FIRST(pnfs)); qbphi2:=SECOND(SECOND(pnfs)); (* Choice resp. number of blocks of quantifiers. *) IF qbphi1<qbphi2 THEN RETURN phi1; ELSIF qbphi1>qbphi2 THEN RETURN phi2; (* Choice resp. the preferd type of quantifier. *) ELSIF FORIMQB(phi1)=pref THEN RETURN phi1; ELSE RETURN phi2; END; END FORMKPRENEXI; PROCEDURE FORMKPRENEX1(phi: LIST): LIST; (* formula make prenex 1. phi is a relative positive formula; this procedure returns a list of maximal two objects of the form (psi,qb(psi)). In (psi,qb(psi)) psi is a formula in prenex normal form, and qb(psi) the number of blocks of quantifiers. If there are two objects in the returned list, then the outermost quantifier of the first formula is an exist quantifier and the outermost quantifier of the second formula is a forall quantifier. In the following comments such a list is called pnf-selection. *) VAR op, res: LIST; BEGIN FORPFOR(phi,op,res); IF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN RETURN pnfquantifier(phi) ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN RETURN pnfjunctor(phi); ELSE (* i.e. phi is an atomic formula, but not necessary a bb-formula. VERUM, FALSUM, or a bb-formula, (which are eventually negated) are possible. *) RETURN LIST1(LIST2(phi,0)) END; END FORMKPRENEX1; PROCEDURE pnfquantifier(phi:LIST): LIST; (* prenex normal form quantifier. phi is a relative positive formula with an quantifier as the outermost operator symbol; pnfquantifier returns a pnf-selection with only one formula equivalent to phi. *) VAR pnfs, qf, vars, nvars, qform, psi1, psi2, qbpsi1, qbpsi2: LIST; BEGIN FORPQUANT(phi,qf,vars,qform); nvars:=FORGLVAR(vars); pnfs:=FORMKPRENEX1(qform); psi1:=FIRST(FIRST(pnfs)); qbpsi1:=SECOND(FIRST(pnfs)); IF RED(pnfs)=SIL THEN (* #pnfs=1 *) RETURN LIST1(mkquant(qf,nvars,psi1,qbpsi1)); ELSIF FORGOP(psi1)=qf THEN RETURN LIST1(mkquant(qf,nvars,psi1,qbpsi1)); ELSE psi2:=FIRST(SECOND(pnfs)); qbpsi2:=SECOND(SECOND(pnfs)); RETURN LIST1(mkquant(qf,nvars,psi2,qbpsi2)); END; END pnfquantifier; PROCEDURE mkquant(qf,vars,phi,qbqform: LIST): LIST; (* make quantifier. qf is a quantifier; vars is a list of the bound variables of qf; phi is a formula; qbqform is the number of blocks of quantifiers of qform, mkquantifier returns a pnf-selection with formulas equivalent to the formula 'qf vars: phi'. If phi is a quantified formula and the outermost quantifier of phi is a qf quantifier then mkquant generates no new quantifier, but bounds the variables var to the outermost quantifier of phi. *) VAR op,res,form,newvarlist, varlist:LIST; BEGIN FORPFOR(phi,op,res); IF op<>qf THEN RETURN LIST2(FORMKQUANT(qf,FORMKLVAR(vars),phi),qbqform+1); ELSE FORPQUANTA(res,varlist,form); newvarlist:=CCONC(vars,FORGLVAR(varlist)); RETURN LIST2(FORMKQUANT(qf,FORMKLVAR(newvarlist),form), qbqform); END; END mkquant; PROCEDURE pnfjunctor(phi: LIST):LIST; (* prenex normal form junctor. phi is a relative positive formula with an ET or VEL operator as the outermost function symbol; pnfjunctor returns a pnf-selection with formulas equivalent to phi. If there are two objects in the pnf-selection, then the outermost quantifier of the formula in the first (second) object is an EXIST (FORALL) quantifier *) VAR op, res, arglist, pnfargs, arg, l1, l2, M, qf1, qf2:LIST; VAR phi1, qbphi1, phi2, qbphi2: LIST; VAR onlyex, onlyfa: BOOLEAN; BEGIN M:=0; onlyex:=TRUE; onlyfa:=TRUE; FORPFOR(phi,op,res); arglist:=SIL; l1:=SIL; l2:=SIL; WHILE res<>SIL DO FORPARGS(res,arg,res); pnfargs:=FORMKPRENEX1(arg); phi1:=FIRST(FIRST(pnfargs)); qbphi1:=SECOND(FIRST(pnfargs)); (* calculate the characteristic selections *) IF RED(pnfargs)=SIL THEN l1:=COMP(phi1,l1); l2:=COMP(phi1,l2); phi2:=phi1; qbphi2:=qbphi1; ELSE phi2:=FIRST(SECOND(pnfargs)); qbphi2:=SECOND(SECOND(pnfargs)); (* In resp. to the definition of pnf is the outermost * quantifier of phi1 (phi2) is an EXIST (FORALL) * quantifier *) l1:=COMP(phi1,l1); l2:=COMP(phi2,l2); END; (* compute the maximum of blocks of quantifiers, * simultaneous * ascertaian criterions which characteristic selection is * optimal resp. the number of blocks of quantifiers. *) qf1:=FORGOP(phi1); qf2:=FORGOP(phi2); IF M<qbphi1 THEN M:=qbphi1; onlyex:=TRUE; onlyfa:=TRUE; END; IF (M=qbphi1) AND (qf1<>EXIST) (* for M=0 meaningless *) THEN (* but M=0 is a special *) onlyex:=FALSE; (* case. *) END; IF (M=qbphi2) AND (qf2<>FORALL) (* dito *) THEN onlyfa:=FALSE END; END; IF M=0 THEN RETURN LIST1(LIST2(phi,0)); END; (* Calculate the result with respect to onlyex and onlyfa. *) (* refere to the proof in the documentation. *) IF onlyex AND (NOT onlyfa) THEN RETURN LIST1(interchange(l1,op,EXIST)); ELSIF onlyfa AND (NOT onlyex) THEN RETURN LIST1(interchange(l2,op,FORALL)); ELSE RETURN LIST2(interchange(l1,op,EXIST), interchange(l2,op,FORALL)); END; END pnfjunctor; PROCEDURE interchange(L,op,pref:LIST):LIST; (* interchange. L is a list of relative positive formulas; op is an operation symbol (VEL or ET); pref is a quantifier symbol; interchange returns an element of a pnf-selection with a formula equivalent to the formula 'op(L)'. pref is the type of the outermost quantifier after the interchange, if a choice is possible. *) VAR l1, l2, qf, q, form, qblock, vblock, qform, vars: LIST; VAR varlist, result, numqfb, nextop:LIST; VAR noqf: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF L=SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; l1:=L; qf:=pref; qblock:=SIL; (* List