002 * $Id: GroebnerBaseFGLM.java 4177 2012-09-09 10:44:00Z suess $
003 */
005package edu.jas.gbufd;
008import java.util.ArrayList;
009import java.util.List;
011import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
013import edu.jas.gb.GroebnerBaseAbstract;
014import edu.jas.gb.PairList;
015import edu.jas.gb.Reduction;
016import edu.jas.gb.ReductionSeq;
017import edu.jas.poly.ExpVector;
018import edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial;
019import edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing;
020import edu.jas.poly.PolyUtil;
021import edu.jas.poly.TermOrder;
022import edu.jas.structure.GcdRingElem;
023import edu.jas.structure.RingFactory;
027 * Groebner Base sequential FGLM algorithm. Implements Groebner base computation
028 * via FGLM algorithm.
029 * @param <C> coefficient type
030 * @author Jan Suess
031 *
032 * @see edu.jas.application.GBAlgorithmBuilder
033 * @see edu.jas.gbufd.GBFactory
034 */
035public class GroebnerBaseFGLM<C extends GcdRingElem<C>> extends GroebnerBaseAbstract<C> {
038    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GroebnerBaseFGLM.class);
041    //private final boolean debug = logger.isDebugEnabled();
044    /**
045     * The backing GB algorithm implementation.
046     */
047    private GroebnerBaseAbstract<C> sgb;
050    /**
051     * Constructor.
052     */
053    public GroebnerBaseFGLM() {
054        super();
055        sgb = null;
056    }
059    /**
060     * Constructor.
061     * @param red Reduction engine
062     */
063    public GroebnerBaseFGLM(Reduction<C> red) {
064        super(red);
065        sgb = null;
066    }
069    /**
070     * Constructor.
071     * @param red Reduction engine
072     * @param pl pair selection strategy
073     */
074    public GroebnerBaseFGLM(Reduction<C> red, PairList<C> pl) {
075        super(red, pl);
076        sgb = null;
077    }
080    /**
081     * Constructor.
082     * @param red Reduction engine
083     * @param pl pair selection strategy
084     * @param gb backing GB algorithm.
085     */
086    public GroebnerBaseFGLM(Reduction<C> red, PairList<C> pl, GroebnerBaseAbstract<C> gb) {
087        super(red, pl);
088        sgb = gb;
089    }
092    /**
093     * Constructor.
094     * @param gb backing GB algorithm.
095     */
096    public GroebnerBaseFGLM(GroebnerBaseAbstract<C> gb) {
097        super();
098        sgb = gb;
099    }
102    /**
103     * Groebner base using FGLM algorithm.
104     * @param modv module variable number.
105     * @param F polynomial list.
106     * @return GB(F) a inv lex term order Groebner base of F.
107     */
108    public List<GenPolynomial<C>> GB(int modv, List<GenPolynomial<C>> F) {
109        if (modv != 0) {
110            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("case modv != 0 not yet implemented");
111        }
112        if (F == null || F.size() == 0) {
113            return F;
114        }
115        List<GenPolynomial<C>> G = new ArrayList<GenPolynomial<C>>();
116        if (F.size() <= 1) {
117            GenPolynomial<C> p = F.get(0).monic();
118            G.add(p);
119            return G;
120        }
121        // convert to graded term order
122        List<GenPolynomial<C>> Fp = new ArrayList<GenPolynomial<C>>(F.size());
123        GenPolynomialRing<C> pfac = F.get(0).ring;
124        if (!pfac.coFac.isField()) {
125            throw new IllegalArgumentException("coefficients not from a field: " + pfac.coFac);
126        }
127        TermOrder tord = new TermOrder(TermOrder.IGRLEX);
128        GenPolynomialRing<C> gfac = new GenPolynomialRing<C>(pfac.coFac, pfac.nvar, tord, pfac.getVars());
129        for (GenPolynomial<C> p : F) {
130            GenPolynomial<C> g = gfac.copy(p); // change term order
131            Fp.add(g);
132        }
133        // compute graded term order Groebner base
134        if (sgb == null) {
135            sgb = GBFactory.<C> getImplementation(pfac.coFac);
136        }
