002 * $Id$
003 */
005package edu.jas.poly;
008import java.io.Serializable;
009import java.util.ArrayList;
010import java.util.Arrays;
011import java.util.HashMap;
012import java.util.Iterator;
013import java.util.LinkedList;
014import java.util.List;
015import java.util.ListIterator;
016import java.util.Map;
018import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
019import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
021import edu.jas.kern.PrettyPrint;
022import edu.jas.structure.RingElem;
026 * RelationTable for solvable polynomials. This class maintains the
027 * non-commutative multiplication relations of solvable polynomial rings. The
028 * table entries are initialized with relations of the form x<sub>j</sub> *
029 * x<sub>i</sub> = p<sub>ij</sub>. During multiplication the relations are
030 * updated by relations of the form x<sub>j</sub><sup>k</sup> *
031 * x<sub>i</sub><sup>l</sup> = p<sub>ijkl</sub>. If no relation for
032 * x<sub>j</sub> * x<sub>i</sub> is found in the table, this multiplication is
033 * assumed to be commutative x<sub>i</sub> x<sub>j</sub>. Can also be used for
034 * relations between coefficients and main variables.
035 * @author Heinz Kredel
036 */
037public class RelationTable<C extends RingElem<C>> implements Serializable {
040    /**
041     * The data structure for the relations.
042     */
043    public final Map<List<Integer>, List> table;
046    /**
047     * The factory for the solvable polynomial ring.
048     */
049    public final GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C> ring;
052    /**
053     * Usage indicator: table or coeffTable.
054     */
055    public final boolean coeffTable;
058    private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(RelationTable.class);
061    private static final boolean debug = logger.isDebugEnabled();
064    /**
065     * Constructor for RelationTable requires ring factory. Note: This
066     * constructor is called within the constructor of the ring factory, so
067     * methods of this class can only be used after the other constructor has
068     * terminated.
069     * @param r solvable polynomial ring factory.
070     */
071    public RelationTable(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C> r) {
072        this(r, false);
073    }
076    /**
077     * Constructor for RelationTable requires ring factory. Note: This
078     * constructor is called within the constructor of the ring factory, so
079     * methods of this class can only be used after the other constructor has
080     * terminated.
081     * @param r solvable polynomial ring factory.
082     * @param coeffTable indicator for coeffTable.
083     */
084    public RelationTable(GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C> r, boolean coeffTable) {
085        table = new HashMap<List<Integer>, List>();
086        ring = r;
087        if (ring == null) {
088            throw new IllegalArgumentException("RelationTable no ring");
089        }
090        this.coeffTable = coeffTable;
091    }
094    /**
095     * RelationTable equals. Tests same keySets and base relations.
096     * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
097     */
098    @Override
099    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
100    public boolean equals(Object p) {
101        if (p == null) {
102            return false;
103        }
104        if (!(p instanceof RelationTable)) {
105            logger.info("no RelationTable");
106            return false;
107        }
108        RelationTable<C> tab = (RelationTable<C>) p;
109        // not possible because of infinite recursion:
110        //if (!ring.equals(tab.ring)) {
111        //    logger.info("not same Ring {} != {}", ring, tab.ring);
112        //    return false;
113        //}
114        if (!table.keySet().equals(tab.table.keySet())) {
115            logger.info("keySet != :  a = {} != b = {}", table.keySet(), tab.table.keySet());
116            return false;
117        }
118        for (Map.Entry<List<Integer>, List> me : table.entrySet()) {
119            List<Integer> k = me.getKey();
120            List a = me.getValue();
121            List b = tab.table.get(k);
122            // check contents, but only base relations
123            Map<ExpVectorPair, GenPolynomial<C>> t1ex = fromListDeg2(a);
124            Map<ExpVectorPair, GenPolynomial<C>> t2ex = fromListDeg2(b);
125            if (!equalMaps(t1ex, t2ex)) {
126                //System.out.println("a != b, a = " + t1ex + ", b = " + t2ex);
127                return false;
128            }
129        }
130        return true;
131    }
134    /**
135     * Convert mixed list to map for base relations.
136     * @param a mixed list
137     * @returns a map constructed from the list with deg(key) == 2.
138     */
139    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
140    Map<ExpVectorPair, GenPolynomial<C>> fromListDeg2(List a) {
141        Map<ExpVectorPair, GenPolynomial<C>> tex = new HashMap<ExpVectorPair, GenPolynomial<C>>();
142        Iterator ait = a.iterator();
143        while (ait.hasNext()) {
144            ExpVectorPair ae = (ExpVectorPair) ait.next();
145            if (!ait.hasNext()) {
146                break;
147            }
148            GenPolynomial<C> p = (GenPolynomial<C>) ait.next();
149            if (ae.totalDeg() == 2) { // only base relations
150                //System.out.println("ae => p: " + ae + " => " + p);
151                tex.put(ae, p);
152            }
153        }
154        return tex;
155    }
158    /**
159     * Hash code for base relations.
