CD RUM Configuration
# start url
StartURL //
# allow and deny following urls that match the templates.
# the order in which Allows and Denys appear is important
DenyURL //*
AllowURL //**
AllowURL //*
DenyURL //*/*
# target directory in which pages will be saved
TargetDir /usr1/people/yoshida/data
# iso mapping directory with the iso mapping files to be
# read/written.
ISOMapDir /usr1/people/yoshida/iso
# maximal depth of pursuing breadth-first search
#MaxDepth 100
# maximal amount of volume to be retrieved in megabytes
MaxSize 600.0
# whether the process should be terminated immediately after
# reaching the limit (totalsize or depth)
QuickStop off
# delay between retrieval-requests in seconds
Delay 5