137        List<GenPolynomial<C>> Gp = sgb.GB(modv, Fp);
138        logger.info("graded GB = " + Gp);
139        if (tord.equals(pfac.tord)) {
140            return Gp;
141        }
142        if (Gp.size() == 0) {
143            return Gp;
144        }
145        if (Gp.size() == 1) {
146            GenPolynomial<C> p = pfac.copy(Gp.get(0)); // change term order
147            G.add(p);
148            return G;
149        }
150        // compute invlex Groebner base via FGLM
151        G = convGroebnerToLex(Gp);
152        return G;
153    }
156    /**
157     * Algorithm CONVGROEBNER: Converts Groebner bases w.r.t. total degree
158     * termorder into Groebner base w.r.t to inverse lexicographical term order
159     * @return Groebner base w.r.t to inverse lexicographical term order
160     */
161    public List<GenPolynomial<C>> convGroebnerToLex(List<GenPolynomial<C>> groebnerBasis) {
162        if (groebnerBasis == null || groebnerBasis.size() == 0) {
163            throw new IllegalArgumentException("G may not be null or empty");
164        }
165        int z = commonZeroTest(groebnerBasis);
166        if (z != 0) {
167            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ideal(G) not zero dimensional, dim =  " + z);
168        }
169        //Polynomial ring of input Groebnerbasis G
170        GenPolynomialRing<C> ring = groebnerBasis.get(0).ring;
171        int numberOfVariables = ring.nvar; //Number of Variables of the given Polynomial Ring
172        String[] ArrayOfVariables = ring.getVars(); //Variables of given polynomial ring w.r.t. to input G
173        RingFactory<C> cfac = ring.coFac;
175        //Main Algorithm
176        //Initialization
178        TermOrder invlex = new TermOrder(TermOrder.INVLEX);
179        //Polynomial ring of newGB with invlex order
180        GenPolynomialRing<C> ufac = new GenPolynomialRing<C>(cfac, numberOfVariables, invlex,
181                        ArrayOfVariables);
183        //Local Lists
184        List<GenPolynomial<C>> newGB = new ArrayList<GenPolynomial<C>>(); //Instantiate the return list of polynomials
185        List<GenPolynomial<C>> H = new ArrayList<GenPolynomial<C>>(); //Instantiate a help list of polynomials
186        List<GenPolynomial<C>> redTerms = new ArrayList<GenPolynomial<C>>();//Instantiate the return list of reduced terms
188        //Local Polynomials
189        GenPolynomial<C> t = ring.ONE; //Create ONE polynom of original polynomial ring
190        GenPolynomial<C> h; //Create help polynomial
191        GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>> hh; //h as polynomial in rfac
192        GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>> p; //Create another help polynomial
193        redTerms.add(t); //Add ONE to list of reduced terms
195        //create new indeterminate Y1
196        int indeterminates = 1; //Number of indeterminates, starting with Y1
197        GenPolynomialRing<C> cpfac = createRingOfIndeterminates(ring, indeterminates);
198        GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>> rfac = new GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>(cpfac, ring);
199        GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>> q = rfac.getZERO().sum(cpfac.univariate(0));
201        //Main while loop
202        z = -1;
203        t = lMinterm(H, t);
204        while (t != null) {
205            //System.out.println("t = " + t);
206            h = red.normalform(groebnerBasis, t);
207            //System.out.println("Zwischennormalform h = " + h.toString());
208            hh = PolyUtil.<C> toRecursive(rfac, h);
209            p = hh.sum(q);
210            List<GenPolynomial<C>> Cf = new ArrayList<GenPolynomial<C>>(p.getMap().values());
211            Cf = red.irreducibleSet(Cf);
212            //System.out.println("Cf = " + Cf);
213            //System.out.println("Current Polynomial ring in Y_n: " + rfac.toString());
215            z = commonZeroTest(Cf);
216            //System.out.println("z = " + z);