of all quantifiers in the blocks *) vblock:=SIL; (* List of all bound variables in the blocks *) REPEAT l2:=SIL; varlist:=SIL; noqf:=TRUE; WHILE l1<>SIL DO ADV(l1,form,l1); getqfb(form,qf,vars,qform); nextop:=FORGOP(qform); noqf:=noqf AND ((nextop<>EXIST) AND (nextop<>FORALL)); l2:=COMP(qform,l2); varlist:=CCONC(varlist,vars); END; IF varlist <> SIL THEN qblock:=COMP(qf,qblock); vblock:=COMP(FORMKLVAR(varlist),vblock); END; l1:=l2; qf:=notsymbol(qf); UNTIL noqf; (* i.e there are no quantifiers in the formulas of L *) (* generate the result *) numqfb:=LENGTH(vblock); result:=FORMKFOR(op,l1); WHILE qblock <> SIL DO ADV(qblock,q,qblock); ADV(vblock,varlist,vblock); result:=FORMKQUANT(q,varlist,result); END; RETURN LIST2(result,numqfb); END interchange; PROCEDURE getqfb(phi,qf: LIST; VAR qfb, qform: LIST); (* get quantifier block. phi is a relative positive formula; qf is a quantifier symbol. qfb is assigned to a list of variables which are bound to the outermost quantifier of type qf, qform is the formula bound by the quantifier qf. *) VAR op, res, varlist, bound: LIST; BEGIN qfb:=SIL; FORPFOR(phi,op,res); IF op<>qf THEN qform:=phi; RETURN; END; WHILE (op=qf) DO FORPQUANTA(res,varlist,qform); FORPLVAR(varlist,bound); qfb:=CCONC(qfb,bound); FORPFOR(qform,op,res); END; RETURN; END getqfb; PROCEDURE FORIMQB(phi: LIST):LIST; (* formula innermost quantifier block. phi is a formula in prenex normal form. If the outermost operator of phi is no quantifier then SIL is returned. Otherwise the type of the innermost quantifier block (either FOREX or FORALL) is returned. *) VAR sym, vars, imq : LIST; BEGIN sym:=FORGOP(phi); IF (sym<>EXIST) AND (sym<>FORALL) THEN RETURN SIL; END; REPEAT imq:=sym; FORPQUANT(phi,sym,vars,phi); UNTIL (sym<>EXIST) AND (sym<>FORALL); RETURN imq; END FORIMQB; (****************************************************************************** * S U B S T I T U T E V A R I A B L E * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORSUBSTVAR(phi, old, new: LIST; bbsubstvar: PROCF3): LIST; (* formula substitute variable. phi is a formula; old and new are variables; a formula in which the variable old is substituted by the variable new is returned. *) VAR op, res, arg, arg1, arg2: LIST; VAR parlist, lvar, varlist, var, qform: LIST; BEGIN FORPFOR(phi,op,res); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN phi; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(res,arg); RETURN FORMKUNOP(op,FORSUBSTVAR(arg,old,new,bbsubstvar)); ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN parlist:=SIL; WHILE res<>SIL DO FORPARGS(res,arg,res); parlist:=COMP(FORSUBSTVAR(arg,old,new,bbsubstvar), parlist); END; RETURN FORMKFOR(op,INV(parlist)); ELSIF (op=REP) OR (op=IMP) OR (op=EQUIV) OR (op=XOR) THEN FORPBINOPA(res,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(op, FORSUBSTVAR(arg1,old,new,bbsubstvar), FORSUBSTVAR(arg2,old,new,bbsubstvar)); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN IF EQUAL(phi,old)=1 THEN RETURN new; ELSE RETURN phi; END; ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(res,lvar,qform); FORPLVAR(lvar,varlist); parlist:=SIL; WHILE varlist<>SIL DO FORPARGS(varlist,var,varlist); IF EQUAL(var,old)=1 THEN parlist:=COMP(new,varlist); ELSE parlist:=COMP(var,parlist); END; END; RETURN FORMKQUANT(op,FORMKLVAR(INV(parlist)), FORSUBSTVAR(qform,old,new,bbsubstvar)); ELSE RETURN bbsubstvar(phi,old,new); END; END FORSUBSTVAR; (****************************************************************************** * M A K E V A R I A B L E S D I S J O I N T * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORMKVD(phi:LIST; bbsubstvar:PROCF3;bblsvars:PROCF1): LIST; (* formula make variable names disjoint. phi is a formula, bbsubstvar is a bb-procedure to substitute variables in bb-formulas, bblsvars is a bb-procedure to list all variables in a bb-formula; FORMKVD returns a formula in which all bound variables of the same sort have different names. Only the minimal number of renamings are done to make the names different. *) VAR all,used,var,xall,name,sort,free,bound,env: LIST; BEGIN free:=SIL; bound:=SIL; env:=SIL; collectnames(phi,env,bblsvars,free,bound); used:=free; all:=CCONC(free,bound); xall:=SIL; WHILE all<>SIL DO ADV(all,var,all); FORPVAR(var,name,sort); xall:=COMP(LIST2(FORVTGET(name),FORVTGET(sort)),xall); END; RETURN repvar(phi,SIL,SIL,used,xall,bbsubstvar); END FORMKVD; PROCEDURE collectnames(phi,env:LIST; bblsvars:PROCF1; VAR free, bound:LIST); (* collect names. phi is a formula, env is the list of all bound variables in phi; bblsvars is a bb-procedure to list all variables in a bb-formula; the list of all free (bound) varaiables of phi are built in the list free (bound). It should be taken into account that one variable can occure in the list free and in the list bound! *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, lvar, psi, name, sort: LIST; VAR varlist, var: LIST; BEGIN IF phi=SIL THEN RETURN; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN ; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(red,arg); collectnames(arg,env,bblsvars,free,bound); RETURN; ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN WHILE red<>SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); collectnames(arg,env,bblsvars,free,bound); END; RETURN ; ELSIF (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) OR (op=EQUIV) OR (op=XOR) THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); collectnames(arg1,env,bblsvars,free,bound); collectnames(arg2,env,bblsvars,free,bound); RETURN; ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(red,lvar,psi); varlist:=FORGLVAR(lvar); env:=CCONC(varlist,env); bound:=CCONC(varlist,bound); collectnames(psi,env,bblsvars,free,bound); RETURN; ELSIF (op=TVAR) (* sort = BOOL *) THEN free:=COMP(phi,free); (* regard boolean vars as free vars *) RETURN; ELSE (* phi is an atomic formula *) varlist:=SetComplementQ(env,bblsvars(phi)); free:=CCONC(varlist,free); RETURN; END; END collectnames; PROCEDURE repvar(phi,old,new:LIST; VAR used, denied: LIST; bbsubstvar: PROCF3):LIST; (* replace variables. phi is a formula; old is a list of variables which are substituted with the corresponding variables in new; used is list of variables of phi which are already used (and contains also the names of all free varaiables; denied is a list of lists of the form (name,sort). The list denied describes a list of variables which are not allowed to be generated. The procedure bbsubstvar is a bb-procedure to substitute variables in bb-formulas. repvar returns a formula in which the variables are replaced; used and denied are updated. *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, lvar, psi, name, newvars, newv, sort, result, vars, v, p, t: LIST; BEGIN IF phi=SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN phi; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(red,arg); RETURN FORMKUNOP(NON, repvar(arg,old,new,used,denied,bbsubstvar)); ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN result:=SIL; WHILE red<>SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); result:=COMP(repvar(arg,old,new,used,denied, bbsubstvar),result); END; RETURN FORMKFOR(op,INV(result)); ELSIF (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) OR (op=EQUIV) OR (op=XOR) THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(op, repvar(arg1,old,new,used,denied,bbsubstvar), repvar(arg2,old,new,used,denied,bbsubstvar)) ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(red,lvar,psi); FORPLVAR(lvar,vars); newvars:=SIL; WHILE vars<>SIL DO ADV(vars,v,vars); IF MEMBER(v,used)=1 THEN newv:=GENVAR(v,denied); FORPVAR(newv,name,sort); denied:=COMP(LIST2(FORVTGET(name), FORVTGET(sort)),denied); old:=COMP(v,old); new:=COMP(newv,new); newvars:=COMP(newv,newvars); ELSE used:=COMP(v,used); newvars:=COMP(v,newvars); END; END; RETURN FORMKQUANT(op,FORMKLVAR(INV(newvars)), repvar(psi,old,new,used,denied,bbsubstvar)); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN WHILE old<>SIL DO ADV(old,p,old); ADV(new,t,new); IF EQUAL(phi,p)=1 THEN RETURN t; END; END; RETURN phi; ELSE (* apply all substitution to the bb-formula phi *) result:=phi; WHILE old<>SIL DO ADV(old,p,old); ADV(new,t,new); result:=bbsubstvar(result,p,t); END; RETURN result; END; END repvar; PROCEDURE GENVAR(var,xdenied:LIST): LIST; (* generate variable. var is a variable; xdenied is a list of variables (all symbols in this list must been exploded!). The returned variable has a name which is disjoint to the names of the variables in the list xdenied. (refere the procedure GENSYM from the module MASSYM2.) *) VAR name, sort, xname, xsort, sname,(* x for explode, s for symbol *) num, q, new: LIST; BEGIN FORPVAR(var,name,sort); xname:=FORVTGET(name); xsort:=FORVTGET(sort); (* check whether var is in denied or not *) IF MEMBER(LIST2(xname,xsort),xdenied)=0 THEN RETURN var; END; num:=0; (* generate new varaibles until no name conflicts occurs *) REPEAT new:=SIL; (* FORMAT von XDENIED hat sich geaendert!!!! *) num:=num+1; q:=num; REPEAT new:=COMP(MASREM(q,10),new); q:=q DIV 10; UNTIL q = 0; new:=COMP(MASORD("N"),new); new:=CCONC(xname,new); UNTIL MEMBER(LIST2(new,xsort),xdenied)=0; sname:=FORVTENTER(new); RETURN FORMKVAR(sname,sort) END GENVAR; (****************************************************************************** * S I M P L I F Y * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORSMPL(phi: LIST; bbsmpl, bbmkneg: PROCF1): LIST; (* formula simplify. phi is a formula, simplifybb is a bb-procedure to simplify a bb-formula; bbmkneg is a bb-procedure to negate a bb-formula; a formula phi1 equivalent to phi is returned. The formula phi1 is simplified, that means the constants VERUM and FALSUM are eliminated, and nested operators are eliminated. (In this case the procedure takes advantage of associativity of ET and VEL, and the idempotenz of NON.) *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, simparg1, simparg2, newop, newarg: LIST; VAR newred, vars, qform, simpqform, elem, result: LIST; BEGIN IF phi = SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN phi; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(red,arg); newarg:=FORSMPL(arg,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); RETURN formkneg(newarg,bbmkneg); ELSIF op=ET THEN result:=SIL; WHILE red <> SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); newarg:=FORSMPL(arg,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF newarg=FALSUM THEN RETURN FORMKCNST(FALSUM); ELSIF newarg<>VERUM (* VERUM is neutral w.r.t. ET *) THEN (* Try to simplify the formula with the law of * associativity *) FORPARGS(newarg,newop,newred); IF newop=ET THEN WHILE newred <> SIL DO