Computer Algebra Benchmark Initiative


  • A Review of CAS Mathematical Capabilities by Michael Wester.

    From the Abstract:
    In this paper, the capabilities of six major general purpose Computer Algebra Systems (CASs) (Axiom, Derive, Macsyma, Maple, Mathematica and Reduce) are reviewed on 123 short problems covering a broad range of (primarily) symbolic mathematics.
    A demo was developed for each CAS, run and the results evaluated. Problems were graded in terms of whether it was easy or difficult or possible to produce an answer and if an answer was produced, whether it was correct.

    Wester's test suite in MuPAD 1.2.2, Wester's test suite in MuPAD 1.3 by Paul Zimmermann

  • Comparison of mathematical programs for data analysis by Stefan Steinhaus.

    From the Abstract:
    This comparison should give an overview about the functionality, the availability for different operating systems and the speed of mathematical programs for analysing huge or very huge data sets in mathematical, statistical or graphical ways. The focus of this test is therefor set to mathematical functions which are mainly used in economics, financial analysis, biology, chemistry, physics and some other subjects where the numerical analyse of data is very important.

  • A Polynomial Factorisation Challenge by Joachim von zur Gathen.

    SIGSAM Bulletin, Vol. 26, No. 2, April 1992, Issue 100.
    MuPad results by Paul Zimmermann.

  • PoSSo Examples by Marco Silvestri.

    A collection of systems of polynomial equations used by the PoSSo Group for testing. Dated 28. Sept. 1994.

  • Handbook of Polynomial Systems by D. Bini and B. Mourrain

    The aim of this data base is to provide a consequent list of polynomial systems which could be used to illustrate, compare, evaluate different methods for solving polynomial systems. We will gather polynomial systems (including the list of the PoSSo project) and add to each of these systems short descriptions of methods, results of computations, timing, ...

  • Comparison of Mathematica on Various Machines by Karl Unterkofler.

    Timings for small Mathematica examples on various workstations.
    Latest timings can be obtained from Graz, Frankfurt or the Mathematica Benchmark Site.

  • Comparison of Maple on Various Machines by Karl Unterkofler.

    Timings for small Maple examples on some workstations.

  • Computer Challenge Problems by

    14 problems to challenge your computer algebra system.

  • Record Number Field Sieve Factorisations by Peter-Lawrence Montgomery.

    A team of researchers from Amsterdam and Oregon have factored the 162-digit Cunningham number (12^151 - 1)/11 using the Special Number Field Sieve (SNFS). This team also factored a 105-digit cofactor of 3^367 - 1 using the General Number Field Sieve (GNFS), These beat the prior records of 158 digits (SNFS) and 75 digits (GNFS). The Amsterdam group also factored the 123-digit cofactor of the Most Wanted number 2^511 - 1 using SNFS.

  • Factor-by-mail project by Bob Silverman.

  • SATLIB - The Satisfiability Library by Holger Hoos and Thomas Stuetzle.

    From the Abstract:
    SATLIB is a collection of benchmark problems, solvers, and tools we are using for our own SAT related research. One strong motivation for creating SATLIB is to provide a uniform test-bed for SAT solvers as well as a site for collecting SAT problem instances, algorithms, and empirical characterisations of the algorithms' performance.

  • Jacques Morgenstern Challenge

   Heinz Kredel, e-mail:
Last modification at 9. August 1998.