160     * @param a mixed list
161     * @returns hashCode(a)
162     */
163    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
164    int fromListDeg2HashCode(List a) {
165        int h = 0;
166        Iterator ait = a.iterator();
167        while (ait.hasNext()) {
168            ExpVectorPair ae = (ExpVectorPair) ait.next();
169            h = 31 * h + ae.hashCode();
170            if (!ait.hasNext()) {
171                break;
172            }
173            GenPolynomial<C> p = (GenPolynomial<C>) ait.next();
174            if (ae.totalDeg() == 2) { // only base relations
175                //System.out.println("ae => p: " + ae + " => " + p);
176                h = 31 * h + p.val.hashCode(); // avoid hash of ring
177            }
178        }
179        return h;
180    }
183    /**
184     * Equals for special maps.
185     * @param m1 first map
186     * @param m2 second map
187     * @returns true if both maps are equal
188     */
189    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
190    boolean equalMaps(Map<ExpVectorPair, GenPolynomial<C>> m1, Map<ExpVectorPair, GenPolynomial<C>> m2) {
191        if (!m1.keySet().equals(m2.keySet())) {
192            return false;
193        }
194        for (Map.Entry<ExpVectorPair, GenPolynomial<C>> me : m1.entrySet()) {
195            GenPolynomial<C> p1 = me.getValue();
196            ExpVectorPair ep = me.getKey();
197            GenPolynomial<C> p2 = m2.get(ep);
198            if (p1.compareTo(p2) != 0) { // not working: !p1.equals(p2)
199                logger.info("ep = {}, p1 = {}, p2 = {}", ep, p1, p2);
200                //logger.info("p1.compareTo(p2) = {}", p1.compareTo(p2));
201                //logger.info("p1.equals(p2) = {}", p1.equals(p2));
202                return false;
203            }
204        }
205        return true;
206    }
209    /**
210     * Hash code for this relation table.
211     * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
212     */
213    @Override
214    public int hashCode() {
215        //int h = ring.hashCode(); // infinite recursion
216        int h = 0; //table.hashCode();
217        h = table.keySet().hashCode();
218        for (Map.Entry<List<Integer>, List> me : table.entrySet()) {
219            //List<Integer> k = me.getKey();
220            List a = me.getValue();
221            int t1 = fromListDeg2HashCode(a);
222            h = 31 * h + t1;
223        }
224        return h;
225    }
228    /**
229     * Test if the table is empty.
230     * @return true if the table is empty, else false.
231     */
232    public boolean isEmpty() {
233        return table.isEmpty();
234    }
237    /**
238     * Get the String representation.
239     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
240     */
241    @Override
242    public String toString() {
243        List v;
244        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("RelationTable[");
245        boolean first = true;
246        for (Map.Entry<List<Integer>, List> me : table.entrySet()) {
247            List<Integer> k = me.getKey();
248            if (first) {
249                first = false;
250            } else {
251                s.append(", ");
252            }
253            s.append(k.toString());
254            v = me.getValue();
255            s.append("=");
256            s.append(v.toString());
257        }
258        s.append("]");
259        return s.toString();
260    }
263    /**
264     * Get the String representation.
265     * @param vars names for the variables.
