002 * $Id: RunSGB.java 4227 2012-09-30 11:20:24Z kredel $
003 */
005package edu.jas.application;
008import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
009import java.io.FileReader;
010import java.io.StringReader;
011import java.io.IOException;
012import java.io.FileInputStream;
013import java.io.InputStreamReader;
014import java.io.Reader;
015import java.io.BufferedReader;
016import java.nio.charset.Charset;
017import java.util.List;
019import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
021import edu.jas.gb.SolvableGroebnerBase;
022import edu.jas.gb.SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel;
023import edu.jas.gb.SolvableGroebnerBaseSeq;
024import edu.jas.gb.SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel;
025import edu.jas.gb.SolvableReduction;
026import edu.jas.gb.SolvableReductionPar;
027import edu.jas.gb.SolvableReductionSeq;
028import edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialTokenizer;
029import edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomial;
030import edu.jas.poly.GenSolvablePolynomialRing;
031import edu.jas.poly.PolynomialList;
032import edu.jas.util.CatReader;
036 * Simple setup to run a solvable GB example. <br /> Usage: RunSGB
037 * [seq|par|par+] [irr|left|right|two] &lt;file&gt; #procs
038 * @author Heinz Kredel
039 */
041public class RunSGB {
044    /**
045     * main method to be called from commandline <br /> Usage: RunSGB
046     * [seq|par|par+] [irr|left|right|two] &lt;file&gt; #procs
047     */
048    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
049    public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
051        BasicConfigurator.configure();
053        String usage = "Usage: RunSGB " + "[ seq | par | par+ ] "
054        //        + "[ seq | par | dist | cli [port] ] "
055                + "[ irr | left | right | two ] " + "<file> " + "#procs ";
056        //  + "[machinefile]";
057        if (args.length < 3) {
058            System.out.println(usage);
059            return;
060        }
062        boolean pairseq = false;
063        String kind = args[0];
064        String[] allkinds = new String[] { "seq", "par", "par+" };
065        // String[] allkinds = new String[] { "seq", "par", "dist", "cli"  };
066        boolean sup = false;
067        for (int i = 0; i < allkinds.length; i++) {
068            if (kind.equals(allkinds[i])) {
069                sup = true;
070                if (kind.indexOf("+") >= 0) {
071                    pairseq = true;
072                }
073            }
074        }
075        if (!sup) {
076            System.out.println(usage);
077            return;
078        }
079        String[] allmeth = new String[] { "irr", "left", "right", "two" };
080        String action = args[1];
081        sup = false;
082        for (int i = 0; i < allmeth.length; i++) {
083            if (action.equals(allmeth[i])) {
084                sup = true;
085            }
086        }
087        if (!sup) {
088            System.out.println(usage);
089            return;
090        }
092        String filename = args[2];
094        int threads = 0;
095        if (kind.startsWith("par")) {
096            if (args.length < 4) {
097                System.out.println(usage);
098                return;
099            }
100            String tup = args[3];
101            String t = tup;
102            try {
103                threads = Integer.parseInt(t);
104            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
105                e.printStackTrace();
106                System.out.println(usage);
107                return;
108            }
109            if (threads < 1) {
110                threads = 1;
111            }
112        }
114        Reader problem = null;
115        try {
116            problem = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename),Charset.forName("UTF8"));
117            problem = new BufferedReader(problem);
118        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
119            e.printStackTrace();
120            System.out.println(usage);
121            return;
122        }
124        RingFactoryTokenizer rftok = new RingFactoryTokenizer(problem);
125        GenSolvablePolynomialRing spfac = null;
126        try {
127            spfac = rftok.nextSolvablePolynomialRing();
128            rftok = null;
129        } catch (IOException e) {
130            e.printStackTrace();
131            return;
132        }
133        Reader polyreader = new CatReader(new StringReader("("),problem); // ( has gone
134        GenPolynomialTokenizer tok = new GenPolynomialTokenizer(spfac,polyreader);
135        PolynomialList S = null;
136        try {
137            S = new PolynomialList(spfac,tok.nextSolvablePolynomialList());
138        } catch (IOException e) {
139            e.printStackTrace();
140            return;
141        }
142        System.out.println("S =\n" + S);
144        if (kind.startsWith("seq")) {
145            runSequential(S, action, pairseq);
146        }
148        if (kind.startsWith("par")) {
149            runParallel(S, threads, action, pairseq);
150        }
151    }
154    /**
155     * run Sequential.