FORPARGS(newred,elem,newred); result:=COMP(elem,result); END; ELSE result:=COMP(newarg,result); END; END; END; IF result<>SIL THEN RETURN FORMKFOR(ET,INV(result)); ELSE RETURN FORMKCNST(VERUM); END ELSIF op=VEL THEN result:=SIL; WHILE red <> SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); newarg:=FORSMPL(arg,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF newarg=VERUM THEN RETURN VERUM; ELSIF newarg<>FALSUM THEN (* Try to simplify the formula with the law of * associativity *) FORPARGS(newarg,newop,newred); IF newop=VEL THEN WHILE newred <> SIL DO FORPARGS(newred,elem,newred); result:=COMP(elem,result); END; ELSE result:=COMP(newarg,result); END; END; END; IF result<>SIL THEN RETURN FORMKFOR(VEL,INV(result)); ELSE RETURN FORMKCNST(FALSUM); END; ELSIF (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) THEN RETURN smplimpl(phi,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); ELSIF op=EQUIV THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); simparg1:=FORSMPL(arg1,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); simparg2:=FORSMPL(arg2,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF simparg1=VERUM THEN RETURN simparg2 ELSIF simparg2=VERUM THEN RETURN simparg1 ELSIF simparg1=FALSUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg2,bbmkneg); ELSIF simparg2=FALSUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg1,bbmkneg); ELSE RETURN FORMKBINOP(EQUIV,simparg1,simparg2); END; ELSIF op=XOR THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); simparg1:=FORSMPL(arg1,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); simparg2:=FORSMPL(arg2,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF simparg1=FALSUM THEN RETURN simparg2 ELSIF simparg2=FALSUM THEN RETURN simparg1 ELSIF simparg1=VERUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg2,bbmkneg); ELSIF simparg2=VERUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg1,bbmkneg); ELSE RETURN FORMKBINOP(XOR,simparg1,simparg2); END; ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(red,vars,qform); simpqform:=FORSMPL(qform,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF (simpqform=VERUM) OR (simpqform=FALSUM) THEN RETURN simpqform ELSE RETURN FORMKQUANT(op,vars,simpqform); END; ELSIF op=TVAR THEN RETURN phi; ELSE RETURN bbsmpl(phi); END; END FORSMPL; PROCEDURE smplimpl(phi:LIST;bbsmpl,bbmkneg:PROCF1):LIST; (* simplify implication. phi is either an implication or a replication; bbsmpl is bb-procedure to simplify a bb-formula; bbmkneg is a bb-procedure to negate a bb-formula; a simplification of phi is returned. (see the description of FORSMPL). *) VAR sprem, sconcl,prem,concl,op,newarg,newop,arg1,arg2: LIST; BEGIN FORPBINOP(phi,op,arg1,arg2); IF op=IMP THEN prem:=arg1; concl:=arg2; ELSE prem:=arg2; concl:=arg1; END; IF prem=FALSUM THEN RETURN FORMKCNST(VERUM); ELSIF prem=VERUM THEN RETURN FORSMPL(concl,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); ELSIF concl=FALSUM THEN RETURN FORSMPL(FORMKUNOP(NON,prem),bbsmpl,bbmkneg); ELSIF concl=VERUM THEN RETURN concl; ELSE sprem:=FORSMPL(prem,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); sconcl:=FORSMPL(concl,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF sprem=FALSUM THEN RETURN FORMKCNST(VERUM); ELSIF sprem=VERUM THEN RETURN sconcl; ELSIF sconcl=FALSUM THEN FORPFOR(sprem,newop,newarg); IF newop=NON THEN RETURN newarg; ELSE RETURN FORMKUNOP(NON,sprem) END; ELSIF sconcl=VERUM THEN RETURN sconcl; ELSE IF EQUAL(sprem,sconcl)=1 THEN RETURN VERUM; END; IF op=IMP THEN RETURN FORMKBINOP(IMP,sprem,sconcl); ELSE RETURN FORMKBINOP(REP,sconcl,sprem); END; END; END; END smplimpl; PROCEDURE FORSIMPLIFY(phi: LIST; smart: PROCF1; bbsmpl, bbmkneg: PROCF1):LIST; (* formula simplify. phi is a formula, smart is a function to do smart simplification on a list of atomic formulas. simplifybb is a bb-procedure to simplify a bb-formula; bbmkneg is a bb-procedure to negate a bb-formula. A simplification of phi is returned. *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, simparg1, simparg2, newop, newarg: LIST; VAR newred, vars, qform, simpqform, elem, result: LIST; VAR aflist, cflist,psi: LIST; BEGIN IF phi = SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN phi; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(red,arg); newarg:=FORSIMPLIFY(arg,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); RETURN formkneg(newarg,bbmkneg); ELSIF (op=ET) OR (op=VEL) THEN result:=SIL; WHILE red<>SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); arg:=FORSIMPLIFY(arg,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); result:=SimplifyComp(arg,op,result); IF (result=VERUM) OR (result=FALSUM) THEN RETURN result; END; END; result:=DoSmartSimplify(result,op,smart); IF (result=VERUM) OR (result=FALSUM) THEN RETURN result; END; IF (result=VERUM) OR (result=FALSUM) THEN RETURN FORMKCNST(result); ELSIF result=SIL THEN IF op=ET THEN RETURN FORMKCNST(VERUM); ELSE (* IF op=VEL *) RETURN FORMKCNST(FALSUM); END; ELSIF RED(result)=SIL THEN (* only one argument *) RETURN FIRST(result) ELSE RETURN FORMKFOR(op,result); END; ELSIF (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) THEN RETURN smplimpl(phi,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); ELSIF op=EQUIV THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); simparg1:=FORSIMPLIFY(arg1,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); simparg2:=FORSIMPLIFY(arg2,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF simparg1=VERUM THEN RETURN simparg2 ELSIF simparg2=VERUM THEN RETURN simparg1 ELSIF simparg1=FALSUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg2,bbmkneg); ELSIF simparg2=FALSUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg1,bbmkneg); ELSE IF EQUAL(simparg1,simparg2)=1 THEN RETURN VERUM; END; RETURN FORMKBINOP(EQUIV,simparg1,simparg2); END; ELSIF op=XOR THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); simparg1:=FORSIMPLIFY(arg1,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); simparg2:=FORSIMPLIFY(arg2,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF simparg1=FALSUM THEN RETURN simparg2 ELSIF simparg2=FALSUM THEN RETURN simparg1 ELSIF simparg1=VERUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg2,bbmkneg); ELSIF simparg2=VERUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg1,bbmkneg); ELSE IF EQUAL(simparg1,simparg2)=1 THEN RETURN FALSUM; END; RETURN FORMKBINOP(XOR,simparg1,simparg2); END; ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(red,vars,qform); simpqform:=FORSIMPLIFY(qform,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF (simpqform=VERUM) OR (simpqform=FALSUM) THEN RETURN simpqform ELSE RETURN FORMKQUANT(op,vars,simpqform); END; ELSIF op=TVAR THEN RETURN phi; ELSE RETURN bbsmpl(phi); END; END FORSIMPLIFY; PROCEDURE SimplifyComp(phi,op,L:LIST):LIST; (* simplify composition. phi is a formula. op is either ET or VEL. L is a list of formulas. A list of formulas is returned. If phi is already a element of L then L is returned. If the operator symbol of phi is equal to op then all arguments of this operator of phi are inserted in L, otherwise phi is inserted in L. L is modified, the result is returned. If the result of SimplifyComp is VERUM or FALUSM then VERUM or FALSUM are returned, not the LIST of one of these symbols. *) VAR args,psi: LIST; BEGIN IF ((op=ET) AND (phi=FALSUM) ) OR ((op=VEL) AND (phi=VERUM) ) THEN RETURN phi; ELSIF (phi=VERUM) OR (phi=FALSUM) THEN RETURN L; END; IF FORGOP(phi)=op THEN args:=FORGARGS(phi); WHILE args<>SIL DO ADV(args,psi,args); L:=SetAddQ(psi,L); END; RETURN L; ELSE RETURN SetAddQ(phi,L); END; END SimplifyComp; PROCEDURE DoSmartSimplify(L,op:LIST;smart:PROCF1):LIST; (* do smart simplification. L is a list of formulas. op is a the operator ET or VEL. smart is a procedure for smart simplification. The simplified formula op(L) is returned. *) VAR aflist, cflist, psi, result,smartresult: LIST; BEGIN aflist:=SIL; result:=SIL; WHILE L<>SIL DO ADV(L,psi,L); IF FORISBBFOR(psi) THEN aflist:=COMP(psi,aflist); ELSE result:=COMP(psi,result); END; END; IF aflist<>SIL THEN smartresult:=smart(FORMKFOR(op,aflist)); IF NOT FORISATOM(smartresult) THEN smartresult:=FORMKFOR(FORGOP(smartresult), INV(FORGARGS(smartresult))); END; RETURN SimplifyComp(smartresult,op,result); ELSE RETURN result; END; END DoSmartSimplify; PROCEDURE FORSIMPLIFYP(phi,maxlevel: LIST; smart: PROCF1; bbsmpl, bbmkneg: PROCF1):LIST; (* formula simplify prune. phi is a formula, level, maxlevel are atoms, smart is a function to do smart simplification on a list of atomic formulas. simplifybb is a bb-procedure to simplify a bb-formula; bbmkneg is a bb-procedure to negate a bb-formula. maxlevel defines the number of levels that are simplified, 1 means only the top-level, zero means simplify the hole tree. A simplification of phi is returned. *) BEGIN RETURN simplifyp(phi,1,maxlevel,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); END FORSIMPLIFYP; PROCEDURE simplifyp(phi,level,maxlevel: LIST; smart: PROCF1; bbsmpl, bbmkneg: PROCF1):LIST; (* formula simplify prune. phi is a formula, level, maxlevel are atoms, smart is a function to do smart simplification on a list of atomic formulas. simplifybb is a bb-procedure to simplify a bb-formula; bbmkneg is a bb-procedure to negate a bb-formula. maxlevel defines the number of levels that are simplified, 1 means only the top-level, zero means simplify the hole tree. level is the current level. A simplification of phi is returned. *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, simparg1, simparg2, newop, newarg: LIST; VAR newred, vars, qform, simpqform, elem, result: LIST; VAR aflist, cflist,psi: LIST; BEGIN IF phi = SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; IF level=maxlevel+1 THEN RETURN phi; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN phi; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(red,arg); newarg:=simplifyp(arg,level+1,maxlevel,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); RETURN formkneg(newarg,bbmkneg); ELSIF (op=ET) OR (op=VEL) THEN result:=SIL; WHILE red<>SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); arg:=simplifyp(arg,level+1,maxlevel,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); result:=SimplifyComp(arg,op,result); IF (result=VERUM) OR (result=FALSUM) THEN RETURN result; END; END; result:=DoSmartSimplify(result,op,smart); IF (result=VERUM) OR (result=FALSUM) THEN RETURN result; END; IF (result=VERUM) OR (result=FALSUM) THEN RETURN FORMKCNST(result); ELSIF result=SIL THEN IF op=ET THEN RETURN FORMKCNST(VERUM); ELSE (* IF op=VEL *) RETURN FORMKCNST(FALSUM); END; ELSIF RED(result)=SIL THEN (* only one argument *) RETURN FIRST(result) ELSE RETURN FORMKFOR(op,result); END; ELSIF (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) THEN