266     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
267     */
268    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "cast" })
269    public String toString(String[] vars) {
270        if (vars == null) {
271            return toString();
272        }
273        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("");
274        String[] cvars = null;
275        if (coeffTable) {
276            if (ring.coFac instanceof GenPolynomialRing) {
277                cvars = ((GenPolynomialRing<C>) (Object) ring.coFac).getVars();
278            } else if (ring.coFac instanceof GenWordPolynomialRing) {
279                cvars = ((GenWordPolynomialRing<C>) (Object) ring.coFac).getVars();
280            }
281            s.append("Coefficient ");
282        }
283        s.append("RelationTable\n(");
284        List v;
285        if (PrettyPrint.isTrue()) {
286            boolean first = true;
287            for (Map.Entry<List<Integer>, List> me : table.entrySet()) {
288                //List<Integer> k = me.getKey();
289                if (first) {
290                    first = false;
291                    s.append("\n");
292                } else {
293                    s.append(",\n");
294                }
295                v = me.getValue();
296                for (Iterator jt = v.iterator(); jt.hasNext();) {
297                    ExpVectorPair ep = (ExpVectorPair) jt.next();
298                    GenSolvablePolynomial<C> p = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) jt.next();
299                    if (ep.totalDeg() != 2) { // only base relations
300                        continue;
301                    }
302                    s.append("( " + ep.getFirst().toString(vars) + " ), ");
303                    if (cvars == null) {
304                        s.append("( " + ep.getSecond().toString(vars) + " ), ");
305                    } else {
306                        s.append("( " + ep.getSecond().toString(cvars) + " ), ");
307                    }
308                    s.append("( " + p.toString(vars) + " )");
309                    if (jt.hasNext()) {
310                        s.append(",\n");
311                    }
312                }
313            }
314        } else {
315            boolean first = true;
316            for (Map.Entry<List<Integer>, List> me : table.entrySet()) {
317                //List<Integer> k = me.getKey();
318                if (first) {
319                    first = false;
320                } else {
321                    s.append(",\n");
322                }
323                v = me.getValue();
324                for (Iterator jt = v.iterator(); jt.hasNext();) {
325                    ExpVectorPair ep = (ExpVectorPair) jt.next();
326                    s.append("( " + ep.getFirst().toString(vars) + " ), ");
327                    if (cvars == null) {
328                        s.append("( " + ep.getSecond().toString(vars) + " ), ");
329                    } else {
330                        s.append("( " + ep.getSecond().toString(cvars) + " ), ");
331                    }
332                    GenSolvablePolynomial<C> p = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) jt.next();
333                    //s.append("( " + p.toString(vars) + " )");
334                    s.append(" " + p.toString(vars));
335                    if (jt.hasNext()) {
336                        s.append(",\n");
337                    }
338                }
339            }
340        }
341        s.append("\n)\n");
342        return s.toString();
343    }
346    /**
347     * Get a scripting compatible string representation.
348     * @return script compatible representation for this relation table.
349     */
350    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "cast" })
351    public String toScript() {
352        // Python case
353        String[] vars = ring.vars;
354        String[] cvars = null;
355        if (coeffTable) {
356            if (ring.coFac instanceof GenPolynomialRing) {
357                cvars = ((GenPolynomialRing<C>) (Object) ring.coFac).getVars();
358            } else if (ring.coFac instanceof GenWordPolynomialRing) {
359                cvars = ((GenWordPolynomialRing<C>) (Object) ring.coFac).getVars();
360            }
361        }
362        List v;
363        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("[");
364        boolean first = true;
365        for (Map.Entry<List<Integer>, List> me : table.entrySet()) {
366            //List<Integer> k = me.getKey();
367            if (first) {
368                first = false;
369                s.append("");
370            } else {
371                s.append(", ");
372            }
373            v = me.getValue();
374            for (Iterator jt = v.iterator(); jt.hasNext();) {
375                ExpVectorPair ep = (ExpVectorPair) jt.next();
376                GenPolynomial<C> p = (GenPolynomial<C>) jt.next();
377                if (ep.totalDeg() > 2) { // only base relations
378                    continue;
379                }
380                s.append("" + ep.getFirst().toScript(vars) + ", ");
381                if (coeffTable) {
382                    String eps = ep.getSecond().toScript(cvars);
383                    if (eps.isEmpty()) { // if from a deeper down ring
384                        eps = p.leadingBaseCoefficient().abs().toScript();
385                    }
386                    s.append("" + eps + ", ");
387                } else {
388                    s.append("" + ep.getSecond().toScript(vars) + ", ");
389                }
390                //s.append("( " + p.toScript() + " )");
391                s.append(" " + p.toScript());
392                if (jt.hasNext()) {
393                    s.append(", ");
394                }
395            }
396        }
397        s.append("]");
398        return s.toString();
399    }
402    /**
403     * Update or initialize RelationTable with new relation. relation is e * f =
404     * p.
405     * @param e first term.
406     * @param f second term.
407     * @param p solvable product polynomial.
408     */
409    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "cast" })
410    public synchronized void update(ExpVector e, ExpVector f, GenSolvablePolynomial<C> p) {
411        if (p == null || e == null || f == null) {
412            throw new IllegalArgumentException("RelationTable update e|f|p == null");
413        }
414        GenSolvablePolynomialRing<C> sring = p.ring;
415        if (debug) {
416            logger.info("new relation = {} .*. {} = {}", sring.toScript(e), sring.toScript(f), p.toScript());
417        }
418        // test equal HTs for left and right side
419        if (!coeffTable) { // old case
420            int[] de = e.dependencyOnVariables();
421            int[] df = f.dependencyOnVariables();
422            if (debug) {
423                logger.info("update e ? f {}  {} : {} ? {}", Arrays.toString(de), Arrays.toString(df),
424                                sring.toScript(e), sring.toScript(f));
425            }
426            if (de.length != 1 || df.length != 1) { // can this be relaxed?