156     * @param S polynomial list.
157     * @param action what to to.
158     */
159    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
160    static void runSequential(PolynomialList S, String action, boolean pairseq) {
161        List<GenSolvablePolynomial> L = S.list;
162        List<GenSolvablePolynomial> G = null;
163        long t;
164        SolvableReduction sred = new SolvableReductionSeq();
165        SolvableGroebnerBase sbb = null;
166        if (pairseq) {
167            //sbb = new SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairSeq();
168            System.out
169                    .println("SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairSeq not implemented using SolvableGroebnerBaseSeq");
170            sbb = new SolvableGroebnerBaseSeq();
171        } else {
172            sbb = new SolvableGroebnerBaseSeq();
173        }
174        t = System.currentTimeMillis();
175        System.out.println("\nSolvable GB [" + action + "] sequential ...");
176        if (action.equals("irr")) {
177            G = sred.leftIrreducibleSet(L);
178        }
179        if (action.equals("left")) {
180            G = sbb.leftGB(L);
181        }
182        if (action.equals("right")) {
183            G = sbb.rightGB(L);
184        }
185        if (action.equals("two")) {
186            G = sbb.twosidedGB(L);
187        }
188        if (G == null) {
189            System.out.println("unknown action = " + action + "\n");
190            return;
191        }
192        S = new PolynomialList(S.ring, G);
193        System.out.println("G =\n" + S);
194        System.out.println("G.size() = " + G.size());
195        t = System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
196        if (pairseq) {
197            System.out.print("seq+, ");
198        } else {
199            System.out.print("seq, ");
200        }
201        System.out.println("time = " + t + " milliseconds");
202        System.out.println("");
203    }
206    /**
207     * run Parallel.
208     * @param S polynomial list.
209     * @param action what to to.
210     */
211    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
212    static void runParallel(PolynomialList S, int threads, String action, boolean pairseq) {
213        List<GenSolvablePolynomial> L = S.list;
214        List<GenSolvablePolynomial> G = null;
215        long t;
216        SolvableReduction sred = new SolvableReductionPar();
217        SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel sbb = null;
218        SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel sbbs = null;
219        if (pairseq) {
220            sbbs = new SolvableGroebnerBaseSeqPairParallel(threads);
221        } else {
222            sbb = new SolvableGroebnerBaseParallel(threads);
223        }
225        t = System.currentTimeMillis();
226        System.out.println("\nSolvable GB [" + action + "] parallel " + threads + " threads ...");
227        if (action.equals("irr")) {
228            G = sred.leftIrreducibleSet(L);
229        }
230        if (action.equals("left")) {
231            if (pairseq) {
232                G = sbbs.leftGB(L);
233            } else {
234                G = sbb.leftGB(L);
235            }
236        }
237        if (action.equals("right")) {
238            if (pairseq) {
239                G = sbbs.rightGB(L);
240            } else {
241                G = sbb.rightGB(L);
242            }
243        }
244        if (action.equals("two")) {
245            if (pairseq) {
246                G = sbbs.twosidedGB(L);
247            } else {
248                G = sbb.twosidedGB(L);
249            }
250        }
251        if (G == null) {
252            System.out.println("unknown action = " + action + "\n");
253            return;
254        }
255        if (G.size() > 0) {
256            S = new PolynomialList(G.get(0).ring, G);
257        } else {
258            S = new PolynomialList(S.ring, G);
259        }
260        System.out.println("G =\n" + S);
261        System.out.println("G.size() = " + G.size());
262        t = System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
263        if (pairseq) {
264            System.out.print("p+ ");
265        } else {
266            System.out.print("p ");
267        }
268        System.out.println("= " + threads + ", time = " + t + " milliseconds");
269        System.out.println("");
270        if (pairseq) {
271            sbbs.terminate();
272        } else {
273            sbb.terminate();
274        }
275    }