217            if (z != 0) { //z=1 OR z=-1 --> Infinite number of solutions OR No solution
218                indeterminates++; //then, increase number of indeterminates by one
219                redTerms.add(t); //add current t to list of reduced terms
220                cpfac = addIndeterminate(cpfac);
221                rfac = new GenPolynomialRing<GenPolynomial<C>>(cpfac, ring);
222                hh = PolyUtil.<C> toRecursive(rfac, h);
223                GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>> Yt = rfac.getZERO().sum(cpfac.univariate(0));
224                GenPolynomial<GenPolynomial<C>> Yth = hh.multiply(Yt);
225                q = PolyUtil.<C> extendCoefficients(rfac, q, 0, 0L);
226                q = Yth.sum(q);
227            } else { // z=0 --> one solution
228                GenPolynomial<C> g = ufac.getZERO();
229                for (GenPolynomial<C> pc : Cf) {
230                    ExpVector e = pc.leadingExpVector();
231                    //System.out.println("e = " + e);
232                    if (e == null) {
233                        continue;
234                    }
235                    int[] v = e.dependencyOnVariables();
236                    if (v == null || v.length == 0) {
237                        continue;
238                    }
239                    int vi = v[0];
240                    vi = indeterminates - vi;
241                    C tc = pc.trailingBaseCoefficient();
242                    if (!tc.isZERO()) {
243                        tc = tc.negate();
244                        GenPolynomial<C> csRedterm = redTerms.get(vi - 1).multiply(tc);
245                        //System.out.println("csRedterm = " + csRedterm);
246                        g = g.sum(csRedterm);
247                    }
248                }
249                g = g.sum(t);
250                g = ufac.copy(g);
251                H.add(t);
252                if (!g.isZERO()) {
253                    newGB.add(g);
254                    logger.info("new element for GB = " + g.leadingExpVector());
255                }
256            }
257            t = lMinterm(H, t); // compute lMINTERM of current t (lexMinterm)
258        }
259        //logger.info("GB = " + newGB);
260        return newGB;
261    }
264    /**
265     * Algorithm lMinterm: MINTERM algorithm for inverse lexicographical term
266     * order.
267     * @param t Term
268     * @param G Groebner basis
269     * @return Term that specifies condition (D) or null (Condition (D) in
270     *         "A computational approach to commutative algebra", Becker,
271     *         Weispfenning, Kredel, 1993, p. 427)
272     */
273    public GenPolynomial<C> lMinterm(List<GenPolynomial<C>> G, GenPolynomial<C> t) {
274        //not ok: if ( G == null || G.size() == 0 ) ...
275        GenPolynomialRing<C> ring = t.ring;
276        int numberOfVariables = ring.nvar;
277        GenPolynomial<C> u = new GenPolynomial<C>(ring, t.leadingBaseCoefficient(), t.leadingExpVector()); //HeadTerm of of input polynomial
278        ReductionSeq<C> redHelp = new ReductionSeq<C>(); // Create instance of ReductionSeq to use method isReducible
279        //not ok: if ( redHelp.isTopReducible(G,u) ) ...
280        for (int i = numberOfVariables - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Walk through all variables, starting with least w.r.t to lex-order
281            GenPolynomial<C> x = ring.univariate(i); // Create Linear Polynomial X_i
282            u = u.multiply(x); // Multiply current u with x
283            if (!redHelp.isTopReducible(G, u)) { // Check if any term in HT(G) divides current u
284                return u;
285            }
286            GenPolynomial<C> s = ring.univariate(i, u.degree(numberOfVariables - (i + 1))); //if not, eliminate variable x_i
287            u = u.divide(s);
288        }
289        return null;
290    }
293    /**
294     * Compute the residues to given polynomial list.