427                throw new IllegalArgumentException("RelationTable no univariate relations");
428            }
429            if (de[de.length - 1] == df[0]) { // error
430                throw new IllegalArgumentException("RelationTable update e == f");
431            }
432            if (de[de.length - 1] > df[0]) { // invalid update
433                throw new IllegalArgumentException("RelationTable update e < f");
434                // ExpVector tmp = e;
435                // e = f;
436                // f = tmp;
437                // Map.Entry<ExpVector, C> m = p.leadingMonomial();
438                // ExpVector ef = e.sum(f);
439                // if (!ef.equals(m.getKey())) {
440                //     throw new IllegalArgumentException("update e*f != lt(p): " + sring.toScript(ef)
441                //                     + ", lt = " + sring.toScript(m.getKey()));
442                // }
443                // GenPolynomial<C> r = p.reductum(); //subtract(m.getValue(), m.getKey());
444                // r = r.negate();
445                // //p = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) r.sum(m.getValue(), m.getKey());
446                // p = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) r;
447                // p.doPutToMap(m.getKey(), m.getValue());
448            }
449            ExpVector ef = e.sum(f);
450            ExpVector lp = p.leadingExpVector();
451            if (!ef.equals(lp)) { // check for suitable term order
452                logger.error("relation term order = {}", ring.tord);
453                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
454                                "update e*f != lt(p): " + sring.toScript(ef) + " != " + sring.toScript(lp));
455            }
456        } else { // is coeffTable
457            ExpVector lp = p.leadingExpVector();
458            if (!e.equals(lp)) { // check for suitable term order
459                logger.error("relation term order = {}", ring.tord);
460                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Coefficient RelationTable update e != lt(p): "
461                                + sring.toScript(e) + " != " + sring.toScript(lp));
462            }
463            if (p.leadingBaseCoefficient() instanceof GenPolynomial) {
464                lp = ((GenPolynomial<C>) (Object) p.leadingBaseCoefficient()).leadingExpVector();
465                if (!f.equals(lp)) { // check for suitable term order
466                    logger.error("relation term order = {}", ring.tord);
467                    logger.error("Coefficient RelationTable update f != lt(lfcd(p)): {}, f = {}, p = {}",
468                                 sring.toScript(e), f, p.toScript());
469                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Coefficient RelationTable update f != lt(lfcd(p)): "
470                                    + e + ", f = " + f + ", p = " + p);
471                }
472            } else if (p.leadingBaseCoefficient() instanceof GenWordPolynomial) {
473                lp = ((GenWordPolynomial<C>) (Object) p.leadingBaseCoefficient()).leadingWord()
474                                .leadingExpVector();
475                if (!f.equals(lp)) { // check for suitable term order and word structure
476                    logger.error("relation term order = {}", ring.tord);
477                    logger.error("Coefficient RelationTable update f != lt(lfcd(p)): {}, f = {}, p = {}",
478                                    sring.toScript(e), f, p.toScript());
479                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Coefficient RelationTable update f != lt(lfcd(p)): "
480                                    + e + ", f = " + f + ", p = " + p);
481                }
482            }
483        }
484        // now insert key-value
485        List<Integer> key = makeKey(e, f);
486        ExpVectorPair evp = new ExpVectorPair(e, f); // beware of leadingWord != leadingExpVector
487        if (key.size() != 2) {
488            logger.warn("key = {}, evp = {}", key, evp);
489        }
490        List part = table.get(key);
491        if (part == null) { // initialization
492            part = new LinkedList();
493            part.add(evp);
494            part.add(p);
495            table.put(key, part);
496            return;
497        }
498        @SuppressWarnings("unused")
499        Object skip;
500        int index = -1;
501        synchronized (part) { // with lookup()
502            for (ListIterator it = part.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
503                ExpVectorPair look = (ExpVectorPair) it.next();
504                skip = it.next(); // skip poly
505                if (look.isMultiple(evp)) {
506                    index = it.nextIndex();
507                    // last index of or first index of: break
508                }
509            }
510            if (index < 0) {
511                index = 0;
512            }
513            part.add(index, evp);
514            part.add(index + 1, p);
515        }
516        // table.put( key, part ); // required??
517    }
520    /**
521     * Update or initialize RelationTable with new relation. relation is e * f =
522     * p.
523     * @param E first term polynomial.
524     * @param F second term polynomial.
525     * @param p solvable product polynomial.