RETURN smplimpl(phi,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); ELSIF op=EQUIV THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); simparg1:=simplifyp(arg1,level+1,maxlevel,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); simparg2:=simplifyp(arg2,level+1,maxlevel,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF simparg1=VERUM THEN RETURN simparg2 ELSIF simparg2=VERUM THEN RETURN simparg1 ELSIF simparg1=FALSUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg2,bbmkneg); ELSIF simparg2=FALSUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg1,bbmkneg); ELSE IF EQUAL(simparg1,simparg2)=1 THEN RETURN VERUM; END; RETURN FORMKBINOP(EQUIV,simparg1,simparg2); END; ELSIF op=XOR THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); simparg1:=simplifyp(arg1,level+1,maxlevel,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); simparg2:=simplifyp(arg2,level+1,maxlevel,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF simparg1=FALSUM THEN RETURN simparg2 ELSIF simparg2=FALSUM THEN RETURN simparg1 ELSIF simparg1=VERUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg2,bbmkneg); ELSIF simparg2=VERUM THEN RETURN formkneg(simparg1,bbmkneg); ELSE IF EQUAL(simparg1,simparg2)=1 THEN RETURN FALSUM; END; RETURN FORMKBINOP(XOR,simparg1,simparg2); END; ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(red,vars,qform); simpqform:=simplifyp(qform,level+1,maxlevel,smart,bbsmpl,bbmkneg); IF (simpqform=VERUM) OR (simpqform=FALSUM) THEN RETURN simpqform ELSE RETURN FORMKQUANT(op,vars,simpqform); END; ELSIF op=TVAR THEN RETURN phi; ELSE RETURN bbsmpl(phi); END; END simplifyp; (****************************************************************************** * P R E P A R E Q U A N T I F I E R E L I M I N A T I O N * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORPREPQE(phi: LIST; bbmkneg: PROCF1):LIST; (* formula prepare quantifier elimination. phi is a prenex formula; bbmkneg is a bb-procedure to negate a bb-formula; a formula psi equivalent to phi is returned. psi is built according to the following rules: If the innermost block of quantifiers is an exist-quantifier, then matrix(phi) is transformed in CNF and the innermost block of quantifiers is moved inside the conjunction. If the innermost quantifier is a forall-quantifier, then matrix(phi) is transformed in DNF and the innermost block of quantifiers is moved inside the disjunction.*) VAR op, quant, red, parg, phi1, lastop, qblocks, vblocks, psi, arg, psi1, lvar: LIST; BEGIN IF phi=SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op<>EXIST) AND (op<>FORALL) THEN RETURN phi; END; qblocks:=SIL; vblocks:=SIL; WHILE (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) DO FORPQUANTA(red,lvar,phi1); qblocks:=COMP(op,qblocks); vblocks:=COMP(lvar,vblocks); FORPFOR(phi1,op,red); END; (* now: qblocks is a list of all blocks of quantifiers of phi, but the sequence is reveresed. *) ADV(qblocks,quant,qblocks); ADV(vblocks,lvar,vblocks); (* now: quant is the innermost quantifier *) IF quant=EXIST THEN psi1:=FORMKDNF(phi1,bbmkneg); ELSE (* op=FORALL *) psi1:=FORMKCNF(phi1,bbmkneg); END; FORPFOR(psi1,op,red); psi:=SIL; WHILE red<>SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); parg:=FORMKQUANT(quant,lvar,arg); (* simplification? *) psi:=COMP(parg,psi); END; psi:=FORMKFOR(op,psi); WHILE qblocks<>SIL DO ADV(qblocks,quant,qblocks); ADV(vblocks,lvar,vblocks); psi:=FORMKQUANT(quant,lvar,psi); END; RETURN psi; END FORPREPQE; (****************************************************************************** * E L I M I N A T E E X T E N D E D O P E R A T I O N S Y M B O L S * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORELIMXOPS(phi :LIST; pref: LIST): LIST; (* formula eliminate extended operation symbols. phi is formula, pref is a symbol of the set \{VEL, ET, NON\}; FORELIMXOPS returns a formula phi1 equivalent to phi. If pref is NON then this function does nothing. Otherwise this function replaces all subterms of phi with the operators IMP, REP, EQUIV or XOR with terms with the operators VEL, ET and NON. There are two different substitutions for EQUIV and XOR. If pref=ET (pref=VEL) then the outermost operator of the replacement terms for EQUIV, XOR is ET (VEL). *) VAR op, arglist, arg, arg1, arg2, prem, concl, lvar, qform: LIST; VAR elimarg1, elimarg2, res: LIST; BEGIN IF phi = SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; IF pref = NON THEN RETURN phi; END; IF (pref <> VEL) AND (pref <> ET) THEN ERROR(severe,"FORMELIMXOPS: wrong preferenz given (assume NON)"); RETURN phi; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,arglist); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN phi; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(arglist,arg); RETURN FORMKUNOP(NON,FORELIMXOPS(arg,pref)); ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN res:=SIL; WHILE arglist <> SIL DO FORPARGS(arglist,arg,arglist); res:=COMP(FORELIMXOPS(arg,pref),res); END; RETURN FORMKFOR(op,INV(res)); ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(arglist,lvar,qform); RETURN FORMKQUANT(op,lvar,FORELIMXOPS(qform,pref)); ELSIF op=IMP THEN FORPBINOPA(arglist,prem,concl); RETURN FORMKBINOP(VEL,FORMKUNOP(NON,FORELIMXOPS(prem,pref)), FORELIMXOPS(concl,pref)); ELSIF op=REP THEN FORPBINOPA(arglist,concl,prem); RETURN FORMKBINOP(VEL,FORELIMXOPS(concl,pref), FORMKUNOP(NON,FORELIMXOPS(prem,pref))); ELSIF (op=EQUIV) AND (pref=VEL) THEN FORPBINOPA(arglist,arg1,arg2); elimarg1:=FORELIMXOPS(arg1,pref); elimarg2:=FORELIMXOPS(arg2,pref); RETURN FORMKBINOP(VEL, FORMKBINOP(ET,elimarg1,elimarg2), FORMKBINOP(ET, FORMKUNOP(NON,elimarg1), FORMKUNOP(NON,elimarg2))); ELSIF (op=EQUIV) AND (pref=ET) THEN FORPBINOPA(arglist,arg1,arg2); elimarg1:=FORELIMXOPS(arg1,pref); elimarg2:=FORELIMXOPS(arg2,pref); RETURN FORMKBINOP(ET, FORMKBINOP(VEL,FORMKUNOP(NON,elimarg1),elimarg2), FORMKBINOP(VEL,elimarg1,FORMKUNOP(NON,elimarg2))); ELSIF (op=XOR) AND (pref=VEL) THEN FORPBINOPA(arglist,arg1,arg2); elimarg1:=FORELIMXOPS(arg1,pref); elimarg2:=FORELIMXOPS(arg2,pref); RETURN FORMKBINOP(VEL, FORMKBINOP(ET,FORMKUNOP(NON,elimarg1),elimarg2), FORMKBINOP(ET,elimarg1,FORMKUNOP(NON,elimarg2))); ELSIF (op=XOR) AND (pref=ET) THEN FORPBINOPA(arglist,arg1,arg2); elimarg1:=FORELIMXOPS(arg1,pref); elimarg2:=FORELIMXOPS(arg2,pref); RETURN FORMKBINOP(ET, FORMKBINOP(VEL,elimarg1,elimarg2), FORMKBINOP(VEL, FORMKUNOP(NON,elimarg1), FORMKUNOP(NON,elimarg2))); ELSE RETURN phi; END; END FORELIMXOPS; (****************************************************************************** * F O R R E P A F S * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORREPAFS(phi,rep:LIST):LIST; (* formula replace atomic formulas. phi is a formula. rep is a assoc list of the form (old1,new1,old2,new2,...), where old1,... and new1,.. are atomic formulas. Each occurence of oldi in phi is replaced with newi. *) VAR op,arg1,arg2,args,argi,found,result: LIST; VAR quantifier, bvars: LIST; BEGIN op:=FORGOP(phi); IF (op=NON) THEN RETURN FORMKUNOP(NON,FORREPAFS(FIRST(FORGARGS(phi)),rep)); ELSIF (op=ET) OR (op=VEL) THEN args:=FORGARGS(phi); result:=SIL; WHILE args<>SIL DO ADV(args,argi,args); result:=COMP(FORREPAFS(argi,rep),result); END; RETURN FORMKFOR(op,INV(result)); ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANT(phi,quantifier,bvars,arg1); RETURN FORMKQUANT(quantifier,bvars,FORREPAFS(arg1,rep)); ELSIF (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) OR (op=EQUIV) OR (op=XOR) THEN FORPBINOP(phi,op,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(op,FORREPAFS(arg1,rep),FORREPAFS(arg2,rep)); ELSE (* phi is a atomic formula *) found:=ASSOCQ(phi,rep); IF found=SIL THEN RETURN phi; ELSE RETURN FIRST(found); END; END; END FORREPAFS; (****************************************************************************** * A P P L Y T O A T O M * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORAPPLYAT(phi:LIST; dosomething:PROCF1): LIST; (* formula apply to atomic formular. phi is a formula; a formular in which all atomic formulas psi are substituted with dosomething(psi) is returned. *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, lvar, psi, name, sort, result: LIST; BEGIN IF phi=SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN dosomething(phi) ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(red,arg); RETURN FORMKUNOP(NON,FORAPPLYAT(arg,dosomething)); ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN result:=SIL; WHILE red<>SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); result:=COMP(FORAPPLYAT(arg,dosomething),result); END; RETURN FORMKFOR(op,INV(result)); ELSIF (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) OR (op=EQUIV) OR (op=XOR) THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(op,FORAPPLYAT(arg1,dosomething), FORAPPLYAT(arg2,dosomething)) ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(red,lvar,psi); RETURN FORMKQUANT(op,lvar,FORAPPLYAT(psi,dosomething)); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN RETURN dosomething(phi); ELSE RETURN dosomething(phi); END; END FORAPPLYAT; PROCEDURE FORAPPLYATF2(phi,param1:LIST; dosomething:PROCF2): LIST; (* formula apply to atomic formula f2. phi is a formula; param1 is an arbitrary list object, a formula in which all atomic formulas psi are substituted with dosomething(psi,param1) is returned. *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, lvar, psi, name, sort, result: LIST; BEGIN IF phi=SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN dosomething(phi,param1) ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(red,arg); RETURN FORMKUNOP(NON,FORAPPLYATF2(arg,param1,dosomething)); ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN result:=SIL; WHILE red<>SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); result:=COMP(FORAPPLYATF2(arg,param1,dosomething), result); END; RETURN FORMKFOR(op,INV(result)); ELSIF (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) OR (op=EQUIV) OR (op=XOR) THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORMKBINOP(op,FORAPPLYATF2(arg1,param1,dosomething), FORAPPLYATF2(arg2,param1,dosomething)) ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(red,lvar,psi); RETURN FORMKQUANT(op,lvar, FORAPPLYATF2(psi,param1,dosomething)); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN RETURN dosomething(phi,param1); ELSE RETURN dosomething(phi,param1); END; END FORAPPLYATF2; (****************************************************************************** * C O U N T A T O M I C F O R M U L A S * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORCOUNTAF(phi:LIST): LIST; (* formula count atomic formulas. phi is a formula; The number of the atomic formulas in the formula phi is returned. *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, lvar, psi, number: