(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Id: MODVAR.mi,v 1.1 1994/11/28 21:01:28 dolzmann Exp $ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1994 Universitaet Passau * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of MAS. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Log: MODVAR.mi,v $ * Revision 1.1 1994/11/28 21:01:28 dolzmann * New modules MODVAR.md and MODVAR.mi. * Procedures for the access to global variables from the interpreter. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE MODVAR; (* modula global variable implementation module. *) (****************************************************************************** * M O D U L A G L O B A L V A R I A B L E S * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Author: Andreas Dolzmann * * Language: Modula II * * System: This program is written for the computer algebra system MAS by * * Heinz Kredel * * Remark: Libraries maskern, maslisp are used. * * Module SYSTEM is used! * * Abstract: This module implements routines for the access to global * * variables of MODULA modules from the MAS interpreter. * ******************************************************************************) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADR, ADDRESS; FROM MASBIOS IMPORT BLINES, LISTS, SWRITE; FROM MASELEM IMPORT GAMMAINT; FROM MASERR IMPORT ERROR, confusion, fatal, harmless, severe, spotless; FROM MASLISP IMPORT STRNG; FROM MASLISPU IMPORT Declare; FROM MASSTOR IMPORT COMP, LIST, LISTVAR, SIL; FROM MASSYM2 IMPORT ENTER, GET, NOSHOW, PUT, UWRIT1, UWRITE; FROM SACLIST IMPORT CLOUT, LIST2, SECOND; CONST rcsidi = "$Id: MODVAR.mi,v 1.1 1994/11/28 21:01:28 dolzmann Exp $"; CONST copyrighti = "Copyright (c) 1994 Universitaet Passau"; (****************************************************************************** * G L O B A L V A R I A B L E S * ******************************************************************************) VAR MGV, (* Property to mark a modula variable (MVAR) *) CMT, (* Property to mark a comment of a MVAR. *) SORT, (* Property to mark a sort of a MVAR. *) BOOL, (* A special sort of a MVAR. *) LST, (* A special sort of a MVAR. *) ACCESS, (* Property to mark the access permissions of a MVAR. *) RO, (* A special access permission. *) RW: (* A special access permission. *) LIST; (****************************************************************************** * P R O C E D U R E S * ******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MVDeclareL(VAR var: LIST; name,comment: ARRAY OF CHAR; access: BOOLEAN); (* modula variable declare list. The global variable var is made accessible for the MAS interpreter under the name name. Comment is a string which explains the variable. access is a flag that determines, whether var is protected from overwriting or not. *) VAR sym: LIST; BEGIN Declare(sym,name); PUT(sym,MGV,LIST2(NOSHOW,GAMMAINT(ADR(var)))); PUT(sym,CMT,LIST2(NOSHOW,LISTS(comment))); IF access THEN PUT(sym,ACCESS,RW); ELSE PUT(sym,ACCESS,RO); END; PUT(sym,SORT,LST); END MVDeclareL; PROCEDURE MVDeclareB(VAR var: BOOLEAN; name,comment: ARRAY OF CHAR; access:BOOLEAN); (* modula variable declare boolean. The global variable var is made accessible for the MAS interpreter under the name name. Comment is a string which explains the variable. access is a flag that determines, whether var is protected from overwriting or not. *) VAR sym: LIST; BEGIN Declare(sym,name); PUT(sym,MGV,LIST2(NOSHOW,GAMMAINT(ADR(var)))); PUT(sym,CMT,LIST2(NOSHOW,LISTS(comment))); IF access THEN PUT(sym,ACCESS,RW); ELSE PUT(sym,ACCESS,RO); END; PUT(sym,SORT,BOOL); END MVDeclareB; PROCEDURE MVSET(sym,value:LIST); (* modula variable set. sym is a symbol, value is a list. The value value is assigned to the modula variable with the interpreter-name sym. *) VAR varp: POINTER TO LIST; VAR varl: LIST; VAR acc,srt: LIST; BEGIN varl:=GET(sym,MGV); IF varl=SIL THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVSET: unbound modula variable"); RETURN; END; acc:=GET(sym,ACCESS); IF acc=RO THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVSET: variable is read only"); RETURN; END; srt:=GET(sym,SORT); IF