526     */
527    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "cast" })
528    public void update(GenPolynomial<C> E, GenPolynomial<C> F, GenSolvablePolynomial<C> p) {
529        if (E.isZERO() || F.isZERO()) {
530            throw new IllegalArgumentException("polynomials may not be zero: " + E + ", " + F);
531        }
532        C ce = E.leadingBaseCoefficient();
533        C cf = F.leadingBaseCoefficient();
534        if (!ce.isONE()) {
535            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
536                            "lbcf of polynomials must be one: " + ce + ", " + cf + ", p = " + p);
537        }
538        ExpVector e = E.leadingExpVector();
539        ExpVector f = F.leadingExpVector();
540        if (coeffTable && f.isZERO()) {
541            if (cf instanceof GenPolynomial) {
542                f = ((GenPolynomial<C>) (Object) cf).leadingExpVector();
543            } else if (cf instanceof GenWordPolynomial) {
544                f = ((GenWordPolynomial<C>) (Object) cf).leadingWord().leadingExpVector();
545            }
546        }
547        //logger.info("update: {} .*. {} = {}", e, f, p);
548        update(e, f, p);
549    }
552    /**
553     * Update or initialize RelationTable with new relation. relation is e * f =
554     * p.
555     * @param E first term polynomial.
556     * @param F second term polynomial.
557     * @param p product polynomial.
558     */
559    public void update(GenPolynomial<C> E, GenPolynomial<C> F, GenPolynomial<C> p) {
560        if (p.isZERO()) {
561            throw new IllegalArgumentException("polynomial may not be zero: " + p);
562        }
563        if (p.isONE()) {
564            throw new IllegalArgumentException("product of polynomials may not be one: " + p);
565        }
566        GenSolvablePolynomial<C> sp = new GenSolvablePolynomial<C>(ring, p.val);
567        update(E, F, sp);
568    }
571    /**
572     * Update or initialize RelationTable with new relation. relation is e * f =
573     * p.
574     * @param e first term.
575     * @param f second term.
576     * @param p solvable product polynomial.
577     */
578    public void update(ExpVector e, ExpVector f, GenPolynomial<C> p) {
579        if (p.isZERO()) {
580            throw new IllegalArgumentException("polynomial may not be zero: " + p);
581        }
582        if (p.isONE()) {
583            throw new IllegalArgumentException("product of polynomials may not be one: " + p);
584        }
585        GenSolvablePolynomial<C> sp = new GenSolvablePolynomial<C>(ring, p.val);
586        update(e, f, sp);
587    }
590    /**
591     * Lookup RelationTable for existing relation. Find p with e * f = p. If no
592     * relation for e * f is contained in the table then return the symmetric
593     * product p = 1 e f.
594     * @param e first term.
595     * @param f second term.
596     * @return t table relation container, contains e' and f' with e f = e'
597     *         lt(p) f'.
598     */
599    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "cast" })
600    public TableRelation<C> lookup(ExpVector e, ExpVector f) {
601        List<Integer> key = makeKey(e, f);
602        List part = table.get(key);
603        if (part == null) { // symmetric product
604            GenSolvablePolynomial<C> p = null;
605            C c = null;
606            if (!coeffTable) {
607                ExpVector ef = e.sum(f);
608                //p = new GenSolvablePolynomial<C>(ring, ring.getONECoefficient(), ef);
609                p = ring.valueOf(ef);
610            } else {
611                if (ring.coFac instanceof GenPolynomialRing) {
612                    GenPolynomialRing<C> cofac = (GenPolynomialRing<C>) (Object) ring.coFac;
613                    //System.out.println("f = " + f + ", e = " + e);
614                    GenPolynomial<C> pc = cofac.valueOf(f);
615                    c = (C) (Object) pc;
616                } else if (ring.coFac instanceof GenWordPolynomialRing) {
617                    GenWordPolynomialRing<C> cofac = (GenWordPolynomialRing<C>) (Object) ring.coFac;
618                    //System.out.println("f = " + f + ", e = " + e);
619                    GenWordPolynomial<C> pc = cofac.valueOf(f);
620                    c = (C) (Object) pc;
621                }
622                p = new GenSolvablePolynomial<C>(ring, c, e);
623                //System.out.println("pc = " + pc + ", p = " + p);
624            }
625            return new TableRelation<C>(null, null, p);
626        }
627        // no distinction between coefficient f or polynomial f
628        ExpVectorPair evp = new ExpVectorPair(e, f);
629        ExpVector ep = null;
630        ExpVector fp = null;
631        ExpVectorPair look = null;
632        GenSolvablePolynomial<C> p = null;
633        synchronized (part) { // with update()
634            for (Iterator it = part.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
635                look = (ExpVectorPair) it.next();
636                p = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) it.next();
637                if (evp.isMultiple(look)) {
638                    ep = e.subtract(look.getFirst());
639                    fp = f.subtract(look.getSecond());
640                    if (ep.isZERO()) {
641                        ep = null;
642                    }
643                    if (fp.isZERO()) {
644                        fp = null;
645                    }
646                    if (debug) {
647                        if (p != null && p.ring.vars != null) {
648                            logger.info("found relation = {} .*. {} = {}", e.toString(p.ring.vars),
649                                        f.toString(p.ring.vars), p);
650                        } else {
651                            logger.info("found relation = {} .*. {} = {}", e, f, p);
652                        }
653                    }
654                    return new TableRelation<C>(ep, fp, p);
655                }
656            }
657        }
658        // unreachable code!
