Java Tools

Java Development Kit (JDK)

Basic Tools

These tools are the foundation of the Java Development Kit. They are the tools you use to create and build applications.

javac The compiler for the Java programming language.
java The launcher for Java applications. In this release, a single launcher is used both for development and deployment.
The old deployment launcher, jre, is no longer provided.
javadoc API documentation generator. Also see Javadoc Enhancements for 1.2
appletviewer Run and debug applets without a web browser.
jar Manage Java Archive (JAR) files.
jdb The Java Debugger.
javah C header and stub generator. Used to write native methods.
javap Class file disassembler
extcheck Utility to detect Jar conflicts.

Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Tools

These tools help to create apps that interact over the Web or other network.

rmic Generate stubs and skeletons for remote objects.
rmiregistry Remote object registry service.
rmid RMI activation system daemon.
serialver Return class serialVersionUID.

Internationalization Tools

This tool helps to create localizable apps.

native2ascii Convert text to Unicode Latin-1.

Security Tools

These tools help you set security policies on your system and create apps that can work within the scope of security policies set at remote sites.

keytool Manage keystores and certificates.
jarsigner Generate and verify JAR signatures.
policytool GUI tool for managing policy files.

Java IDL Tools

These tools are used when creating apps that use CORBA to access databases.

tnameserv Provides access to the naming service.
idltojava Generates .java files that map an OMG IDL interface and enable an application written in the Java programming language to use CORBA functionality. This tool is available for download from the Java IDL web site. Documentation for the idltojava compiler is included in the download.

Integrierte Entwicklungsumgebungen (IDE)


Symantecs Visual Cafe 4.0:

Symantec Visual Cafe 4.0

Java Konventionen

Warum Konventionen?


Namen für Wort Bezeichner beginnen mit Beispiele
Variablen, Attribute Substantive, Adjektive mit Kleinbuchstaben done, length, rein, raus
Konstanten Substantive, Adjektive nur Grossbusstaben ONE, ZERO, BLUE, RED, MIN_WIDTH
Methoden Substantive, Adjektive, Verben mit Kleinbuchstaben toString(), print(), multiply(), length
Klassen, Interfaces Substantive mit Grossbuchstaben StringBuffer, PrintWriter
Pakete Substantive nur Kleinbuchstaben, Worttrennung mit '.' edu.unima.kredel.pk1,

Schreiben Sie bei Bezeichnern, die aus mehreren Worten bestehen, die ersten Buchstaben der inneren Worte gross:
toString, toByte, drawLine, BitString, BigInteger.

Benutze die Java Dokumentationskommentare.

Benutze konsistente Einrückungen.

Methoden: mac. eine Bildschirmseite Code.

Dateien/Klassen: max. 1000 Zeilen Code.

Defensiv Programmieren

Weitere Empfehlungen

Erstellt unter Verwendung von Vorlesungsunterlagen von Dr. V.-H. Winterer, Universität Freiburg, Rechenzentrum.

© Universität Mannheim, Rechenzentrum, 2000-2002.

Heinz Kredel

Last modified: Tue Dec 11 23:54:07 MET 2001