LIST; BEGIN IF phi=SIL THEN RETURN SIL; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN 1; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(red,arg); RETURN FORCOUNTAF(arg); ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN number:=0; WHILE red<>SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); number:=number+FORCOUNTAF(arg); END; RETURN number; ELSIF (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) OR (op=EQUIV) OR (op=XOR) THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORCOUNTAF(arg1)+FORCOUNTAF(arg2) ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(red,lvar,psi); RETURN FORCOUNTAF(psi); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN RETURN 1; ELSE RETURN 1; END; END FORCOUNTAF; (****************************************************************************** * C O N T A I N S B O U N D E D V A R I A B L E * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORCONTBDVAR(phi:LIST; svar: LIST): BOOLEAN; (* formula contain bound variable. phi is a formula; svar is a variable; FORCONTBDVAR returns true, if and only if phi contains svar as a bound variable. *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, lvar, psi, varlist, var: LIST; BEGIN IF phi=SIL THEN RETURN FALSE; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(phi,arg); RETURN FORCONTBDVAR(arg,svar); ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN WHILE red<>SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); IF FORCONTBDVAR(arg,svar) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; RETURN FALSE; ELSIF (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) OR (op=EQUIV) OR (op=XOR) THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORCONTBDVAR(arg1,svar) OR FORCONTBDVAR(arg2,svar) ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(red,lvar,psi); FORPLVAR(lvar,varlist); WHILE varlist<>SIL DO FORPARGS(varlist,var,varlist); IF EQUAL(svar,var)=1 THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; RETURN FORCONTBDVAR(psi,svar); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END FORCONTBDVAR; (****************************************************************************** * C O N T A I N S V A R I A B L E * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FORCONTVAR(phi:LIST; svar: LIST; bbcontvar: PROCFB2): BOOLEAN; (* formula contain variable. phi is a formula; var is a variable; bbcontvar is a procedure, which tests whether a bb-formula contains a variable or not; FORCONTVAR returns true, if and only if phi contains var as a free variable. *) VAR op, red, arg, arg1, arg2, lvar, psi, varlist, var: LIST; BEGIN IF phi=SIL THEN RETURN FALSE; END; FORPFOR(phi,op,red); IF (op=VERUM) OR (op=FALSUM) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSIF op=NON THEN FORPUNOPA(phi,arg); RETURN FORCONTVAR(arg,svar,bbcontvar); ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) THEN WHILE red<>SIL DO FORPARGS(red,arg,red); IF FORCONTVAR(arg,svar,bbcontvar) THEN RETURN TRUE END; END; RETURN FALSE; ELSIF (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) OR (op=EQUIV) OR (op=XOR) THEN FORPBINOPA(red,arg1,arg2); RETURN FORCONTVAR(arg1,svar,bbcontvar) OR FORCONTVAR(arg2,svar,bbcontvar) ELSIF (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN FORPQUANTA(red,lvar,psi); FORPLVAR(lvar,varlist); WHILE varlist<>SIL DO FORPARGS(varlist,var,varlist); IF EQUAL(svar,var)=1 THEN RETURN FALSE; END; END; RETURN FORCONTVAR(psi,svar,bbcontvar); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN RETURN EQUAL(svar,var)=1; ELSE RETURN bbcontvar(phi,var); END; END FORCONTVAR; (****************************************************************************** * G E N E R A L A U X I L I A R Y P R O C E D U R E S * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE notsymbol(sym :LIST): LIST; (* not symbol. sym is a symbol of the set {VERUM, FALSUM, VEL, ET, IMP, REP, EQUIV, XOR, FORALL, EXIST}; returns the (defined) negation of this symbol. *) BEGIN IF sym=VERUM THEN RETURN FALSUM; END; IF sym=FALSUM THEN RETURN VERUM; END; IF sym=VEL THEN RETURN ET; END; IF sym=ET THEN RETURN VEL; END; IF sym=EXIST THEN RETURN FORALL; END; IF sym=FORALL THEN RETURN EXIST; END; IF sym=IMP THEN RETURN REP; END; IF sym=REP THEN RETURN IMP; END; IF sym=EQUIV THEN RETURN XOR; END; IF sym=XOR THEN RETURN EQUIV; END; END notsymbol; PROCEDURE formkneg(phi:LIST; bbmkneg: PROCF1): LIST; (* formula make negation. phi is a formula, bbmkneg a procedure to negate a bb-formula, a simplification of a negation of phi is returned. *) VAR op, arg, left, right: LIST; BEGIN FORPFOR(phi,op,arg); IF op=VERUM THEN RETURN FORMKCNST(FALSUM) ELSIF op=FALSUM THEN RETURN FORMKCNST(VERUM) ELSIF op=NON THEN RETURN arg; ELSIF (op=VEL) OR (op=ET) OR (op=IMP) OR (op=REP) OR (op=TVAR) OR (op=EXIST) OR (op=FORALL) THEN RETURN FORMKUNOP(NON,phi); ELSIF op=EQUIV THEN FORPBINOPA(arg,left,right); RETURN FORMKBINOP(XOR,left,right); ELSIF op=XOR THEN FORPBINOPA(arg,left,right); RETURN FORMKBINOP(EQUIV,left,right); ELSIF op=TVAR THEN RETURN FORMKUNOP(NON,phi); ELSE RETURN bbmkneg(phi); END; END formkneg; (****************************************************************************** * M A I N * ******************************************************************************) (* BEGIN *) (* OF INITIALIZATION *) END MASLOG. 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