659        throw new RuntimeException("no entry found in relation table for " + evp);
660    }
663    /**
664     * Construct a key for (e,f).
665     * @param e first term.
666     * @param f second term.
667     * @return k key for (e,f).
668     */
669    protected List<Integer> makeKey(ExpVector e, ExpVector f) {
670        int[] de = e.dependencyOnVariables();
671        int[] df = f.dependencyOnVariables();
672        List<Integer> key = new ArrayList<Integer>(de.length + df.length);
673        for (int i = 0; i < de.length; i++) {
674            key.add(Integer.valueOf(de[i]));
675        }
676        for (int i = 0; i < df.length; i++) {
677            key.add(Integer.valueOf(df[i]));
678        }
679        return key;
680    }
683    /**
684     * Size of the table.
685     * @return n number of non-commutative relations.
686     */
687    public int size() {
688        int s = 0;
689        if (table == null || table.isEmpty()) {
690            return s;
691        }
692        for (Iterator<List> it = table.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
693            List list = it.next();
694            s += list.size() / 2;
695        }
696        return s;
697    }
700    /**
701     * Extend variables. Used e.g. in module embedding. Extend all ExpVectors
702     * and polynomials of the given relation table by i elements and put the
703     * relations into this table, i.e. this should be empty.
704     * @param tab a relation table to be extended and inserted into this.
705     */
706    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
707    public void extend(RelationTable<C> tab) {
708        if (tab.table.isEmpty()) {
709            return;
710        }
711        // assert this.size() == 0
712        int i = ring.nvar - tab.ring.nvar;
713        int j = 0;
714        long k = 0l;
715        List val;
716        for (List<Integer> key : tab.table.keySet()) {
717            val = tab.table.get(key);
718            for (Iterator jt = val.iterator(); jt.hasNext();) {
719                ExpVectorPair ep = (ExpVectorPair) jt.next();
720                ExpVector e = ep.getFirst();
721                ExpVector f = ep.getSecond();
722                GenSolvablePolynomial<C> p = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) jt.next();
723                ExpVector ex = e.extend(i, j, k);
724                ExpVector fx;
725                if (coeffTable) {
726                    fx = f;
727                } else {
728                    fx = f.extend(i, j, k);
729                }
730                GenSolvablePolynomial<C> px = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) p.extend(ring, j, k);
731                this.update(ex, fx, px);
732            }
733        }
734        return;
735    }
738    /**
739     * Contract variables. Used e.g. in module embedding. Contract all
740     * ExpVectors and polynomials of the given relation table by i elements and
741     * put the relations into this table, i.e. this should be empty.
742     * @param tab a relation table to be contracted and inserted into this.
743     */
744    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
745    public void contract(RelationTable<C> tab) {
746        if (tab.table.isEmpty()) {
747            return;
748        }
749        // assert this.size() == 0
750        int i = tab.ring.nvar - ring.nvar;
751        List val;
752        for (List<Integer> key : tab.table.keySet()) {
753            val = tab.table.get(key);
754            //System.out.println("key = " + key + ", val = " + val);
755            for (Iterator jt = val.iterator(); jt.hasNext();) {
756                ExpVectorPair ep = (ExpVectorPair) jt.next();
757                ExpVector e = ep.getFirst();
758                ExpVector f = ep.getSecond();
759                GenSolvablePolynomial<C> p = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) jt.next();
760                ExpVector ec = e.contract(i, e.length() - i);
761                ExpVector fc;
762                if (coeffTable) {
763                    fc = f;
764                } else {
765                    fc = f.contract(i, f.length() - i);
766                }
767                //System.out.println("ec = " + ec + ", fc = " + fc);
768                if (ec.isZERO()) {
769                    continue;
770                }
771                Map<ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>> mc = p.contract(ring);
772                if (mc.size() != 1) {
773                    continue;
774                }
775                GenPolynomial<C> pc = mc.values().iterator().next();
776                this.update(ec, fc, pc);
777            }
778        }
779        return;
780    }
783    /**
784     * Recursive representation. Split all ExpVectors and polynomials of the
785     * given relation table to lower elements and upper elements and put the
786     * relations into this table or this as coefficient table, i.e. this should
787     * be empty.
788     * @param tab a relation table to be contracted and inserted into this.