295     * @return List of reduced terms
296     */
297    public List<GenPolynomial<C>> redTerms(List<GenPolynomial<C>> groebnerBasis) {
298        if (groebnerBasis == null || groebnerBasis.size() == 0) {
299            throw new IllegalArgumentException("groebnerBasis may not be null or empty");
300        }
301        GenPolynomialRing<C> ring = groebnerBasis.get(0).ring;
302        int numberOfVariables = ring.nvar; //Number of Variables of the given Polynomial Ring
303        long[] degrees = new long[numberOfVariables]; //Array for the degree-limits for the reduced terms
305        List<GenPolynomial<C>> terms = new ArrayList<GenPolynomial<C>>(); //Instantiate the return object
306        for (GenPolynomial<C> g : groebnerBasis) { //For each polynomial of G
307            if (g.isONE()) {
308                terms.clear();
309                return terms; //If 1 e G, return empty list terms
310            }
311            ExpVector e = g.leadingExpVector(); //Take the exponent of the leading monomial             
312            if (e.totalDeg() == e.maxDeg()) { //and check, whether a variable x_i is isolated
313                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariables; i++) {
314                    long exp = e.getVal(i);
315                    if (exp > 0) {
316                        degrees[i] = exp; //if true, add the degree of univariate x_i to array degrees
317                    }
318                }
319            }
320        }
321        long max = maxArray(degrees); //Find maximum in Array degrees
322        for (int i = 0; i < degrees.length; i++) { //Set all zero grades to maximum of array "degrees"
323            if (degrees[i] == 0) {
324                logger.info("dimension not zero, setting degree to " + max);
325                degrees[i] = max; //--> to "make" the ideal zero-dimensional
326            }
327        }
328        terms.add(ring.ONE); //Add the one-polynomial of the ring to the list of reduced terms
329        ReductionSeq<C> s = new ReductionSeq<C>(); //Create instance of ReductionSeq to use method isReducible
331        //Main Algorithm
332        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariables; i++) {
333            GenPolynomial<C> x = ring.univariate(i); //Create  Linear Polynomial X_i
334            List<GenPolynomial<C>> S = new ArrayList<GenPolynomial<C>>(terms); //Copy all entries of return list "terms" into list "S"
335            for (GenPolynomial<C> t : S) {
336                for (int l = 1; l <= degrees[i]; l++) {
337                    t = t.multiply(x); //Multiply current element t with Linear Polynomial X_i
338                    if (!s.isReducible(groebnerBasis, t)) { //Check, if t is irreducible mod groebnerbase
339                        terms.add(t); //Add t to return list terms
340                    }
341                }
342            }
343        }
344        return terms;
345    }
348    /**
349     * Internal method to create a polynomial ring in i indeterminates. Create
350     * new ring over coefficients of ring with i variables Y1,...,Yi
351     * (indeterminate)
352     * @return polynomial ring with variables Y1...Yi and coefficient of ring.
353     */
354    GenPolynomialRing<C> createRingOfIndeterminates(GenPolynomialRing<C> ring, int i) {
355        RingFactory<C> cfac = ring.coFac;
356        int indeterminates = i;
357        String[] stringIndeterminates = new String[indeterminates];
358        for (int j = 1; j <= indeterminates; j++) {
359            stringIndeterminates[j - 1] = ("Y" + j);
360        }
361        TermOrder invlex = new TermOrder(TermOrder.INVLEX);
362        GenPolynomialRing<C> cpfac = new GenPolynomialRing<C>(cfac, indeterminates, invlex,
363                        stringIndeterminates);
364        return cpfac;
365    }
368    /**
369     * Internal method to add new indeterminates. Add another variabe
370     * (indeterminate) Y_{i+1} to existing ring
371     * @return polynomial ring with variables Y1,..,Yi,Yi+1 and coefficients of
372     *         ring.
373     */
374    GenPolynomialRing<C> addIndeterminate(GenPolynomialRing<C> ring) {
375        String[] stringIndeterminates = new String[1];
376        int number = ring.nvar + 1;
377        stringIndeterminates[0] = ("Y" + number);
378        ring = ring.extend(stringIndeterminates);
379        return ring;
380    }
383    /**
384     * Maximum of an array.
385     * @return maximum of an array
386     */
387    long maxArray(long[] t) {
388        if (t.length == 0) {
389            return 0L;
390        }
391        long maximum = t[0];
392        for (int i = 1; i < t.length; i++) {
393            if (t[i] > maximum) {
394                maximum = t[i];
395            }
396        }
397        return maximum;
398    }
401    /**
402     * Cleanup and terminate ThreadPool.
403     */
404    public void terminate() {
405        if ( sgb == null ) {
406            return;
407        }
408        sgb.terminate();
409    }
412    /**
413     * Cancel ThreadPool.
414     */
415    public int cancel() {
416        if ( sgb == null ) {
417            return 0;
418        }
419        return sgb.cancel();
420    }