srt<>LST THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVSET: MVSET is possible only for list variables."); RETURN; END; varp:=ADDRESS(SECOND(varl)); varp^:=value; END MVSET; PROCEDURE MVGET(sym:LIST): LIST; (* modula variable get. The value of the modula variable with the name sym is returned. *) VAR varp: POINTER TO LIST; VAR varl:LIST; VAR srt: LIST; BEGIN varl:=GET(sym,MGV); IF varl=SIL THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVGET: unbound modula variable"); RETURN SIL; END; srt:=GET(sym,SORT); IF srt<>LST THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVGET: MVGET is possible only for list variables."); RETURN SIL; END; varp:=ADDRESS(SECOND(varl)); RETURN varp^; END MVGET; PROCEDURE MVFLAG(sym:LIST): LIST; (* modula variable get. The boolean value of the modula variable with the name sym is returned. TRUE is equivalent to 1 and FALSE is equivalent to 0. *) VAR varp: POINTER TO BOOLEAN; VAR varl:LIST; VAR srt: LIST; BEGIN varl:=GET(sym,MGV); IF varl=SIL THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVGET: unbound modula variable"); RETURN 0; END; srt:=GET(sym,SORT); IF srt<>BOOL THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVFLAG: MVFLAG is possible only for boolean variables."); RETURN 0; END; varp:=ADDRESS(SECOND(varl)); IF varp^ THEN RETURN 1; ELSE RETURN 0; END; END MVFLAG; PROCEDURE MVON(sym:LIST); (* modula variable on. The value 1 is assigned to the module variable with the interpreter name sym. *) VAR varp: POINTER TO BOOLEAN; VAR varl: LIST; VAR acc,srt: LIST; BEGIN varl:=GET(sym,MGV); IF varl=SIL THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVON: unbound modula variable"); RETURN; END; acc:=GET(sym,ACCESS); IF acc=RO THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVON: variable is read only"); RETURN; END; srt:=GET(sym,SORT); IF srt<>BOOL THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVON: MVON is only for boolean variables possible."); RETURN; END; varp:=ADDRESS(SECOND(varl)); varp^:=TRUE; END MVON; PROCEDURE MVOFF(sym:LIST); (* modula variable off. The value 0 is assigned to the module variable with the interpreter name sym. *) VAR varp: POINTER TO BOOLEAN; VAR varl: LIST; VAR acc,srt: LIST; BEGIN varl:=GET(sym,MGV); IF varl=SIL THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVOFF: unbound modula variable"); RETURN; END; acc:=GET(sym,ACCESS); IF acc=RO THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVOFF: variable is read only"); RETURN; END; srt:=GET(sym,SORT); IF srt<>BOOL THEN ERROR(harmless,"MVOFF: MVOFF is possible only for boolean variables."); RETURN; END; varp:=ADDRESS(SECOND(varl)); varp^:=FALSE; END MVOFF; PROCEDURE MVHLP(sym:LIST); (* modula variable help. All known informations over the modula variable with the interpreter name sym is printed to the output stream. *) VAR varpl: POINTER TO LIST; VAR varpb: POINTER TO BOOLEAN; VAR varl: LIST; VAR acc,srt,cmt: LIST; BEGIN BLINES(0); varl:=GET(sym,MGV); IF varl=SIL THEN UWRIT1(sym);SWRITE(" is not a modula variable. ");BLINES(0); RETURN; END; SWRITE("Modula variable: ");UWRITE(sym); acc:=GET(sym,ACCESS); IF acc=RO THEN SWRITE(" is a read-only variable"); ELSE SWRITE(" is a read-write variable"); END; (* BLINES(0); *) srt:=GET(sym,SORT); IF (srt=BOOL) THEN SWRITE(" of the type BOOLEAN."); ELSE SWRITE(" of the type LIST."); END; BLINES(0); cmt:=SECOND(GET(sym,CMT)); SWRITE(" Documentation:");BLINES(0); SWRITE(" "); CLOUT(cmt); BLINES(0); SWRITE(" Current value: ");BLINES(0);SWRITE(" "); IF srt=BOOL THEN varpb:=ADDRESS(SECOND(varl)); IF varpb^ THEN SWRITE("TRUE"); ELSE SWRITE("FALSE"); END; ELSE varpl:=ADDRESS(SECOND(varl)); UWRIT1(varpl^); END; BLINES(0); END MVHLP; (****************************************************************************** * M A I N * ******************************************************************************) BEGIN Declare(MGV,"MGV"); Declare(CMT,"Comment"); Declare(SORT,"TYPE"); Declare(BOOL,"BOOLEAN"); Declare(LST,"LIST"); Declare(RW,"ReadWrite"); Declare(RO,"ReadOnly"); Declare(ACCESS,"Access"); END MODVAR. 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