789     */
790    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "cast" })
791    public void recursive(RelationTable tab) { //<C>
792        if (tab.table.isEmpty()) {
793            return;
794        }
795        //System.out.println("rel ring = " + ring.toScript());
796        // assert this.size() == 0
797        GenPolynomialRing<C> cring = (GenPolynomialRing<C>) (Object) ring.coFac;
798        //System.out.println("cring    = " + cring.toScript());
799        GenSolvablePolynomial<C> pc;
800        int i = ring.nvar; // tab.ring.nvar -
801        for (Object okey : tab.table.keySet()) {
802            List<Integer> key = (List<Integer>) okey;
803            List val = (List) tab.table.get(key);
804            //System.out.println("key = " + key + ", val = " + val);
805            for (Iterator jt = val.iterator(); jt.hasNext();) {
806                ExpVectorPair ep = (ExpVectorPair) jt.next(); // ?? concurrent mod exception 
807                ExpVector e = ep.getFirst();
808                ExpVector f = ep.getSecond();
809                GenSolvablePolynomial<C> p = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) jt.next();
810                ExpVector ec = e.contract(0, i);
811                ExpVector fc;
812                if (coeffTable) {
813                    fc = f;
814                } else {
815                    fc = f.contract(0, i);
816                }
817                //System.out.println("ec = " + ec + ", fc = " + fc);
818                if (ec.isZERO()) {
819                    continue;
820                }
821                Map<ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>> mc = p.contract(cring);
822                //System.out.println("mc = " + mc + ", p = " + p);
823                //System.out.println("mc.ring = " + mc.values().iterator().next().ring.toScript());
824                if (mc.size() == 1) { // < 1 only for p == 0
825                    pc = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) mc.values().iterator().next();
826                    this.update(ec, fc, pc);
827                } else { // construct recursive polynomial
828                    GenSolvablePolynomial<C> qr = ring.getZERO();
829                    for (Map.Entry<ExpVector, GenPolynomial<C>> mce : mc.entrySet()) {
830                        ExpVector g = mce.getKey();
831                        GenPolynomial<C> q = mce.getValue();
832                        C cq = (C) (Object) q;
833                        GenSolvablePolynomial<C> qp = new GenSolvablePolynomial<C>(ring, cq, g);
834                        qr = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) qr.sum(qp);
835                    }
836                    if (coeffTable) {
837                        fc = ((GenPolynomial<C>) (Object) qr.leadingBaseCoefficient()).leadingExpVector();
838                    }
839                    if (fc.isZERO()) {
840                        continue;
841                    }
842                    //System.out.println("ec = " + ec + ", fc = " + fc + ", qr = " + qr);
843                    if (coeffTable) {
844                        String qrs = ring.toScript(ec) + " * " + qr.leadingBaseCoefficient() + " = "
845                                        + qr.toScript();
846                        logger.info("coeffTable: adding {}", qrs);
847                    } else {
848                        String qrs = ring.toScript(ec) + " * " + ring.toScript(fc) + " = " + qr.toScript();
849                        logger.info("table: adding {}", qrs);
850                    }
851                    this.update(ec, fc, qr);
852                }
853            }
854        }
855        return;
856    }
859    /**
860     * Reverse variables and relations. Used e.g. in opposite rings. Reverse all
861     * ExpVectors and polynomials of the given relation table and put the
862     * modified relations into this table, i.e. this should be empty.
863     * @param tab a relation table to be reverted and inserted into this.
864     */
865    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
866    public void reverse(RelationTable<C> tab) {
867        if (tab.table.isEmpty()) {
868            return;
869        }
870        if (!table.isEmpty()) {
871            logger.error("reverse table not empty");
872        }
873        int k = -1;
874        if (ring.tord.getEvord2() != 0 && ring.partial) {
875            k = ring.tord.getSplit();
876        }
877        logger.debug("k split = {}", k);
878        //System.out.println("k split = " + k );
879        //System.out.println("reversed ring = " + ring.toScript() );
880        for (List<Integer> key : tab.table.keySet()) {
881            List val = tab.table.get(key);
882            for (Iterator jt = val.iterator(); jt.hasNext();) {
883                ExpVectorPair ep = (ExpVectorPair) jt.next();
884                ExpVector e = ep.getFirst();
885                ExpVector f = ep.getSecond();
886                GenSolvablePolynomial<C> p = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) jt.next();
887                //logger.info("e pre reverse = {}", e );
888                //logger.info("f pre reverse = {}", f );
889                //logger.info("p pre reverse = {}", p );
890                //if (e.degree() > 1 || f.degree() > 1) { // not required
891                //    continue; // revert only base relations
892                //}
893                ExpVector ex;
894                ExpVector fx;
895                GenSolvablePolynomial<C> px;
896                boolean change = true; // if relevant vars reversed
897                if (k >= 0) {
898                    ex = e.reverse(k);
899                    if (coeffTable) {
900                        fx = f;
901                    } else {
902                        fx = f.reverse(k);
903                    }
904                    // todo check non-com / relevant vars for change
905                    //int[] ed = ex.dependencyOnVariables(); // = e
906                    //if (ed.length == 0 || ed[0] >= k) { // k >= 0
907                    //    change = false; 
908                    //}
909                    //int[] fd = fx.dependencyOnVariables(); // = f
910                    //if (fd.length == 0 || fd[0] >= k) { // k >= 0
911                    //    change = false; 
912                    //}
913                } else {
914                    ex = e.reverse();
915                    if (coeffTable) {
916                        fx = f;
917                    } else {
918                        fx = f.reverse();
919                    }
920                }
921                px = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) p.reverse(ring);
922                //System.out.println("update, p, px: " + p.toScript() + " reverse:" + px.toScript() );
923                if (!change) {
924                    this.update(e, f, px); // same order
925                } else {
926                    if (coeffTable) {
927                        this.update(ex, fx, px); // same order
928                    } else {
929                        this.update(fx, ex, px); // opposite order
930                    }
931                }
932            }
933        }
934        return;
935    }
938    /**
939     * Convert relation table to list of polynomial triples.
940     * @return rel = (e1,f1,p1, ...) where ei * fi = pi are solvable relations.
941     */
942    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "cast" })
943    public List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>> relationList() {
944        List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>> rels = new ArrayList<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>>();
945        for (Map.Entry<List<Integer>, List> me : table.entrySet()) {
946            List v = me.getValue();
947            for (Iterator jt = v.iterator(); jt.hasNext();) {
948                ExpVectorPair ep = (ExpVectorPair) jt.next();
949                ExpVector e = ep.getFirst();
950                GenSolvablePolynomial<C> pe = ring.valueOf(e);
951                ExpVector f = ep.getSecond();
952                GenSolvablePolynomial<C> pf = null;
953                if (coeffTable) {
954                    C cf = null;
955                    if (ring.coFac instanceof GenPolynomialRing) {
956                        GenPolynomial<C> cpf;
957                        cpf = ((GenPolynomialRing<C>) (Object) ring.coFac).valueOf(f);
958                        cf = (C) (Object) cpf; // down cast
959                    } else if (ring.coFac instanceof GenWordPolynomialRing) {
960                        GenWordPolynomial<C> cpf;
961                        cpf = ((GenWordPolynomialRing<C>) (Object) ring.coFac).valueOf(f);
962                        cf = (C) (Object) cpf; // down cast
963                    }
964                    pf = ring.valueOf(cf);
965                } else {
966                    pf = ring.valueOf(f);
967                }
968                GenSolvablePolynomial<C> p = (GenSolvablePolynomial<C>) jt.next();
969                rels.add(pe);
970                rels.add(pf);
971                rels.add(p);
972            }
973        }
974        return rels;
975    }
978    /**
979     * Add list of polynomial triples as relations.
980     * @param rel = (e1,f1,p1, ...) where ei * fi = pi are solvable relations.
981     *            <b>Note:</b> Only because of type erasure, equivalent to
982     *            addRelations().
983     */
984    public void addSolvRelations(List<GenSolvablePolynomial<C>> rel) {
985        PolynomialList<C> Prel = new PolynomialList<C>(ring, rel);
986        addRelations(Prel.getList());
987    }
990    /**
991     * Add list of polynomial triples as relations.
992     * @param rel = (e1,f1,p1, ...) where ei * fi = pi are solvable relations.
993     */
994    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "cast" })
995    public void addRelations(List<GenPolynomial<C>> rel) {
996        if (rel == null || rel.isEmpty()) {
997            return;
998        }
999        Iterator<GenPolynomial<C>> relit = rel.iterator();
1000        while (relit.hasNext()) {
1001            GenPolynomial<C> E = relit.next();
1002            ExpVector e = E.leadingExpVector();
1003            ExpVector f = null;
1004            if (!relit.hasNext()) {
1005                throw new IllegalArgumentException("F and poly part missing");
1006            }
1007            GenPolynomial<C> F = relit.next();
1008            if (!relit.hasNext()) {
1009                throw new IllegalArgumentException("poly part missing");
1010            }
1011            GenPolynomial<C> P = relit.next();
1012            if (coeffTable) {
1013                if (!F.isConstant()) {
1014                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("F  not constant for coeffTable: " + F);
1015                }
1016                if (ring.coFac instanceof GenPolynomialRing) {
1017                    f = ((GenPolynomial<C>) (Object) F.leadingBaseCoefficient()).leadingExpVector();
1018                } else if (ring.coFac instanceof GenWordPolynomialRing) {
1019                    f = ((GenWordPolynomial<C>) (Object) F.leadingBaseCoefficient()).leadingWord()
1020                                    .leadingExpVector();
1021                }
1022            } else {
1023                f = F.leadingExpVector();
1024            }
1025            update(e, f, P);
1026        }
1027        return;
1028    }